Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Moment of Conception

The Moment of Conception


Many wish that the Bible says something concerning if conception means the beginning of life or not.  Well, the Bible does say such a thing and it needs to be understood so when questioned each person who stands for life may provide a solid answer and building foundation for this most important issue.  God never intended for us to live in a world of death, for life was His Covenant for all creation and even though His wish was for this continuation of all-knowing life, He made beautiful arrangements for restoration if we chose another path.  Remarkably, through this Creation process of His God placed a process of building that we have intact today and that involves an origin of conception.  If we allow this truth to live within our lives there is no telling how great our testimonies shall be to those who need eternal salvation.  God loves each and every one of us and it is our responsibility to tell as many people about this life experience as possible.

As stated in the previous article, this initial point of reference actually was given to me secondly, it was in this order that God spoke so it is in the order that it was written.  So many people around the world who have spoken up for the babies inside the womb who deserve to live have been lambasted by those advocates who support the killing of the unborn child.  Those advocates for death have continually demanded “solid” proof that life begins at conception to which not many defenders of life could provide.  I know countless scholars of the Bible and other numerous Christians have poured hours and hours over Scriptures seeking proof that humans and their origins begin at conception and not when they take their first breath outside the womb.  It is this fact from God in the reference verse that puts an end to any argument about when life begins but as with any other truth about life, one can use the ability to make a choice whether or not to believe such wisdom and eternal Truth.

Over my many years of life, I have been witness to many different types of ways ladies tell their husbands that they are pregnant.  I have found this practice exciting over the years and when I hear the different ways that some tell their news just reminds me that the human heart is individual and unique in such a manner that it represents the fascinating definition of God.  However, I wish that all of these announced moments were of good nature and guided with pure intentions but with the modern age of selfish pleasures I cannot say this to be correct for all announcements of new life.  It is a terrible day in anyone’s life when the subject of life becomes a political game and used for leverage against another life; sadly, this is where it has reached in modern societies and now selfish practices overrule the creation of what God began so long ago with our creation.  When a procedural death comes before a career and then acknowledges success because of that procedural death, woe to us for we deserve nothing more either.

Once again we will be dealing with an order that God put in place, through direct action from Him alone, a portion of this topic that we will discuss in the next article; however, for now, we are going to deal with another middle portion of this verse which when studied through the original Hebrew text givens definition to when life really begins.  I find it very fascinating that modern-day translations and translators of the Bible do not have the decency to write the exact words of what God said so long ago through the Hebrew language, but here it is folks and after this article is concluded Christians will have a definitive Truth defense when questioned or scorned by those who doubt.  This reference verse gives detail about when life is formed through a level of a Hebrew word and it is this foundation of what God has said that many choose to ignore and to talk about with others.  It is our responsibility to stand up for the truth about life and if we cannot do this from our own beginnings then we have no foundation to stand upon about anything the Bible says.  There is nothing more vital than believing about life and we should have not even thought that God would leave such a topic out of His Word, especially since He is the one that represents and defines life.  No wonder diseases and death rule over our lands these days, for we cannot even defend ourselves legitimately over life itself and it is difficult for me to understand why we as the Church have ignored such Truth within our grasps; maybe it is because we continue to harbor and thus share the lackadaisical belief that I had within my heart concerning the importance of God’s Word for many years of my life, kind of looks like it to God.

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”

In the last article topic, we learned about the specific process that God gave to man through His actions of establishing a Covenant with mankind by giving him the gift of life by breathing into man the necessary gift of breath.  In this article we are going to learn about another middle portion of this verse which is probably more controversial to those who wish to selfishly control what the truth is and how they hear it, but when one builds knowledge and wisdom through the Bible we should expect such resistance for the kingdom of this world despises the Truth and will do everything possible to keep the truth from being told and heard.  The topic concerning conception is probably the most important piece of life that matters to humans and from the way the world is defending its destruction this statement can never be wrong.  God does give us a perfect defensive Truth when it comes to conception and how it does not need to be a taboo topic at all, but one of dignity and truth that should be exalted at all times by all people.

The entire legacy of life begins with a single word and that word is conception.  The English definition of this word is as follows: “the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived”.  There is not much wavering on this definition so why is it such a burden on many people to accept that it is an action that produces such a precious product?  Why is it so difficult for humans to accept such truth?  It is because the rule of the world hates life so much that he has made it is passion and eternal goal to lie to us as much as possible so that we do not fulfill ANY purpose that God, the Creator of life, provides and seeks for His prized creations.  The word “formed” that is used in this verse should be a pure giveaway that God is performing a fantastic miracle by creating life from nothing and it is this single portion of Scripture within a single verse that proves such formation.  The Hebrew word formed here is “wayyiser” and has the following definition: to form, fashion, frame, of divine activity, of individuals at conception, to frame, pre-ordain, to be predetermined.  Every single specific break down of this word refers to the beginning of life and the process of which a person is being made.

Interestingly enough, God once again shows us that He has a specific pattern about Him and that once a pattern of His is completed it stays intact and cannot waver at all from that moment onward.  God tells us that He formed man from the dust of the earth, what does that tell us?  It says that before God began this process there was nothing, we did not exist and we had no part of life on earth.  But all of this changed when God began His process of making us and He began by gathering a whole bunch of dust particles, which He had created earlier, and molded into shape our bodies.  This process that God followed a thought process that produced a decision of commitment that is still enforced today, for our reproductive practices cannot be enforced without some type of choice make beforehand; some good and some bad.  More on that subject at a later date.

The beautiful thing about this portion of our lives is that God began this pattern of beginning and growth that continues today.  The Bible does not give us specific details concerning how long it took God to form man from the ground, but we do know it was a process and that it took a specific amount of time to finish.  As we know about life inside the womb, we cannot help but see the exact same process carried out from the moment the child was conceived the process of growth began and continues until it is time for the child to be birthed.  We also see that God did not stop in this process from the moment He began the formation from the ground until He breathed life into the man with His own breath.  At this point in our existence, we cannot breathe and when we take this verse and put it into action we find that Adam could not breathe either, he still had some refining to be done to him first.  Furthermore, we know from this verse that Adam depended upon God for his completion just as we rely on the mother carrying her child in the process we call pregnancy.

A few points of controversy or argument concerning potential defending points from those who you come into contact with and what views they hold concerning life.  First of all, some will say that we cannot believe in a book that was written so long ago that it does not coincide with modern-day thinking of the practices that we hold value to today.  But with all of us searching for answers to age-old questions that continue to pop up today, we cannot afford not to search the Bible for answers because the people in this wonderful truth book faced the exact same questions as we do today.  Secondly, we have physical proof that these patterns of our development continue in the same manner in which God established them when He created us.  At some point He decided to form us, this was our beginning point, just like when the human sperm and egg meet and form a being that needs time to grow enough to be viable on its own, hence the process of being formed from the dust but not yet complete enough at the time of formation and growth.  Remember, God had to pick a starting point from somewhere on the ground then begin forming man.  It is this process that God demonstrated in Genesis 2:7 that our conception and early growth patterns inside the mother that continues today.

