Sunday, December 20, 2020

Moses' Seat

Moses' Seat


Leadership is a position desired by many and obtained only by a few.  When this opportunity arrives, it should be handled accurately enough of the position and what that position means to those who you serve.  All sides of the servitude should be transmitted in a pure and orderly manner.  Also, if the one holding such a position does not perform satisfactorily according to their foundation then that person presents a danger to those under them.  Jesus calls out such leaders who sat in a very honored position and did not follow what Moses said or did but still claimed the position as their rightful place.  Look at what Jesus said and did, He fulfilled what Moses said and did but the holders of such seats failed to recognize this.  How many of us live the same lives as the scribes and Pharisees and continue to claim such lies?  One day, those lies shall catch up with us and be dealt with according to God, not just mankind.

Anyone out there play king of the hill or any other action game where certain players held the position of being king or top leader for a limited time?  What about war, where one was the commander of others and lead their soldiers into battle and then claim victory?  Most of us played some type of game like this, or we have sat and daydreamt about being the CEO of the world's largest business corporation, there is nothing wrong with this idea or process as long as we know that no matter what position of authority we hold that there will always be someone over us and will serve as the rule maker of our lives.  I asked my parents one time what it was like to be the pastor of the church where no one was higher than their position.  My father quickly responded by saying that there were people higher than him, they were the board and then he added that even if no board would be present, God would always rule over his heart, so even at his elected position, there was always someone over him that he would serve.

Many believe that leaders have it made and that all they do is make appearances to others and represent a section of a business or organization.  While some leadership positions hold cush jobs most of the time decisions are made at these levels which never make it past the doors of a closed meeting.  Overall, we hold our jobs accountable to leaders and the words and directives they put forth and follow; however, there are those who do not meet the criteria for being such a leader or they become too big for their britches and then stop listening to what they represent and allow corruption to set in.  We have been witness to businesses and other top organizations go through hard times or even close their doors because of sick and distorted actions by their leadership.  Sadly, these failures hurt us for most of us at one time or another have been proud of our leaders and the position our organization holds within the community, state, or global societies.  One of the gravest turmoils that this nation faces today is that of political nature.  We have watched as both political parties have suffered tremendous instabilities and failings over the past two or three decades now, and those atrocities are the ones that we know about for it is a guarantee that far greater numbers of these settings have gone unnoticed or reported.  These issues are not one of the minor instances that really do not need to be controlled but ones that are treasonous in nature not just only on a personal level but on a national and spiritual level as well.  Unfortunately, these major crimes are on the daily increase schedule and do not look like they will begin to decrease any time soon.  

There has never been any question about the status of this nation and the position that she holds on the global stage.  Up until a few decades ago, our actions were hardly ever questioned nor were they ridiculed as improper or irregular on any level.  There was a logical and blessed reason for this standard, it was graced to us by God and therefore pure in its content.  But for the last few decades or so, our reputation has been in a decline that for some reason we are not too much concerned about.  This decline has not just been on other shores but within our shores and in this condition we too are concerned.  Well, this untouchable attitude of ours now has created a monster that is unhinged and untamed and is threatening our nation to the point of purposefully unraveling the Constitution by a great number of people.  These people are the leaders of this nation and publicly display their discontent for the laws of this country by making up their own as time warrants.  What they have forgotten is that this land is not theirs at all it is God's and the unjust balances that we are enforcing God cannot stand.  When said leaders demand that families do not gather with families for the holidays and then board a plane to another state to be with family, there can be no good in the capitals of our land.  This action also shows us what lies within the hearts of these people and since many of us voted for these leaders we are just as guilty as they, and still proud of them as well.

Matthew 23:1-7

"Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say and do not.  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.  But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi."

Proverbs 18:24

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

As we read the New Testament, especially the four Gospels it is clear that the words of Jesus portray a descriptive column of men that proclaim one thing but act toward another claim.  Now, we can expect a few leaders to act in such a way but when this presentation is systematic there can be no hesitation in calling out the obvious.  Jesus acknowledges the fact that the positions that the scribes and Pharisees held were that of Moses for it was they who wrote the laws and ways of the times on the religious section.  However, Moses proceeded to write what God showed him to be true, and just while the Pharisees wrote what they felt like at the time.  They had no intentions of providing and reminding the people of the Ways of God or in the spiritual welfare of the people, it was all about themselves and their appearance in public and we all know that people hold themselves in public as what is present within their heart.  When rules, violations of them, and fines were written and then handed out at the same time, there are problems on all sides of these actions.

How did we as a nation become so inherently blind and selfish enough to warrant such sanctioned words against us?  It is evident that God has placed us into an identical role such as the ones that the Pharisees had long ago, but it was the same aristocracy and entitlement beliefs that we allowed to take root in our hearts then grow into a worldly beast that demands more consumption than giving.  It was always God's intention for this nation to be the beacon that shown everywhere and to be the leader that the dying world so desperately needed.  God also established the Church to be the spiritual guidance counselor when it came time to witness how and why we have been so blessed.  In no circumstances, can a leader on any level operate in such a capacity of deceit and lies and still consider themselves to be the top example to the world?  It is an abomination in the eyes and heart of God when any type of person operates in such a capacity and directs others in such an eternally horrific manner.

