Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains


How many of us have heard of this phrase and wished that this miracle would happen to them?  Believe it or not, it has happened in your life but in order for us to think about these events, we must first change our thoughts from just the physical to the spiritual.  Yes, I believe that God can physically move mountains but when He does so, He must take into consideration what occurs to the balance of nature when it occurs.  If a side of a mountain falls down and lands in a valley there will be some things that need cleaning up, but when a side of a mountain falls into the water, look out for there will be some pretty huge waves approaching somewhere later.  The same occurs when God moves spiritual mountains in our lives, they are there for a planted reason and when those obstacles are removed then our enemy gets pretty upset and wants payback.  It is for this reason that we need to remember that when our spiritual mountains are overcome and moved out of our progress the enemy will strike back thus making it eternally vital as to why we fight spiritual principalities and not with physical swords.

Has anyone out there witnessed a physical mountain being moved by God?  Is there anyone out there who believes God can move such a fortress?  While my eyes have not witnessed a physical mountain being placed elsewhere, I totally believe God can do this feat in the physical and I am even more certain He can perform such a miracle in the spiritual realm.  First off, what would occur if God did choose to move such a rock?  It would physically change the landscape of the land, would change the wind patterns, change the fauna of the land and it would leave a gap and hole that would take some time to get used to.  Not only these things would occur but where would God place this mountain after He moved it?  We must take into consideration that it has to go somewhere and all of the aforementioned conditions and pictures would be present in the area of the new placement.  There are many things and details that would physically change that humans, the environment, and animals would have to adapt in order to survive.  Even though it may seem far-fetched, I still believe that God can and has before moved mountains; remember, the mountains still grow today on their own.  Also in both examples, not every eye shall see or witness the event taking place but will see the results after the dust or waves settle.

The above example is one that would play out if a mountain would move to another part of the landmass, but what would occur if a mountain fell into the sea?  The result of this feat would be a large displacement of water that would create a tsunami that would travel thousands of miles and grow with each mile only ending when it reached the shores of another land.  This too is hard to fathom, but it is a very real possibility and a possibility that our eyes could watch unfold and come to fruition.  Not only would the end results be potentially disastrous but the portion of land left behind or above water that is would undergo the same type of displacement and physical transformation that would be talked about for generations.  We cannot deny that either one of these scenarios could occur since there are known and unknown fault lines that this planet harbors that could change its pressure gauges at any moment.

Now let us examine for a moment what occurs when God allows spiritual mountains to move from our lives and what occurs when this supernatural event ends.  This event too may be difficult for some to believe but it occurs often, sometimes known and others unknown.  But what would you expect to happen when this type of activity occurs?  Yes, God is in the business of moving spiritual mountains, that is a desire of our hearts, correct?  Have any of us gave thought to what all of these words from Jesus mean and what they entail for not only the ones who pray for that mountain to be moved but to those around them as well?  It is not just a small issue that God moves and leaves without any issues remaining.  The passage for this article gives us direction as to what is really going on around us and what it means for everyone when God does perform this spiritual miracle.  The passage for this article is as follows:

Mark 11: 22-23

"And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

First off, we must grasp the concept that when spiritual mountains are referred to they are obstacles that our enemy places in front of us, and they are there for a reason.  To move these mountains, we must take authority over them and have them removed.  However, this is not going to be just a pushover take, for you have to remember that our enemy has the home field advantage and he really does not want you to know the truth about your spiritual or physical power that God has given each one of us.  In some cases, people know that there is a realm in which the spiritual aspects of our lives exist but have not grown in this area enough to fully comprehend what occurs there.  So, what lies ahead of you will be fought over through a process known as a spiritual battle.  Yes, this is the definition of a spiritual battle and it is the true way to overcome and defeat our enemy.  

