Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Proof of a Sinful Beginning

Proof of a Sinful Beginning


One of the more touchy subjects humans have to deal with is the fact that we are subject to a nature that is not very friendly.  Many would like to conceal this truth and do their best to ignore its presence or even deny that it exists.  However, we have definitive proof that we come from a line of death that rules our bodies without breakage and at the same time gives us a True Creator who wants nothing but the best for us.  What is amazing about our Creator is that HE is ready and willing to forgive us of our sins and allow us to make things right with Him, according to His perfect and holy ways.  We do not have to live in such a devastating manner but one of love, peace, and happiness and all we have to do is turn from our wickedness and follow God’s Ways through obedience and our while we may harbor the physical proof and punishment of sin our eternal hope will be spent under the blood of His Son.

We have all made some pretty hideous mistakes in our lives and even though time heals some of these painful wrongs there is an inner element that still nags at our insides.  Even though many of us do not present with an outward look of pain or inner torture, all of us have such feelings and scars hanging about our lives and these pains continue to shine through our lives in such a manner that soreness and with aches often occur.  These run deep and bring with it torturous sessions of self worthlessness, depression, and even oppression at times resulting in us not believing that we are worthy enough or deserve to take another breath.  We spend countless amounts of money talking to others about what is going on inside our hearts and minds and after years of therapy, we have nothing to show for it because the pain still resides within our countenances.  This is because as soon as we walk out of these sessions and take a look at the scenery around us we are immediately encompassed with the realities of the world’s promotions and everything that we just tried to discuss legally overwhelms us again. 

The concept of help from others is a great setting but many times is not effective because we do not address the problems that invade us effectively.  If we do not know where to begin with our issues it is impossible for us to not only address these issues but to eradicate them from our lives permanently.  Here lies the situation that many of us either ignores or refuse to address which is our sinful beginnings and our need for a Savior.  The world does a bang-up job in convincing us that there is no God or that He is not worthy of His status and glorification that so many of our forefathers proclaimed.  It is the job of the world to isolate us from God as much as possible and to go against and reject His Standards at all times and at all costs.  And since our eternal enemy has control over this world, its provisions, and a home-field advantage it is easy for us to drop God from our lives and marches after what looks good to our eyes at that moment.  Through this blinded and ignorant path that we follow from our enemy we begin to rely upon the world and depend on its sustenance for you see the world shall never give itself up to make you feel better or free you from its death grip, it just does not work in this way.

At the beginning of last year, God shared with us an article concerning exactly how our lives are born into sin and that through this inherited process that each one of us cannot escape such a pattern.  Not many people received this article with open arms and great praise, as one who understands Kingdom and the forces that vie for your eternal presence know but it is this Truth and Kingdom principle that gives us the source of all our issues and at the same time gives us the path to the answers we all seek and need.  But as stated above, the world shall never tell you this truth because if it did then it would defeat its purpose and at the same time provide its ruler a personal, verbal and eternal exclamation point as to why he was kicked out of his perfect position in heaven.  So, in lieu of this, I should expect that this article shall follow suit as with the one last year because it tells us of exactly what the issues are and who initiated them.  God loves you and He wants us to live in Truth and harmony on His level not the world’s level and we shall never know peace until we submit our hearts back to God.

No, it does not come easy for us to come into contact with an origin of ours nor is it delightful to confront this issue and to resolve it permanently.  However, if we did approach our issues in the Kingdom manner and address them this way our world would not experience such devastation that it is currently witnessing and experiencing.  My parents taught me or tied their best to teach me that it is not a good idea to allow issues and problems fester for a long time inside your heart that it is best for them to be dealt with as soon as possible so that they can be done and over with.  This is excellent advice and is actually a biblical principle that we see repeatedly throughout each book of this wonderful Word of God.  A short nugget here for thought before we proceed with the details of this article.  Do you see what our ways and lives produce today?  I mean everything from locking the doors of our houses to solving the immigration issues have come under scrutiny and continue to form angry reactions from so many people.  Ever wonder why these proceedings of “fixing” things always become wider and heavier but never truly move in a corrective direction?  The explanation that God is about to give us about ourselves has the answer to this question and the “how to” to correct them.  So, if you wish to continue to live in pain and suffering as your eyes greet a new day that God has made stop reading now and continue in your path but if you really desire to seek the Truth about what is going on in the world and in your life keep reading and allow God to enter into your heart and to change you in every way possible.

Genesis 2:7 has been one of the verses that God has shared with us concerning various topics and it is one that reveals that God creates mankind from the dust of the ground and through this specific process forms a perfect being with His spirit within Adam.  Also, in Genesis 2:21-22 it states that God places Adam into a deep sleep and takes from him a rib and forms the woman from the center of Adam.  Of course, God did not leave open the side of Adam He closed it perfectly so that all would still be intact when Adam woke up.  Adam still being without sin provided the perfect helpmate through the Creative status of God which means that both people were considered perfect and did not have or represent any sin within them.  God performs both of these creations, not mankind and it is important that we remember this because as we shall soon see things change and since perfection was the original standard, nothing higher will result.