Another detail that God wants us to take to heart is the fact that these types of leaders say they are in touch with us and they care about our welfare and well-being.  How can someone who continually bases their actions on lies be an effective or true leader?  It is impossible to do such a thing since people purposefully deceive others.  They have no real connection to you or I only a spirit of appeasement that fools us for a while with false hearts and contentious words for they are in this position, for one thing, to line their pockets and self-righteous presences at the expense of our lives.  One can almost imagine the positions that Moses and Pharaoh held, and can see both sides being displayed in the scribes and Pharisees all at the same time.  Any position of leadership never has been about holding specific titles and warrants for personal gain, but to place themselves as a servant to those they are responsible for, to serve them in the best way possible. So, given this evaluation, one cannot expect any other type of behavior than what the leaders project and give outwardly.

But where does such an attitude come and why does it harbor in leaders that should have hearts of servitude?  Jesus makes reference to the one person in the Old Testament who had the greatest people challenge and in the way, He said these words, gave the people a visual hint that things could have been very different for them if Moses had acted in the same manner as the leaders of their day were displaying.  Why did not the people call out those who were obviously presenting themselves in such a manner?  Now, Jesus was referring to the religious leaders of that day and not the secular ones and there is a reason for this.  Jesus understood that they had a separate duty from the secular world, one that required much from them as it pertained to God and the way they lived.  It was for this reason that Jesus objected directly to these leaders because they were harboring the exact same sins that they demanded the people keep away from.  Jesus exposed them and proved to everyone who they were and that God was not happy with this activity, and if they did not change that He would overtly expose all of their sins.
When Jesus died, look at the results that occurred to the leaders of the Temple and to what happened to the Temple itself.  The self-centered ideology that only certain people could have direct access to the people was now gone, a process that had been turned into a worldly profession instead of a holy place of sinful confession and communication center for repentance.  Destruction came to Jerusalem and it was not too many years later that the Temple itself was destroyed by the ruling class that occupied the land.  These results are a direct consequence of what happens when leaders and the people who stride with them allow corruption to mix in with real Truth, it is not a pretty sight to witness and then live under afterward.

Church, as symbolic leaders representing Moses' seat, God sees the mess that we have made of our position.  Furthermore, because of our elevated eternal status and separation from the world, our inclusion of the world has lowered us into serving and even dressing like the scribes and Pharisees.  Our actions and words mimic these vipers almost word for word and God wants us to know, just as Jesus said many centuries ago, we are sick and we are voluntarily being sinners in our dressed up buildings and overall robes of flash.  Our hearts are more concentrated away from the mission of the Church, hidden up within our own play toys devices and gossip columns.  None is more evident than what we are doing in times such as these today, we are not charging the people to pray and repent but to comply without hesitation to those around who want the doors of churches closed.  Honestly, do we even claim to be sitting on Moses' seat?  Do we even understand what it means to be in such a position?

Many people have questioned why God picked the time He did for Jesus to be on the earth, I guess that is a question that can be answered by God when we see His Glory in Heaven.  Jesus could have easily come to earth today, for the exact same powers to be are in practice today as they were back during the New Testament times.  The leaders were so engrossed with themselves that they totally failed to recognize who Jesus was and what the meaning of His presence meant.  We have asked ourselves this question for a while now, written songs about it, and even penned books and manuscripts, all asking if we would recognize Jesus for who He is, today.  Church, we have done a lousy job in proclaiming Jesus to the dying world which can only mean one thing, we have a lousy sense of knowledge about who Jesus is and even worse conception of what He means to us personally.

One last question to answer from God and that is: how will we respond when the consequences of our Pharisee and scribe antics are blown away?  I mean, it is easy for us to believe that those who refuse to accept Christ and are in the leadership positions will suffer but what about us who were supposed to be the light of the world and to tell others about Christ who did not complete our authority of Moses' seat?  We will be included in this section of God's hand over our lives, so afterward will we be as our Pharisee ancestors and mock and curse Christ and God for the waves of judgments that will come over us or will we get our heads up from our phones and computers and go back to work and give an explanation as to why our world has changed forever?  We have taken advantage of Moses' seat for far too long Church, it is time we use it in the manner to which God intended it to be used.  Repent, take a stand for God and study His Word and then proclaim it to the dying world who shall need us more than ever.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains


How many of us have heard of this phrase and wished that this miracle would happen to them?  Believe it or not, it has happened in your life but in order for us to think about these events, we must first change our thoughts from just the physical to the spiritual.  Yes, I believe that God can physically move mountains but when He does so, He must take into consideration what occurs to the balance of nature when it occurs.  If a side of a mountain falls down and lands in a valley there will be some things that need cleaning up, but when a side of a mountain falls into the water, look out for there will be some pretty huge waves approaching somewhere later.  The same occurs when God moves spiritual mountains in our lives, they are there for a planted reason and when those obstacles are removed then our enemy gets pretty upset and wants payback.  It is for this reason that we need to remember that when our spiritual mountains are overcome and moved out of our progress the enemy will strike back thus making it eternally vital as to why we fight spiritual principalities and not with physical swords.