A coincidence, you say?  I do not think so.  Simply because when the Bible was written the knowledge concerning the human body was not known.  This is a specific detail that no human could understand because no human was around at the time when this verse was played out, so God had to instruct such truth in Moses’ heart to fit the pattern by which all humans are formed, made, and birthed.  A brilliant message of life that explains exactly what occurred when we were first created and how this pattern continues with each creation that humans perform today.  It is this truth point that gives us foundations of why the world debates exactly when life begins for we know that through this verse in Genesis it clearly states that our physical life begins at conception and continues to advance from that point forward.  The world shall never agree with what God establishes or believes in for our enemy cannot stand the purpose of life and what it means to the Kingdom of God.  The point of life beginnings shall never be accepted as conception, but placed on a choice of one who was participating at the real point of contention when it comes to where life really begins; more on that at a later date as well.

Well, this detail in God’s Word puts a kink in some people who consider themselves Christians or followers of Christ's ideology.  For we know that countless people who do not know God consider the right to kill babies or to argue that the products inside the womb are just a clump of cells with no measure at all, but we also understand that some people who know God consider there to be nothing wrong with killing life before it has a chance of living independently.  With this verse in hand, along with the true meaning of the word “formed” at our grasp we should hold this accuracy within our hearts as a model and battle cry for the unborn.  I cannot see how anyone who believes in God, follows Christ and studies the Word of God can ever hold such death rituals holy as their foundation of God and of life.  Frankly, these death ritual beliefs directly conflict with what God states in Genesis 2:7 and certainly cannot be argued against for when God sets a pattern into place He cannot change it.  Simpler put, if you believe in the world and its ways you cannot honestly admit to believing the Bible or in the Ways of God.  Being soft with the Word of God is a sin, an eternally grave sin and it is time Christians stand up and study the Bible well enough to state Truth instead of lies.

The Bible never allows for any chance of fence-sitting and when it comes to life and our existence, it can never be in question.  The world shall always contend that it is a woman’s right to choose whether or not to end her baby’s life, God shall never take any position that promotes death.  God understands and respects the gift from Him called choice, but He shall never side with a choice of death for it goes totally against His own definition.  Are Christians uncomfortable in their own eternal and spiritual foundations that they will not stand up for them?  What does this lack of action tell others about you and your relationship with God?  God speaks of this type of relationship when He declares you to be lukewarm because if you cannot even begin to defend Him through life foundations then what can He use you for as you hold such a position?  How will you handle this found truth about conception along with the previous article concerning the Covenant of life?  It is obvious why this nation’s heart along with every other nation in the world has a blackened heart that cannot overcome its sicknesses. 

Is losing friends or even family members over such a Truth that big of an issue that you would rather lose your own life in order to keep another human?  I really do not care if every acquaintance, friend, or family member in my life leaves and labels me whatever they wish, I shall never disdain life or cheapen it in any way to keep up my appearance with others.  This is the position all people of God should take at all times of their lives.  Also, we have examples of what occurs to societies when they devalue life and place selfish conditions over life.  Again, study the Bible and it will give you example after example to what happens to those who repudiate what life truly is.  Life has to have a starting point and it cannot begin at a point after the growth process has begun, this goes totally against the Law of God and the physical laws of science.

Church, we need to be the light that shines into the darkness, not the productive sympathizers of death.  If we cannot contend that life starts with conception then we have no business saying we love God or that we love life.  Church, we cannot accept the ways of the world in any form for if we do then we accept something superficial and that which is destroyed by lies.  God created the world in perfect conditions and He created us in the same manner, it was through our own choices that brought evil into the world and this includes the point of conception belief.  God has clearly stated through an ancient language that no idea about what birthing processes would be like today and gave us the Truth about life and when it began physically.  God specifically states in Genesis 2:7 when life begins and like any other Law of God, we are either for Him or against Him.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Covenant of Life

Covenant of Life


Most of us know that God represents life eternal, perfect in every way imaginable and then more.  God’s definition tells us that He cannot represent anything but life itself which means that since He gave us life that His Covenant of life is within us for eternity.  It is, however, our choice to bring forth life in abundance, both individually and all other forms of life representation.  Ever since the fall of mankind into sin, we have abundantly found ways to end our lives and not keep them living and it is this aspect of our existence that God wants to remind us about today.  God loves life and shall always choose life over death and it is His desire for each one of us to live fully as well.  The only way that we can obtain this abundant life is to live for His Son and to share the Truth about Him and His Son to those who do not know about this escape from eternal death.

As I take walks around the small lake in our community, go to work every scheduled day, read a book or article, play with my animals, sleep at night, eat food, or do anything else that my life allows I follow a simple condition that gives me the opportunity to accomplish these wonderful things, breathing.  A year ago, I found myself lying on a table waiting to have a pretty major procedure on my heart and in order for them to do that procedure the physicians had to stop my heart for a considerable amount of time.  Even though I have been in the medical field for over thirty years now it still amazes me to the advances of such resources we have that extend life to those who are willing to fight for it.  Not only was I dead for a little over four hours, but I was also hooked up to instruments that kept my air flowing, blood pumping, and fluids in proper balance.  But this was not the most intriguing part about all of this, it was the fact that I walked out of that hospital one week later on my own power and stamina breathing once again and taking in the sights of a place that I had passed by countless times before.  I had been given a new opportunity to make the most of my breathing privileges and I did not want to mess things up again.

No, not all of my issues were my choice because many were through my genetic makeup that I inherited when I drew my first breath over fifty years before.  But the incredible point is that I was allowed to breathe once again and to once again demonstrate the body’s fight to live through the return of breathing when it has been taken away.  I have mentioned to you before that if a person takes a single heart muscle cell out and isolate it on a petri dish then watch it, it will begin to contract and release just as it does when it is together with other heart muscle cells.  Even down to a single cell our bodies are wired to survive and to function until all hope and energy are lost.  Many people question why this simple experiment can demonstrate such a vital portion of our existence but even if they deny God and the gift of life through breath He gives, no one can deny that our bodies are adapted to survive, from the moment of conception.  Yes, both conception and breath of life are addressed in the Bible, with both coming in this single verse.  We are going to begin with the Covenant of breath (life) for no other reason than it was the first of the ones given to me by God for this series.  Also, this verse addresses who made mankind right upfront and what he becomes afterlife has been given.

