Thursday, January 23, 2020

Covenant of Life

Covenant of Life


Most of us know that God represents life eternal, perfect in every way imaginable and then more.  God’s definition tells us that He cannot represent anything but life itself which means that since He gave us life that His Covenant of life is within us for eternity.  It is, however, our choice to bring forth life in abundance, both individually and all other forms of life representation.  Ever since the fall of mankind into sin, we have abundantly found ways to end our lives and not keep them living and it is this aspect of our existence that God wants to remind us about today.  God loves life and shall always choose life over death and it is His desire for each one of us to live fully as well.  The only way that we can obtain this abundant life is to live for His Son and to share the Truth about Him and His Son to those who do not know about this escape from eternal death.

As I take walks around the small lake in our community, go to work every scheduled day, read a book or article, play with my animals, sleep at night, eat food, or do anything else that my life allows I follow a simple condition that gives me the opportunity to accomplish these wonderful things, breathing.  A year ago, I found myself lying on a table waiting to have a pretty major procedure on my heart and in order for them to do that procedure the physicians had to stop my heart for a considerable amount of time.  Even though I have been in the medical field for over thirty years now it still amazes me to the advances of such resources we have that extend life to those who are willing to fight for it.  Not only was I dead for a little over four hours, but I was also hooked up to instruments that kept my air flowing, blood pumping, and fluids in proper balance.  But this was not the most intriguing part about all of this, it was the fact that I walked out of that hospital one week later on my own power and stamina breathing once again and taking in the sights of a place that I had passed by countless times before.  I had been given a new opportunity to make the most of my breathing privileges and I did not want to mess things up again.

No, not all of my issues were my choice because many were through my genetic makeup that I inherited when I drew my first breath over fifty years before.  But the incredible point is that I was allowed to breathe once again and to once again demonstrate the body’s fight to live through the return of breathing when it has been taken away.  I have mentioned to you before that if a person takes a single heart muscle cell out and isolate it on a petri dish then watch it, it will begin to contract and release just as it does when it is together with other heart muscle cells.  Even down to a single cell our bodies are wired to survive and to function until all hope and energy are lost.  Many people question why this simple experiment can demonstrate such a vital portion of our existence but even if they deny God and the gift of life through breath He gives, no one can deny that our bodies are adapted to survive, from the moment of conception.  Yes, both conception and breath of life are addressed in the Bible, with both coming in this single verse.  We are going to begin with the Covenant of breath (life) for no other reason than it was the first of the ones given to me by God for this series.  Also, this verse addresses who made mankind right upfront and what he becomes afterlife has been given.

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”

It is clear from the middle portion of this verse God has chosen the breath of life as His symbol of Covenant with mankind.  It is this entire verse that He uses as His established authority over the creation of mankind by which all of us are created and born into this world.  Yes, the methods by which we reproduce ever since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden are different from the one that God established, the order and principles remain the same and should be considered in all departments of life when studied.  God would not just make such a statement and not give us any proof that we exist in this continued manner, God is a genius when it comes in all areas but sometimes it is our doubt and dereliction that hinder God and His eternal Truth from reaching our hearts and thus to the ends of the world.  So, for this portion of His Word, we will be using the section “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”.

As stated above, this section of Scripture that we are using for this article does not start out the verse but is one that comes from the middle portion of the verse.  It is this portion of the verse that God has the obligation to mankind because the condition of the man before this portion of Scripture occurs is one of incompletion, so while it may seem like an “obligatory” step by God it actually is one that originates from eternal love and holiness and the one that lays the foundation for the total defeat and humiliation of Satan.  It is the breath of life that comes from the heart and life of God which is pure, righteous, holy, and eternal in status and nature.  There is nothing more sacred then this process of our creation and the one that signifies the Covenant of life to us.  Life is the Covenant that God gives us here, for every human being from this moment onward must draw breath in order to live, thus recreating such an episode of Covenant when each child is born.  The way that humans are born is unique in many ways and certain issues must be addressed as soon as the baby leaves the womb of the mother.  When the baby is born it is not breathing on its own, it must be stimulated to do such a gift for if the baby is not stimulated to breath it shall die within a few minutes after birth.

The original birthing process was done by God when He breathed into the nostrils of Adam and gave him life.  There is no possible way for us to understand how we were going to be created after God did such a method in Adam and Eve but unfortunately we shall never get to experience such a holy sign due to the fact that sin entered into our lives and we must continue to breathe life into our newborns by a humanistic manner.  According to each manner of birth, air must be introduced into the lungs in order for life to exist, or even to start.  The baby is now no longer dependent on its mother for incubation and initial growth just as we shall know when we come to the second portion of this verse talking about how God formed us from the ground.

When you bring into the picture the Hebrew text for the word “breathed” it places this process directly into the same category doctors do when a baby is born today.  The word Hebrew “breathed” that is used here is “wayyippah” which is translated to cause to breathe out, to breathe, blow, or to be blown.  We must recognize that God began this process of life in a specific manner and even though we failed God in the Garden of Eden this order of God’s has not changed one bit for if a doctor or midwife does not perform some kind of blowing or stimulating procedure after a baby is out of the womb, they will not breathe and will quickly die.  How can humans totally disregard such a detail that God established so long ago against the same practice that occurs with every birth today?  Have we lost that much continuity with God’s Word over and in our lives that we refuse to accept this truth?  Or do we play the hand of the eternal fool and listen to a liar when it comes to what God has ordained? 

