When we think about this term and all of the implications
that it brings with it, it can quickly become an overwhelming topic. Also, when we study this word we can find out
that its presence can encompass almost every realm of human life and it’s
infiltrating properties just as deep and thorough. Temptation is a process that destroys the established program already rooted into place with established foundational
material that all of us need to maintain a secure level of stability; yet, for
many reasons we entertain this word and allow its penetrating qualities
overtake our lives until we willingly change our values and foundational
support to accommodate its intended destructive paths. God never intended for us to have to deal
with such impurities, He Created us and then placed us into a perfect society
in which we had only one Law, obedience.
Even after our choice to disobey, God placed over us a plan of action
that would allow our restoration but this time through a process of work and need
to survive under God that serves as our foundation.
The old argument whether or not this nation was founded
on God and His Ways of existence shall never die out; in fact, those arguments
and testaments continue to fuel divided results within our nation and provide a
certain level of animosity on both sides of the argument aisle. This process of questioning and discussion is
not a bad one and in truth should be practiced regularly on a civil and
meaningful level but somehow most of the time we tend to allow emotions to
invade these procedures and the sides end up leaving further from each other
than whence we began. It is recorded in
the documents of the early settlers and the Pilgrims as to the reasons why they
moved from other lands and came to these shores, and it was not just to start a
new life without monarchs and other governmental controllers over their every
move. However, it is evident that
shortly after these people arrived in America, their attitudes and ways of
living shifted and began to trust in themselves instead of God. Eventually, these ways became laws and these
laws began a new era of “obedience” that fell to the promises of mankind
instead of God.
If these ways are continued for any length of time, if
any way is whole-heartedly followed for any length of time than those ways of
teaching shall prevail in the minds and hearts of those taught those values;
just a normal human trait that the Bible addresses many times throughout its
content but mostly ignored. When we take
a look at those who came over in the beginning of our nation we find that God
was their passion and the freedom of worshipping Him was by far the utmost plan
of their hearts. As stated above, soon
those ways began to change and pretty scouring and hideous events began to
unfold in order to keep control of what was supposed to be religious freedom
first. This pattern would continue for
quite some time and if one is, to be honest, the persecution of those who seem
different still come under tight scrutiny.
However, today the form of such scrutiny comes from the worldly
population and moves towards what has been the foundation of this land, its
identity and it looks like it is here to stay.
One of the most common forms of scrutiny comes in the name of
immigration. There have been so much
talk, testimony, hearings, and even laws passed for those who wish to come into
this nation. It is this example that God
is going to use in order for us to see how much our views have changed over the
years since our establishment so that we can see that our actions today
represent temptations instead of true freedom.
Genesis 3:12-13
“And the man said,
The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did
eat. And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?
And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.”
Matthew 6:9-13
“After this manner
therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
Genesis 3:21
“Unto Adam also
and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”
Most of have witnessed story after story of how people
pay so much money to illegally enter into this country. We have also watched many programs and
documentaries detailing how stiff our laws are when it comes to those who
choose this type of pathway. However,
there is a great way to enter this nation legally and to go through the proper
channels when real commitment to this nation is warranted. The first people of this land from England
did such a thing in the name of God, elevating His Ways over the laws of
mankind, just as God commanded the Israelites to do when they entered into the
Promised Land. The early settlers
praised God continually and built churches and temples so that people could
worship freely. This was not a
temptation but a calling from God to complete a mission that He wanted to be done for
anyone who wanted to worship Him could do so whenever and however they felt. When anything or anyone changes their stance
on God and where they place Him in their lives, their appearance of their lives
and living space changes as well; this act alone renders our attractiveness to
countless people a temptation.
Today, we see interview after interview of wonderful
people claiming many different bounds as to why they want to enter into this
country from their country of origin. If
we sat down and watched and listened to these interviews, I guarantee that the
majority if not all of them would be for personal beautification of their lives
or so-called governmental dislikes that would be the fueling aspects of their
arrival. While these events if true are
noble they are a far cry from what this nation was established to be, a land of
the free to worship God. After listening
to these folks speak about the many reasons why they travel to our borders I
have not heard ONE of these people say that they came to this nation so they
could worship God in the manner in which they wanted. Not one!
This is where our beliefs and foundation has been sold to hungry people
through temptations instead of our original destiny under God. It is a fact, that when people get their eyes
and hearts off of God they shall automatically be susceptible to temptation and
at the same time look at temptation from a different perspective, one from the
world instead of from God.
When we look at the first passage in Genesis we find that
Adam and Eve have allowed sin into humanity’s existence and there is no longer
any protection from this deadly entity.
Excuses become the rule of Adam and he starts the blame game instead of
taking up the whole of responsibility since it was him who God commanded to
obey first. Then God turns to the woman
and asks her why she did what she did and once again the blame game came out in
a partially complete story, the serpent beguiled me. Neither of these two created beings asked for
forgiveness nor did they admit that they were the ones to do wrong, it was
someone else’s fault, a setting we see and hear almost every day. The humans fell for the temptation that was
before them; we also notice here that the amount of time that the temptation
was present was not mentioned, it does not matter, it is the presence that counts,
more on that detail in a later article.