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”

It is clear from the middle portion of this verse God has chosen the breath of life as His symbol of Covenant with mankind.  It is this entire verse that He uses as His established authority over the creation of mankind by which all of us are created and born into this world.  Yes, the methods by which we reproduce ever since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden are different from the one that God established, the order and principles remain the same and should be considered in all departments of life when studied.  God would not just make such a statement and not give us any proof that we exist in this continued manner, God is a genius when it comes in all areas but sometimes it is our doubt and dereliction that hinder God and His eternal Truth from reaching our hearts and thus to the ends of the world.  So, for this portion of His Word, we will be using the section “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”.

As stated above, this section of Scripture that we are using for this article does not start out the verse but is one that comes from the middle portion of the verse.  It is this portion of the verse that God has the obligation to mankind because the condition of the man before this portion of Scripture occurs is one of incompletion, so while it may seem like an “obligatory” step by God it actually is one that originates from eternal love and holiness and the one that lays the foundation for the total defeat and humiliation of Satan.  It is the breath of life that comes from the heart and life of God which is pure, righteous, holy, and eternal in status and nature.  There is nothing more sacred then this process of our creation and the one that signifies the Covenant of life to us.  Life is the Covenant that God gives us here, for every human being from this moment onward must draw breath in order to live, thus recreating such an episode of Covenant when each child is born.  The way that humans are born is unique in many ways and certain issues must be addressed as soon as the baby leaves the womb of the mother.  When the baby is born it is not breathing on its own, it must be stimulated to do such a gift for if the baby is not stimulated to breath it shall die within a few minutes after birth.

The original birthing process was done by God when He breathed into the nostrils of Adam and gave him life.  There is no possible way for us to understand how we were going to be created after God did such a method in Adam and Eve but unfortunately we shall never get to experience such a holy sign due to the fact that sin entered into our lives and we must continue to breathe life into our newborns by a humanistic manner.  According to each manner of birth, air must be introduced into the lungs in order for life to exist, or even to start.  The baby is now no longer dependent on its mother for incubation and initial growth just as we shall know when we come to the second portion of this verse talking about how God formed us from the ground.

When you bring into the picture the Hebrew text for the word “breathed” it places this process directly into the same category doctors do when a baby is born today.  The word Hebrew “breathed” that is used here is “wayyippah” which is translated to cause to breathe out, to breathe, blow, or to be blown.  We must recognize that God began this process of life in a specific manner and even though we failed God in the Garden of Eden this order of God’s has not changed one bit for if a doctor or midwife does not perform some kind of blowing or stimulating procedure after a baby is out of the womb, they will not breathe and will quickly die.  How can humans totally disregard such a detail that God established so long ago against the same practice that occurs with every birth today?  Have we lost that much continuity with God’s Word over and in our lives that we refuse to accept this truth?  Or do we play the hand of the eternal fool and listen to a liar when it comes to what God has ordained? 

Furthermore, the progression of such death rituals (abortions) lately has taken a more gruesome turn with laws being written and implemented that if a woman wants an abortion at any time right up to the time of birth, an abortion can be completed.  It means that a term pregnancy can end in abortion with a viable birth baby and the doctors refuse to breathe into the baby’s lungs, they will allow it to lie on some type of flat surface and die.  This is 100% Satan’s plan for not only your baby’s life but for you as well.  There is one huge difference however, that baby who is allowed to suffocate on a dark flat surface shall immediately go back into the presence of God and His eternal home, guaranteed! The person who has that abortion has an opportunity to see that child again sometime down the road, but will you stay with him or her or will you be eternally separated?  I find it supernaturally extraordinary that an exhale, which we no longer need in our lives, can startle our lungs right after birth enough to begin to produce oxygen the product we need.  Without looking it up, how many times a day do you inhale and exhale?  It is not a common thing to go around counting such a mechanism, this process is referred to as an involuntary mechanism, it means we do it without conscious, it is that vital.

This symbolized mechanism of breathing is a requirement for any human to live.  If breathing stops for any reason the blood flow and every organ within the confines of the human body will begin to deteriorate and if air is not restored in a timely manner will then begin to die.  Yes, each cell within each organ shall do its best to survive but at some point will cease to live due to the fact that the needed nutrients for survival shall be used up and nothing is left for replacement.  It is not the Will of God for this process to occur for God is the author and creator of life, life is the only thing He knows and understands and it is life eternally that He offers to those who choose to bypass the world and to live according to His Ways.  Each person walking around this planet, whatever condition they may be in or facing has the Covenant of life within them.  We demonstrate this by the property of breathing and then using this breathing process to reproduce ourselves, another great event that defines life.  The origin of the breath of God within us gives God the authority to pass His judgment over mankind, for He began it and thus is the ONLY One Holy to authorize its completion.  This breathing process cannot take effect unless the foundational living space is completely cut and we subscribe to this effect when medical personnel cut the umbilical cord that attaches the baby to the mother.

Lucifer did his best to disrupt this eternal Covenant by trying to rise above God and to play God, a state or thought that some humans have placed into their hearts in order to promote such a death sentence.  A few weeks ago, we saw this type of activity being told when one of the so-called “famous” people of this nation proclaimed that she had a wonderful time during her abortion procedure and how by following through with such a procedure made her feel like God.  We can never forget that what God ordained as Truth, Satan shall come along and twist it enough to grab his pleasure out of initiation of life and completion of life.  It does not matter which stage of life he picks to harbor he convinces so many people to do such life-ending procedures by many names and through many measures.  The opposite of truth is a lie which is the complete representative of disobedience, which in turn, is the definition of sin and sin is a condition that all of us inherit as soon as the Covenant of life from God is initiated; all due to the fact of sin being introduced a single time. 

See, our established method of reproduction is the highest form of communication and solidarity that man and woman can have for it is the ONLY way to produce another life.  All of these processes have an order that God approved and still approves today, it is Satan’s goal to pervert such a Covenant and continue to see God’s gift be ripped from our lives.  This is why sex is either the best form of worship to God with a single partner or it is the root of all division and mistrust between humans.  It is no coincidence that this topic is addressed right at the beginning of the Word of God because God is our beginning, present, and end.  However, we do not have to have an end per se we can have eternal life abundantly in such a manner that everyone strives for yet go about its presence very sinfully and limited.  God made this covenant of life before Adam understood what was occurring and ever since God “cut” his umbilical cord by breathing life into his nostrils, this process of life has not changed one bit according to God and His Holy Order.

What a perfect example God has given us to represent what Covenant means to Him and to us.  Nothing gives God more pleasure than to see a child take their first breath and He feels the exact same way when one of His children takes their first spiritual breath as well.  There is none more important than life and what it means to all of us, so why are we in a rush to end such a precious item?  God beginning this Covenant with mankind is the most direct line of communication of love that anyone being could display for it is a single step in the life of a new human being.  So, why are we fighting it so much Church?  It is feasible and understandable that the world wishes you to not be in existence but we are supposed to be promoting life and fighting for life at all times, so why the hypocritical stance? 