Has anyone out there witnessed a physical mountain being moved by God?  Is there anyone out there who believes God can move such a fortress?  While my eyes have not witnessed a physical mountain being placed elsewhere, I totally believe God can do this feat in the physical and I am even more certain He can perform such a miracle in the spiritual realm.  First off, what would occur if God did choose to move such a rock?  It would physically change the landscape of the land, would change the wind patterns, change the fauna of the land and it would leave a gap and hole that would take some time to get used to.  Not only these things would occur but where would God place this mountain after He moved it?  We must take into consideration that it has to go somewhere and all of the aforementioned conditions and pictures would be present in the area of the new placement.  There are many things and details that would physically change that humans, the environment, and animals would have to adapt in order to survive.  Even though it may seem far-fetched, I still believe that God can and has before moved mountains; remember, the mountains still grow today on their own.  Also in both examples, not every eye shall see or witness the event taking place but will see the results after the dust or waves settle.

The above example is one that would play out if a mountain would move to another part of the landmass, but what would occur if a mountain fell into the sea?  The result of this feat would be a large displacement of water that would create a tsunami that would travel thousands of miles and grow with each mile only ending when it reached the shores of another land.  This too is hard to fathom, but it is a very real possibility and a possibility that our eyes could watch unfold and come to fruition.  Not only would the end results be potentially disastrous but the portion of land left behind or above water that is would undergo the same type of displacement and physical transformation that would be talked about for generations.  We cannot deny that either one of these scenarios could occur since there are known and unknown fault lines that this planet harbors that could change its pressure gauges at any moment.

Now let us examine for a moment what occurs when God allows spiritual mountains to move from our lives and what occurs when this supernatural event ends.  This event too may be difficult for some to believe but it occurs often, sometimes known and others unknown.  But what would you expect to happen when this type of activity occurs?  Yes, God is in the business of moving spiritual mountains, that is a desire of our hearts, correct?  Have any of us gave thought to what all of these words from Jesus mean and what they entail for not only the ones who pray for that mountain to be moved but to those around them as well?  It is not just a small issue that God moves and leaves without any issues remaining.  The passage for this article gives us direction as to what is really going on around us and what it means for everyone when God does perform this spiritual miracle.  The passage for this article is as follows:

Mark 11: 22-23

"And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

First off, we must grasp the concept that when spiritual mountains are referred to they are obstacles that our enemy places in front of us, and they are there for a reason.  To move these mountains, we must take authority over them and have them removed.  However, this is not going to be just a pushover take, for you have to remember that our enemy has the home field advantage and he really does not want you to know the truth about your spiritual or physical power that God has given each one of us.  In some cases, people know that there is a realm in which the spiritual aspects of our lives exist but have not grown in this area enough to fully comprehend what occurs there.  So, what lies ahead of you will be fought over through a process known as a spiritual battle.  Yes, this is the definition of a spiritual battle and it is the true way to overcome and defeat our enemy.  

Secondly, this means that when spiritual battles are fought correctly we will be victorious at all times for when we fight such mountains to be moved God says it right here in this passage that we shall receive what we say.  But in order for this to occur, we must know that this realm exists and that it is key for our eternal survival to fight such battles in the correct manner.  How do we approach such mountains?  Do we have faith that they can be defeated or do we approach them, look at their presence, and begin our complaining campaign?  This is an important Truth here for however you approach these mountains will be exactly how that spiritual mountain shall respond plus it will cause others around you to take their eyes off the truth and consequently suffer from the devastating results as well.  At NO time should we reach a battlefield with the intention of standing in awe and not attacking it properly.  In order for us to do this attack, we must know how to fight and we can only learn this procedure through the Word of God.

Just like the physical mountains being moved the spiritual mountains will have results with them as well.  Of course, the battle shall be victorious but we have to consider and spiritually document these results for some of the results could damage your fellow battlefield companions.  It is for this reason that we make sure that all of our fighting Christians are on the exact same plane with us for if they are not prepared in what occurs then they too can be caught up in the spiritual explosion of a moved (defeated) spiritual mountain.  Do not believe me?  What happens when a church has a move of God and strongholds that have held down that church break?  You can bet that many people in that congregation will be spiritually attacked in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months to come.  The enemy does not like losing its territory for any reason, remember he has the same goal as God to advance his kingdom as much as he can.  But we cannot be afraid of such results, for if we stand still and do nothing we still will be targets for Satan because of our presence at the mountain in the first place.

So, what do you believe is the key to fighting such mountains?  Jesus says it right up front, "Have faith in God."  Now, given that Truth and being spoken by God Himself, the question must be asked if we are really prepared to move mountains or not.  Be honest here, was this your first time understanding that mountains are the battles that are fought in our spiritual aspects of life?  For many, it might be and that is okay for now you know how to approach such mountains, and the more you dive deep into the Word of God, the more wisdom you shall have in these battles.  You may feel a bit foolish but that is okay, but now you have no choice but to fight for if you stand still with the Word that God has given us today and do nothing with it I guarantee that when your neighbor fighting a mountain close to your position wins, you will be in the spiritual casualty list if you are not prepared.  A vital detail that one cannot forget here, there is nothing "sacred" or off limits when it comes to spiritual warfare.  Spiritual mountains are fought with one goal in mind and that is ensuring that God's Kingdom advances which means that you and all life win on the eternity stage.  It is vital for you to know about what is going on around you and what should be done when attacks approach or you come across them.  We do not know when the exact hours of such battles shall occur, but we better be fully prepared to deal with them when they do.  Satan absolutely despises your presence on the earth and as long as you draw breath you have the potential to do damage to his time on earth, whether or not you know this fact or not.

