Saturday, April 28, 2012




Come back with me to the 4th century Rome as we take a look into the early Christian setting.  Christians have just been through a long turmoil of persecution and are just now being accepted into the fold of the world’s most powerful empire.  The Christians and the Christian church both have been established into Roman society and the people of the church actually defined as a group; or in modern times called a minority.  They are basically free to live out their lives in peace and as citizens of the current empire.   

To the world, Christians in the 4th century are depicted as a peaceful people not wanting to harm anyone or to cause waves with the government.  And after what they had recently been through you could not blame them for this reasoning.  Jesus stated that He was a “sword” and that His ministry would divide people and not unites them as is the common belief.  If you ask Christians of what their purpose or ministry is they will respond something like this…to spread the word and gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ok, that is great, but sitting back and being stoic about your foundation of belief is not going forth.
How could these people say that they were accomplishing Christ’s commands when even the art of the church looked inward towards the city of Rome and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea?  Everyday lives of the Christian did exactly what the other Roman citizens did, look towards the building of Rome and its confines.  The Christians built their churches inside the city centers surrounding them with gardens and pleasantries that would be fit for an emperor.  The thought of the Roman frontier and its evangelizing was far from the mainstream thinking.  Not even the Roman military wished to look at the frontier and the “outside barbarian” presence that was continually growing. Concentration on the “inward barbarian” concerned the Romans and society ignored the real threat that was brewing.   

If Jesus said to go to the entire world and preach the gospel, why didn’t the early church do this practice?  Of course we have many of the gospels of the New Testament that state that some people actually did take up this command and complete the mission of Jesus.  As you read the gospels you will realize that the majority of the people that wrote these letters did not make it to a ripe old age and if you had been living in the 4th century, you would have had it fresh in your mind that a majority of Christians before you, also did not make it to that same ripe old age.
Al little closer to our timeline and another example of the outward barbarians and how they were actually given the opportunity to accept Christ, happens in a historical novel written by Brian Moore called “Black Robe”.  It is about a Jesuit priest who goes out to the Canadian Indian tribes and begins a ministry to these people.  He is ridiculed and mocked when things go wrong, questioned when things go right and even placed into battles when the tribes are attacked by their enemies.  The gist of the story is that no matter what he tries only a few people actually believe his message and most reject the message of Christ.  At the end of the movie, the leader of one of the tribes asks him if he loves them, and he replies yes I do love you.  This act moves the Indian leader to accept Christ and begin a new life.
Today, Christians are basically the same way as society.  They have integrated themselves into this world and for the most part you cannot tell them apart.  Once again the church has fallen down on the job when it comes to the message of Christ…Go!!  The fire of the church has dwindled to a flicker; oh, and by the way there is a huge wind coming.  Where are all of the priests in church society that are willing to go to the frontiers of the world and witness to the tribes of the world?  Where are these priests that have the guts enough to stand up for what they believe in and actually care enough for humanity to tell them the truth about their lives?
If we choose not to go out then let us consume ourselves in the proverbial peughs of the churches and rot away waiting for God.  We deserve nothing more on this earth since we are ignoring what has been written to us.  Let us throw away the foundations that have set us apart for over two thousand years and then throw away the entire history of mankind since we do not believe in its origins.  Let us sit and partake of the commandments of God and watch Him do nothing.  Let us witness the wonders of the world knowing their true meanings and not tell anyone and see what God allows to happen in our lives.  Let us talk about the signs and times of the world and not be active in allowing the people who do not know the truth to suffer in their own wasteland.  Come, let us gather around the feasting tables and enjoy the fellowship of one another while the world starves for both bread and the truth.  Come on now...why waste your time in a ministry that you do not believe that is yours or in your calling...after all it is only people that do not agree with you that actually need to know.
Let us join the Mormons, The Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other organizations that actually have the guts enough to knock on someone’s door and ask them if they know God.  When was the last time you had a Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or Presbyterian come knocking on your door asking you to visit their church, or ask you if you know Christ?  Not since I was a boy did we participate in this kind of activity.  I remember when I was a young boy going to houses telling people about the new bus ministry that our church had began and inviting people to come to church.  Why do we have to be a defensive group of people and hide within the shells that we have created as our protection against attacks from others?  There is a reason that we have the armor of God and there is a reason that it was so delicately explained to us.
Be aggressive and challenge yourself to be a true witness for Christ.  Have the guts to stand up for what you believe in and what you have been taught all your life.  Have the guts to stand up for the truth about mankind and its creation.  Fight for the traditions that have been bestowed on this country.  Show the world that even in times of turmoil and strife that Christ loves them and died for them; give them a reason to be happy and to have hope.  I know that time is an issue these days and that most of us do not have much it remaining after the long day.  However, you can even make a difference in people's lives even from your computer desk.  Write!!!  Send news articles for awareness...keep Christ in the news.  Share a chapter in a book....a passage that you have read a short Bible verse.  Christ just wants us to do something and spread His message to the dying world.  It is our command from Him directly you cannot get more personal a request.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Dedication To The Cause

Dedication to the Cause


The topic of this message is not a new concept to many people in fact it is the core of what Christians are supposed to be doing willingly every day of our lives.  However, since we are not completing this topic as we should God has a message for us in return, a warning if you may.  And it goes something like this.

We all recognize that the attitudes towards Christians and conservatives are changing on a daily basis.  The hostilities towards these groups have been increasing volatile for more than a decade now.  We have to admit that our own actions have fueled some of these attitudes and our enemy has taken advantage of our actions and turned them into firestorms.  This should not be news to us we should expect this to occur while we are attacking our enemy, right?  The previous statement is a true statement; however, we are not adequately attacking our enemy, so why is our enemy attacking us so fervently?  I am so glad you asked J

Our enemy is an opportunistic one, Christians must recognize this and accept it along with placing it in our fore brains and continually remind ourselves of this fact; I could go on with many other phrases but I think you get the drift.  Our enemy will continually assault us in every way to convince us that we are defeated; he does this on a personal level so why would he stop there?  Or can he stop there and be just as effective if he attacks the entire Christian world?  It looks like he is completing this task with little resistance so I will allow you time to decide that one.  Oops, I just made a mistake, telling you to sit around and decide on something else…

You ever wonder why the world in general is now embracing the Muslims and the Islamic faith?  We see the acceptance on a continual basis and the movement is only going to get stronger and wider in stature.  After all of these decades of sitting around waiting on God to do something, we now cannot understand why He is allowing all of these issues to take precedence in our world.  Imagine that eh.  Imagine of why the world, which is a place that we are not supposed to be blended with, is accepting the enemy’s messages towards God’s people.  Who would have ever thought it would be in part to our inabilities to stand up for God and to push back the kingdom of Satan!  Well, if you read the Bible carefully, this is EXACTLY what occurs and let me tell you that it is only going to get worse if we do not take a stand for what is right and defend the church 100%.

