Sunday, December 20, 2020

Moses' Seat

Moses' Seat


Leadership is a position desired by many and obtained only by a few.  When this opportunity arrives, it should be handled accurately enough of the position and what that position means to those who you serve.  All sides of the servitude should be transmitted in a pure and orderly manner.  Also, if the one holding such a position does not perform satisfactorily according to their foundation then that person presents a danger to those under them.  Jesus calls out such leaders who sat in a very honored position and did not follow what Moses said or did but still claimed the position as their rightful place.  Look at what Jesus said and did, He fulfilled what Moses said and did but the holders of such seats failed to recognize this.  How many of us live the same lives as the scribes and Pharisees and continue to claim such lies?  One day, those lies shall catch up with us and be dealt with according to God, not just mankind.

Anyone out there play king of the hill or any other action game where certain players held the position of being king or top leader for a limited time?  What about war, where one was the commander of others and lead their soldiers into battle and then claim victory?  Most of us played some type of game like this, or we have sat and daydreamt about being the CEO of the world's largest business corporation, there is nothing wrong with this idea or process as long as we know that no matter what position of authority we hold that there will always be someone over us and will serve as the rule maker of our lives.  I asked my parents one time what it was like to be the pastor of the church where no one was higher than their position.  My father quickly responded by saying that there were people higher than him, they were the board and then he added that even if no board would be present, God would always rule over his heart, so even at his elected position, there was always someone over him that he would serve.

Many believe that leaders have it made and that all they do is make appearances to others and represent a section of a business or organization.  While some leadership positions hold cush jobs most of the time decisions are made at these levels which never make it past the doors of a closed meeting.  Overall, we hold our jobs accountable to leaders and the words and directives they put forth and follow; however, there are those who do not meet the criteria for being such a leader or they become too big for their britches and then stop listening to what they represent and allow corruption to set in.  We have been witness to businesses and other top organizations go through hard times or even close their doors because of sick and distorted actions by their leadership.  Sadly, these failures hurt us for most of us at one time or another have been proud of our leaders and the position our organization holds within the community, state, or global societies.  One of the gravest turmoils that this nation faces today is that of political nature.  We have watched as both political parties have suffered tremendous instabilities and failings over the past two or three decades now, and those atrocities are the ones that we know about for it is a guarantee that far greater numbers of these settings have gone unnoticed or reported.  These issues are not one of the minor instances that really do not need to be controlled but ones that are treasonous in nature not just only on a personal level but on a national and spiritual level as well.  Unfortunately, these major crimes are on the daily increase schedule and do not look like they will begin to decrease any time soon.  

There has never been any question about the status of this nation and the position that she holds on the global stage.  Up until a few decades ago, our actions were hardly ever questioned nor were they ridiculed as improper or irregular on any level.  There was a logical and blessed reason for this standard, it was graced to us by God and therefore pure in its content.  But for the last few decades or so, our reputation has been in a decline that for some reason we are not too much concerned about.  This decline has not just been on other shores but within our shores and in this condition we too are concerned.  Well, this untouchable attitude of ours now has created a monster that is unhinged and untamed and is threatening our nation to the point of purposefully unraveling the Constitution by a great number of people.  These people are the leaders of this nation and publicly display their discontent for the laws of this country by making up their own as time warrants.  What they have forgotten is that this land is not theirs at all it is God's and the unjust balances that we are enforcing God cannot stand.  When said leaders demand that families do not gather with families for the holidays and then board a plane to another state to be with family, there can be no good in the capitals of our land.  This action also shows us what lies within the hearts of these people and since many of us voted for these leaders we are just as guilty as they, and still proud of them as well.

Matthew 23:1-7

"Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say and do not.  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.  But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi."

Proverbs 18:24

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

As we read the New Testament, especially the four Gospels it is clear that the words of Jesus portray a descriptive column of men that proclaim one thing but act toward another claim.  Now, we can expect a few leaders to act in such a way but when this presentation is systematic there can be no hesitation in calling out the obvious.  Jesus acknowledges the fact that the positions that the scribes and Pharisees held were that of Moses for it was they who wrote the laws and ways of the times on the religious section.  However, Moses proceeded to write what God showed him to be true, and just while the Pharisees wrote what they felt like at the time.  They had no intentions of providing and reminding the people of the Ways of God or in the spiritual welfare of the people, it was all about themselves and their appearance in public and we all know that people hold themselves in public as what is present within their heart.  When rules, violations of them, and fines were written and then handed out at the same time, there are problems on all sides of these actions.