Furthermore, the progression of such death rituals (abortions) lately has taken a more gruesome turn with laws being written and implemented that if a woman wants an abortion at any time right up to the time of birth, an abortion can be completed.  It means that a term pregnancy can end in abortion with a viable birth baby and the doctors refuse to breathe into the baby’s lungs, they will allow it to lie on some type of flat surface and die.  This is 100% Satan’s plan for not only your baby’s life but for you as well.  There is one huge difference however, that baby who is allowed to suffocate on a dark flat surface shall immediately go back into the presence of God and His eternal home, guaranteed! The person who has that abortion has an opportunity to see that child again sometime down the road, but will you stay with him or her or will you be eternally separated?  I find it supernaturally extraordinary that an exhale, which we no longer need in our lives, can startle our lungs right after birth enough to begin to produce oxygen the product we need.  Without looking it up, how many times a day do you inhale and exhale?  It is not a common thing to go around counting such a mechanism, this process is referred to as an involuntary mechanism, it means we do it without conscious, it is that vital.

This symbolized mechanism of breathing is a requirement for any human to live.  If breathing stops for any reason the blood flow and every organ within the confines of the human body will begin to deteriorate and if air is not restored in a timely manner will then begin to die.  Yes, each cell within each organ shall do its best to survive but at some point will cease to live due to the fact that the needed nutrients for survival shall be used up and nothing is left for replacement.  It is not the Will of God for this process to occur for God is the author and creator of life, life is the only thing He knows and understands and it is life eternally that He offers to those who choose to bypass the world and to live according to His Ways.  Each person walking around this planet, whatever condition they may be in or facing has the Covenant of life within them.  We demonstrate this by the property of breathing and then using this breathing process to reproduce ourselves, another great event that defines life.  The origin of the breath of God within us gives God the authority to pass His judgment over mankind, for He began it and thus is the ONLY One Holy to authorize its completion.  This breathing process cannot take effect unless the foundational living space is completely cut and we subscribe to this effect when medical personnel cut the umbilical cord that attaches the baby to the mother.

Lucifer did his best to disrupt this eternal Covenant by trying to rise above God and to play God, a state or thought that some humans have placed into their hearts in order to promote such a death sentence.  A few weeks ago, we saw this type of activity being told when one of the so-called “famous” people of this nation proclaimed that she had a wonderful time during her abortion procedure and how by following through with such a procedure made her feel like God.  We can never forget that what God ordained as Truth, Satan shall come along and twist it enough to grab his pleasure out of initiation of life and completion of life.  It does not matter which stage of life he picks to harbor he convinces so many people to do such life-ending procedures by many names and through many measures.  The opposite of truth is a lie which is the complete representative of disobedience, which in turn, is the definition of sin and sin is a condition that all of us inherit as soon as the Covenant of life from God is initiated; all due to the fact of sin being introduced a single time. 

See, our established method of reproduction is the highest form of communication and solidarity that man and woman can have for it is the ONLY way to produce another life.  All of these processes have an order that God approved and still approves today, it is Satan’s goal to pervert such a Covenant and continue to see God’s gift be ripped from our lives.  This is why sex is either the best form of worship to God with a single partner or it is the root of all division and mistrust between humans.  It is no coincidence that this topic is addressed right at the beginning of the Word of God because God is our beginning, present, and end.  However, we do not have to have an end per se we can have eternal life abundantly in such a manner that everyone strives for yet go about its presence very sinfully and limited.  God made this covenant of life before Adam understood what was occurring and ever since God “cut” his umbilical cord by breathing life into his nostrils, this process of life has not changed one bit according to God and His Holy Order.

What a perfect example God has given us to represent what Covenant means to Him and to us.  Nothing gives God more pleasure than to see a child take their first breath and He feels the exact same way when one of His children takes their first spiritual breath as well.  There is none more important than life and what it means to all of us, so why are we in a rush to end such a precious item?  God beginning this Covenant with mankind is the most direct line of communication of love that anyone being could display for it is a single step in the life of a new human being.  So, why are we fighting it so much Church?  It is feasible and understandable that the world wishes you to not be in existence but we are supposed to be promoting life and fighting for life at all times, so why the hypocritical stance? 

Through the second half of this single verse in the beginning stages of the Bible, God clearly states how much He views life and what it means to take a breath, so once again, why are we trampling on this Covenant?  We have no option but to better in this fight for life, Church.  We cannot afford to sit around and claim blindness and deafness on this issue because if God made it clear about this procedure in His Word then we better fight for it to continue for all not just for a few select because one day we shall be held accountable for life and if we defend death before life, how will that look for an eternal placement?  We need God to re-inflate our lungs with His spiritual breath again for we have allowed the dirt of the world to fill our lungs to the level that death is preferred instead of shunned.  Yes, we need our worldly umbilical cords cut and be the epitome of life and not a poster child for death.  Church, we have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in, it is vital that we fight for children just as hard as we fight for our own lives.  This is a Covenant from God and that makes it a command from God as well. 


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