Some of you might not agree with what I am about to say next, but I am going to back it up with a personal observance of mine.  In the eyes of the Muslim world that are doing everything correct and have no ill feelings towards those who stand in their way.  They are totally committed to their cause and to their beliefs.  They believe so much in their religion that they willingly die to get their message across to the world.  They actually have every right to call us infidels and here is the reason why.  It is because we cannot or will not have the guts to stand up for what we believe in AND act upon our beliefs to actually make a difference in our society on a continual and honest basis.

You know at one time in human history Christians called the Muslims infidels?  You want to know the reason why we did?  Read your history books and they will tell you that it was for the exact same reason that Muslims now call us infidels.  Who turned the tables and who let the tables be turned?  We did and we did it voluntarily in every area possible.  None of the people that have died due to any terrorist activity deserved their fate, but it did occur and it will continue to occur.  Oh and here is a bit of news for we Americans, it will not be long until that type of activity is occurring on our land….you can count on it!!

If the grave enemy of God’s people can act out their faith in horrific manners towards His people and their lands, why cannot the children of God counter these acts by pushing forward the Kingdom of God?  The terrorists who have committed these acts totally believe in their religion and what they are doing as sacred acts to advance their kingdom, so the question begs why aren’t we doing the same in the manner that God has commanded us to do?  All He has asked us to do is spread His message of salvation, love and restoration through Him to the world.

Another reason that the world has accepted the terroristic acts across the world is due to the acceptance of the violence that we allow ourselves to be exposed to on a continual basis.  Violence breeds violence and it also increases our thirst for more destructive violence against others.  It is a human pattern that can be read about all throughout history, just read about any human pattern from the early days and compare it to similar patterns today.  Ever wonder who drives these situations by using the dormant gifts that God has given us to use for His Kingdom?

As some of you know my father took my brother and I on a trip to Africa about fifteen years ago.  It was an eye-opening experience on that continent and I would love to travel back over to see the church now.  Even the Catholic Church is doing wonders in Africa and is claiming that the Catholic Church has never been stronger on that continent than now.  But this example is not going to be about Africa but what occurred at JFK Airport inside the International Terminal.

Our group was standing around and waiting for our plane.  A small group of Muslim men came up and sat down in the same area.  They continued their conversation amongst themselves in a quiet manner.  They sat and talked for some time and then politely and quietly got out of their seats and began to place some small rugs onto the floor around them.  Most of us saw what was happening and began to comment in our groups about the scene.  The men began to pray and go through their personal routine that they have completed probably for decades.  They were not ashamed of their faith at all.  You know what everyone did in our group?  Stood around and watched them, and as far as I can remember no one even prayed.  One person even commented that he knew which way east was now.

In my opinion I consider it very shameful that God has to use His people’s mortal enemy as an example to show His people how things should be done, in His way not theirs.  I too have fallen into this category and I also accept responsibility in my lack of participation of going into the world and the telling of the gospel of Christ.  We need to take a lesson from God’s people and learn how to fortify ourselves amongst our enemies and to take a stand and defend our right for survival.  Satan’s kingdom already has the home field advantage and we do not need to make it any easier for him to accomplish his goals.

I do not agree with any of the Muslim beliefs nor do I accept any destructive act that they portray against mankind.  However, their ways are being glorified and as long as their ways are unabated they will continue to gain in power.  This is a battle, but it is a spiritual battle and not a physical battle; but keep in mind the Muslim faith loves battle, the physical battle to achieve their goals and by their own admission they will use this type of force to achieve their goals.  I state again, our battle is not a physical one it is a spiritual one and the fight is in the spirit.  So I guess we need to understand spirit and the concepts of spiritual warfare before we are completely overrun without even putting up a fight.  Nowhere does God expect us to be rude, crude or destructive in any way towards others, in fact He instructs us to love them and to show them that God loves them as well.

Restore your heart back to God and listen to His words of battle.  It is a fight for mankind on a spiritual level and it needs to begin within your heart once again.  We did recognize this concept for many decades in the past but we used it for personal gain instead of God’s Kingdom.  It is time we lose our personal garments of accomplishments on the ground and move forward proclaiming god’s Kingdom as the victor.  If we do not do this now, we will be silenced and we will force God’s hand upon our land.  Remember that when God moves his hand it does not matter who is in the way, it must be completed.  Let us legitimately climb out of the infidel category and once again restore God’s glory upon our heads.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Haiti Trip Part III

Haiti Trip 3


This message is part of my continuing story of the trip that my dad and I took to Haiti back in 1985.  This message will be dealing with some of my thoughts and experiences since the life changing moment with the shoe.  Some of my trip dealt with some new spiritual concepts that I previously had no clue existed and how objects can play a part in the spirit realm.

The hotel that we were staying at was a fairly nice hotel; remind you it was no Hilton or Radisson but it was a very nice hotel according to Haitian standards, it had running water and a toilet in the same room which was a luxury.  The beds were not too bad and the room even had an air conditioner which was not the most efficient model of its kind but made things a tad bit more bearable.  No television was present but that was ok not many channels could be reached anyway Haiti is not the most news or sports worthy country in the hemisphere.  Nothing against the country but the way of life in the country was also a shocker to my system as well but the best way to describe it would be “the hustle and bustle of a populated street of not much going nowhere fast”.

The next morning I woke up and realized that dad was not in the room.  He had left earlier to go talk with our host about the day’s events and meetings.  I crawled out of bed and got some clothes to change into after I took my shower.  The bathroom was ok but very small, only one person could fit in there at a time and if that person was a large person then things could get a bit tricky.  I turned on the water and dreamed that hot water actually would come out of the “hot” side of the shower faucet and head but reality hit when the water that hit my forearm seemed like it was freezing cold.  So, for the second day in a row I took a cold shower which was actually kind of nice since the temperature was going to be hot and humid for the day.