This passage uses the word "cast" which comes from the Greek word "bletheti" and has the meaning of I cast, throw, I place, drop, or put; to throw.  This is an action verb and it cannot be properly and correctly used if it is believed to be still or quiet.  It is also an active verb which means that its definition means that it is moving and alive and never stagnate.  Church, do we teach our congregations to be active and alive in the Spirit realm or do we just stick to the defeated physical amenities of the world?  If we cannot fight in the spirit then we know nothing about fighting correctly and are no better than the Crusaders who destroyed thousands of lives and sent them to hell without knowing God or Jesus as the Savior, basically recreating Peter and his actions in the Garden of Gethsemane concerning chopping off of ears.  

God needs spiritually healthy warriors to move and to defeat Satan's mountains and other obstacles that bring trouble, pain, hurt, and death to His people.  Church, we cannot sit idly by and watch our world take over all aspects of human existence, if when it accomplishes this feat then the way of humanity is over.  Yes, this type of living has been prophesied many times throughout the Bible but that does NOT mean that we have to usher it in on our watch.  For when we fight properly through spiritual means, this passage tells us that our efforts shall be victorious and we shall be able to receive whatever we ask.  But once again, I cannot stress it enough that we need to study the Word of God and to ensure our spiritual strength is adequate and running over so that we may defeat our enemy and remove his mountains at all times.  God loves you eternally and He wants us to be prepared to win 100% of the time, so let us continually prepare ourselves by studying His Word and to pray without stopping.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Keeping The Peace

Keeping The Peace


In our own hearts and minds, we mainly feel that what we do to try and keep the peace between two or more parties is noble and just, but as many of us have experienced this is not always the desired outcome all had hoped for.  Certain policies we use in these positions can come back to bite us especially when the movements of peace talks result in results that go totally against the overall goals and intentions of the original composition.  In many ways, God has given humans the ability to help those in need of stress and struggle, but if we do not accomplish these gifts in the manner that God deems necessary, be sure those sins shall find you out.  Unless we keep God first in our lives and seek His Ways and Wisdom at all times our efforts to bring any type of long-lasting and deep peace will be thwarted.  It is God's desire for all to live in harmony with true dancing before Him through celebrations of life but we cannot afford to do these celebrations without God in our lives; a true test and attrition of faith in motion.

I cannot tell you how many times throughout my career in the medical field that I have had to deal with certain problems while my boss was away or out for some reason.  Some of the time these issues were of a hospital or physician-centered dilemma but mostly it would be folks within my own department that had ideas that they finally brought up to others and then publicly decided to implement these items without going through the proper channels.  I am not referring to emergency settings at all but ones that when one works with people for a certain amount of time know where their thought processes are and how if given the chance would change certain policies to favor how they view some challenging details. This is why it is very important that people who are placed in charge of others in this environment when the boss or leader away needs to support the leadership's responsibility goals just as much or even greater than the said leader.  If the leader is placed into a certain amount of disloyalty while away, things could go south really quick back on the home front, and if gone long enough dangerous activity levels could be present when the leader returns.  I bet the majority of those put into temporary leadership positions can relate for it might seem a bit exciting to be chosen but after it occurs the responsibilities are incredibly high.

Looking back, I know that some of the decisions that I made when I was placed in charge of settings were not always the best or the friendliest, but I always kept the mission statement of my boss intact and on course.  My parents taught me this staying course concept a long time ago and their advice has served me well.  However, there was a time when I veered off this course and went and did things on my own, and it cost me dearly.  I know I am human and I know that voluntary decisions to veer away can alter lives and for this, I cannot deny my ineptness.  The Bible gives us plenty of examples of what occurs when leadership goes astray and having people in charge when the overall boss is away is mentioned numerous times as well.  The passage for this article gives us a great example of this informational testimony and a good lesson on how when charged with a leadership task to avoid popular notions of those underneath and to stay the course that has been provided.  Temporary leaders are chosen and appointed for a reason and are expected to do a good job in the absence of commanders, can we ask ourselves this question and be positive that we will stand before our Leader one day and hear Him say "well done"?  Or will we fall into this category that Aaron places himself into?

Exodus 32:1-6

"And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, we wot not what is become of him.  And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.  And all the people break off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron.  And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.  And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar for it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the Lord.  And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play."

Wow, what a large amount of information that we have in this short passage of Scripture, but what intrigues me the most is that there are many comparisons that today's people can not only relate to but actually participate in.  Now, when people come to you in numbers it is usually not for very good reasons, there is probably some type of issue that they wish to address and as stated above this type of grouping is famously presented when the main leaders are missing.  It is not unusual for leaders to place other trusted individuals in charge while they are gone and in this case, it made perfect sense since Aaron was considered to be the high priest and Moses' right-hand man.  Aaron could not help but hear and witness all of the past moanings and groanings from the people about almost everything in the book, so it does say a lot about the character of Aaron and his backbone structure.

Now, we know how the Children of Israel had acted in times previously while they were in the wilderness, cantankerous is a mild term that can be used here as a definition for their behavior but this should have not been any reason for Aaron to dismiss God and His Way for these folks.  Yet Aaron did not want to stir the pot and hopefully, they would not revolt under his watch if he complied with their continued demands.  This setting reminds me of when in high school some students would try and manipulate the substitute teacher and over my tenure in that era I was witness to many plans of action in this manner, even though the true plan had been already assigned.  The people of God had gotten it into their heads that God had taken Moses from this earth and that they were now stuck out in the wilderness on their own.  "Naturally", they had to replace God with another which meant that their hearts needed to go back to Egypt and once again practice their idol worship.  The Children of Israel were not dumb, they knew exactly how to manipulate Aaron and to convince him that their way was the best, a deadly fault of his back then and today a continued deadly fault of ours.  Ironically, during this time they admit that they need a spiritual leader and since Moses is not coming back they quickly revert back to the spiritual idols that they were familiar with in Egypt which says that their hearts had not even left Egypt yet.

