Friday, December 4, 2020

Shock and Awe Supernatural Style

Shock and Awe Supernatural Style


How many times have humans made such a statement or one close to it?  We would like to believe that words and phrases such as these would prove effective enough to ensure complete victory no matter which side makes them.  However, we know that when such words fly freely some people end up getting hurt and escalations occur with deeper and further issues created.  Yet, in the end, this statement can never produce what was said to be intended and the human race becomes disenchanted with the actions of leaders once again.  But God is different, He has been, is now, and always shall be a complete God and whatever He does He does in a fulfilling manner at all times.  This is why it would behoove us to listen to His Words first before we see His hand in action for when God strikes it shall be a complete shock and awe event, one that no one has ever witnessed before, and from the accounts, in the Bible, we really do not wish to see this occur.

Catchphrases dominate our world cultures today and from what can be gathered from history have been ever since mankind was present on this earth.  They have their purpose and design, mainly to grab hold of higher ground or placement when competitions arise between individuals, groups, or nations.  Looking tougher and bigger than your enemy is always a goal to be met when challenges are presented and it is through this type of inflammatory measures that this goal of superiority shall be achieved.  The phrase "shock and awe" was made popular during one of the wars that the West had with Iraq, describing how the initial barrage of guns from the West would be seen upon commencement of firing.  No specific details were given upon the announcement of this phrase to the public but all that was said was that the entire world would be in shock and awe when it occurred.  We were disappointed, for the weapons while they did fire they were not as bright and loud as everyone was led to believe.

The second phrase that was used in and around such wartime gatherings was from the other side of the block and it was "mother of all battles".  This phrase was used by the then leader of Iraq Saddam Husein doing his best to describe what would be going on when the two forces met up with each other in the desert.  According to Saddam's belief, the battle would not last long and that his troops would completely annihilate the coalition forces so gravely that none would make it out alive, a result that western allies could not take and would have to withdraw from the war and surrender on his terms alone.  Well, we all know how that highly anticipated battle turned out for Saddam was right on one aspect, it was a quick fight and it did not last very long, nor did the war itself for it was over in just a few days but with Iraq being the loser and not the victor.  Yes, both sides suffered casualties but the coalition forces much less than what the Iraqi army endured, their entire army was basically wiped out within a few short weeks.

Numbers 16:31-32

"And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods."

One of the concepts humans tend to downplay is the fact of how superior we have become, especially when it deals with the macho aspect of fighting and battlefield techniques.  The physical aspects of war and the concepts of war can be summed up with mediocracy at best for nothing goes according to plan when two sides meet to face off against each other which proves that opening jabs really do not mean too much because the main fighting and results come on the battlefield.  These filtered and pointed jab phrases are jaded views that have infiltrated our lives and surroundings enough that we think nothing about using them before any other measures are taken to avoid confrontations, a drastic mistake from those who cannot even survive without the basic concepts of life being understood.  How are we to think when real disasters occur on our lands and in our hearts or even when God moves His hand across these entities.  When mankind ends wars or conflicts, we always leave behind devastating results for others to fix or to endure and as each of these times arrive we still have no answers of how to avoid any future dealings in those areas.

Take a look at the details that God does when He has to get His point across to His children about how their attitudes are and just how deep He needs to clean things out and up.  Even though the times may have changed over humanity's timeline, God still works in Ways that confound the human mind and heart, and sometimes we do not understand why issues come about until after we read His Word again and correctly apply it to our lives.  The good news about these historical settings is that we do not have to follow in the same patterns that the subjects in the Bible did; however, most of the time we totally miss why the hand of God must be shown t our hearts and land because we are so out-of-touch with His Word in the first place.  The eternal question still remains and that question is why do we continue not to trust the simple and easy Way of life, even after we have had so many warnings of our impending devastation?  The human recourse is to follow what is in plain sight and readily available with the least amount of effort having to be included.  In other words, the ways of the world which in turn deepens our problems instead of fixing them once and for all.  

The sad portion about this continued disappointment human statement is that after a few times around the proverbial block we believe that we are supposed to be in this condition and thus believe that we have fixed these issues and are ready to move forward.  Through this miscalculated assessment, our true strength is actually drained and our supplies bled out to the point that we create another "crisis" that we must attend to, our only problem is that we are too tired to recover properly before the next ordeal is encountered thus the cycle is voluntarily followed according to the broken standards we have embraced as the savior of the individual and country.  Interestingly enough, the issues that we face, many times have been encountered before and when not adequately reviewed are bound to occur again but this time an added flare to them is noticed; remember, we love to be on top of the world at all levels and platforms, so it would be "natural" to encounter the same type of issues.  But these issues are actually warnings of things to come if not properly dealt with, as in allowing God to show us the correct path to take so that all systems of such issue are dealt with not just the superficial aspects.

When God deals with judgment, He never does such things without first giving people the time to repent and to change their ways.  All throughout the Bible, we have countless examples of this fact concerning God and how He deals with His children.  We see this warning to Adam when he was in the Garden of Eden concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, once again we see this process as each of the prophets in the Old Testament speaks about the spiritual heart and physical lives of the people of Israel, also we find that animals decide to obey God by swallowing up those who deliberately disobey to do what God tells them to do, and of course, we cannot forget that 9 of the ten plagues were against those leaders who did not obey the voice of God either.  Disobedience did not just stick around in the Old Testament either, the New Testament is filled with passages and Scriptures that contain items of this behavior when it comes to Church actions and activities. So why do we think or believe that these acts of humans cannot and does not exist today?

Furthermore, and one that seems definitely relevant for today, and is the complete refusal of listening to and recognizing the leaders that were placed in their positions.  There are not many detailed events of such shock and awe where people are called into one place and then all of a sudden the ground opens up and swallows each one who was in disagreement with the chosen authority.  It is this example that is used for this article for it demonstrates what really happens to people when they have no respect for those who are in charge of others.  It does not matter who they have hurt or what they have done in the past, they are the leaders who have been chosen to lead for that moment.  God looks upon the heart of a human and makes the necessary steps in accordance with THIS quality and not of just the physical quality.  Even the passage that has been warranted for this article has warnings of God in it BEFORE the actual event occurred.  God says to us that His warnings have been adequately shared with everyone around the world and that there is no excuse for their missing.

What is coming to this land shall change the entire being of this nation and it shall be done so in such a manner that no one expects.  There has been some talk of a "great reset" but this is based upon lies and inuendos that only dwell on the superficial and shall not run deep enough.  This phrase of coming change just like the others mentioned above shall not compare to what God is about to do to this land because of our worldly acceptance of its wickedness.  Remember God is a Holy God who operates in complete, eternal and fulfilled Ways at all times which means that what He says shall come to pass on a 100% fulfillment plan.  For those who laughed at the human aspect of shock and awe before shall not laugh at what is coming, for it shall be quick and thorough like no human has ever witnessed before.

Church, it is time to pray, but not for any type of delay or discernment of what is coming, for God has ordained such activity and it cannot be stopped from occurring.  It is time for us to pray that our hearts are ready to meet Jesus on all levels and to help us be prepared to help those who will need us when the time arrives.  We have not done our jobs as we were supposed to do, but now we cannot sit back and wallow in our ashes, even Job did not do that.  We need to be ready, we have had plenty of time and opportunity to get prepared, it is time to complete the mission that Jesus gave us.  The passage in Numbers 16 that is for this article is one that does not paint a pretty picture, but it serves as a reminder that those who are spared need God and that they do need a great reset but in the manner of God and not of the world.  Pray, brace yourself, hold on, and most importantly be ready.


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