I really did not do much thinking in my previous cold shower times however that morning I stayed in the shower for a while thinking about what had happened the previous day.  I had once again lost myself in that moment and there he was that young kid kneeling at my knees only this time it was in my mind and not on a pier.  I tried to clear my mind of the penetrating image that had unfolded the day before but it was burned into my mind and in fact that burned image still crosses my memory to this day.  That image serves to remind me of those who are not as lucky as we are to live in a country that has been blessed to have almost everything we want  when we want it.  Opportunities abound on a daily basis and there are many things one can do in this country to earn their daily bread.

After shower time had come to a close, it dried off and began to change clothes when dad came back to the room.  He asked if I was about ready to get some breakfast and I immediately asked if he was going to shower and he stated that he already had and I had slept through all of the noise.  I put on my socks and shoes to complete the dressing routine of my life and it was time for the taming of my mane.  I spent the next few minutes brushing my hair in a manner that I believed it had to be in, which was perfect.  Oh the stories that my parents could tell you about my public appearance beliefs back then. J  Anyway, after my hair routine was completed, I was ready to proceed for the huge breakfast I was anticipating, wrong!

As we met our guide again in front of the hotel my eyes were fixated on a group of people standing under one of the trees that lined the entrance way of the hotel.  Our guide walked us over to them and began speaking to them in Creole it was evident that he was introducing us to these merchants, commonly known to Americans as peddlers.  They had smiles on their faces and nodded to us in a somewhat friendly gesture.  We scanned over their items for a short moment and then all of us turned away as our guide once again spoke to them as we got into the car.

A few items that those people were selling caught my eye.  One group of items was wooden busts of men’s faces.  There were many of these busts and all of them were not of the same person, however at first glance a person would believe that they were of just one person.  As you got closer to them they all had distinctive features of some person.  I asked our guide who the busts were of and he said that they were probably of local politicians or leaders of the community but he was not for sure.

The other group of items that grabbed my attention was some very ornate masks.  All kinds of masks ere there including almost every size, shape and color represented.  They were beautiful and very detailed in their craftsmanship.  The intricate lines and carvings into the wood brought these masks to life and they really were quite extraordinary to observe.  I did notice that not all of them had spaces to tie a rope or chord so that the mask could fit around a person’s head, I would later find out why.  I had to admit at the time that these works of art captured my imagination more than the wooden busts did.

Our guide continued his talk about the wooden busts as we drove towards the designated restaurant for our breakfast.  The talk on the busts lasted almost the entire drive which was not too far from our hotel.  He had said that the busts were of great quality and that they would be ok for us to take back home as souvenirs if we wanted.  I was puzzled by this statement from him which proved that I had no clue of what meanings some of these souvenirs might contain.  This was puzzlement of my brain was quickly erased when he began to share about the spiritual aspects of the objects.

We approached the restaurant and the car stopped.  All of us, with the exception of the driver got out and shut the doors.  The car slowly drove away and the three of us turned towards the restaurant.  This is when the conversation about the masks took center stage.  Our guide said that the locals made the masks for a variety of reasons but one main reason stood above the rest in that some of them were used in their Voodoo worship services and conduits to the spirit world. 

Now it is important to know that the country of Haiti is considered to be a Catholic country; however, the main religion that is practiced on a regular basis is Voodoo and everything that it entails.  It is a part of their culture and history brought with them with their slave ancestors.  Even people who attend the Catholic churches on the island attend Voodoo services as well.  Their main spiritual guidance comes from the Voodoo church and the majority of the people will admit this fact, or at least at that time.  One of the main ways of voodoo worship is by using mask which serve as doors to the voodoo dancers during the service.

The way that Haitians believe is that if they bless the mask and pray for the mask that it will lead them into the spirit world and allow them to see the spirits that in turn show them how to live.  These spirits can also bring them rewards if they obey the spirits’ commands which could include anything that the mind can conceive.  They will pray over as many masks as possible in order to fulfill the spirits’ commands, even if the merchant is not a member of the Voodoo Church and is really trying to earn a living for his family.  That subject will be addressed in the next message about my journey.

By these examples it is important for us to understand the cultures and beliefs of other people that live around the world.  We do not know when we might be exposed to these people for whatever cause or circumstance.  As with the major earthquake that devastated that country a few years ago, many of them might be allowed to take refuge in our country for a while, we never know what the living conditions will be in the future or even tomorrow.  We need to be prepared both physically and spiritually in case the horrible may occur.

These people of this island nation are a wonderful group of people and they struggle to survive on a daily basis.  Their country is considered by most people as a Christian nation but they are so far from God that is heartbreaking to even think about their spiritual conditions.  They are a people that need restoration both in the physical sense and just as importantly in the spiritual sense.  God loves these people just as much as He loves you and me.  Haitians are another example of how God sees us through our hearts and not by our economic or social status.  These people need God in every way and we need to continually uplift them in our prayers.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Friendship With The Jews

Friendship With the Jews


Israel has been the one nation has been at the forefront of countless controversies throughout its history.  Even before the earthly nation was created the spiritual nation of Israel had plenty of experience in this category.  Those in the world who have continually supported Israel have been truly blessed in their endeavors and from reading history the opposite has been true of Israel’s enemies.  It is our duty to stand with Israel no matter who leave her fold and it is our duty to defend her at all costs.

If one reads the entire history of the nation of Israel it can be said that this tiny nation has had its fair share of devastating acts of crime forged against her.  They have been attacked by almost every means necessary and have withstood every attack to date.  They constantly have individuals call for their destruction and forcing them to recognize that their enemies are right next door.  They have had international athletes captured and murdered, they have had their own military personnel captured and held hostage for decades.  This list could go on for pages and pages and not even scratch the surface as to what this country has been subjected to.

Many of the worlds populations have openly called for their country to be “unrecognized” by the world’s governing bodies.  Many countries believe that Israel has committed war crimes while they were defending their borders and some have even said that they have stolen land from others in order to define their land as Jewish.  It is not uncommon to hear stories and current happenings with Israel on a daily basis with the majority of the reports being negative; which is funny since a portion of these people do not even have a land of their own.