Wandering around in a barren land for years does not seem like the best time in one's life, but they were there for a reason and so far up until that point had not understood what needed to be done for that journey to be ended.  The mundanes of travel can be hard on the body and spirit and we have no idea how bad things were walking in those conditions but we do know that God did an excellent job in providing everything they needed while they were being cleansed.  The wanted excitement they desired came from their ties within Egypt and it was obvious that they were much happier in Egypt than where they were at now.  The correct thing Aaron should have done was to keep God's plan intact and to tell them to calm down that God had everything under control.  The important thing here was for them to be still in their hearts and wait on God, for Moses would return at some time or God would continue His plan in His Way, and let's be honest here this period of time was not that long in comparison to how long they had already been in the wilderness; a restless spirit is just as dangerous in the wilderness as it is in modern society.

It is a must that any type of leader needs to be strong and capable of leading in the manner one should go at all times, whether it be in the top position or 15th in command.  It is clear that Aaron was basically a wimp when it came to backbone and strength or when crisis situations arrived because choosing to appease the people or a certain group that goes against all that is stood for is not a wise decision and one that takes the easy way out.  God was in the process of getting the Children of Israel out of Egypt spiritually so that He could walk them into the Promised Land but Aaron encouraged selfish plans instead and allowed them to flourish during Moses' absence.  And did they ever sing and dance to those idols, the Children of Israel were happy in their return to Egypt in this manner and while it gave them moments of joy and happiness, it was all superficial for their pleasure was opposite of what God wanted for their lives and what they had so desperately cried out to God for.

However, a clear reality occurs when the Truth becomes present.  The noise from all the music, dancing, and singing reached Moses on the mountain top and he figured something was amiss.  Such a change from the time of bondage until the time in the wilderness, but is this a true statement to make?  Not really, because it is evident that the Children of Israel were still in bondage, maybe not in the physical or superficial sense but still were in the spiritual sense, and unless we are free in all aspects of our lives we are still in bondage.  There is a reason God took His time when He set into motion the journey of the Israelites, for it is a process that does takes time through the trials of getting the world (Egypt) out of the Children of Israel and this passage of Scripture shows us exactly how deep the world is embedded within our lives and if we are not willing to allow God to show His healing in our lives there shall be consequences.  Even though the consequences of this action are not included in this passage, the very condensed version is that 3,000 men died as a result of this selfish and worldly folly.

We should expect such antics from the world for it has nothing to with nor does it want anything to do with God.  But the Church should have other reasons for her existence and that is to teach that there is true freedom through God and that all fallaciousness cannot withstand when trials and tribulations occur.  We see this occurring all throughout Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy and we can easily add modern times and all other times of human history in this congregation.  Selfish and demanding human wishes have always been a part of our lives and unless we tame them through God and His Ways they will one day overcome our lives and we will inevitably take action that will subjugate us away from God forever.  So, why is it any priority of the Church to spend time harboring the world and its ideas?  Yes, we are supposed to have mercy on those who are hurting and in pain for the Truth, but it is NOT our responsibility to bring in worldly dancers and singers in order to maintain a solemn and cordial relationship with those who should differ from our beliefs.

This is actually a game that many of us play each day that our eyes open in the morning and it is an eternally dangerous game that will cost not only us and our loved-ones their place with God but countless others who need God as well.  Look at the attitude of the Church today, not many are happy.  Why is that, do you suppose?  There should not be any horrific or unexpected events occurring that should make you upset, for every known scenario that is occurring and that has recently occurred has been predicted.  We should be setting the examples of True peace to those around us, displaying a calmness that most cannot understand yet, we are dancing and singing worldly tunes and vibrating to worldly standards.  What we are providing is a lie, believing that everything is okay and that nothing serious has occurred, relaxing the troops if you wish to place it in that content.

This presentation of such antics is not a calming method for improvement for if it was all should be happy and satisfied.  However, the tension and uneasiness within the world have never been higher and one of these days our dancing and singing to worldly gods is going to be halted.  Then what shall we do?  What shall we do when that day arrives and God begins to take all of our gods away, what will our provisions be then?  We will have so much worldly knowledge but no way to tame it or to even use it for its mechanisms of energy will no longer be relevant.  It will be then that some shall realize how important it should have been to prepare our lives instead of protesting our lives.  Church, you are a huge contributor to this belief, and just as 3,000 men lost their lives for the allowance of personal and direct disobedience to God in the wilderness so shall we lose what we consider near and dear to us.  Pleasing the crowds has its moments, but when the Truth deals with eternal placement through obedience, there cannot be ANY pleasing the gods.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Why Not Ask Correctly?