Through the second half of this single verse in the beginning stages of the Bible, God clearly states how much He views life and what it means to take a breath, so once again, why are we trampling on this Covenant?  We have no option but to better in this fight for life, Church.  We cannot afford to sit around and claim blindness and deafness on this issue because if God made it clear about this procedure in His Word then we better fight for it to continue for all not just for a few select because one day we shall be held accountable for life and if we defend death before life, how will that look for an eternal placement?  We need God to re-inflate our lungs with His spiritual breath again for we have allowed the dirt of the world to fill our lungs to the level that death is preferred instead of shunned.  Yes, we need our worldly umbilical cords cut and be the epitome of life and not a poster child for death.  Church, we have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in, it is vital that we fight for children just as hard as we fight for our own lives.  This is a Covenant from God and that makes it a command from God as well. 


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Love Like Jesus

Love Like Jesus


One of the more arguable phrases of today is that we love like Jesus did or “what would Jesus do”.  Both of these represent good thoughts for us to ponder but do we really understand their meaning according to how Jesus lived His life or are they just catchphrases to deflect the truth about what we are saying and doing?  God meant for our lives to be lived in such a peaceful and holy manner but because of our sinful ways, it is difficult for us to act in such a manner.  God has provided us a perfect example of how we need to be through His Son but in all honesty, hardly any of us live up to that standard and the number of people trying to live up to this standard fades daily.  The only way that our societies are going to survive and then thrive again is for us to return back to God and to live under the blood of His Son, no other way can achieve this Life.  This means we must act according to what Jesus did and the example He set before us including our actions during times of stress and temptation.

Once again this small community is facing another suicidal death of a young person.  For so many over the past decades or so has been difficult to cope with so much needless and senseless deaths of the youth in this area.  I am not excluding any area around the world from this category either for every corner of the world we read daily where others have taken their lives way before their end was to come.  This article shall not be making any excuses for these acts of denial for God wants us to understand that this is a serious issue that HE sees every day and how it grieves His heart to know that a prized creation of His has selfishly taken their own lives and has ignored the love of Jesus.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 person dies every forty seconds from suicide and according to God that is 1 person every forty seconds too much.  It is horrible that another family has to face the loss of a child due to this terrible human action and shorten a life that had a divine purpose and a goal that only they could achieve.  Death is never a goal of God it never has been, it is not now, and it shall never be either so why do we allow our enemy to embrace this role and convince our children to complete such hideous acts against themselves?

God understands that it is difficult for a family, group, school, city, county, nation to talk about such tragedies, but this cyclic pattern seems to be arriving closer together without a long period or break in between.  If we do not talk about its lasting effects on families and communities this pattern shall continue to grow and these events shall become an almost daily or even daily occurrence.  This community has already been witness to a group suicide pact, not being fully fulfilled but never-the-less made.  This community is not singled out for any increased activity when it comes to suicide, for it is the job of our enemy to limit and to kill steal and destroy what God has ordained to be life.  Our concepts of how life should be, have drastically changed over the past few decades as well and with this increase comes along with it the reciprocal increase amount of effort we have placed on taking God out of our lives.  It is a popular belief for us to hold onto when we say love like Christ when we are defending a manner or aspect of our lives that others do not agree with, but is this the true aspect and way we should be speaking about Jesus and His love for us?  Let us dive into a subject about Jesus that is well known but might not be well understood and that is His temptation and His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane.

Matthew 4:1-11

“Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.”

Luke 22:44

“And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”

However, we cannot forget that Christ took on heavy and hard issues with the authority that God gave Him to do.  When these situations arose Jesus never backed down or changed what His purpose was either, He always completed the task at hand and did not look back after it was completed.  Jesus never wavered from this process either, He understood that He had a mission while He was on the earth and He also understood that He had only a limited amount of time to complete it.  Do you realize that if Jesus would have altered this plan of His Father’s in any way that our lives and existence would be in total condemnation on levels that we could never imagine?  Do you realize that there were two direct times during Jesus’ life here on earth He could have changed the course of God’s plan yet kept Himself intact?  Do you understand what this process would have been called if Jesus would have done such things to alter His mission?  It is called suicide!  Think about this, folks, God NEVER created anyone of us to end our lives prematurely at our own hand, never!  Death has no part in the eyes of God which is the exact reason He provided us a way to be restored so we may have the opportunity to live with Him for eternity.

In the first example, we have about Jesus having the opportunity to commit suicide is when He was led into the wilderness by Satan and was tempted to change what was to become of His life.  Jesus understood from a very early age what He was supposed to be doing while He was on earth, so much so that He frightened His earthly parents to death when He was a young lad another sign He had a destiny to fulfill.  Satan offered Jesus anything He wanted even said He could throw Himself down off a mountain and the angels would come to save Him, gross negligence of His Divine purpose.  Each time Satan suggested a deviant act Jesus would retaliate with Scripture, a teaching lesson that all of us should follow; see, Jesus lived Scripture just as we should live the Word of God, another example of how our lives have a purpose for our existence and an eternal direction no matter what the details may say.  The world and its leader shall always tell you to end your life and take the easy way out, but what he will not tell you is that as soon as you do your life will end through temptation of God and there is a clear command here that says do not do that.

The second example we have concerning love like Jesus title of this article comes from the night that Jesus was betrayed.  While He and three of His disciples were in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus began to pray and to ask His Father if it was time for His purpose to be fulfilled or if He would wait a bit longer.  How hard was this decision of Jesus’?  So much so that He began to sweat blood while He was preparing for His next step in the Sacrificial process.  With Jesus knowing His time was short, He did not just give up and allow His life to end, the stress He was under literally caused Him to sweat blood folks.  There have been a few documented times in human history that this phenomenon has occurred again and in each case, the stress of the human at that moment was so intense that major health issues occurred afterward with one or two not living.  Add the fact that Jesus was perfect in every way imaginable and about to die for the sins of the world, yes He could have called angels down to minister to Him at this time and would have royally been justified to do so.  But if He had, His life would have ended in eternal suicide for all of us through a selfish act of His because He wanted out of the situation according to the easy way.

You might suggest that these two examples of Jesus’ life are extreme and really cannot be compared to the individual issues that we face each day.  Why I will ask in return?  Were you not created for a specific purpose for God and His Kingdom?  Was Jesus?  It does not matter who is who in this area of life.  Yes, Jesus was Holy and pure on all levels, but we were created in such a manner as well.  We all have a purpose in our presence on this earth and it is our responsibility to complete as God designed it to be.  Dying for any type of selfish reason is NOT God’s plan for your life and your life should NEVER be referred to as a monument to/for death.  The only thing that occurs when you end your life is that you cut short the purpose of why you walked this earth, your destiny for what you were to complete shall never occur.  Plus, you leave a legacy of constant want and questions of pain and agony from those who loved you.  Can you imagine what a hay day Satan would have had if Jesus caved in at the wilderness or called angels to secure Him on the night of His betrayal?  It is the exact same happiness that Satan has when you choose and then execute the end of your life.