There is a passage in the Old Testament that basically stares that if you are for Israel you will be blessed and if you are against Israel watch out troubled times will be in your path.  I have taken up the study of Church history and I have discovered something about the church’s path.  It does not matter what portion of history that you read, the church has held a position of straddling the fence when it comes to Israel sometimes they have been a friend to Israel and an enemy to Israel in other times; examples include times that the church has supported the Jewish people and soon afterwards the church leads the way in their persecution.  I guess these examples are some reasons why the church has gone through some tough times during its history.  My suggestion is that the church forget its political ambitions and return to the Bible and defend Israel like her life depends upon it and to be honest, it does!

It is a well known fact that society is promoting people to ignore its own history along with the other parts of the world’s history.  This is a clear admonition coming from the very top that includes the complete destruction of morality that the church has stood for centuries.  If the church can be silenced from those who wish not to adhere to the church’s standards then our enemy has once again driven a larger wedge in-between the Divine and man.  Therefore, if this separation exists then the church’s viewpoints will eventually be weaker than the other voices crying out and thus made insignificant in the eyes of the public realm.  The church needs to wake up and see that our enemy is winning this battle for our spirits and thus creating a deeper road to climb in our restoration process.

There have been many people in this country that have called themselves Christians but have condemned the nation of Israel, hateful to the individual Jew or even sought out harm towards them.  I cannot believe that people of this nature are that blind to what the Jewish nation means to the church and how the church itself has risen from this group of people.  These people need to see that they themselves are actually helping out the enemy of the church with their words and actions.  Satan does not care where he gets help from all he is interested in is separating us from God and he really does not care if you believe in him or not he just wants your participation.  And if you participate in this hateful manner, you have accomplished his goals.

Since the Catholic Church was the only established church for many centuries they have received a bad rap for the only source of Christians of being very cruel towards the Jews.  Many countries have tried their best to drive out the Jewish influence from their lands either by decrees or by violence.  I also find it interesting that some extremely high up leaders in these organizations who were prosecuting the Jewish people were at the same time having sexual liaisons with the Jewish females and also conducting formal business within church walls with the very people that they were driving out.  It is time to treat these people with respect and to regain their trust through official church channels and it does not matter which denomination it is either.

It is also interesting that society has created a secular Jew.  The secular group of Jewish people are usually not involved with the Godly Jews and really do not even recognize them as a formal group.  The majority of secular Jews for the most part do not attend the synagogues or if they do they attend ones that condone the practices of modern thinking and leave out the traditional views of the Torah.  I personally know of a lady that recently converted to Judaism and began to study to become a rabbi; she is a lesbian.  Now her actions do not surprise me at all, in fact it actually fits a pattern that my Uncle Jerry explained to me some time back and only enforces the spiritual state of the modern church itself and human beliefs as well.

Even though there are people that do not represent the Jewish Nation or even believe in their past and present living conditions it is our duty as Christians to support this tiny nation and the people that live throughout the world that call this small country their home.  God established this nation and it should be defended by everyone who calls themselves a Christian.  I believe that we should defend this country with our lives if necessary and the day that we turn our backs on this country we too shall be attacked and defeated in ways that are unspeakable and almost unimaginable to the human mind.

It is time that this country gets off of the fence and make the decision to fight for this country.  Elect the appropriate people that will lead the stance with Israel and defend her to the death if necessary.  It is time for us as a nation to return to the friendly policies towards Israel and stop the lies that have been presented to her.  No, we will not agree with everything that Israel will do but no human has ever agreed with everything that everyone has done in their lives either.

To the nation of Israel I stand and say I am with you in your defenses.  I am not a Jew by birth but I am a Jew through God and I believe that you as a nation shall stand tall after all enemies have set their boundaries against you.  God shall keep His people intact and will return those to you that are listening.  This return shall be within the Christian church as well.  Church be very leery of the groups that attack the Jewish people and the things that are being said about Israel, search these words and expose the truth to everyone as the references fall into place.  Do not be afraid of the things you find and do not be afraid to stand up and speak the truth for the truth will always shine light into the darkness of lies.

It is time that we Christians stop reading and believing the current media propaganda concerning Israel and return back to the belief that she is being attacked from all sides possible.  Geographically she is surrounded on all sides by her mortal enemies and all they wish to do is to drive her back into the one side where she does not have any enemies and that is her fourth side which is the sea.  However, we all remember a similar story of a time when her enemies basically held the same position and God performed a miracle with the water and with the people who stand with Israel will see a similar miracle occur once again.  We should not be adding attacks and other enemies to Israel’s list, we should be embracing her as a true friend and stand with her at all costs.  It makes sense that if you believe in God that person should live on the side of Israel.

If you want to understand a portion of the heart of God, restore your love and belief in Israel.  What better way can a person close the gap between God and themselves than to be friends with the one nation that He created Himself.  Yes there will be things that we do not agree with but that is part of life that will come and go.  Israel is a beautiful nation and the Jewish people are an equally beautiful people.  Love them and their country and pray for them that they may understand God once again as in the olden days.  Stand up and defend her and restore ourselves to her for you know, God always wins in the end so if you want to be on the winning side, being friends with Israel is a good thing J


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Facing Our Consequences

Facing Our Consequences


All humans make a choice everyday to embrace the tasks that we have set out to complete.  Some of these tasks are of a noble standard and others tend to be on the risky side of things.  It does not matter what the category these fit into, it is still our choice in making these decisions.  Once we make these decisions and our tasks are made public, we then set ourselves up for the active consequences that others will attest to in the same public realm.  Be smart, be safe and do what is God authorizes and all things will come to pass without hail in your forecast.

Along our daily journey through this game called life we constantly are bombarded with decisions that we have to make.  It really does not matter what area we are discussing at some part of our day we have to make these decisions and then face all of the positive and negative consequences of these decisions.  We would like to believe that all our decisions are of a good nature and that we will receive only praise as a return for these decisions, but as we all know not everyone sees things in the same manner as we do and the true results many times come to us in the form of his against ourselves.  Let’s face it, as humans we all do stupid things.  That situation is something that we cannot ignore or say that we have never done or never will do in fact I guess it must be one of our jobs that we have to do to be considered a human, it is so popular of a thing to do. J

From the beginning of this message I wish to address an issue that may come up.  I want to say that this message is directed to no one in particular yet it is directed to everyone in the world.  ALL of us have fallen into this category at one time or another in our lives.  The truth in situations sometimes hurts and is not pretty, but this is a topic that I actually had started a while back and God is now finishing the message.  Take heed to the words of the message and restore ourselves to the one and only true God. 