How did we as a nation become so inherently blind and selfish enough to warrant such sanctioned words against us?  It is evident that God has placed us into an identical role such as the ones that the Pharisees had long ago, but it was the same aristocracy and entitlement beliefs that we allowed to take root in our hearts then grow into a worldly beast that demands more consumption than giving.  It was always God's intention for this nation to be the beacon that shown everywhere and to be the leader that the dying world so desperately needed.  God also established the Church to be the spiritual guidance counselor when it came time to witness how and why we have been so blessed.  In no circumstances, can a leader on any level operate in such a capacity of deceit and lies and still consider themselves to be the top example to the world?  It is an abomination in the eyes and heart of God when any type of person operates in such a capacity and directs others in such an eternally horrific manner.

Another detail that God wants us to take to heart is the fact that these types of leaders say they are in touch with us and they care about our welfare and well-being.  How can someone who continually bases their actions on lies be an effective or true leader?  It is impossible to do such a thing since people purposefully deceive others.  They have no real connection to you or I only a spirit of appeasement that fools us for a while with false hearts and contentious words for they are in this position, for one thing, to line their pockets and self-righteous presences at the expense of our lives.  One can almost imagine the positions that Moses and Pharaoh held, and can see both sides being displayed in the scribes and Pharisees all at the same time.  Any position of leadership never has been about holding specific titles and warrants for personal gain, but to place themselves as a servant to those they are responsible for, to serve them in the best way possible. So, given this evaluation, one cannot expect any other type of behavior than what the leaders project and give outwardly.

But where does such an attitude come and why does it harbor in leaders that should have hearts of servitude?  Jesus makes reference to the one person in the Old Testament who had the greatest people challenge and in the way, He said these words, gave the people a visual hint that things could have been very different for them if Moses had acted in the same manner as the leaders of their day were displaying.  Why did not the people call out those who were obviously presenting themselves in such a manner?  Now, Jesus was referring to the religious leaders of that day and not the secular ones and there is a reason for this.  Jesus understood that they had a separate duty from the secular world, one that required much from them as it pertained to God and the way they lived.  It was for this reason that Jesus objected directly to these leaders because they were harboring the exact same sins that they demanded the people keep away from.  Jesus exposed them and proved to everyone who they were and that God was not happy with this activity, and if they did not change that He would overtly expose all of their sins.
When Jesus died, look at the results that occurred to the leaders of the Temple and to what happened to the Temple itself.  The self-centered ideology that only certain people could have direct access to the people was now gone, a process that had been turned into a worldly profession instead of a holy place of sinful confession and communication center for repentance.  Destruction came to Jerusalem and it was not too many years later that the Temple itself was destroyed by the ruling class that occupied the land.  These results are a direct consequence of what happens when leaders and the people who stride with them allow corruption to mix in with real Truth, it is not a pretty sight to witness and then live under afterward.

Church, as symbolic leaders representing Moses' seat, God sees the mess that we have made of our position.  Furthermore, because of our elevated eternal status and separation from the world, our inclusion of the world has lowered us into serving and even dressing like the scribes and Pharisees.  Our actions and words mimic these vipers almost word for word and God wants us to know, just as Jesus said many centuries ago, we are sick and we are voluntarily being sinners in our dressed up buildings and overall robes of flash.  Our hearts are more concentrated away from the mission of the Church, hidden up within our own play toys devices and gossip columns.  None is more evident than what we are doing in times such as these today, we are not charging the people to pray and repent but to comply without hesitation to those around who want the doors of churches closed.  Honestly, do we even claim to be sitting on Moses' seat?  Do we even understand what it means to be in such a position?

Many people have questioned why God picked the time He did for Jesus to be on the earth, I guess that is a question that can be answered by God when we see His Glory in Heaven.  Jesus could have easily come to earth today, for the exact same powers to be are in practice today as they were back during the New Testament times.  The leaders were so engrossed with themselves that they totally failed to recognize who Jesus was and what the meaning of His presence meant.  We have asked ourselves this question for a while now, written songs about it, and even penned books and manuscripts, all asking if we would recognize Jesus for who He is, today.  Church, we have done a lousy job in proclaiming Jesus to the dying world which can only mean one thing, we have a lousy sense of knowledge about who Jesus is and even worse conception of what He means to us personally.

One last question to answer from God and that is: how will we respond when the consequences of our Pharisee and scribe antics are blown away?  I mean, it is easy for us to believe that those who refuse to accept Christ and are in the leadership positions will suffer but what about us who were supposed to be the light of the world and to tell others about Christ who did not complete our authority of Moses' seat?  We will be included in this section of God's hand over our lives, so afterward will we be as our Pharisee ancestors and mock and curse Christ and God for the waves of judgments that will come over us or will we get our heads up from our phones and computers and go back to work and give an explanation as to why our world has changed forever?  We have taken advantage of Moses' seat for far too long Church, it is time we use it in the manner to which God intended it to be used.  Repent, take a stand for God and study His Word and then proclaim it to the dying world who shall need us more than ever.


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