Why Not Ask Correctly


There are many verses and passages in the Bible that give reference to that God gives us the desires of our hearts and that all we need to do is ask.  While this is a specific and accurate statement that is repeatedly made, God also leaves out a timeframe in which He fulfills such requests, and there is a reason for this.  It is true that God is a wonderful and benevolent Father but it is His Will to see these gifts given used properly and for the advancement of His Kingdom.  How could God be considered all-loving if He continually handed out such requests and gifts without any type of responsibility attached to them?  Do you believe that these requests for certain items stop at that level alone?  God asks us today if we really understand what it took for Him to send His Son to the earth as a gift for all humanity's redemption and also to ask exactly what it means to give such a gift to someone that has not even been created yet?  When you place this type of authority in place, it can bring us into light exactly what needs to be done in order for our needs to be met.

For many of you that are in the late 40s upward, you will recall every November or so your parents would receive one or more of the department store catalogs, the Christmas edition.  How many of you, like myself, spent hours upon hours turning page after page of the toy section of those catalogs?  It was a time that I lived for and I could not tell you how many times I would go back and look at the pages I had marked and continue my dreaming about all of the things I wanted to have.  Of course, as most of you remember we would not receive all of the things that we "wanted" in those catalogs but our parents did try their best to provide at least one or two of begged for items.  I never really pouted when Christmas afternoon rolled around, for I was usually outside playing with the gifts I did receive and was proud of what I had received from Santa and family.  Being a grandfather now, I understand what joy it brought my parents to give, not only to us boys in the house but to as many other people we knew as possible for it is the act of giving that pleases the most.

How would I have felt if I had been granted every item that I wanted from those catalogs?  Would I be appreciative of those gifts or would I have taken them and placed them in some corner and never touched them again because I could only play with so many at a time?  I am so thankful that my parents taught me to work for the other items I wanted when I did not receive them as a gift from someone else.  It taught me the value of a gift and how I should keep my inner heart pure and on course so that one day I might ascertain such an item with total dignity and purity.  If you question this, just find a person who grew up with everything handed to them, and sit down with them and have a serious conversation about how they felt growing up versus their lives today I bet you will find an interesting story there and one that might surprise you as well about giving and receiving.

See, when someone wants something, really and truly wants something they will do whatever they can to earn it.  This process does not have to be just gifts or toys but it can be present and it should be present in relationships as well.  For when an empty heart gives something away it is meaningless to both the giver and receiver and its value is totally deflated, set aside, and not played with or paid attention to.  How many relationships have originated on this concept, and how many relationships have ended for the lack of participation between the two.  Think about this folks, for it is a nightmare of a problem in the world today because if when you look all around us and see all of the gadgets and stuff that we can obtain our divorce rates, murder rates, hate rates, and whatever type of painful conditions we can come up with has never been higher.  It is for this reason alone that God has His own timing of giving after we have asked for things, He wants to ensure that the gifts He gives us shall be used for His Glory at all times through the advancement of His Kingdom in our lives.

James 4:2-3

"Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume if upon your lusts."

The Scripture passage for this article gives us further proof that it is God's desire to provide us with all the things that we ask for, yet at the same time, He follows His own Word in how He grants us these askings.  We cannot forget that God is the God who sees your heart and wants your heart to be totally fulfilled but God also sees the wickedness of our hearts which would overpower the gifts that He gives us and until our hearts are in the obedient stage, we will continue to wait.  Look at what the beginning portion of this passage states that we have, do you actually believe God will give us happiness, and all other peaceful gifts while we are willingly living in lust after lust?  For the most part, we cannot get past the first few words of the first verse for if exposed the amount and depth of lust within our hearts is overpoweringly grotesque that all other emotions that we try to display are automatically overshadowed without even bringing attention to them.

The Greek word used here for lust is "epithymeite" which has a direct meaning of to long for, covet, lust after, set the heart upon.  All of these definitions have the significant meaning of a certain depth and drive that one will stop at nothing to achieve, to not take no for an answer, and will do anything to get what they want.  Superficially, this may sound like a true plan of desire but when you begin to use the word lust as a definition of your desires it means literally that you will do anything to obtain your goal.  Those obsessions may end up proving deadly or cost you so much in the end that your time and effort rewarded may fall away into the corner and lie motionless for its tenure in your presence, this is just a known human response to such predicaments.  It is not an honest pursuit in which all sides are weighed and taken into account before the first move is made or question asked.  But being humans and more specifically Americans, we believe that anything we ask for should be immediately granted to us without hesitation or thought processes involved.  God specifically says in this verse alone the reasons why you shall have nothing, without notice.

So tell me, what is the next logical step that humans do in order to obtain what they cannot have?  They kill for it.  This does not always mean that one may murder someone to grasp a lustful object but in this part of verse 2 that is exactly what James is saying to the people in order to get across to them that desires and asking from a lustful heart shall take away the life from someone else in order to try and get what they want.  Is it always the so-called wicked people that do not receive the gifts that they ask for or is it just the people who call themselves Christians that lack in this department.  It does seem like more often than naught, that people who have no idea about God receive more than their share than those who seem to deserve them more but there is a Kingdom Principle here that one cannot forget and that is when God gives a gift to one of His children it shall be used not only for a physical purpose but an eternal one as well and will not be quickly consumed by the world.  This is why it is so important that we remember why God gives us gifts and how we are to use them, for it is not just for our personal gain but to be used for His Kingdom to shed light on others first and foremost.