The personal example I am going to give you is just that, a personal one so please do not draw any conclusions to the subject, just read it and understand all that God is trying to say.  Some of you may know that I was married before.  It was a time in my life that I was in control of everything that occurred in my world and no one was going to tell me any differently.  I was not a mean or hateful about things it was just the fact that it was going to be my way on all decisions and here were not going to be any questions otherwise. 

My marriage was a tough one in which it only lasted a bit over three years.  The marriage provided me with a beautiful daughter that to this day continues to bless my life.  A few other minor odds and ends and that were about all of what the union produced.  I am not going to go into details now but as you can all guess the marriage did not work out and it’s life died a horrible death a short time after it began.  This was a decision that at the time I believed was the best for my life and is an example of a bad decision on my part, but it could not all be bad since I have a daughter who I love tremendously.

After the marriage ended I felt like I had completed the worst thing in my life and also felt that I had violated every sacred act towards a relationship.  I moved to Delta and began my life over once again.  I knew that I was going to face some questions regarding my actions and I also knew that I would not stand in the same “platform” as others that I would encounter.  I had known that what I had just completed went against everything that my parents had taught me and what my church stood for.  I knew that I was going to be placed into a category that would isolate me in many areas of the life I knew.

I knew my parents were placed into a peculiar setting while my life fell apart and I also knew the personal pain that they were experiencing due to the same circumstance in my life.  I had previously met some of the people from Delta on my trips down from Utah where I had been stationed.  It was going to be odd facing them in this manner and I knew that tongues would be wagging in some form.  I knew that I would be greeted with smiles and hugs but I could not help but wonder what their minds were thinking and the questions that they had concerning my decisions.  I did not blame them for their comments or actions; I could not blame them since it was my actions that allowed them to act in a human manner.

People that I associate with today still know that I was previously married and that is a fact that they will never forget.  It was an action of mine that caused them to have that memory burned into their minds.  It was a rough haul for a while wondering what everyone was saying about me when I “left the building” but it was a situation that I faced head-on and did not condemn them even when some of them condemned me, for I knew that some of them just might find themselves in some similar predicament in the future.  God understands the mistakes that humans do and He is willing to forgive us if we turn from our ways and restore what we lost due to our actions, but sometimes humans forget this concept of forgiveness….once again, it is a human trait.

I also remember one time that dad had to “close” a prayer chain group in one of the churches that he pastored, it is a human trait to want to know all of the juicy details of someone else’s life and it is a human trait to wish to “spread the gospel” of this newly found truth about a person.  Just plain and simple truth of things is that people are going to do it, and it does not matter if they go to church or not, it is a human thing.  Oh, and by the way this human thing that we are talking about is not just limited to western society it is present in all societies of the world.

Humans are masters about digging up our pasts and it is a great tool that we like to use when we are trying to make a point to others.  What we fail to see, or maybe we do see it and just have this attitude to harm other humans, is that Satan uses our past against us to try and inhibit our future.  If there is any way that he can withhold us from completing what God has planned for us, his job has been a success and he has accomplished a further human separation from God.  One goal that humans thrive upon is gossip or the half truth and how much information we can find out before we continue the “knowledge” tour of the general public.  All of which we are deemed to hear as time progresses.

Ok, who are we talking about that is going to find out about our actions?  Well, most everyone that you know on a personal basis will eventually hear some type of story, it may take a while for the information to filter down to them but they will learn about it.  This includes family members as well and with this lovely item called technology, some distant family members may see the muddy waters that we have stepped into as well.  This information will hurt them and it will place a strain upon the established relationships, not a division but a strain; this too is a human trait and it will come to a head.  Remember they too will go through the questions and thoughts that you face as well.

What is the next logical step that we take during this process?  We find people who will stand with us and agree with our positions and begin to throw rocks in other people’s direction as well.  This too is a normal reaction.  A while back, a local news story that came out concerning a situation with tattoos and how a lady did not like them which was her own opinion about tattoos and bluntly stated her beliefs on this on a social network.  Shortly afterwards another lady wrote a response that was not bad in content giving her own opinion about the subject. 

A few more comments filled the list and both sides of the tattoo issue were presented.  One of the last posts was from a woman who was furious with the fact that someone had a bad opinion about tattoos and even offered to hunt the woman down.  When I read this I was curious if this lady was serious about her comment, so I did the next thing that a Bishop would do….I wrote her in a private note and asked.  I really did not expect a response back from her but I threw the question out and waited to see what would happen and to my expectations no response came.  What I am saying is that people will state their opinions and their words in public on whatever topic they see fit, so it is our duty as humans to try and keep this sort of activity from not happening.

We find comfort in these friends that stand with us, but what justice do they do in our lives?  Do they continue to fuel the flames of chatter and finger pointing?  Do they defend you till the end?  Do they fling insults towards others in response to the objecting opinions?  Do they honestly understand what you are going through?  These are questions that come quickly to mind to others that read other concerning friends comments. And do these friends actually help in our healing process or do they justify our actions so that we can continue our current beliefs?

Remember the game that some of us played where you sit in a circle with a group of people and one person starts at a particular person and whispers something in their ear.  The person then turns to the person beside them and whispers what they believe that the first person said to them.  The process continues until the last person receives the whispered statement.  Then that person says what they believed they heard out loud.  Sometimes the information said was close but other times it was way off base.  This same concept happens when humans get involved in the chatting series through friends.  Generally we accept the fact that the people that are hearing about our troubles are filtering this information towards us, but how many times have we, the ones who have been scorned, performed the same tactics towards others while receiving this verbiage.

God understands that when we do things that cause us shame we will face scrutiny over that decision.  He can protect us so much but the ultimate responsibility is ours to not give the enemy a chance to pounce on our lives more than what he already does.  Take my word for it people, if you give our enemy an open door guess who is going to walk through it.  It does not take much to figure this out, but if you choose to open this door, you must remember that the consequences will catch up to you sooner or later.  Ok, I believe I have covered the bases for the basis of this message.

We should keep something else in mind.  Our actions that we have just completed, or are in the process of completing might just be a sample of something our lineage has previously ingrained into our being.  This is not an excuse for the act but it something that we need to really examine about our life and do our best to prevent this type of activity in our children.  You now cannot say that it will not have an effect on them, because it has just had an effect on you, and you were a child once.  Oh, and remember something else once something is passed down the line, we as humans have a tendency to repeating a similar action but we usually take it to another level, which should be ever more the reason to break this line at the present time.