In both passages in Genesis 2, God was demonstrating His eternal and Holy Ordination, reflected by our establishment both in living spaces and life itself.  Through these two acts alone, they represented a course that God’s arch-enemy and ours as well could not match, not even close and gives a foundation of eternal and spiritual revenge that will quickly come into play.  When it does it totally changes the complexion of life in both the living spaces of humanity and in life itself because the acts of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:7 brings sin into our lives and introduces rebellion to perfection at the same time.  No longer are humans perfect in like manner as our Creator, but through our own choice this sudden shift in the mechanisms of life is altered, not by God’s hand but by our own thus serving up the reasoning behind why our choices prove to be either a beginning or an ending to what we have experienced previously.  Since we were Created in Divine fashion and in a Divine Order it is that standard that defines us originally and as one bumps their heads on a trunk door, or breaks a bone playing a sport or any other injury that we encounter us fine that our lives are not perfect and are subject to insults.  It is also evident that our focuses have changed and our goals have changed, so much that now they represent a physical deviation from the Holy Order of our Creation and a selfish progression that influences destruction and death.

Genesis 3:20 states the following:” And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.”  We notice one huge change in this verse from the previous two verses used in this article and that is the being directing the action and establishing ground as it were.  Up until this point, God was the only one making such creative statements and not wavering on its origins or ordination but now we have Adam making statements about who Eve is and will be.  Why is this so a difference and of importance?  It is because Adam is no longer perfect and pure, sin has entered into not only his life but Eve’s as well which means that we no longer have a Divine, Pure, and Holy Creator instructing the guidelines of such present and future conditions.  It is this statement and proclamation by Adam which opens the door for sin to run away with our lives and to completely corrupt humanity within a short period of time and through this human statement about Eve defines mankind’s understanding about being divided from God for up until sin entered into our lives God was the Creator of all living; and still is through the ordinances that He established in the Garden of Eden, not Adam.

So, since we now have imperfect beings creating imperfect beings there is no way possible that this lineage can change.  Because of our disobedience and then proclamation of it in this verse we are unhinged from perfection and thus require a need of a way to make things right in the eyes of God’s heart.  Immediately, God once again demonstrates what is necessary for us to be pure in His eyes again, for in the very next verse God sacrifices an animal and gives Adam and Eve a visual example of what kind of covering is now needed in order for restoration to occur.  When God Created life He did so in such a manner that if we chose His Ways our lives would be perfect without any problems what-so-ever, but at the same time did so in such a manner that if we did choose to disobey that our lives and existence would not automatically be wiped out and ended.  God chose perfection and holiness for our standards, it was OUR decision to choose sin and disobedience; therefore, it is our responsibility that we are in the mess that we are in today and thus proving without a doubt that we are born into sin and our beginnings are of a sinful nature.

Adam tries his best to correct the situation by taking the authority over the new conditions, but in truth, he blows it big time by the words he utters.  This comes to light in Genesis 4:3-8 when his firstborn son has risen to the occasion enough to kill his brother, hide his body, and then lie to God about the entire setting.  The words uttered by Cain simply reflect Adam’s words in Genesis 3:20 because it was in Genesis 3 where a sinful man was speaking about future living conditions and it was Cain, his son who was engaging, acting out, and completing the future of the words of a sinful man.  How important are our words and how we view ourselves?  I believe we now can come to grasps just how vital (eternal) our motions can be on ourselves and on others.  Through the words of Adam, we must all accept responsibility for what occurs in our lives from the moment we are born and we must accept these results of such disobedience and sin.

But just as God provided a covering for Adam and Eve before they left the Garden of Eden, He continues to give us this covering today.  It is our responsibility to share the news of the eternal Covering with those who are willing to accept its heed.  God was and still is correct about the punishment of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but just as He was faithful in demonstrating His Grace to Adam and Eve with His Way of covering He continues to provide for us today.  He sent His Son to die for our sins and to shed His blood to serve as this Covering.  There is no way possible that we deserve this but God allowed it voluntarily because He cannot stand to see and to hear His prized Creations suffer in their own markings.

Church, it is our responsibility to tell the world of this good and eternal Covering and what God did for our lives and wants to continue to show us each day.  But if we are stuck in our own selfish mannerisms and hang-ups concerning denominations this mission that we are supposed to complete will come to a complete halt, and from what can be visualized we are only going about 0.5 mph right at the moment.  You know something?  If we do not obey the command of dressing and keeping the mission that Jesus gave us to do then we have eaten from the same tree as Adam and Eve did and we deserve no less than the punishment they received.  We should be filled with joy and happiness when we walk out of our doors in the morning for each day we have the opportunity to show someone that we come in contact with about Jesus.  Have you told anyone about Him today?  How about last week, or last month?  I believe when we put aside our selfish mirrors we will have no choice but to say we have done a poor job at this command.  But we still have a few minutes remaining to not only change our own hearts and return to God but we can show these beautiful and hurting people that God has provided a way around our sinful beginning and what a wonderful testimony this shall be when lives are reached for the Kingdom of God.


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