How many times have you heard a person that does not know God talk about how they use their gift for God?  Also, how many people who are Christians have you heard testify to others through these amazing gifts from God?  In all honesty, the percentages are probably very close to each other.  Look at all of the technological advances we have at our fingertips and all of the platforms that are being presented to the entire world through these devices and gadgets.  What percentage of these platforms are used to preach the Gospel to the world versus what promotes filth, lust, evil, and death?  None of these things mean anything or are sustainable unless they are used for God and His Glory.  I find it interesting that James addresses these issues way back in history not too long after Jesus left this earth, so one can imagine just how deep these selfish ideals of lust and killing have grown within our hearts.

You say I am being a tad harsh?  Am I being that way?  One final question to prove the point of God in this article and that question is this: What have you done with the Bible that you have in your house, your car, your work, or even the one that you take to church and sit on your backside in the pews?  What have you used this magnificent Word of Life for?  How many people have you boldly professed Christ to this past year while using the passages or single verses as references to answers that countless people are searching for?  You want to know why God is only speaking to a few people these days?  It is because we have been silent with the single most important gift from God for too long and God is sick of our lying to His face and it is time He begins to take away some of the gifts we dishonorably purchased.  Yes, I am talking to you Church, the world shall have its own devastation but ours shall be far greater because we have known the Truth and have done nothing with it.  This doing nothing with the gifts of God means they sit in the corner and gather dust while countless souls die in their sins and do the same thing in an eternal hell.

There is no question about it, the Bible is the perfect gift God has given us in order for us to know Him and to follow His Ways.  Yet, with a church building on almost every corner of cities and towns and Bibles present in the same amount of percentages in households, it seems like we have lost so much vital ground against our enemy, does anyone care to venture as to why?  It is for the same reason as to why we have not been granted the exact gifts from God that we have desired, we have accepted cheap imitations from the world and have run with them as a selfish gesture instead of a faithful countenance from God.  We have no intentions of using these gifts (the Bible) in the manner in which they were provided.  We cannot recite by heart some of the most meaningful Scripture verses nor can we give detailed reasons why John 3:16 should come out of our existence each and every day.  We do not deserve any further gifts from God, but we do deserve to be set right in our place according to what lies within our hearts.  Our prayers are superficial and dare to say that the majority of us have no idea how to pray fervently and in the spirit; or what those terms even mean.

Church, we are sick and are in worse shape than any other sickly human being who has the worst ever disease process.  We are eternally morbid and cannot even find our way out of the selfish mire that we have bought our way into.  No matter what, God still loves us and He still wants to give us proper gifts but not in the condition that we are currently in.  Therefore, unless we stop and repent at this VERY moment, our restoration plan from God is going to become severe enough that all the world shall notice and suffer along with us.  The only way to correct this setting is for us to repent and to ask God to change our hearts, NOW!  This is the first step in asking God correctly and if we do this in this manner God says He will be faithful and restore our hearts and then begin to grant our gift ideas.  God shall never waste His talents on those who will not turn to Him as their first line of advice, defense, love, and any other attribute He provides.  Study the Word of God folks for it is going to be the only thing that we can hold on to tight enough to get us through the times ahead, and if we do not know if well enough to know how to ask correctly then we are sunk.  God is in control, He loves us, and it is still His desire to give us things we just have to ask in the correct manner.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Shock and Awe Supernatural Style

Shock and Awe Supernatural Style


How many times have humans made such a statement or one close to it?  We would like to believe that words and phrases such as these would prove effective enough to ensure complete victory no matter which side makes them.  However, we know that when such words fly freely some people end up getting hurt and escalations occur with deeper and further issues created.  Yet, in the end, this statement can never produce what was said to be intended and the human race becomes disenchanted with the actions of leaders once again.  But God is different, He has been, is now, and always shall be a complete God and whatever He does He does in a fulfilling manner at all times.  This is why it would behoove us to listen to His Words first before we see His hand in action for when God strikes it shall be a complete shock and awe event, one that no one has ever witnessed before, and from the accounts, in the Bible, we really do not wish to see this occur.

Catchphrases dominate our world cultures today and from what can be gathered from history have been ever since mankind was present on this earth.  They have their purpose and design, mainly to grab hold of higher ground or placement when competitions arise between individuals, groups, or nations.  Looking tougher and bigger than your enemy is always a goal to be met when challenges are presented and it is through this type of inflammatory measures that this goal of superiority shall be achieved.  The phrase "shock and awe" was made popular during one of the wars that the West had with Iraq, describing how the initial barrage of guns from the West would be seen upon commencement of firing.  No specific details were given upon the announcement of this phrase to the public but all that was said was that the entire world would be in shock and awe when it occurred.  We were disappointed, for the weapons while they did fire they were not as bright and loud as everyone was led to believe.

The second phrase that was used in and around such wartime gatherings was from the other side of the block and it was "mother of all battles".  This phrase was used by the then leader of Iraq Saddam Husein doing his best to describe what would be going on when the two forces met up with each other in the desert.  According to Saddam's belief, the battle would not last long and that his troops would completely annihilate the coalition forces so gravely that none would make it out alive, a result that western allies could not take and would have to withdraw from the war and surrender on his terms alone.  Well, we all know how that highly anticipated battle turned out for Saddam was right on one aspect, it was a quick fight and it did not last very long, nor did the war itself for it was over in just a few days but with Iraq being the loser and not the victor.  Yes, both sides suffered casualties but the coalition forces much less than what the Iraqi army endured, their entire army was basically wiped out within a few short weeks.