It is God’s true desire that none of His children face any ridicule about things concerning their lives.  However He cannot and will not control our actions in any way, shape, or form.  He has given humans the means to make choices for themselves in every situation.  God does see our actions and He is aware of every event that occurs in our lives.  God also understands the path that we take and He understands the reasoning that we have for making this choice.  God has a message for each of you that have found yourselves involved in situations like these and many others similar to them.  It is a message of repentance and restoration.  It is not an easy task but it is a process that is life changing in every aspect of our lives.

Repentance is the beginning of restoration in which it places God back in control of your life and realigns our spiritual life back into communication with God.  Repentance also brings tells God that we give all of our problems to Him and that we will listen to what He has to say over our lives.  Repentance opens our spiritual eyes to what we have allowed into our lives and how it has not only separated us from God but also from the physical reality that we have pursued to alienate our personal relationships; it does not matter what the situation is these acts of separation complete these steps that isolate us from others.  Repentance is the only positive step that we can make to begin the correction process.  For when we truly repent, we voluntarily give up our rights and hand them to God.

Even after the repentance and restoration processes have taken hold, there will still be times down the road where your actions will be questioned.  This is not a time of panic but it is a time of rejoicing since you can honestly say that you have defeated those issues and are allowing God to continue to show you His light concerning those subjects.  Not everyone will agree with you, and some might even doubt your commitment to God, but this is ok and should be taken in stride.  However, it also serves as a reminder of the things that had infiltrated your life and how it is important to teach others not to follow in the same fashion.

It is God’s desire to break this lineage in your life but in order for Him to complete this task you must turn your life completely over to Him and allow Him to restore you in the manner that He desires for your life.  This means giving up your “rights” to God and following His guidance in every way known to humans.  It is a tough process but a life changing experience that only one who has gone through it can understand.  It is an individual process none like it to any other person, but it establishes and builds a relationship with God that infiltrates your inner spirit and allows to you to be free once again.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Dont Complain About Food

Don’t Complain About Food


My trip to Haiti taught me some valuable lessons concerning the importance of food and the availability that we in western society have regarding this subject.  Not everyone in our own country has enough food to fill their stomachs on a continual basis, so how is it we who do have food continually complain about what we intake.  There have been many examples throughout history that paint a gruesome picture when the food supplies dwindle and the effects that this condition has upon its society.  Many times we carry this complaint into the spiritual side of things as well which sets us up on a plane to be cut down like chaff.

I am going to begin this message with another part of my Haiti trip and this part will concentrate on the food aspect of things.  I am not going to go into too much detail about this issue but a couple of things I need to say to set the tone of this message.

Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and it has no intentions to change this stature anytime soon.  Its government has literally raped the country of its resources and has totally enslaved its people by languishing them in extreme poverty; and that is the good news.  Haiti’s food situation is one of a unique matter in which if you have money you eat somewhat properly and if you do not have money, then you steal whatever you can to obtain something to barter with for food.  I am not talking about a decent meal I am talking about a piece of bread.

I remember walking into one of the houses in a neighborhood and looking into the one room place where over 20 people lived.  The one room served as every type of “comfort” that a family could have including the kitchen and food storage area; these people had nothing but our guide said that if you knew these people they would be grateful just to have a roof over their head.  As I looked around I saw no pantry, no stove, no oven or even skillet to cook food in all I saw was an empty room.  These people did not know if they would eat that morning, or that evening.

I went back outside and returned to the sidewalk from which all of us had come and began to look around at some of the people that we had passed a while ago.  I recognized some of them and asked our guide who they were, and this is when I received my eye opening experience to beggars.  Our guide informed us that we could spend all day giving our money to these people and we would not begin to scratch the surface of the number of people begging on the streets.  He also stated that we need to be very careful of whom we gave since the Voodoo church would send people out to beg for the church.  Mothers would also intentionally break their children’s limbs in order to make them better beggars in other people’s eyes.

This explanation came as another shock to my system, since I had not been in any encounters with beggars in my life this experience was another reality blow to my way of thinking.  That evening we went into the mountains to eat at a restaurant.  A small house actually which served the French tourists on a regular basis.  The meal was simple but adequate and the restaurant provided a beautiful overlook to the city of Port au Prince.  It was amazing how darkness could provide a different backdrop to an otherwise filthy looking city in the daylight.  We had a nice time in the restaurant and the service was a real treat.  As I panned the room I noticed that the establishment was not too busy, only about one quarter full to be more exact and it was not looking like business was going to be picking up either.  While this meal was refreshing it confused me even more about the status of this country, a place where no birds sang or even flew about your head, the skies were blue but empty of life.

My parents had always told me that I should never be picky about the food I ate or turn my nose up at food that was placed before me, since one day I might not have any to fill my stomach.  This concept was far from my mind until I arrived in Haiti.  I received a firsthand account of many people who did not have an ounce of bread to eat, and there I at complaining that I had to eat a vegetable that would allow me to have a strong immune system.  The Haiti trip taught me a valuable lesson concerning food and I am passing it along to you, enjoy the food that God has provided you to eat and do not waste it because unless this country changes it ways, I honestly believe there will come a time when God will shut up the food coffers and this country will know what it means to be hungry.

I know it is a difficult concept to sell to our children when we have all the choices that surround us but it is important that we show our children the value of food and that nutrition comes first instead of taste and flavor.  Quality overcomes quantity and a balanced meal serves our overall health in a much greater capacity so that our minds can function properly.

A story comes to mind that occurred many centuries ago and it dealt with people who complained about the food that they had been receiving.  See God had performed a great miracle in order for these people to leave the land in which they were considered slaves.  They had once been free to come and go in that country but over time had becomes slaves to the ruling government.  They had become accustomed to their environment and had accepted the blindness that was placed over their eyes in the form of complacency.

When it was time for these people to leave the land that they had been living in, excitement filled the multitudes for their hopes had been renewed in such a way that they once again turned to God for deliverance.  This deliverance was something that had been granted to them and they now had to decide what to take and what to leave behind.  They knew the trek was going to be long but they had confidence that God would not allow them to walk for too long of time in the desert.  They had no idea of what god had in store for them, see God recognized that these people needed to be free of the things that their living conditions had provided them and had attached to them.  In other words, they had lived in an enslaved condition for so long that they failed to see what their overall conditions had become.

