Monday, August 17, 2020

Moving The Lines

Moving The Line


There are not many times when it is appropriate to move standards that have been put into place.  Reasons for which these lines have been designated are for protection and security and not deemed as stepping stones into one’s backyard or even in one’s heart.  Yet, over the past few decades or so we have sat back and witnessed this practice occur and today we continue this sitting back and allowance.  Once boundaries are set into place, it is a wonderful concept to maintain their presence and status for they keep everyone intact and defined.  God has always set into place His Lines of eternity but humans just love to make their own and then flaunt them as others walk over their lands.  This practice of moving lines superficially may seem like an equality moment but in reality, it is a dangerous invasion game of lies that shall one day cost hearts their lives.  After all is said and done, God shall still be on His throne with His Line still in place and once again our choice to return to His Ways or not.

There are certain boundaries and connections that people have with groups, organizations, and other forms of identification that set the way for people to live and act.  In the military, each specific group has its own standard; we know them through patches or by nicknames that these groups grab hold of when the individuals are placed within them.  These standards are traditions that must be maintained and abide at all times by each member of the team, without exceptions.  Breaking an established standard may not be a capital punishment proceeding but when the other members of that organization find out what happened, one would think that it was for many times that person may still be allowed in the group but shall have no respect or voice in any further orders or discussions.  A shunning that is equal to a dishonorable discharge and one that will be faced with a turned back if encountered again.  Sadly, this example occurs more often today than ever before, not just in the military but in everyday public life and in the hearts of the Church as well; sounding off a warning alarm for everyone who hears loud enough that danger is imminent but not many care.

Most of us would like to believe that when issues of disturbance arise, that the lines and boundaries that have been previously drawn would be respected and noticed by those who wish to advance in our direction.  The attitude of an aggressor is just that, they are aggressive towards those who want to get out of their way, and they will do many things in order to obtain this goal.  If I have a continually changing range for one of my chemistry tests and refuse to establish a direct line of reference for that test, how can I truly and accurately report out vital patient information to physicians that need to know how to treat their patient?  It is impossible to complete such a task, and in reality, the results that I would be reporting would be based on false standards and therefore not be rendered as accurate.  Having one set figure as the standard for that chemistry test alone relates to good practice and accurate results that I would be confident in when they reach another computer screen or chart.  We measure this standard by controls, the liquid that has specific measurements of each chemistry test we offer, and when our instruments test each assay and produce such a result it must lay within the established standard.  If the result does then the instrument is ready for the day’s performance, if the results are not in standard then corrections must be made before any reporting goes out.

The overall performance of such a standard does not just stop within the current standard being used, their accuracy can be measured over time when lot numbers are exhausted and a new lot number is being introduced.  When one sticks with a single company for their controls it can be assured that over time patterns will be noticed when lot numbers change, yet the new results can be accepted because of the reputation of the control and the company that issued them.  Yes, sometimes our reference ranges change when lot number changes occur but for the most part our control results remain intact and steady throughout the entire period of testing.  When this longevity occurs in control reporting, the patient tests that we report can honestly and proudly be received by all healthcare and patient recipients.  The same type of life standard can be applied to human values and lifestyles as well, but the world does not promote such balances only shaky ground at best for as each day begins another crisis develops and another change is in order to combat the chaos of said change.  This kind of living is not stable and cannot support stability either, and we continue on its path and accept whoever leads by this example.  A recent leader of this nation promoted such line changing and moving and then would directly address those who crossed these lines and warned of them not to continue to do so.  After years and years of standing behind podiums and declaring these line moving, nothing had occurred except for the lowering of our national standard to fit other people’s goals and wants from our nation; this is a temptation and one that shall have grave influences not only on us but to those who have taken advantage of our selfishness as well.

