Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Moment of Conception

The Moment of Conception


Many wish that the Bible says something concerning if conception means the beginning of life or not.  Well, the Bible does say such a thing and it needs to be understood so when questioned each person who stands for life may provide a solid answer and building foundation for this most important issue.  God never intended for us to live in a world of death, for life was His Covenant for all creation and even though His wish was for this continuation of all-knowing life, He made beautiful arrangements for restoration if we chose another path.  Remarkably, through this Creation process of His God placed a process of building that we have intact today and that involves an origin of conception.  If we allow this truth to live within our lives there is no telling how great our testimonies shall be to those who need eternal salvation.  God loves each and every one of us and it is our responsibility to tell as many people about this life experience as possible.

As stated in the previous article, this initial point of reference actually was given to me secondly, it was in this order that God spoke so it is in the order that it was written.  So many people around the world who have spoken up for the babies inside the womb who deserve to live have been lambasted by those advocates who support the killing of the unborn child.  Those advocates for death have continually demanded “solid” proof that life begins at conception to which not many defenders of life could provide.  I know countless scholars of the Bible and other numerous Christians have poured hours and hours over Scriptures seeking proof that humans and their origins begin at conception and not when they take their first breath outside the womb.  It is this fact from God in the reference verse that puts an end to any argument about when life begins but as with any other truth about life, one can use the ability to make a choice whether or not to believe such wisdom and eternal Truth.

Over my many years of life, I have been witness to many different types of ways ladies tell their husbands that they are pregnant.  I have found this practice exciting over the years and when I hear the different ways that some tell their news just reminds me that the human heart is individual and unique in such a manner that it represents the fascinating definition of God.  However, I wish that all of these announced moments were of good nature and guided with pure intentions but with the modern age of selfish pleasures I cannot say this to be correct for all announcements of new life.  It is a terrible day in anyone’s life when the subject of life becomes a political game and used for leverage against another life; sadly, this is where it has reached in modern societies and now selfish practices overrule the creation of what God began so long ago with our creation.  When a procedural death comes before a career and then acknowledges success because of that procedural death, woe to us for we deserve nothing more either.

Once again we will be dealing with an order that God put in place, through direct action from Him alone, a portion of this topic that we will discuss in the next article; however, for now, we are going to deal with another middle portion of this verse which when studied through the original Hebrew text givens definition to when life really begins.  I find it very fascinating that modern-day translations and translators of the Bible do not have the decency to write the exact words of what God said so long ago through the Hebrew language, but here it is folks and after this article is concluded Christians will have a definitive Truth defense when questioned or scorned by those who doubt.  This reference verse gives detail about when life is formed through a level of a Hebrew word and it is this foundation of what God has said that many choose to ignore and to talk about with others.  It is our responsibility to stand up for the truth about life and if we cannot do this from our own beginnings then we have no foundation to stand upon about anything the Bible says.  There is nothing more vital than believing about life and we should have not even thought that God would leave such a topic out of His Word, especially since He is the one that represents and defines life.  No wonder diseases and death rule over our lands these days, for we cannot even defend ourselves legitimately over life itself and it is difficult for me to understand why we as the Church have ignored such Truth within our grasps; maybe it is because we continue to harbor and thus share the lackadaisical belief that I had within my heart concerning the importance of God’s Word for many years of my life, kind of looks like it to God.

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”

In the last article topic, we learned about the specific process that God gave to man through His actions of establishing a Covenant with mankind by giving him the gift of life by breathing into man the necessary gift of breath.  In this article we are going to learn about another middle portion of this verse which is probably more controversial to those who wish to selfishly control what the truth is and how they hear it, but when one builds knowledge and wisdom through the Bible we should expect such resistance for the kingdom of this world despises the Truth and will do everything possible to keep the truth from being told and heard.  The topic concerning conception is probably the most important piece of life that matters to humans and from the way the world is defending its destruction this statement can never be wrong.  God does give us a perfect defensive Truth when it comes to conception and how it does not need to be a taboo topic at all, but one of dignity and truth that should be exalted at all times by all people.

The entire legacy of life begins with a single word and that word is conception.  The English definition of this word is as follows: “the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived”.  There is not much wavering on this definition so why is it such a burden on many people to accept that it is an action that produces such a precious product?  Why is it so difficult for humans to accept such truth?  It is because the rule of the world hates life so much that he has made it is passion and eternal goal to lie to us as much as possible so that we do not fulfill ANY purpose that God, the Creator of life, provides and seeks for His prized creations.  The word “formed” that is used in this verse should be a pure giveaway that God is performing a fantastic miracle by creating life from nothing and it is this single portion of Scripture within a single verse that proves such formation.  The Hebrew word formed here is “wayyiser” and has the following definition: to form, fashion, frame, of divine activity, of individuals at conception, to frame, pre-ordain, to be predetermined.  Every single specific break down of this word refers to the beginning of life and the process of which a person is being made.

Interestingly enough, God once again shows us that He has a specific pattern about Him and that once a pattern of His is completed it stays intact and cannot waver at all from that moment onward.  God tells us that He formed man from the dust of the earth, what does that tell us?  It says that before God began this process there was nothing, we did not exist and we had no part of life on earth.  But all of this changed when God began His process of making us and He began by gathering a whole bunch of dust particles, which He had created earlier, and molded into shape our bodies.  This process that God followed a thought process that produced a decision of commitment that is still enforced today, for our reproductive practices cannot be enforced without some type of choice make beforehand; some good and some bad.  More on that subject at a later date.