From the words of God Adam and Eve’s directional foundation was changed
from the original godly one to a godless widowed site, temptation (sin) is the
only source for this fall.
When we look at the second passage of Scripture, we
recognize it as its familiar name, “The Lord’s Prayer”. But when you look at the order in which Jesus
says this prayer we must understand that there is a reason for the list of
sentences and how they are placed together.
When Jesus says what He does about the flow of the God’s Kingdom He does
so in a manner of perfection and glory, just like God created on earth in the
Garden of Eden. Then He states some
problems within the hearts of mankind, forgiving and forgiveness two of the
hardest things for humans to accept and to do.
Next Jesus brings up temptation and how if we do not follow the previous
words of this prayer first, then we will be led into a process of temptation;
then, we now can deeper know why and how Adam and Eve (us) fell into this
trap. Once temptation is sought by
humans, all doors to your life are exposed to our enemy, and since others have
acquired this same temptation spirit too, everyone becomes an enemy in the name
of pleasures (temptations).
The third passage of Scripture deals with restoration and
how God is the only One able to provide such a passage of acceptance. We found out earlier in Genesis 3 that when
Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves it did not work for the price they spent
in order to cover themselves was far down the chain and worth dirty sinful rags
in value. Genesis 3:21 says that God
provided coats of skins for both Adam and Eve, what does skin do for our
bodies? It covers the vital portions of
our bodies and encloses these organs so that they can continue to function as
they were designed. Skin operates as a
protective covering and holds us in place and as long as our skin stays intact,
we are protected. God demonstrates just
what needs to occur if we are to be eternally covered from the ruler of the
world, and while the skins were freely given to Adam and Eve (us) it is a
difficult journey to keep them and this journey is called choice.
The other day I watched a video of a pastor who had
received a vision and Word from the Lord.
It is a powerful statement from God and one that shall ever ring true
when it comes to this nation and to the Church as well. He stated that “The God of the universe have
determined that you shall receive all that you have given unto mankind.” This statement from God sums up everything
that this nation stood for when she was created and what she stands for today
AND the difference between those two eras.
When anyone deals with God on a personal level it shall always be on a
deep and spiritual content, but when the world becomes a part of our lives it removes
this spiritual content and replaces it with a superficial and physical first
nature. It is this superficial nature
that informs our eyes to entertain temptation and thus our nation has turned to
only temptation as its source of reference and foundation. So, it does not matter if you recognize that
this nation is dealing in temptation or not, God sees it and has told us
exactly what He thinks about it and what He is going to do about it.
Some would argue that we have done some pretty good
things over our tenure as the leaders of the free world, that is a correct
statement to made; however, good deeds alone represent selfishness of mankind
and cannot amount to anything everlasting.
Satan knows this and will use these good deeds to bring in his agenda
through the natural progressive nature that God gave us when He Created
us. It is this point that we have led
people astray for our motives have dictated worldly passions and have
instructed many others that God is not essential and that we can do things on
our own without His help, guidance or relationship. This is why this video from this pastor is so
important, for it relays the truth about where our passions lie and what we
hold dear and true in our hearts.
Temptation cannot suffice God or His intentions for your life, God’s
plan shall always be planted deep within your heart and grow from there, but we
have suppressed this so much that we find it necessary to destroy everything
around us in order to start over according to what we believe is true through
anger and entitlement.
Church, you are not going to escape this judgment from
God either, so get ready to face the consequences that we have allowed for
ourselves. See, God gave the Church the
authority to change the world by preaching the gospel to the dying world but we
have refused to do this correctly. We
have adulterated our mission, the mission that Jesus commanded us to do, to
please our own blinded temptations, eating of the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil if you want to place it into that perspective. When God commissions anything, His will shall
be done, period. Hence the words Jesus
used in Matthew. We may not like what
God has to offer us but when it comes to making us realize what we have done,
He has no choice. We have failed Church
and since God is not the being that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
but He is the same Being in Genesis 3:21 we now can say we have the origin,
definition, and actions of temptation.
I know that this topic is a tough one to deal with and to
even understand thoroughly, but it is one that lays out the foundation of sin
and how it infects our lives on a routine and daily basis. There is no possible way that we can survive
eternally with just a superficial knowledge of God and His Ways, it is
impossible to live faithfully in such a manner.
All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God but we have a
hope of restoration that if we accept, will provide us the covering needed to
live forever. The God that provided Adam
and Eve a covering still operates in that same business today and if we turn to
Him and give our hearts to Him 100% He will forgive us and heal our land. We must understand something here, judgment
is coming upon our land and this process is already in motion according to the
spirit realm, it cannot be stopped. This
procedure shall affect everyone around the world, not just in this nation alone
things shall change completely as we know it nothing shall be the same. We demand that everything revolve around us
and our lifestyles, we demand that everything we do be noticed and admired by
all, okay we are about to witness this level of acknowledgment from God. But when things are all said and done, always
know that God is still on His throne and He alone is always in control. Let the restoration of our hearts begin.
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