When we lose sight of the preciousness of life we place ourselves into a dangerous category that puts a huge eternal bulls-eye on our spirit.  It is this bulls-eye Satan uses to manipulate our decisions thus acquired situations to place such a terminal thought into our hearts and heads.  Once this legal groundwork is established it can be cultivated into an acceptable array of choices that eventually seem normal and natural.  As each day passes that this groundwork is not taken care of correctly, it becomes a growing issue that may or may not be physically noticed which explains why some suicides are thoughtfully planned and others are spontaneous.  When we place our problems into a physical aspect, we automatically lose fact of what really is transpiring around us.  Satan already has our physical life and for this, we should know that it does not matter what our bodies penetrate because they are going to die anyway.  However, when we allow our focus to become physical and allow it to continue n such a manner, our spiritual will soon follow suit to the backseat thus realigning our entire existence with the world and not God.

In truth, when we allow such sick and diseased order to grow inside our hearts, we have already begun the process of our suicide.  Remember, anything that goes against life is sin and when we voluntarily allow sin to reside within our hearts, death can only follow at an unnatural pace; thus, suicide.  Over and over the Scriptures tell us that our fight is not according to the physical but through the spiritual because One Kingdom wants you to live forever and the other kingdom wants you to die eternally.  Isn’t there another Scripture that clearly states that lovers of death shall have no place in Heaven?  Then why entertain death in a physical or emotional setting then?  You realize that if Jesus did call angels down to save Him then our suicide would be justified in God’s eyes?  This belief in the previous sentence is a grotesque and utter lie that Satan loves to weave into our hearts about God.  Jesus did not commit this damning act thus setting the example of how we should love like Jesus for Jesus was sent to this world by His Father to present an eternal example of what love is and what it means to do what Jesus would do.  Even one of the twelve disciples of Jesus committed suicide because he believed that he was beyond redemption and should no longer be a part of life.  Satan wants you to be nothing more than Judas and to complete your life in the same manner.  God loves life and provides it abundantly and it is everyone’s purpose in life to express this eternal love as Jesus did.

How do we fare with this truth and exposure of Christ during our everyday lives?  Are we serving Christ as a true and eternal ambassador for Christ which gives us the perfect example that all those who call themselves Christians should be or are we succumbing to the temptations and pressures of the world and doing our best to fight with the world?  This is a serious issue that we need to take hard looks at and pray about because if we do not live as true eternal examples of what Jesus did for us how can we honestly say that we love like Jesus?  From the looks of things in the Church world, our hearts are a dark black color and need The Light to shine on them once again.  As each day passes, I hear more and more compromise coming from the heart of the Church and we are proclaiming these actions as a truth about Jesus and how He wants everyone to feel comfortable about their existence.  If Jesus wanted an easy life for His people He would have never had to be tempted, sweat blood or die for our sins.

Jesus cared so much for you and me that He was willing to lose His status in Heaven, come to this evil world, and then die for our ugliness and darkness that we live within.  This is a no-compromise stance where the "loves like Jesus" campaign that we say we have versus what we actually live by and promote.  Jesus never wavered in His mission and His Ways and neither should you when challenged.  It is time we change our heart’s behavior pattern Church and once again become serious in our efforts to reach the lost and to live as examples of Christ.  Times shall continue to become worse and tense and if our hearts are not in sync with God and His Word we will not stand when times really get tight and tough; we shall not know how to stand and to live.  Repentance is not an angry, ugly or hateful process it is a restoration process that separates us from the world and it shall not be easy, but it is necessary in order to live for eternity with God.  It is this Truth of Christ and His examples that we need to have to appear in our daily lives to consider ourselves to love like Jesus.

Church, if we are not providing a strong stance against the policies of the world then we are condoning them, there is no in-between in this or any area where eternity is concerned.  When it was mentioned above that things shall become tougher, harder, and tighter it was meant for everyone, not just the Church.  We cannot forget that there are countless amounts of people on this earth that have no idea that there is a true and holy response to the death threats that the world sends to us every day.  We are in direct dereliction of duty when we do not continually express (stand on each corner of their hearts) and show them the Truth about their purpose.  It is our responsibility to talk to those kids involved in church and to those kids who are not involved in church just the same.  God loves each one of them and they need to know that Jesus stood up for them and sacrificed His life so that we would not have to.  This is the True message of repentance and eternity and we as the Church are responsible to teach as such!  These two examples of Jesus represent 100% commitment to life and to the full gestation of the phrase and belief that we love like Jesus.

There is nothing more disheartening in humanity for parents to lose a child or any other family member to suicide, we can tolerate deaths to natural causes or even horrific accidents.  God is not here to argue life and death at this time; He wants to prevent death from arriving as long as possible for it is life that is given freely through Him.  In the first passage of Scripture here we see a very important issue and topic about temptation and what its content says about tempting God.  We should never tempt God into doing anything and taking of one’s life is the prime example of this temptation.  Church, reach out to those who have lost a child or family member to such devastation, it does not matter if they know Christ or not, EVERYONE needs to hear this message.  I really hurt for the families that have suffered and continue to suffer from such tragedies, not only in this area of Colorado but around the world.  God is the only salvation into eternity through the blood of His Son.  This is our challenge now Church, reach out and become available 24/7 to those who need talking with, praying with, teaching with, and healing with.  Let’s change this area’s suicide rate the only perfect way possible, by showing others how to love like Jesus.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Miracle On Ice

Miracle On Ice


Every one of us has a moment in their lives that we look back on and remember just how important we can be to others.  This moment of ours can be a point of our legacy and remembrance or it can be one that fades into the past due to the ridiculous things we do later on that trumps such a deed.  Yes, all of us make mistakes and fail sometimes but we are not destined nor were we created to live in a constantly failed existence.  God Created us so that we would glorify Him at all times, an eternal testament to those who spiritually doubted Him so long ago.  It seems like we have fallen into this dark trap of our own enemy through the blindness of our own shortcomings.  But we have a way out, but since we are physically engrained in such a quagmire, it takes guts and courage to do the correct thing and accept that the only way to make amends for such deviances is through God and His Son’s blood.  Try as we may accomplish this miracle on our own, we cannot until we turn our hearts back to God.

When I was in junior high school, the Winter Olympics were held in this country at a small place called Lake Placid, New York.  It was my first time to be old enough to understand the meaning of such an event and what it meant to compete at a high level with other nations.  Up until that time, the only competition status I ever had was with other teams within my city and had no clue about international competitions.  Living for most of my life in the southern states of this nation, I really was not too familiar with the winter sports that so many people grew up knowing and experiencing.  Most kids in the North learned to ice skate as they were learning to walk so that it was a natural kind of movement to them, normality if you wish.  So, when I was watching these sports being played not only did I not know what I was watching I had a great deal to learn about these games pretty quickly too.  I must admit that some of the winter sports that are still competed between people today I do not understand completely but try my best to “fake” it when someone asks a question about them.

