Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Selfishness of a Lie

The Selfishness of a Lie


There is no question about how a lie is directed and what its purpose is as soon as it is allowed to come forth.  The results of such products can have devastating effects on many people, a conditional setting that its father absolutely loves to see unfold.  There is no more selfish act than to make such a false accusation on any level towards any single individual or plural group and then begs the question as to why someone would blatantly set into motion a divisive institution.  God specifically directs His Word in this area and how important it is to understand truth and the value of its status.  God represents nothing but Truth and His enemy cannot get past being the father of lies and when we tell a lie no matter what the circumstances maybe it promotes the kingdom of this world and has significant consequences down the road.  God wants the Truth told in every instance and if we obey this command we shall see beautiful Truth being displayed which means eternal justice has won the day.

For almost a decade now, God has given me words of wisdom, repentance, and restoration to write to those who wish to listen and learn His Ways.  I have so many other topics to write about that it is scary but sometimes when God drops something into my heart He does so in a manner in which it is not complete or He places it in my heart to wait until another time to detail the words that God had delivered.  But when God says things to your heart and will not allow you to go to sleep until you write them down I know that things needed to be delivered as soon as possible.  I have also stated many times that God has a sense of humor and that when He delivers such words He wants to be delivered in a quick manner He has his ways of keeping a person stirred up until we give in and complete such a task.  So goes the message of this article for it is a topic that e need to really think about and curb before things grow deeper and provide further damage to our future.

Once again this nation has witnessed a few tragedies that really should not have occurred, but because our hearts are so focused on the physical god of this world and thus kicked out the Creator of all things, the pattern of death gruesomely continues.  When God gave me this message to write there had been only one shooting that had played out in E Paso, Texas.  Later, another shooting scene occurred and this time it was in Dayton, Ohio.  Both situations people lost their lives and both formed an ugly reality of people taking their own beliefs into account, through deadly measures.  While both of these settings are horrific in nature and some of the details are still sketchy, this article will focus on the earlier of the two shootings for it displays a telling action by others in addition to the vile act itself and it is through this additional act that puts into perspective exactly where our hearts are located and how much they are focused on the physical wants instead of spiritual needs.  When our lives are formulated in this order we can only expect further death scenes to take hold and cross our eyes, a pattern that can easily be overcome if we turn our hearts back to God and live under His Ways and not ours.

With these tragic events, comes another environmental setting that quickly follows such news and that is prominent or famous people putting their spin on such events.  Most of the time it is one of true nature but politically deviated for personal gain or recognition of an individual or group that supports similar ideologies.  It is this aspect in which these tragedies are subjected to further escalations and reasoning that heighten future mind and heart actions against the people of some selected community.  The people who act upon their selfish whims produce a deadly combination of technology and heartfelt sorrow behind, with so-called shocking results that serve to gratify their agendas.  There is no need for any upgrading of the situations to satisfy a political desire or want yet these people commit identical atrocities as each word protrudes from their mouths.  These violent acts divide a community enough and there we go adding to the divisions by not properly and correctly addressing the origin of the source of devastation only superficial lies that do not address healing and forgiveness.  We like to believe that the people of this nation and its leaders have the solution to each one of these tragic events and in all honesty, we do, but not in the manner in which we try to publish and to live by.  See, this nation’s founders beliefs versus what we live through today are two totally different placements and until we figure out the real direction they directed this country in we shall not see any relief in such tragic manners.  Promoting self-righteous mannerisms during a crisis situation do not bode well for anyone but one’s fulfillment of greed during informational conditions.  It is this action taken by either an individual or group of individuals that sets the new standard for this pattern of afterward tragedies that is so concerning.  If this type of coveted recognition is what we truly desire then our nation does not have too much time left for our hearts are so darkened and blackened that its vile production of sin has totally overtaken our hearts.