Romans 13:1-2

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

How many of us would classify the state of this nation and many other followers of similar lifestyles lining up with what these two verses are proclaiming?  It is not a hard question to answer and if one honestly answers such a question with just the slightest amount of research, they will see that our lives have fallen right into the midst of these verses.  So much so, that one could pencil in our names into these two verses and it would not make the passage any less accurate.  One of the loudest cries in this nation’s recent history is something like this: he is not my president” or something to the like.  Most people would immediately think that I am talking about this current presidency, but no I am referring to the previous administration where one side of the political aisle began those phrases publicly.  Another question: what do you expect the attitude to be when an opposite platform is elected?  Right, the same thing accrues but with a  deeper and vigorous fervor.  In truth, this is not tolerance by any means but one of intolerance and a way to enter into and present our names into the confines of these verses.

What many folks would like to believe is that there is no God and that we are the ones who make decisions for ourselves, forsaking the True foundation of this nation and every other country that follows after the Creator.  This passage by itself declares that God is the only One that can grant, keep, or take away authority not mankind.  Here is the divide that we face, we have taken God out of our lives, that is our choice and God allowed it to occur but we cannot forget that even though we may think we are totally in control of our existence, we are not and through this manner and way of life of moving boundaries and lines we place our every existence into jeopardy and subject to eternal and pure correction.  It makes me scratch my head in painful wonder when we boldly project that everything that is done for good is our achievement but when something goes wrong it is someone else’s fault.  It is this principle that we stand upon that defines ourselves moving the lines of a standard to make us look good or to feel better.  This action is a death trap on many levels but the one most concerning is the one that dooms us into damnation.  Do you understand that if you do not keep the Standard of God then you automatically promote and sanction the pattern of moving lines?

Frightening as it may seem, many people wanted this type of attitude to become evident and right at this moment, they are getting their jollies fulfilled.  We are currently seeing lines of standards being pushed away, back, left behind, or even thrown away all in the name of freedom and compensation.  Each morning we find that a new or another repeated complication has erupted due to someone not being happy with things they do not have or that they have been disrupted by the way their lives have turned out.  Yes, this nation has many problems that we have ignored for many centuries but this ignorance comes from us choosing not to properly and correctly address them.  We have tried our best to fix these issues by moving lines of standards to accommodate the setting of the day, this is wrong and has always proven fatal. 

The answer to these issues lies in verse 1 of this passage and it all boils down to the fact of whether or not we will allow God to be first in our lives or not.  Verse 2 holds the answer if we do not place and recognize God as first in our lives and it is summed up in one word, damnation.  The Greek word that is used here is “krima” which is translated as judgment.  Also, the end of this verse states exactly who will receive such damnation and that is “themselves” and The Greek word used here is “heautois” which means: himself, herself, itself.  That pretty much sums it up as everyone, do you agree?  The definition of damnation does not have a good outcome no matter how one wishes to address its conclusions.  So why are we so determined to ignore solid and sound advice about having and keeping one True standard?  The will of the people is a weapon that Satan uses against those who fall for his bag of lies, even though they are taught that your personal free will should always come first, defeating any chance of eternal survival and if this is allowed it means that the only line of pursuance is death.  No one can survive shifting lines of standards for you always have to stop and take looks at the new policies, acceptances, and rejections.  There cannot be any safety in such moving lines either for it makes a fluid border that is constantly changing; sadly, this is what many countries voted for and have chosen to “obey”.

God’s Standard is the only way possible for us to understand and then reach our true purpose He has for our lives.  God sets the standard high and leaves it there, it takes work but is not impossible to reach or achieve, any other level of direction is useless and shall fail at any given time.  This lowered standard is actually an abuse of power and is subject to God’s rejection and as we see in this passage exposed to His judgment.  It is easy for us to expect the world to adhere to such wavering conditions for we should quickly recall that the world is in total and constant chaos, but why would the Church succumb to such a notion? And before you start off with your defensive notions, once again take a hard look at the actions of the Church and one shall see just how aligned she has become with the ever-changing of standard lines.  We have ignored the true authority of what God has given His witness and how we should be correcting the wrongs of the world through the power and authority of Jesus.  Jesus followed and willingly kept God’s Standard when He was on earth, without compromise.

