Friday, August 28, 2020

Reaction To Numbers

Reaction To Numbers


All of us like to have a wealth of numbers on the team we represent, for in numbers the more the merrier, right?  What happens when the pool of the available participants is not there, to begin with, what happens to the confidence level then?  What if there are plenty of numbers present but the majority of them are sent home due to a certain flaw or circumstantial belief, which then dwindles the numbers on your side to almost nothing?  Do you realize that this is what is occurring in the Church world today and do you understand exactly what we are facing during all of these events that haunt us today?  This is not the first time this type of low numbered individuals has been called upon to fight a huge army, but what guts and courage it took for the small few to stand tall and obey the leader of the army.  God expects us not to look at the physical numbers of who is on our team, but see what is common within our hearts to fulfill the common goal of witnessing to the lost and to win people to the Lord.  God does not care about numbers, He cares about eternity and which of His Creation shall spend it with Him.

Some have heard about how China has over 1.5 billion inhabitants and how through this population the country could easily form a military well over the entire population of our nation.  This number is staggering when we place it into this context, but it is one that can be fathomed and possible if provoked.  Now, not every nation can produce such gigantic numbers for a defense budget and if those smaller nations were to come up against the military of China, it would not be too pretty when every dust particle has fallen.  Furthermore, even smaller countries seem to present a formidable military docket when it comes to advanced maneuvers and training but how will they perform on an actual battlefield is all the rage to see.  Having an enormous military may be handy in some accounts but not all nations who have a large sustained population deem having a large military important.  An untrained large military can charge up a hill that is only defended with a few strong points above and be totally wiped out before they even leave the base of the mountain.

Even a well-supplied contingency of personnel cannot guarantee a victory just with numbers alone, so one must ask are numbers really that important when obtainable situations arise?  Just for the security and peace of mind, that answer would be a resounding yes, but is it even plausible to have a small military and still be considered an impact on potential attackers?  One should ask Israel, for they are the prime example of such a small country that invests almost every man and woman into their defense.  Whereas we may afford to lose a battle or two in a military conflict, Israel cannot for if they lose just one battle their existence as a nation is over and the possibility of an entire race could be once again on the verge of being wiped out.  The numbers game draws close to every person in this nation along with dozens of other nations as well, so what makes the difference when it comes to fighting in small numbers versus a vast army in front of you?

Another question to be asked and answered is the fact if we could watch our current military or defense numbers be declined by certain conditions or just by people objecting in any way?  Many would like to believe that all defense systems are shrinking proof or leaving proof but that is not the case.  How confident would we become if our defenses were quickly cut from a 100% security protection plan to only a 10% protection plan, what would our attitudes and confidence levels be then?  One may never know exactly what is going to occur when times become tough or an imminent attack changes the entire outcome of a region or nation.  It is at this point that we must have some sort of solid and true foundation that we can stand upon so that when necessary we can form a defensive posture and even look like we are able to mount a credible attack after the defenses have held.  Do we believe that something like this scenario could be achieved today and could we truly be organized enough to trust a leader that we have not even met before personally?

Judges 7:1-7

“Then Jerubbaal, who is Gideon, and all the people that were with him, rose up early, and pitched beside the well of Harod: so that the host of the Midianites were on the north side of them, by the hill of Morah, in the valley. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me. Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people twenty and two thousand; and there remained ten thousand. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go. So he brought down the people unto the water: and the Lord said unto Gideon, Every one that lappet of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappet, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink. And the number of them that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water. And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place.”

So, this passage brings to light a problem with the numbers we wish to inflate when it comes to how many people we believe consider themselves to be Christians.  For some reason, we think that the Church is strong due to the size of those who “claim” to be Christians and hold God sacred in their lives, yet there are countless amounts of people who allow worldly atrocities to be harbored within the belief system that go totally contrary to the Word of God.  Where does this type of belief and condition of this “Christian” fall?  It falls into the category of those who God told Gideon to ask who was afraid, for it was in this category that most left the scene.  They have no intention of standing and fighting for the Word of God even though they claim to be in the numbered army of God, a sad placement and the reason that most in this category would be as babes when it came to defending what God deemed important.

When studying this passage, one cannot help but wonder if the same conditions are being leveled today with the number of people that consider themselves to be Christians are dwindling.  Church attendance, tithing, and almost every other Church tradition is being shattered due to the lack of people willing to volunteer themselves for the Kingdom.  It would be easy to read such a passage and wonder if God is doing such a thing once again, but when you understand the context of the Scripture passage here you shall see that this belief by many today is far from the Truth about what is going on.  I have heard many times over my fifty-odd years or so that there will be a great falling away in the last days and that there will be a great revival in the last days, and while both of these statements are true we have had the tendency to sit back and watch them unfold on their own totally missing the fact of just how important world events conduct such measures.  It is not our position to sit back and to watch things pass us by and then cry out to God for mercy, nor is it our responsibility to build enormous palatial like buildings to draw in people either.  It is our responsibility to bring in people to the salvation and Covenant of Jesus Christ and it is this Truth that we need to focus on now and not wait until time passes along.