The beautiful thing about this portion of our lives is that God began this pattern of beginning and growth that continues today.  The Bible does not give us specific details concerning how long it took God to form man from the ground, but we do know it was a process and that it took a specific amount of time to finish.  As we know about life inside the womb, we cannot help but see the exact same process carried out from the moment the child was conceived the process of growth began and continues until it is time for the child to be birthed.  We also see that God did not stop in this process from the moment He began the formation from the ground until He breathed life into the man with His own breath.  At this point in our existence, we cannot breathe and when we take this verse and put it into action we find that Adam could not breathe either, he still had some refining to be done to him first.  Furthermore, we know from this verse that Adam depended upon God for his completion just as we rely on the mother carrying her child in the process we call pregnancy.

A few points of controversy or argument concerning potential defending points from those who you come into contact with and what views they hold concerning life.  First of all, some will say that we cannot believe in a book that was written so long ago that it does not coincide with modern-day thinking of the practices that we hold value to today.  But with all of us searching for answers to age-old questions that continue to pop up today, we cannot afford not to search the Bible for answers because the people in this wonderful truth book faced the exact same questions as we do today.  Secondly, we have physical proof that these patterns of our development continue in the same manner in which God established them when He created us.  At some point He decided to form us, this was our beginning point, just like when the human sperm and egg meet and form a being that needs time to grow enough to be viable on its own, hence the process of being formed from the dust but not yet complete enough at the time of formation and growth.  Remember, God had to pick a starting point from somewhere on the ground then begin forming man.  It is this process that God demonstrated in Genesis 2:7 that our conception and early growth patterns inside the mother that continues today.

A coincidence, you say?  I do not think so.  Simply because when the Bible was written the knowledge concerning the human body was not known.  This is a specific detail that no human could understand because no human was around at the time when this verse was played out, so God had to instruct such truth in Moses’ heart to fit the pattern by which all humans are formed, made, and birthed.  A brilliant message of life that explains exactly what occurred when we were first created and how this pattern continues with each creation that humans perform today.  It is this truth point that gives us foundations of why the world debates exactly when life begins for we know that through this verse in Genesis it clearly states that our physical life begins at conception and continues to advance from that point forward.  The world shall never agree with what God establishes or believes in for our enemy cannot stand the purpose of life and what it means to the Kingdom of God.  The point of life beginnings shall never be accepted as conception, but placed on a choice of one who was participating at the real point of contention when it comes to where life really begins; more on that at a later date as well.

Well, this detail in God’s Word puts a kink in some people who consider themselves Christians or followers of Christ's ideology.  For we know that countless people who do not know God consider the right to kill babies or to argue that the products inside the womb are just a clump of cells with no measure at all, but we also understand that some people who know God consider there to be nothing wrong with killing life before it has a chance of living independently.  With this verse in hand, along with the true meaning of the word “formed” at our grasp we should hold this accuracy within our hearts as a model and battle cry for the unborn.  I cannot see how anyone who believes in God, follows Christ and studies the Word of God can ever hold such death rituals holy as their foundation of God and of life.  Frankly, these death ritual beliefs directly conflict with what God states in Genesis 2:7 and certainly cannot be argued against for when God sets a pattern into place He cannot change it.  Simpler put, if you believe in the world and its ways you cannot honestly admit to believing the Bible or in the Ways of God.  Being soft with the Word of God is a sin, an eternally grave sin and it is time Christians stand up and study the Bible well enough to state Truth instead of lies.

The Bible never allows for any chance of fence-sitting and when it comes to life and our existence, it can never be in question.  The world shall always contend that it is a woman’s right to choose whether or not to end her baby’s life, God shall never take any position that promotes death.  God understands and respects the gift from Him called choice, but He shall never side with a choice of death for it goes totally against His own definition.  Are Christians uncomfortable in their own eternal and spiritual foundations that they will not stand up for them?  What does this lack of action tell others about you and your relationship with God?  God speaks of this type of relationship when He declares you to be lukewarm because if you cannot even begin to defend Him through life foundations then what can He use you for as you hold such a position?  How will you handle this found truth about conception along with the previous article concerning the Covenant of life?  It is obvious why this nation’s heart along with every other nation in the world has a blackened heart that cannot overcome its sicknesses. 

Is losing friends or even family members over such a Truth that big of an issue that you would rather lose your own life in order to keep another human?  I really do not care if every acquaintance, friend, or family member in my life leaves and labels me whatever they wish, I shall never disdain life or cheapen it in any way to keep up my appearance with others.  This is the position all people of God should take at all times of their lives.  Also, we have examples of what occurs to societies when they devalue life and place selfish conditions over life.  Again, study the Bible and it will give you example after example to what happens to those who repudiate what life truly is.  Life has to have a starting point and it cannot begin at a point after the growth process has begun, this goes totally against the Law of God and the physical laws of science.

Church, we need to be the light that shines into the darkness, not the productive sympathizers of death.  If we cannot contend that life starts with conception then we have no business saying we love God or that we love life.  Church, we cannot accept the ways of the world in any form for if we do then we accept something superficial and that which is destroyed by lies.  God created the world in perfect conditions and He created us in the same manner, it was through our own choices that brought evil into the world and this includes the point of conception belief.  God has clearly stated through an ancient language that no idea about what birthing processes would be like today and gave us the Truth about life and when it began physically.  God specifically states in Genesis 2:7 when life begins and like any other Law of God, we are either for Him or against Him.


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