The US Men’s Hockey Team was the center of focus that year due to the fact that they were a bunch of college kids which did pretty well in the preliminary rounds but would come up against the Soviet Union in the elimination round.  Weeks earlier, these two teams played each other with the USSR Team completely annihilating the USA Team in a “friendly” game.  But this time, things were different and the stakes were so much higher than a friendly match between two enemy countries, this game was special for no one expected the US to have a chance of winning.  As the story goes, the US Team played their hearts out and won the game in dramatic fashion, dubbing it the “Miracle On Ice”.  The US still had to beat Finland to win the Gold Medal and two nights after the USSR game, the miracle was complete.  This entire nation became excited again about who we were due to the fact that a group of young men with so many backgrounds could come together and turn a nation’s heart upside down and ignite a national unity and pride for country all through a game of hockey. 

From that weekend back in 1980 onward, this nation realized just how influential our name could be if we could continue this unity and gather other nations together to provide a unity like never before.  In this country, national pride ruled the day with the desire for everyone to become involved in getting other nations to join in the unified stance of their people.  Yes, there were still major differences between nations and rulers around the world but a leader was recognized and then made public for everyone to notice.  The “Miracle On Ice” game did so much more for this nation than any other international sporting game had ever done.  Some people sometimes refer to the game as “the game that was heard around the world” served as a beacon of hope to end tyranny against humanity and to bring the freedom to every person who wished.  Another and fiercely noticeable trait of this unity was God, church attendance and membership skyrocketed and it seemed like everything that was intended for this nation and the hope that it was created and ordained to be was nowhere.  The country grew in every aspect known to humanity and modern civilization, but instead of allowing and keeping God in control of this nation we slowly began to allow cracks of worldly idols into our lives, providing a nasty rebellion that we continue to see today; the Miracle On Ice was now a toned down flicker instead of an Olympic beacon to the world.

While our physical blessings have continued its steady climb into the worlds of the unknown wealth category, we have reciprocated the same slope but in a downward direction our hearts and faith in God.  We have continually drawn God from our home life and thus our daily public and private lives so that we no longer are proud to say that we are a Christian nation.  Over the past few decades or so we have increasingly taken God out of our speech and from our courtrooms and educational curricula in order to justify and satisfy our own personal agendas of pleasure and self-righteous attitudes.  The goals of being the standard of the world protrude now as a dumbed-down society that would rather lie in a street gutter than live in a modest home with all the amenities a human should have.  This acceptance of darkness is not an equality measure but one that displays the worst about humanity through the gifts of the world instead of those from God.  What kind of responsibility can we have if we are strung out in a street gutter, were we established to live in such a condition?  Whose idea was it to bring ourselves down to a standard and lower level of existence?  It sure was not God’s plan for our existence, so I guess that means it is our enemy’s plan.  We as a nation failed to understand what we were accepting into our lives and thus our seeking God and His standards in our lives also began to fade, but just like the physical aspect of our failing we ignored our spiritual aspects as well.

So, why would the strongest nation ever built decide to voluntarily chip away at its standard and torch-bearing status enough to initiate biblical changes and being alignment with specific prophecies that do not have any good fortunes for western societies?  It is for the same reason Israel believed that she could turn her heart away from God and live as she wanted to without having to deal with the consequences of the world.  Israel was a miracle in its creation, its establishment, and its growth patterns but they too got their eyes on the world and its beauty instead of keeping their spiritual eyes on God.  Whose pattern did they follow you ask?  Israel followed the path that Adam and Eve took, you know, the path that got them thrown out of the Garden of Eden and created this mess that we are still in today.  It is at this point in human history that the miracle that God planned for humanity turned into a play on words and it is this play on words that God wants us to understand is in the process of coming to pass unless we turn our hearts back to God and put Him first in our plans and our lives.

It was never God’s plan for Israel to have to go through the divisional pain they experienced; however, it was due to their own actions that they did.  It is this process that God continues to not want this nation and subsequently the world to endure also but as of now, we have no intention of recognizing our sins and repenting from them before God must grab our attention.  Sadly, the one entity that was put in charge of reminding its people and to tell the world about the preventative measures of this change in conditions has come to the conclusion that it is alright to mix the world with God.  This nation was never meant to lose any of its position or status within the world simply because God has ordained her to stand as His beacon of what He wishes for every person but on HIS level and not the world.  The Church is the one that is supposed to be on fire and represents the torch of God’s Kingdom to those around the world but that flame has been turned down and is now being threatened to be turned off completely.  Satan has done a fantastic job in convincing the Church that she does not need to witness and to have such a bright flame and that it is okay for the flame holder to just be present and not in use.  See, the growth of the Church in the 1980s symbolized that flame being turned on high, hot, and bright so that all points of the world could see it, but not anymore.

To reinforce this sad truth concerning the Church, we cannot ignore the fact that many churches in small communities are closing their doors due to the lack of people in attendance and because of other disastrous physical conditions that warrant such squelching of the eternal flame.  Off the top of my head, in my denomination alone I know of a few church buildings that have been sold due to this type of dimmed light that now belongs to the world.  In other denominations such closings occur because there are not enough priests to fill the need of the people so in turn, the higher ups close those institutions instead of keeping them open.  How can we justify that the Church is in good spiritual shape when we do not have enough people on fire for God to fill the vacancies of pulpits around the world?  This states that people would rather live in continuous division than being united, this occurs in both physical and spiritual aspects of our lives.  We can find out exactly when all of this division started if we take a look at when our hearts began to take for granted the Church and her commission from Christ.  God gave us another shot at being and then staying on top of His Kingdom message back in 1980, but we let it go to our egos instead to the people who needed God.

Since that moment, every mobile satanic unit has been in overdrive to quell the Gospel being preached to the world, with this nation using the surplus that God has given us for our own selfish reasons.  The “Miracle On Ice” game was the perfect eyewitness account that should have lit up the world for God on every level in every country around the world; instead we bought our own small versions of that flame and lit it for ourselves as a symbol of “look what we did”.  Subsequently, every Christian society around the world began to drain God from its livelihood, walking on its own and accepting transfusion after transfusion of the world in His place.  Each time a person ends their life for ANY reason or any divorce occurs, each lie to another, each violent act against another, another conflict, another deep wound afflicted upon another represents the true “Miracle On Ice” being transformed into a sick and disgusting Miracle being placed on ice.