Along with this pattern of vile statement patterns, I boldly stand on the Word of God and state that you, United States of America do not market the corner of such wisdom of who is responsible for such horrific acts and thus responses for you have become as foolish and dumb as Cain.  As this tragedy unfolds we have come upon an exclamation point on our actions and proof of how low our lives have become through our selfish means of expression and trying to influence other people’s thinking.  When the shooter’s name of this even was made public of course many people raced to see what kind of information they could find out before the federal government shut down or suspended all of his accounts and social media sites.  It was at this time when our selfish ways took charge over the situation and through our evil conceptions about superficial ideas and ways took that extra step in the divisive process.  What we may not understand is that when we alter such manifestos or affiliations we actually adhere to that person’s creed and align ourselves with their tactics of lying to your lives and to my life.  Do we really want that to occur?  Oh, and by the way, adopting worldly ways to combat such activities will not work either, for only Holy and Eternal Ways are high enough to get the job done correctly.

On one of the social media sites that this person had an account through, it had a personal information section which is not uncommon and one of the questions that could be filled in was the person’s political affiliation along with a few other options including a religious affiliation option as well.  Someone who had access to this person’s account had gone in and changed the political affiliation option of the shooter to another political party.  Now, all of us who live in the modern societies know that political charges are at an all-time high and with only a few words said can set off a firestorm that will take weeks to put out even if the truth of the matter is quickly challenged and corrected.  Whoever did this act and then made it a public statement did this nation a grave injustice and it places us on another level of deceit that shall only prove to be devious enough to be considered incitement.  All other personal information was left alone with no other changes being offered.  The only viable informational statement made on the site concerning this change was that at the bottom of the page it said that this person had not verified these changes to his profile.  It was this connection to the “new” political affiliation statement that caught the eyes of many people who jumped on the bandwagon to begin their accusations and assumptions.

Furthermore, political rivals and other political organizations also quickly placed their comments about who this person was politically “affiliated” within the public realm.  This action serves as another selfish qualm that was produced for selfish gain rather than a time to heal and to seek out the truth about what lies within our hearts.  This example of what someone has done sets the record straight as to where our hearts believe and just how blackened we have become with selfish greed.  It saddens me to watch countless people compete to see who has a better statement of Cain when God asks him about the location of his brother in order to make ourselves look better in the eyes of others and to nonverbally project that their ideas were right and to make those who oppose look off target.  No wonder we seek to kill instead of seeking life and no wonder we are blind to the Truth and would make us totally free.  In other words, we might as well get used to such acts of selfish violence because we have no desire to stop its instigations before they are displayed to our eyes.  It breaks God’s heart to see the selfishness of the world play out through the actions of our blinded and lied to hearts.  As in the instance of Cain, Abel’s blood was crying out to God for life and it falls true for the people who died in this tragedy yesterday but more importantly it is the response that God is looking for when He asks us about how we are going to handle things after this event and that question are by doing things our way or by His Way.

As stated above, the religious affiliation of this person was not changed and not tampered with, an additional step was taken that heightens tensions in the public realm for it is the changed political affiliation and this person’s religious affiliation that make all the difference when it comes to the congruency of representation.  The Republican party and Christianity are synonymous with each other and the world knows this and will do everything possible to discredit both.  The world will do its best to convince you that God has no place in this situation and that those who believe that He does are crazy and somehow responsible for such activities.  This tactic should not be surprising to those who attend church for they should know that it is the enemy and ruler of the world that wishes all people knew this “truth” but in reality, it is these lies that bring such devastation into our lives.  The Truth of life is that God cares less about political affiliations or parties He only cares about your heart and its desire to know His Word and to obey its commands.

To the individual or individuals responsible for this selfish charge and change, take note for your actions this day for they define publicly the intent of this nation’s heart.  What may to some seem a foolish act speaks volumes of what is within our hearts and Woe, to this nation for she surely shall taste the waves that surround her.  The passage of Scripture that God has for this article comes from a very recognizable setting and it is when God asks Cain where his brother Abel was and Cain smartly returns the favor with a sarcastic and selfish lie, one that benefits himself and mocks the Word of God concerning life and our place within its confines.  Cain’s actions and words were of such a selfish nature that he actually had come to the conclusion that he could outsmart God and the eternal Truth He represented.  This act that the individual or individuals did here represents the exact same heart stance that Cain had within him and we all know what transpired to Cain afterward.  Nothing good comes from a lie especially a lie that defines what the true intent and content our heart hold as evidence.  This entire scene grieves my heart and it worries me that since we have now taken this step in selfishness what will be the next step we take.  The human heart is wicked at best and its fortunes are selfishly driven and unless we shed this earthly promise we shall be marked just as Cain was up until the point where every man will be looking for some type of revenge to enact.