Do we realize that our vision of equality based upon human hopes alone will only bring disaster?  What does this have to do with moving lines?  It has everything to do with it for when you try and make equality for everyone, it is lines that have to be moved especially when you deal with those who differ from your own opinion.  As stated above, many people see nothing wrong with this action, either accept or be denied.  This type of action is not equality especially when the lines being able to be moved in any direction for inclusion.  This is not the way God sees equality because the level of standard that humans can only offer or achieve is flawed.  A past presidential administrator once said that Christians do not know their Bible, he was correct, and through our actions according to what the Bible states, we have done things so drastically wrong ever since the Church was established.  Church, our standard should be the one God set into motion the day before the fall of Lucifer and especially the day before our fall.

The sole purpose of defiling God is to get His people to set their standards (lines) on another level than His.  Most people will follow those who are in leadership and do as they see them performing their duties, this is a common trait that all humans possess.  Eventually, this acceptance pattern will become so common within our hearts that we will not even consciously notice that those attributes are being presented publicly.  When our aspirations of acceptance become the majority it is easy to fend off adversaries due to the fact that you are in the majority, but Jesus was never in the majority, He was always against what the religious leaders taught not the people.  It was the leaders that changed the lines and made them agree with what they believed God was saying, they left the Word completely and humanized it for their own profits.

I remember a long while ago that my father stood in the pulpit and made a few remarks concerning how a good portion of the Church voted in a general election.  He was heartbroken because after the dust had settled, it was very apparent that people in the Church (the Church) had voted their pocketbooks instead according to what the bible claims as a True voter for God and His Kingdom.  Yes, my father knew what he was referring to, he knew exactly what was going on in the world and he certainly was “up-to-date” on all of the current events of that day.  The only difference he had with those who voted according to worldly standards was God and he could not stomach to vote for the world in any way.  The world shall always be on the side of moving lines, it is the principle of doing what you think is right no matter who says differently.  Moving the lines only promotes instability on all levels and thus cannot provide any sound advice or protection when the winds and other controversies arise against us.  It is this side of the moving of lines that one can honestly state that this spirit is in full bloom today for it comes natural to the world but it has infected Christians as well.  The reign of moving the lines has no true organization; so much so, that the people who claim to lead such charge cannot even agree on a physical name or plan of action amongst themselves, logical to the disorganized world but contrary to human existence.

Furthermore, many leaders and avenues of our government and with many other governments along with the Church applaud such activity and hope that the nation as we know it falls.  This type of activity should not come as a surprise to us for if our hearts have been glued into the Word of God like we have said it has we should know that this type of activity comes straight from our enemy and we should not have any trouble combating it from the roots upward.  Yet, as each day passes, we are seen helping to move those lines of standard and to promote deeper instability within our nation.  THIS is exactly what Jesus meant that in the latter days' brother would be against brother simply because we do not even recognize who our enemy really is.  Worse, there shall be a change coming to this nation and its inhabitants but it shall not be a change according to human standards.  We cry and cry that we do not want to go back for any reason and that we have everything under control yet we allow the people who we have told that it was alright to do whatever you wish in school, at home, outside of the home and even inside the home; the proof that we are okay with moving lines on the simplest fronts.  All of this daily activity we witness on every newscast, proves that we do not know who our enemy is and that our priorities are selfish in nature and in origin and that God has no place in our lives including church services.

Lastly, God wants us to understand that sees the problems and issues that we face not only as a nation but as individuals as well and that He has the solution to all of these items we deem as important.  But there is no way possible for us to correct them as long as our hearts put selfish and worldly ways before God.  God is the only One who can correct such sinful desires and it would behoove us to listen to His voice before He must step in and make long-lasting adjustments.  Sadly, we have ignored such warnings and God even though God has placed warning after warning in front of our hearts, we have scoffed at them.  Fine, God shall take over and correct our hearts in His Way enough to begin a true revival once again in this land (hearts).  We have been thoroughly warned and now we shall be tried because we spent a grand amount of time moving the eternal standard from our land in order to plant our own grove of idol worship.  How shall we respond when this enormous change arrives?  Will we find a way to move our standard once again or will we finally stand and fight with the other 299 on the Standard of God and refuse to be a part of moving the lines?


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