Originally, this article was going to feature Ezekiel 38 as its reference point, since then God has expanded this reference point to His entire Word because it is through His entire Word that He repeatedly gives us example after example of what occurs when His people choose the world instead of Him.  Yes, it is our gift of choice He gave us that allows us to make such decisions, but it should be crystal clear that when we make such choices to go with the world that bad things occur and that when we choose the Ways of God things so much better for our lives.  God has also given us the ability to discern the difference between the two conditions too; remember that is what we chose to enact way back in the Garden of Eden.  God is our connection to the Miracle that He has for us, He ALONE is the connection for this Miracle.  Events that are taking place in the Middle East are ones that He has foretold in His Word, we should not be frightened but aware of why things are falling into place, and they are not out of control at all.  On the same level, we cannot forget why things are falling into place either, our sin is taking us into different directions and we are no longer united as we should; so be it, it is our choice but we cannot remember that through our selfish and worldly actions and choices we are bringing forth God’s Word to fruition so do not complain.

We have made the decision to live out our governmental lives and our personal lives on a secular level, our past President declared that statement with little or no resistance fought.  We have forgotten the worth and overall value of what the Miracle On Ice game meant to our lives and to the world, just as we have forgotten what the Miracle of Jesus Christ did for our lives eternally.  We have placed both primary events into the back portions of our heads and hearts so that our enemy can slowly bury their meaning so that we do not reference them any longer.  Church, you have done a fabulous job throughout our history in helping Satan bury such seminal points that should be continually referenced and God says it is time to stop hiding His Word and once again preach it to the dying world.  It is the job of the world and its leader to silence the Word of God and he has done a pretty good job of doing such a thing since his resistance has lessened as time has transpired.  While we are busy trying to rid ourselves of God and to follow the ways of our sinful hearts, we forget one important detail about God, His Kingdom, and His Word and that is this: no matter how much we wish or how much we try to rid ourselves of God, our actions whether we are doing God’s Will or not, His Word and Truth continues to strengthen for no matter what we may believe God shall prevail and His Word shall ever be True.

The questions that the Middle East is proposing today along with every other issue or condition within the confines of the world and its societies shall all come to pass at some point for it already has been Written.  The only true question that remains is this: are we going to speed up this time frame or are we (The Church) going to slow it down by advancing God’s Kingdom now ourselves or allow it to proceed in the manner of God’s timing.  Take a long and hard study of where our hearts are at Church and you will realize why God has been dealing with us through these articles concerning the conditions of our hearts.  We are sick and diseased and unless we change our ways and return back to Him these heart conditions of ours will produce a devastating heart attack that shall change our status as a nation forever and through this attack change the world and bring God’s Word into play quicker.  Repent, Church!  For if we do not, and then our Miracle On Ice that God gave us before shall be played upon words and changed to our miracle being on ice.


Sunday, January 5, 2020

How Much?

How Much?


How much do you think you are worth to God?  Likewise, how much do you think you are worth to Satan?  When we think about these questions we must consider how much time we spend with each leader then we can come up with an accurate amount of both sides.  It is a given that whichever kingdom we feed will be the one that rules our time but both kingdoms are fighting for your eternity.  God has placed it in our lives to seek to worship and Satan has jumped onboard as well tempting us with his quotes of lies.  God’s establishment is always pure and unadulterated, so which way do we wish to go?  All of these thoughts and plans can be determined in a single direction and since we all wish to be worthy to others doesn’t it seem like we should always choose the high ground?  God continually looks to restore us in every way possible but in order for Him to do that we must turn full to Him alone and walk under the eternal Covenant of His Son’s blood.

I told my wife a few years back that when I heard some old nursery rhymes and Christmas songs that I had problems with some of them.  While their tunes are catchy, have a good beat to them and seem harmless, they are not at all and actually devastating to human stability when dealing with relationships.  “Winter Wonderland” is one of the first ones I think about that falls into this category because a part of its lyrics asks if the person is married, the person says no but the added response is that the person asking can do the job when they are in town.  That phrase demeans the sanctity of a true relationship and allows people to sell themselves short in truth according to togetherness and being one with each other at all times.  Also, if one places this song into the context of how many people regard intimate relationships this type of setting has become popular and the way that people should look at relationships, only part-time and when it is conveniently acceptable.  We have cheapened ourselves in the name of pleasure and popularity and while the world promotes this type of commitment as normal, it is devastating to one’s completeness and factors into the disruptive functionality of humans.

The song that God wants to deal with today for this article is another popular one that many of us sang over and over when we were young.  Now, I understand that most of the younger generations may not have heard this song before because many of the older songs that were written decades ago are not sang today, in fact, not many songs are sung in the capacity that we had a long time ago.  The song here is “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?” a very popular song that I sang countless times with my mother when I was very young.  The words of the song are very friendly and warming and at the time that they were written, it was popular to have pet stores in many cities that would place animals in the store window to show off the pet’s qualities as being friendly, all to sell the animal to a good home of course.  Today, we have countless opportunities to purchase animals from the local areas, with some of these options being good ones but some being factories that do more harm than good.  So how does this old children’s song come into contact with puppy mills of today and why should we be warned from such an innocent song?  I am glad you asked for it is the modern technological advances that bring things into play.

When the lyrics of this song were written there was no internet, no cell phones, and no instant media connections between people in your town or around the world.  It was a time, where not everyone had phones or televisions for it, was not too much earlier that air conditioners and freezers were made popular.  Today, we have technology running out of our ears and if someone does not have an up-to-date communication device on them at all times they cannot function “properly”, a condition that many cannot function in without.  The lyrics to this song, as stated above, is simple and clear and are meant to stay that way but because of the way humans have allowed themselves to become publicized, these words actually open a door to our lives that can prove to be deadly; most people do not understand this truth either, it should serve as a warning to those who have heard this song and sang it too.

The question is asked about how much a puppy dog is which seems harmless enough for unless there is a price tag visible it would seem logical to ask people how much something is when they are interested in purchasing it.  The lyrics also state that it is a dog with the “waggly tail” which is a selling point because it means the dog is excited to see you and is happy and friendly around people, especially children.  I know this to be true because it was a specific characteristic that I was looking for when I bought my Pomeranian “Bear” so many years ago.  He was the fattest, happiest one of the bunch and he was going to be mine and was until the evening he took his last breath.  The last detail here for this song is that the dog is in a window on display for everyone to see and whoever wanted to go into the store and become acquainted with it could do so.  This type of marketing was introduced a long time ago and has been very effective in its technique to entice buyers; it is still in use today and thriving well even though some of the methods of displaying and selling items have changed.

Romans 12:1-2

“I Beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

Do we realize that with all of the modern-day technological instruments that are available to us, we can be placed into the same category as the dog in the window for sale in this children’s song?  The increase in the opportunities for corruption and the selling of humans has skyrocketed ever since this form of modern communications has been on the market, but even if people do not have any intention of harming others with this type of technology, the fact remains that there are numerous opportunities to sell themselves to others.  A couple of decades ago the term “sexting” was not even in our vocabulary much less a common word that many uses without cause or reason today.  But the internet provides many avenues of this type of behavior and it has become a billion-dollar platform in which people sell themselves for sex.  Sex is the most intimate connection males and females have toward each other but if you sell yourself to another or countless others in a single night or repeated nights, what value do you have to offer in the future?  Even more concerning, is that spouses have now joined the confines of such actions inflicting inner divisions within their intimate relationships with their husband or wife.  It may seem a bit far-fetched to believe that someone sitting in front of a screen can entice another person enough for them to seek pleasure without their spouses but it occurs every day and night and continues to grow in such a light.