As God has stated countless times in His Word the only way to find true peace and happiness is through Him.  There is only one way possible to understand this truth and that is for our hearts to dive back into His Word and to start again in Him.  Restoration is a beautiful word and a hard process for the grip of worldly birth runs deep but through the blood covering of God’s Son Jesus our eternal salvation is perfected.  We shall never be perfect but if we obey God’s Ways we will limit our self-destructive forces and provide our surroundings with the knowledge and security of God’s protection, this is what God promises to do in our land if we abandon our wicked ways.  The question that remains is this: are we going to continue in our selfish and destructive ways or are we going to recognize that we cannot do things on our own?  The world will beg you not to give in to the ways of God for you shall be weak, contrary and antagonistic if you do.  The peer pressure will be astounding and will never let up but God says that if you turn to Him and turn your heart over to His care and guidance that this earth shall pass away and you will be standing tall victorious with Him.  True change and progress with the heart of God is an easy act to define but one that is hard to follow when listening to the world’s advice.

It is a common idea that the world and its powers are powerful and put up a fight both in subtly and openly but God represents all things in life which means that if we promote life (God) and not death (the world) we will overcome this wasteland and renew its original purpose.  Cain knew what he had done and he knew that God saw what he had done as well but when he chose to try and make God out to be a fool God called him on it and then required a great deal of acceptance in order to wake Cain up.  Cain’s selfishness came to a head that day and he portrayed it in order to try and gain an advantage of his personal situation in order to justify his actions against his brother.  The people who changed the profile of the shooter in El Paso did exactly the same they tried to change the truth for selfish gains an act so grievous that it set the tone for a future unrecognizable setting of lies that we may never recover from but have to complain about instead.

So, once again Church, what are we going to do about this new charge and new step taken in the direction of national destruction?  Are we going to sit back in our pews and point fingers at certain politicians and in general directions and condemn words?  Or are we actually going to get up from our pews and stand up for what the Word of God says for us to do?  We have dodged this type of settings for way too long and it is high time we stand up and expose our hearts for what really lies within them.  Until we do this nothing shall change except in the direction of further devastation to numerous lives and families.  Yes, it is OUR responsibility to tell the world the Truth about God and what He wants our hearts to be like.  As long as we cultivate death as a message of truth, eventually each one of us shall taste the waters of death in such a manner for we know that the mind and heart are progressive by design and if we do not have the Creator in our hearts then the ruler of this world has free reign to complete whatever he desires.  God’s Truth shall always defeat the institution of a selfish lie and thus rendering the lie’s roots cut off from its sources, it is this atmosphere that we all wish to live within so why don’t we use what is available and right in front of us?  Live out this way of life and God guarantees us that these selfish acts against others will cease, but not if we continue to abide in the ways of the world.

I do not place the responsibility on our shoulders for the corrective actions that the world needs, I am just the messenger that God has chosen to deliver this message and reminder to those who He has given the authority to do such tasks.  I am just an obedient servant willing to take the risk of obedience to my Lord and Savior into a world that hates Him and that hates you.  God loves you and serves as the Giver of the love that the world desires but is so blind to the Truth that they cannot see it even though it is mere centimeters in front of them.  The ONLY way that this world shall change course is if the Church comes together and once again proclaim the True Gospel to those around us.  It is not a time for us to sit back and to be docile but to agitate the world with God’s presence.  No, this process shall not be pretty and you shall not be liked by many but it is a process that we all need to partake in so that our loved ones and those who wish to listen will know the truth about their eternity.  The position posed above concerning what steps will be taken next shall come to pass if we do not take eternal actions now.  Church, do you realize that you are participating in such shooting devastations if you do not proclaim the True Gospel of Christ to those around you?  You should know that you can consider yourself to be a Christian and commit such atrocities with your instability and docile beliefs of salvation.  Repent Church! It is time we advance God’s Kingdom forward and push back the kingdom of the losers.


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