Numbers 16:31-32

"And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods."

One of the concepts humans tend to downplay is the fact of how superior we have become, especially when it deals with the macho aspect of fighting and battlefield techniques.  The physical aspects of war and the concepts of war can be summed up with mediocracy at best for nothing goes according to plan when two sides meet to face off against each other which proves that opening jabs really do not mean too much because the main fighting and results come on the battlefield.  These filtered and pointed jab phrases are jaded views that have infiltrated our lives and surroundings enough that we think nothing about using them before any other measures are taken to avoid confrontations, a drastic mistake from those who cannot even survive without the basic concepts of life being understood.  How are we to think when real disasters occur on our lands and in our hearts or even when God moves His hand across these entities.  When mankind ends wars or conflicts, we always leave behind devastating results for others to fix or to endure and as each of these times arrive we still have no answers of how to avoid any future dealings in those areas.

Take a look at the details that God does when He has to get His point across to His children about how their attitudes are and just how deep He needs to clean things out and up.  Even though the times may have changed over humanity's timeline, God still works in Ways that confound the human mind and heart, and sometimes we do not understand why issues come about until after we read His Word again and correctly apply it to our lives.  The good news about these historical settings is that we do not have to follow in the same patterns that the subjects in the Bible did; however, most of the time we totally miss why the hand of God must be shown t our hearts and land because we are so out-of-touch with His Word in the first place.  The eternal question still remains and that question is why do we continue not to trust the simple and easy Way of life, even after we have had so many warnings of our impending devastation?  The human recourse is to follow what is in plain sight and readily available with the least amount of effort having to be included.  In other words, the ways of the world which in turn deepens our problems instead of fixing them once and for all.  

The sad portion about this continued disappointment human statement is that after a few times around the proverbial block we believe that we are supposed to be in this condition and thus believe that we have fixed these issues and are ready to move forward.  Through this miscalculated assessment, our true strength is actually drained and our supplies bled out to the point that we create another "crisis" that we must attend to, our only problem is that we are too tired to recover properly before the next ordeal is encountered thus the cycle is voluntarily followed according to the broken standards we have embraced as the savior of the individual and country.  Interestingly enough, the issues that we face, many times have been encountered before and when not adequately reviewed are bound to occur again but this time an added flare to them is noticed; remember, we love to be on top of the world at all levels and platforms, so it would be "natural" to encounter the same type of issues.  But these issues are actually warnings of things to come if not properly dealt with, as in allowing God to show us the correct path to take so that all systems of such issue are dealt with not just the superficial aspects.

When God deals with judgment, He never does such things without first giving people the time to repent and to change their ways.  All throughout the Bible, we have countless examples of this fact concerning God and how He deals with His children.  We see this warning to Adam when he was in the Garden of Eden concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, once again we see this process as each of the prophets in the Old Testament speaks about the spiritual heart and physical lives of the people of Israel, also we find that animals decide to obey God by swallowing up those who deliberately disobey to do what God tells them to do, and of course, we cannot forget that 9 of the ten plagues were against those leaders who did not obey the voice of God either.  Disobedience did not just stick around in the Old Testament either, the New Testament is filled with passages and Scriptures that contain items of this behavior when it comes to Church actions and activities. So why do we think or believe that these acts of humans cannot and does not exist today?

Furthermore, and one that seems definitely relevant for today, and is the complete refusal of listening to and recognizing the leaders that were placed in their positions.  There are not many detailed events of such shock and awe where people are called into one place and then all of a sudden the ground opens up and swallows each one who was in disagreement with the chosen authority.  It is this example that is used for this article for it demonstrates what really happens to people when they have no respect for those who are in charge of others.  It does not matter who they have hurt or what they have done in the past, they are the leaders who have been chosen to lead for that moment.  God looks upon the heart of a human and makes the necessary steps in accordance with THIS quality and not of just the physical quality.  Even the passage that has been warranted for this article has warnings of God in it BEFORE the actual event occurred.  God says to us that His warnings have been adequately shared with everyone around the world and that there is no excuse for their missing.

What is coming to this land shall change the entire being of this nation and it shall be done so in such a manner that no one expects.  There has been some talk of a "great reset" but this is based upon lies and inuendos that only dwell on the superficial and shall not run deep enough.  This phrase of coming change just like the others mentioned above shall not compare to what God is about to do to this land because of our worldly acceptance of its wickedness.  Remember God is a Holy God who operates in complete, eternal and fulfilled Ways at all times which means that what He says shall come to pass on a 100% fulfillment plan.  For those who laughed at the human aspect of shock and awe before shall not laugh at what is coming, for it shall be quick and thorough like no human has ever witnessed before.

Church, it is time to pray, but not for any type of delay or discernment of what is coming, for God has ordained such activity and it cannot be stopped from occurring.  It is time for us to pray that our hearts are ready to meet Jesus on all levels and to help us be prepared to help those who will need us when the time arrives.  We have not done our jobs as we were supposed to do, but now we cannot sit back and wallow in our ashes, even Job did not do that.  We need to be ready, we have had plenty of time and opportunity to get prepared, it is time to complete the mission that Jesus gave us.  The passage in Numbers 16 that is for this article is one that does not paint a pretty picture, but it serves as a reminder that those who are spared need God and that they do need a great reset but in the manner of God and not of the world.  Pray, brace yourself, hold on, and most importantly be ready.