Why is this process a big deal if everyone involved is in agreement to do such an act?  It does not matter if all involved or not wish to display them in a sexual manner for it gives you the opportunity to sit behind a screen and allow other people to view you to see all that you have.  They then count the cost of your value and make comments or pay money to see more or less, with some subscribing to you for a monthly or yearly price.  That, readers of this article is called prostitution for you know that each person that wishes to view you has one goal in mind and that is to get them off sexually.  In other words, I am willing to pay the asking price for that doggie in the window.  This type of behavior is addicting to both sides and parties involved for as the person who pays to see and to experience you knows, you will be back to fulfill your commitment as well.  It is this type of “safe” prostitution that many do not understand how it affects lives, the mental and emotional adhesions to other people sexually being charged has long term consequences that will come into play at some time down the road when a spouse wishes to have intimate relations, where will the mind and heart be when this time arrives?  Will it be faked or lied about in order to keep the status quo intact?  When one stops and thinks about what occurs there really is no other comparable setting that describes such condition then selling yourself for money and sex; also known as being a prostitute.

Furthermore, what is more dangerous, is the fact that ideas from both parties are enhanced to make things more exciting or creative which means that there will be more in-depth ways performed in order to continue the excitement already achieved.  When things reach this platform and stage, there is no stopping either side from aggressively projecting their intentions to keep you for themselves.  This type of selling does not stop here either, it has provoked the human curiosity into believing that we can dress in such a manner and receive the same confidence screens give us.  Look at what is now acceptable as dress fashion and how much it reveals about the human body.  There is not much left to the imagination especially during the warmer months of the year, how holy can we be if everyone knows what your body looks like?  More importantly, what do you have to offer someone if you have exposed your body to as many people as possible?  Once you give your body away to someone you are connected as one with that person, then you leave or add others to the “mix” and it is no wonder that no one can stay together anymore because when you start out with only 10% availability to give, there is not much chance of total commitment on both sides being accomplished.

There is nothing more devastating than human lust for one another because it opens the door for so many other commandments to be broken.  I am not saying that everyone should go out and throw away your computers and phones, modern technology is a good thing and it can be used for good if the heart stays pure.  While personal convenience has dramatically increased with such modern advances so too has other areas of seduction that we have allowed to ride along on the tails of such advances.  This process of selling oneself does not stop with sex, for it occupies our hearts on numerous levels and will cause just as much or even greater damage as the aforementioned scenario does.  This is not the standard in which our bodies and spirits were created, but a diseased imitation that is proclaimed to us that since it is pleasing to be in such touch with others that it is okay to live in this state.  Think about this for a moment ladies and gentlemen, God Created us in a perfect and complete state and since God cannot change His Ways it is His Standard by which we should live forever.  So naturally, our enemy will do everything possible to contaminate this purity and holiness and the best way to do this is to interrupt the holy connection between God and mankind.

The passage for this article demonstrates this holy creation and characteristic status that we have had from the beginning and we could not correctly state that we have an enemy if he did not do his best to change this pattern.  Remember, that Satan hates God and everything that He stands for which includes you and I.  The passage in Romans used here clearly states that our bodies are a temple, a temple that God dwells in.  This means that it is the place where God lives which means your spirit and body were Created for the inhabitance of God.  God is a Holy and complete God in all areas and must be around identical settings, so if your heart and spirit are not in alignment with His Ways He must leave until things are made correct.  This means you must live in a complete state as God Created you, not as some imitation and torn up rag doll the world has shaped, this is an abomination to God and to His handiwork.  To put it plain English, if your body is not fulfilling its Created purpose it means that your spirit is filled with the presence of Baal.

The world’s weight in equality cannot lift anyone up it can only bring them down and when a person who is created for a specific purpose is brought down they no longer can function as they were meant.  What patterns can we expect to see if God does not live and reign in our spirit?  The world will call its rule and reign in our spirit popularity and urban acceptance but God calls it sin because the world cannot be with God on any level.  When God is present within our temple, His presence and light continually grows and weeds out any blemish that the world has been given room, the same occurs when we allow the world to rule it will replace God completely and diminish His eternal presence within our lives, only to promote a death culture dressed up as a popular caricature.  God understands that the main address of this article’s content has been about sex, but God also knows what breeds within our hearts and we deem as important.  But we cannot forget that anything we allow to become an idol in our spirit infiltrates our temple space.  Whether it be cars, money, gambling, sex, extravagant houses, fast cars or old classic movies, or anything else those objects can and will become idols that cheapen our lives and divide our completeness with our Creator.  So, how are you dressed, Church?

How do we present ourselves to the world that we are supposed to be winning for Christ?  Are we dressing up our physical linings and presenting ourselves to the world as a behind the scenes prostitution ring?  You bet we are a bunch of broken souls that need help but we should be in the business of telling and showing those who have no clue about God and His Son not sitting in a window pretending to be Christians.  There is no difference than a person sitting in front of a camera and stripping to numerous men and women than what we do sitting in the pews of a church building and not doing one thing to win even one person to Christ.  See, if a person sells their bodies for money it is easy for us to say that Baal lives within their temple, but why is it so difficult for us to recognize this same spirit that lives in those who supposedly call themselves Christians?  Examine your hearts Church and allow God to show you all of the blackened and diseased areas that exist within our temple, and then allow Him to properly and eternally clean out our temple so that He may dwell in it once again.  Who are you selling yourself to and to which kingdom leader are you moving toward?

We cannot afford to fall into the window setting doggy style Church.  As we watch our nation fall into the deeper clutches of Satan and the kingdom he holds, we must be the light that provides such an alternative that makes a true difference in people’s lives.  People are dying in sin every single day and after taking their last breath waking up in the throne room of God wondering why they had not listened.  The reason many did not listen, is because our voices were muffled and in some cases silenced completely.  This is sin on our part.  We have the authority to cut into the darkness and to shine the Light of Jesus and to expose these divisive measures of torment that the world tells us is natural.  You are one of a kind; holy, fit and pure in God’s eyes so why do we continue to devalue our lives in the name of pleasure and acceptance.  A temple is a place of worship and whoever resides in your temple is indicative of who you worship, there cannot be two masters.  Our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits do not follow state community property laws, we are either on one side or the other.  Dogs are wonderful but I have no intentions of becoming one sitting behind a window and to allow myself be sold short of what I was created to do, are you with God Church?