Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Who Is Dumber?

Who Is Dumber?


No one likes to be called or considered dumb, yet many of us seem to walk around in such a condition.  If we do not like to be included in this category then why do we voluntarily stand in its place of sobriety?  It really does not make sense to live in such a manner that goes against all agents of our creation and existence but once again we throw ourselves into this position.  What is God talking about when He says He has made His people smart enough to be kings, queens, and rulers over countless kingdoms?  It is true, God created us to live in a state of holiness and with wisdom all around our presence, but our worldly choices bring us down and send us into unfamiliar territory that when we arrive in all we can do is react against others.  All God wants is for us to repent and to climb out of our state of confusion and devastation but we would rather continue our journey alone in the world.  Now, ask yourself who is dumber, you or your enemy?  I guess that depends on who you take advice and live under.

Right from the beginning, I know some folks will not like this topic and might have a negative opinion about this article, but that is okay for you will read it and it will cause one to think about which kingdom you serve and wish for the destruction of the other.  All I am doing is repeating the words that God said to me to write, and this article may touch a nerve for some it is needed and it also needs to be spread to those who need to repent and to turn their hearts back to God.  So read intently and allow God to open your spiritual lives so that you may hear what He is saying for we know that when God speaks to us about a certain condition of ours, something is about to occur that is big enough that we need guidance in place first.  

One of the most frustrating positions to be in is the one where you have placed your trust in someone or in something and at some point down the road you find out that you have been lied to about the entire subject.  This tactic is a powerful one because for the majority of the time humans are trustworthy of others, many times to a fault.  It is in our nature to try and be honest with each other but as our lives become cold and solid it is easier to fall for lies instead of peaceful exchanges of benefit.  All of us have been in a setting where someone that we have trusted has betrayed us and thrown us to the wolves after the curtain has been pulled open.  This hurts and torments those to who it has happened and if this scenario occurs too many times in a row then we become wary of others and tend to seek revenge on innocent people in like manner.  

Politicians are famous for making such promises and then backtracking on them after the election is over, a sinister plan that leaves a sour taste in a person's mouth and heart.  In this ball game, we know that not everything politicians say will become law or get done as they promise but the question must be asked if they continue to promise and nothing ever comes about of their words.  However, we blindly follow their lies promote them and then vote for them when we know that their game plan is only to get re-elected.  We ignore the fact that they say they love you, kiss your babies, take selfies with you but they have no interest in your life after voting time leaves.  What is so embarrassing is that they tell you the lies that they want you to believe and we fall for it every time.  So, the title of this article really does apply to our lives, who is dumber the person who has a plan in place that is filled with lies or those who listen to these words, know that they are lies yet fall into line with the liars? 

All of us have heard stories about how friends, family members, or even ourselves have fallen for the same types of relationships believing that the next one will be better.  I have heard these types of stories over and over again almost my entire adult life and they break my heart every time.  God did not install us a stupid or sucker sign on our hearts so that we will fall and get hurt repeatedly, He created us to be more than conquerors not to be conquered.  I know that it is difficult to keep this fact present in our forethoughts and spiritual hearts but it is vital that we do because if we fail at protecting what God has in store for us physically it means that we have already fallen spiritually.  

If it is for this reason that Satan defeats us time and time again because we take the physical approach to his spiritual game and we believe his lies continually but what can we expect to happen when in the course of time we hear lie after lie?  Do you know that Satan has a plan in place for your life?  It is recorded in the Bible, WHAT?  How many of us forget that Satan is defeated and the only thing he can do to us is to follow a defeated plan; furthermore, Satan is spiritually dead and thus cannot do anything spiritually active he must react after God moves.  His plan is recorded in the Bible and if we read the Bible and study what it says we will not have to fall for known plans, thus not look dumber than the one with a defeated plan.  The passage for this article comes from Judges 16 again and is as follows:

Judges 16: 5-6

"And the lords of the Philistines came up to her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.  And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherein thou mightest be bound to afflict thee."

God has previously mentioned some of the details about this story in other articles, if you have not read them He suggests you do so that you can gather all the information that He is sharing with us.  God has shown us that quickly Delilah went to work on her plan along with the plan of the lords of the Philistines to find out the source of Samson's strength and then once known to eliminate his strength and destroy him.  The plan is one that has some details but overall has one goal in mind, the destruction of Samson the Philistines' greatest enemy.  We have also been taught that Samson spent way too much time in the area of the border with Israel and Philistia, but he found "love" there and chose to live in the area for personal gain.  It is this plan, over time that would bring Samson to his destruction and lead to his death, a plan not designed by God but by the enemy of God and one that did not have to occur in such a path.

In verse 5 of this passage, we see that the plan of Samson's destruction is made and all of the players necessary for this plan were in touch with the motions needed.  The stage was set and Delilah went on her way to begin the plan in her own manner.  In verse 6 we find that Delilah begins right off the bat by questioning Samson about his strength and how to weaken him enough to bind him for captivity.  Now, let us first look at Delilah and her presentation of the overall plan.  It is a pretty straight-up plan with the motive and direction presented right up front which is unusual because normally if one does such a move things would be over immediately and another plan made, but not here.  Delilah states the plan and the ultimate goal, Samson knows that she is a Philistine and that he has done some pretty ugly and embarrassing things to her people, so why does he entertain the motive and destructive air that she spills?