Secondly, this means that when spiritual battles are fought correctly we will be victorious at all times for when we fight such mountains to be moved God says it right here in this passage that we shall receive what we say.  But in order for this to occur, we must know that this realm exists and that it is key for our eternal survival to fight such battles in the correct manner.  How do we approach such mountains?  Do we have faith that they can be defeated or do we approach them, look at their presence, and begin our complaining campaign?  This is an important Truth here for however you approach these mountains will be exactly how that spiritual mountain shall respond plus it will cause others around you to take their eyes off the truth and consequently suffer from the devastating results as well.  At NO time should we reach a battlefield with the intention of standing in awe and not attacking it properly.  In order for us to do this attack, we must know how to fight and we can only learn this procedure through the Word of God.

Just like the physical mountains being moved the spiritual mountains will have results with them as well.  Of course, the battle shall be victorious but we have to consider and spiritually document these results for some of the results could damage your fellow battlefield companions.  It is for this reason that we make sure that all of our fighting Christians are on the exact same plane with us for if they are not prepared in what occurs then they too can be caught up in the spiritual explosion of a moved (defeated) spiritual mountain.  Do not believe me?  What happens when a church has a move of God and strongholds that have held down that church break?  You can bet that many people in that congregation will be spiritually attacked in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months to come.  The enemy does not like losing its territory for any reason, remember he has the same goal as God to advance his kingdom as much as he can.  But we cannot be afraid of such results, for if we stand still and do nothing we still will be targets for Satan because of our presence at the mountain in the first place.

So, what do you believe is the key to fighting such mountains?  Jesus says it right up front, "Have faith in God."  Now, given that Truth and being spoken by God Himself, the question must be asked if we are really prepared to move mountains or not.  Be honest here, was this your first time understanding that mountains are the battles that are fought in our spiritual aspects of life?  For many, it might be and that is okay for now you know how to approach such mountains, and the more you dive deep into the Word of God, the more wisdom you shall have in these battles.  You may feel a bit foolish but that is okay, but now you have no choice but to fight for if you stand still with the Word that God has given us today and do nothing with it I guarantee that when your neighbor fighting a mountain close to your position wins, you will be in the spiritual casualty list if you are not prepared.  A vital detail that one cannot forget here, there is nothing "sacred" or off limits when it comes to spiritual warfare.  Spiritual mountains are fought with one goal in mind and that is ensuring that God's Kingdom advances which means that you and all life win on the eternity stage.  It is vital for you to know about what is going on around you and what should be done when attacks approach or you come across them.  We do not know when the exact hours of such battles shall occur, but we better be fully prepared to deal with them when they do.  Satan absolutely despises your presence on the earth and as long as you draw breath you have the potential to do damage to his time on earth, whether or not you know this fact or not.

This passage uses the word "cast" which comes from the Greek word "bletheti" and has the meaning of I cast, throw, I place, drop, or put; to throw.  This is an action verb and it cannot be properly and correctly used if it is believed to be still or quiet.  It is also an active verb which means that its definition means that it is moving and alive and never stagnate.  Church, do we teach our congregations to be active and alive in the Spirit realm or do we just stick to the defeated physical amenities of the world?  If we cannot fight in the spirit then we know nothing about fighting correctly and are no better than the Crusaders who destroyed thousands of lives and sent them to hell without knowing God or Jesus as the Savior, basically recreating Peter and his actions in the Garden of Gethsemane concerning chopping off of ears.  

God needs spiritually healthy warriors to move and to defeat Satan's mountains and other obstacles that bring trouble, pain, hurt, and death to His people.  Church, we cannot sit idly by and watch our world take over all aspects of human existence, if when it accomplishes this feat then the way of humanity is over.  Yes, this type of living has been prophesied many times throughout the Bible but that does NOT mean that we have to usher it in on our watch.  For when we fight properly through spiritual means, this passage tells us that our efforts shall be victorious and we shall be able to receive whatever we ask.  But once again, I cannot stress it enough that we need to study the Word of God and to ensure our spiritual strength is adequate and running over so that we may defeat our enemy and remove his mountains at all times.  God loves you eternally and He wants us to be prepared to win 100% of the time, so let us continually prepare ourselves by studying His Word and to pray without stopping.


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