When you look at this passage, you must take into account the attitude of the people for they showed up for their duty to protect their nation.  Yes, the people were great in number at first but they were there, they did not sit back and stay at home (church pews) and wait to see what occurred.  After God spoke to Gideon and gave the first command, thousands went home.  Still, God said this was too many people for Israel to have on the battlefield, so He gave a second command of action and through this act dwindled the number of warriors down even further; wow, what a bold measure this was but it was an active process and the men acted once again on what to do.  Again, they were out there and acted in order to defend the nation of Israel from their enemies.  The number of people that began was numerous but the number that ended up on the battlefield was the exact number of three hundred.  The difference was clear, the battle was fought with a handful of men that God chose that were willing to fight not the ones who might have had the idea of staying home and waiting for the headline news reports in the evening.

This process that we currently claim as our own is not following God’s plan of reducing numbers to fight a more formidable opponent, but a strategy for total annihilation through our own spiritual and biblical Truth that has been in front of our eyes, hearts, and ears for generations.  How dare we thumb our noses at God and then beg for prosperity and mercy when times become strained.  How dare we cry out to God for blessings and continued structure when we hold the torch of the world in our hands and wave it in front of the cameras for all to see.  How dare we say we are Christians and protest against those who stand for all life including the preborn child who never gets to fulfill their deepest wishes of becoming a true spirit.  And how dare we call upon the name of the Lord to give us the strength to defeat the ones who are on the corners of the streets and in tents trying to proclaim the gospel of Christ and label them heretics and enemies of the State.  In each of these instances, we find people carrying their own lines of embarkation with the masses of the world.  We should be embracing these few folks who do their best to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to the dying world, we should be standing with them and listening to what God wants us to say to these people in need.  It does not matter if the times are good or if the times are bad, God never changes and His eyes are always in favor of the lost, so should ours be. 

Church, can’t we see that we are dwindling our numbers by our own choices for the world and not through the correct manner?  When we place worldly ideas into Church practices it removes the “C” and replaces it with a “c” because the authority we have been given falls for the lies of the world and it is obvious that we have fallen for the biggest shame of life itself and have succumbed to the lies that the world has placed in front of us.  How hard is it for us to see that we are following in the exact footsteps that Israel did so long ago and why is it that we continue to believe that God does not have the guts to wipe us from our man-made selfish pedestals?  When God chose these brave three hundred men that would stand firm against the Midianites, He did so in a cutting and precise manner that could not be mistaken for anything but holy and pure.  Those who were not chosen were cut away from the job to be done for various reasons, not used in the job that had to be done.  In other words, God looked at each of their hearts and knew exactly which ones would fight and those who would have doubts.  There is no faith present to take on an attack from the enemy much less proceed in one from God, so the question that remains is would you be willing to be a part of this static force?  Numbers mean nothing when it comes time to go to war, it is the heart to win that matters, and God saw exactly what He needed to when He chose the army for Gideon.  Do you know God needs an army today, for the same type of battle that Gideon faced so long ago?

Our numbers that sit inside church buildings used to be more numerous than ever before, but it is now evident that those numbers were useless to God and had to be removed.  However, it was not God who removed these beautiful people, it was the enemy.  Both kingdom leaders understood what was and still, is at stake and both shall do their eternally best to fight for your existence.  Sadly, we have fallen for the lies that it is okay to sit silently and wait for Jesus to return and expect to see our eternal reward as soon as this event occurs.  Worse, is the fact that because our pews have been lined with people not willing to work for Jesus, those same pews shall continue to be filled after Jesus comes to get His bride, sitting in the same places but this time with confused looks on their faces due to the fact that while they knew the Word of God they had no idea about God of the Word.  God has never administered any type of falling away in spirituality in order to make His army stronger, He has shrunk numbers of His army in order for Him to get the glory for the victory through faith and trust in Him and not in mankind’s numbers.

No, we are not in the middle of some God-like miracle shrinking session so that we will have an adequate amount of people to fight in the Spirit when the time is necessary.  How do I know this to be true? It is because we have been charged with the Gospel for millennia and have sat around and did nothing with it and now God has to take matters into His hands.  Yes, until Jesus returns there shall be people that shall proclaim the Gospel to those who are dying and need Christ but God had no intention of starting over in this manner.  It is true that restoration shall be coming but not in a smoothed out manner that we believe it to be.  It shall be in God’s timing after God gets us down to a level that our hearts shall trust in Him alone again.  However, God shall once again through this restoration process begin to count the number of people who want to worship Him as they should, but for many, that chance is gone and the reality of such sinful acts from the Church shall be noted for eternity.


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