How many military campaigns would succeed with this type of information given to the opposite side of the battlefield, that answer is easy, none?  However, if the militants on the other side of the battlefield believe that they have an unspoken advantage and refuse to properly defend their positions (gifts) and do nothing to thwart the attack and then lose the upcoming battle, who would be the dumber of the two sides?  What if the Allies would have placed the captured German Enigma machine into a closet or room and not investigated its purpose, how do you suppose WWII would have played out?  The Enigma machine was the tool that the German Wehrmacht gave all its orders to the field, or in the case of the navy the seas.  The Allies captured a German submarine and retrieved one of these instruments while it was engaged for that day, a perfect weapon to have against the enemy of the world.

A setting in which one side of the battlefield knows exactly when, how, and where the enemy shall attack and who will be involved in that attack, what an advantage to have.  This is what the Allies had over the Germans and when it was deciphered and understood, Allied Command knew about the battle plans before the field generals of Germany did, extraordinary don't you think?  But what if we had not used such a tool and ignored its potential?  It is this type of action that the Allies did NOT take that ended WWII in Europe far sooner than it could have been and it is the same type of action that Samson should have taken and dealt with so that his life and the spiritual battle he missed could have ended in an old ripe age.  It cannot be forgotten that when someone is spiritually dead, they cannot see the plan of God or know what is coming unless the physical is given them permission to open that door.  A spiritually dead being cannot walk in, hear, or exist within God's Kingdom it just cannot occur for God has no death upon or around Him, He represents life eternal, only.

So it should really concern us when God gives life-saving instructions but we either ignore them or do not understand them which when this occurs allows Satan to defeat us and fail what God has spoken for us to do.  When Delilah asks Samson about his strength and how to weaken it, Samson should have been on the first horse out of camp and never return to her again.  But he did not and if we read a few verses later we find that Samson toys with her about this issue and even allow the game to go far enough that "exercises" against him were carried out.  Now, we also know that the detailed knowledge that Delilah sought after is of a personal manner and while most people would never divulge that information to someone they hardly knew, sex does play a heavy role in intimate talk and positioning.  As we have learned previously, Samson had spent enough time with Delilah to earn trust with both of them, which was the key to organizing and executing the plan against God.

A detail here concerning the spiritual realm and how a being that is spiritually dead operates when it comes to tricking a person that knows the spiritual realm or should know the spirit realm but in truth does not.  Remember, a spiritually dead being cannot see, hear, or exist in the spirit realm for it is alive and moving so reactions must be relied upon in order for completion.  Look at what is deemed important to the completion of the plan of the Philistines and Delilah, it was the physical aspect of Samson only, nowhere does it mention that they looked upon God as the source of Samson's strength, later they celebrate to their gods but not the origin of their "problem".  Yet, Samson did not leave but stayed with Delilah,  stayed in the border area, and subsequently allowed the door of destruction to open in which Satan walked right through and completed his plan of Samson.

There are a bunch more things that God will share with us about Samson and Delilah but the issue at hand has been written.  So, the question is this, who was dumber the people with a plan that was spoken publicly to the enemy or the person who is the enemy sticking around after the plan was made known to him?  I believe it is not a hard question to answer, for the one who is "dumber" would be Samson the target of the planned adventure.  Why would anyone stay where their lives would eventually be placed in enough danger that it could cost them their life?  Why would they not immediately get up and leave?  It would seem that Samson would have more sense than this but when we figure out what Samson says and how he responds to Delilah's demands, it is obvious why he stayed and it also gives us the reason as to why we act in the same manner today.

The plan of Satan is to destroy your life, it was this plan that Adam and Eve fell for, it was this plan that Samson fell for and it is the same plan that we fall for today.  This pan of Satan does not have to just stay on the individual level, it can be on the organizational level or even national level it does not matter his plan is the same and it cannot change.  Satan sees your life and he sees your status through the actions and words you use and it is through these avenues that he gains access to your life.  The plan always starts out simple and easy but gradually flourishes into an elaborate plan which usually ends up in completion.  It has always amazed me how we fall for such practices, but at the same time, I have to include myself in these failures for I have missed them as well.

See, Satan can only operate through the flesh and if he sees that our flesh is more important and first in line in our lives he has a great opportunity to destroy us.  It is not difficult to thwart his plans, all we have to do is to turn to God's Word and tune our spiritual ears to God.  It does not matter how strong physically we may be, or how smart our minds may be for if we are not strong spiritually our physical will be no stronger than a piece of thin spaghetti.  It is this aspect of our lives that we have missed and thus allowed Satan access to our lives.  Nothing about Satan is pretty, good, or wholesome. He has one goal in mind and it is your death; he has done a superb job at completing his mission in countless lives.

Lastly, Satan has done a fantastic job of infiltrating the spiritual Church and with this access has convinced her that she really does not need God in a pure or holy manner.  More vitally, he has convinced her that she does not need to listen to His Word nor does she need to rely on His presence within her heart.  The same question can be asked of her heart, what has occurred that you have forgotten the plan of your enemy?  It is written down in the Word of God, the Standard that you come from and share from, what happened?  You cannot see that you have bought into Satan's selling point, a known fact.  Plus, you cannot see the damage and devastation that you have allowed him to inflict upon your existence and your spiritual heartbeat is fading each day.

You can change Church before it is too late.  You are not healthy and not in a good place.  Deliah has formed her plan against you and has even told you how she will execute it but you must wake up and leave her!  Repent now, for time is short, your life as you know it is short unless you change and turn back to God.  It is one thing to try and then fail but you prove the title as your own if you know the plan and do nothing to win the battle; yes, in this case, you are dumber.


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