While these people were walking in the desert they began to realize that their food supplies were steadily dwindling and as the hunters would return empty-handed, concern began to rise as the days became weeks and so forth.  These once joyous people began to complain about the food conditions to the leaders of the groups.  The leaders knew that God had delivered them from their captivity but they also heard the grumblings of the people and knew that serious problems would arise if conditions did not change soon.  How could they doubt God and His blessings upon He had bestowed upon them.  As promised God did deliver food to these people and at first the food was received as a blessing and it brought great joy to the people and the grumblings ceased for the time being.  But as time passed the people grew tired of the same food day after day and once again began to grumble to the leaders.  The people missed the flavors and spices of their old land and wished to once again return to their captives to live in the conveniences that they had and failed to see that God was actually delivering them from the old habits that they had fallen into which allowed them to become slaves in the first place.  They were longing to become slaves once again and God had invested too much time in their lives to allow this process to end prematurely.

The grumblings of the people began to get louder by the day so much so that the complaints about the food became deafening to some of their leaders who in turn began siding with the people and joined in the grumbling campaign.  Many questions come to mind concerning this situation and the first one begin how could they complain about food that was provided to them on a regular basis in which they had to do little in order to obtain this food.  The amount of food was adequate for all of their needs and it even came out of the sky at a set time of the day. 

These people became so angry with the leaders that they began to rebel against them and had thoughts of refusing to eat, a hunger strike if you wish, out in the middle of the desert.  Not a brilliant move if you ask me and according to God not His idea of obedience either.  As the story goes, God got tired of their attitudes and opened the ground up and ironically had some of these people for lunch.  Now, if you ask me this story is a great example of a bad idea when it comes to complaining to God about food, especially food that He has lovingly provided to us….are you following me here?

The complaints concerning food, along with the many other complaints about their traveling conditions, enabled them to doubt the path that God had planned for them.  They forgot that their complaining had set them loose in a desert for an extended amount of time and that the more they complained the longer that they were going to be out in those conditions.  They failed to see that God had a plan for their lives and that by complaining they ignored His call on their lives; so another lap around Mt Sinai they took. 

How many of us have been on diets?  How many of us while on that diet would have “killed” for a pizza or some other fattening food?  We reach a point in our diet where we feel secure about not wanting any of these diet killer foods and then all of a sudden an urge or craving hits us and we find ourselves staring at an open refrigerator before we even realize what had come over us.  Our bodies remember what we have ingested over time and it is a continual process to rid ourselves of the junk that we allowed into our lives at one point in time.  We realize that we need to eat but crave something that will not be good for our bodies.  This is when we begin to override the better conditions within our body to satisfy our favorable tastes for food.

Try this out for a little gray cell matter sensation; the result of complaints inhibits the reality of your existence.  When we complain about anything, in this case food we are ignoring the reality of what God has provided for us to re-supply our source of energy.  It says to God that we do not want what you have provided for us and that we can find something on our own, in other words I do not need you God I can do this my own way.  How do I know this is true?  Well, I did it myself in times when I told my mother that I did not want to eat something that she placed in front of me, or when I had to eat something that someone else fixed for me that I did not like.  These types of instances serve the same meaning to our parents who have provided food for our re-supply of energy.

Now when I acted up at the dinner table my parents said goodbye to me until my attitude changed and you know what when my stomach began to rumble due to the lack of food I quickly realized that my attitude could take a hike and I once again found myself at the dinner table, after an apology of course.  And you know something, mom never once denied me any food when I returned to the table nor did she condemn me for my actions in the first place, but she always asked me “did you learn something?”  And you know the more I came to enjoy the food that was set before me, the less I had to wait on supper J

Let us look at the spiritual side of this subject for a bit.  Not only does God provide us with a physical form of food but He also supplies us with spiritual food as well.  We humans tend to forget that our spirits need food just as much as our physical bodies do.  Our spirits need this food in order to stay fit when times of attacks occur.  God provides us with spiritual food through His Word.  His Word provides us with a daily supply of spiritual food that is specific for our needs at that very time.  He guarantees that this food will be the best for your spiritual life.  It may not seem like the most tasteful portions served it will be the best substance for your spiritual needs.

We need to take to heart the complaints that we give to God.  I can guarantee if a person complains about food they will eventually complain about the spiritual food that is being provided to them as well.  I will take it a step further and say that we as humans will go to a place where the spiritual food that is being served will be to their liking.  This concept works on both sides of the feeding levels. 

We have become accustomed to receiving the types of food that we want instead of the types of food that we need in our lives.  On the physical food side of things we need to restore our good eating habits in such a manner that allows our bodies to function at its best at all times; cut down on the junk food that we intake and clean out our systems with water instead of preservatives and false energy supplements.  We need to be thankful for the healthy lifestyle we are trying to live by restoring the ways that we eat and think about food.

In the same manner we need to take into consideration of the spiritual food that God is providing us.  We need to be still and listen for His voice in our life for it is His voice that will provide the necessary means that will strengthen our spirits for the upcoming battles that await us.  Listen to His words of wisdom, strength, and encouragement for it is these words that will prove to be cornerstone of spiritual nourishment.  As with physical food spiritual food may at times seem a little dull or boring but always understand that it has a purpose for your spirit that we might not immediately see, and that if we do complain about it then we will most likely not see its usefulness in our lives and it will fall to the side and wither away.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dont Sing The Songs

Don’t Sing The Songs


Christian music originated many centuries ago and has progressed at a steady clip with the accumulation of the modern day worship songs.  Over this time period, many different styles of songs have been composed and serve in a variety of capacities within the church.  Each genre of music within the church, as it should, points back to God which allows every person to connect in their own way.  One aspect of this genre share is that all of the music has a meaning and we must treat this music as words from God, which when we sing these words we open ourselves o their meanings.

As stated in my opening paragraph there are many forms of Christian music that have been written.  There is no question in my mind that these songs were divinely written throughout the years and represent a powerful message to God’s people.  Many of the old hymns of the church still ring out in congregations around the world and are just as relevant today as in past century that they were written.  Praise songs eventually came along and changed the course of Christian music as well. 

Contemporary Christian music appeared in the 1970s and I am proud to say that dad’s ministry helped begin this style of music.  Contemporary music broke a barrier that could reach a new generation of Christians that had different ideas concerning Christ which would include their type of passion towards Christ in effect returning music to the new evangelical way of that time.

Worship songs began to make an appearance in the late 1990s and this style of music continues its growing trend today.  This new style of worship expanded the horizons of music and forms a bond with every church member in their own personal way with God.  It also sets the tone of worship in the people as they gather to hear God’s word for their lives, but this style of music still does not appeal to everyone who stands during the song service.

No matter which style of Christian music you talk about it does, on some level, cause controversy.  Not every person will like a certain style of music played within a church, this is just going to be an occurrence that cannot be avoided.  This message is not going to be a music bashing one in which pits or divides Christians further from what we are now.  This message will not set well with some due to the content of what is about to be spoken, but we all need to stop and think about what will be said and apply it to our lives; this includes our daily walk with God as well.

Music has always has occupied a special place in my heart and I have a feeling that this scenario will play out until I draw my last breath on this earth.  Music represents a definition in my life that compels me to look at the world in a unique way every time I hear a song being played; a scene of extraordinary beauty that shouts “creation” as that song rolls through my ears.  I know that this feeling of mine is shared with millions of other people around the world and since I know the role of music in my life I can understand those same feelings in other people’s lives as well.  When it comes to music, all humans are in the same boat.

Christian music is no exception when it comes to the ideas and thoughts that it inspires in my head as the notes race across my brain.  These songs are simply beautiful and it cannot be argued that they were divinely orchestrated by God Himself.  The words of these songs touch our hearts in ways that allow us to believe that we are having a direct conversation with God, and in fact we are.  The musical notes and beat of the music set our minds in a holy presence that is hard to verbally explain, as a fact it should as well.  With all of these combinations to any style of worship music, our lives are in tune with our creator, the one who provides us with everything that we can ever imagine.

Let us take a bit closer look at the words of these songs that we love to sing each Sunday or in our cars as we are driving down the street.  Now I know that most of us have good memories in which after a while of hearing a song the words begin to stick into our minds and we can sing those words even when there is no music available.  It is a process that most of us complete every day and it is a great habit to get into if you do not already practice it.

Have you ever thought about those words that you are singing, I mean really thought about them?  We agree that those songs touch our hearts right?  They keep us close to God, right?  They provide a connection to God, right?  So, I guess you can say that those songs, and words, come from God, right?  Ok, if that is the case then we agree with everything that those songs and words represent, right?

So it is now safe to say that the words of these songs God can use through our lives, right?  Do you believe God can open the eyes of your heart?  How about “This is my desire to honor you Lord”?  What about “These are the days of Elijah”?  And we all have sang “As the deer panteth for the water”.  Have we really understood these words that we are singing and what we are saying to God when we sing these words to Him?

God hears these words from our mouths with great joy!!  And He responds with the blessings and commands that He attributes to our words that He has given to us in this form of communication. These are His words that He has shared with us to build a relationship with us and when He hears us using His words God has every authority to allow the words that we speak to come to pass.  So, if we sing “God have your way in me”, you can bet your last dollar that He will come through with this promise.  Stop and think about all of the songs that we have sung over the past decades.  If you cannot remember some of them….look them up and reread what you have declared to God.  Did you mean those words?

Before you continue reading, think about what I have just said.  Take your time before proceeding, because the next portion of the message should remind you of some kingdom concepts.

Now that you have had a chance to search your heart a bit, let me now tell you about the flip side of things.  We all remember that Lucifer was the number two dude in Heaven and that he was equal to none in heaven, only God and god alone was higher and mightier than Lucifer.  You remember someone mentioned in the Bible who was the worship leader in Heaven?  His name was Lucifer.  Yes, we have a tendency to forget that he was the music director before he fell and yes, we still need to remember that he does have an ear for music.  The number two entity in heaven was the music director, so you now can see just how important music is to God and how important it is in our communication with God.  Because if you do not believe that the former music director in heaven will not use this avenue against you…then as my mother used to say…”you’ve got another think coming” J

This concept applies to me as well.  There was a time in my life that I would not sing the old hymns that I was raised with, I would not even pick up the hymnal and when the music leader would tell us to turn to a certain page in the hymnal I would not even consider moving to obtain one.  I had no belief in those songs, but I sure would begin to mouth the words when I noticed mom or dad looking at me.  My heart was not in it I did not understand what had been given to me and what that gift actually meant.

We humans have a tendency to change careers in some capacity as we journey through this process called life.  However, after we change areas or careers we still tend to hold on to some of the old concepts of our previous area of expertise.  We may not be in that official capacity any longer but we still remember the tricks of the trade and how things are done.  So, would it be any problem for Satan to use music as a tool of separation between man and God?

Since music is a large part of our daily lives it makes sense that Satan would use this avenue to infiltrate our spirits to enforce his ideas.  So, if he can find a way to bring his message of separation into our lives, what better way than to do it by using music and more specifically the use of Christian music.  See, if we stand in church and go through the motions and do not really mean what we are singing, and those songs and words come from God and we say them but do not mean them, then we are using God’s words to lie. 

If our words do not match our spirits and hearts, then we are speaking lies.  If we sing these songs and do not mean them, then we are lying to God.  Lying opens the doors for so many potential disasters to come into our lives, disasters that we may find difficult to recover from when they are found out.  These disasters will one day affect our children as that door will be passed open in their lives.  No wonder music ministers and their families are such prime targets for Satan and his kingdom.  Music is a specialty that requires a sensitive heart and opens up so many lives when performed.

Singing songs that do not have meaning in our lives are songs that we really should not even sing on a personal level.  If this is the case in our lives, we need to restore our hearts back to God so that He can restore the rightful meaning of His songs into our hearts.  As David did and understood, there is nothing comparable in singing and dancing to the Words of God.  Do not harden your hearts about this message but listen to the call of God wanting nothing more to restore the meaning of His words in your life.  Stop, and turn towards His voice and let the music flow through your life again in the way God designed it.

So, when you sing the song “With All I Am” by Hillsong let us sing it with a pure heart to God and mean every word that comes from our mouth.  If you do not know this song or have never heard of it, look it up on the internet, buy the CD or if you have any other means of listening to it, do it in a manner of which I have just described to you…of pure heart and see what it does inside you.  As I was writing this message this afternoon, one of my friends posted a message on his page that contained the scripture Matthew 15: 8-9.  Read it, it will confirm some things.