Friday, April 27, 2012

Dedication To The Cause

Dedication to the Cause


The topic of this message is not a new concept to many people in fact it is the core of what Christians are supposed to be doing willingly every day of our lives.  However, since we are not completing this topic as we should God has a message for us in return, a warning if you may.  And it goes something like this.

We all recognize that the attitudes towards Christians and conservatives are changing on a daily basis.  The hostilities towards these groups have been increasing volatile for more than a decade now.  We have to admit that our own actions have fueled some of these attitudes and our enemy has taken advantage of our actions and turned them into firestorms.  This should not be news to us we should expect this to occur while we are attacking our enemy, right?  The previous statement is a true statement; however, we are not adequately attacking our enemy, so why is our enemy attacking us so fervently?  I am so glad you asked J

Our enemy is an opportunistic one, Christians must recognize this and accept it along with placing it in our fore brains and continually remind ourselves of this fact; I could go on with many other phrases but I think you get the drift.  Our enemy will continually assault us in every way to convince us that we are defeated; he does this on a personal level so why would he stop there?  Or can he stop there and be just as effective if he attacks the entire Christian world?  It looks like he is completing this task with little resistance so I will allow you time to decide that one.  Oops, I just made a mistake, telling you to sit around and decide on something else…

You ever wonder why the world in general is now embracing the Muslims and the Islamic faith?  We see the acceptance on a continual basis and the movement is only going to get stronger and wider in stature.  After all of these decades of sitting around waiting on God to do something, we now cannot understand why He is allowing all of these issues to take precedence in our world.  Imagine that eh.  Imagine of why the world, which is a place that we are not supposed to be blended with, is accepting the enemy’s messages towards God’s people.  Who would have ever thought it would be in part to our inabilities to stand up for God and to push back the kingdom of Satan!  Well, if you read the Bible carefully, this is EXACTLY what occurs and let me tell you that it is only going to get worse if we do not take a stand for what is right and defend the church 100%.

Some of you might not agree with what I am about to say next, but I am going to back it up with a personal observance of mine.  In the eyes of the Muslim world that are doing everything correct and have no ill feelings towards those who stand in their way.  They are totally committed to their cause and to their beliefs.  They believe so much in their religion that they willingly die to get their message across to the world.  They actually have every right to call us infidels and here is the reason why.  It is because we cannot or will not have the guts to stand up for what we believe in AND act upon our beliefs to actually make a difference in our society on a continual and honest basis.

You know at one time in human history Christians called the Muslims infidels?  You want to know the reason why we did?  Read your history books and they will tell you that it was for the exact same reason that Muslims now call us infidels.  Who turned the tables and who let the tables be turned?  We did and we did it voluntarily in every area possible.  None of the people that have died due to any terrorist activity deserved their fate, but it did occur and it will continue to occur.  Oh and here is a bit of news for we Americans, it will not be long until that type of activity is occurring on our land….you can count on it!!

If the grave enemy of God’s people can act out their faith in horrific manners towards His people and their lands, why cannot the children of God counter these acts by pushing forward the Kingdom of God?  The terrorists who have committed these acts totally believe in their religion and what they are doing as sacred acts to advance their kingdom, so the question begs why aren’t we doing the same in the manner that God has commanded us to do?  All He has asked us to do is spread His message of salvation, love and restoration through Him to the world.

Another reason that the world has accepted the terroristic acts across the world is due to the acceptance of the violence that we allow ourselves to be exposed to on a continual basis.  Violence breeds violence and it also increases our thirst for more destructive violence against others.  It is a human pattern that can be read about all throughout history, just read about any human pattern from the early days and compare it to similar patterns today.  Ever wonder who drives these situations by using the dormant gifts that God has given us to use for His Kingdom?

As some of you know my father took my brother and I on a trip to Africa about fifteen years ago.  It was an eye-opening experience on that continent and I would love to travel back over to see the church now.  Even the Catholic Church is doing wonders in Africa and is claiming that the Catholic Church has never been stronger on that continent than now.  But this example is not going to be about Africa but what occurred at JFK Airport inside the International Terminal.

Our group was standing around and waiting for our plane.  A small group of Muslim men came up and sat down in the same area.  They continued their conversation amongst themselves in a quiet manner.  They sat and talked for some time and then politely and quietly got out of their seats and began to place some small rugs onto the floor around them.  Most of us saw what was happening and began to comment in our groups about the scene.  The men began to pray and go through their personal routine that they have completed probably for decades.  They were not ashamed of their faith at all.  You know what everyone did in our group?  Stood around and watched them, and as far as I can remember no one even prayed.  One person even commented that he knew which way east was now.

In my opinion I consider it very shameful that God has to use His people’s mortal enemy as an example to show His people how things should be done, in His way not theirs.  I too have fallen into this category and I also accept responsibility in my lack of participation of going into the world and the telling of the gospel of Christ.  We need to take a lesson from God’s people and learn how to fortify ourselves amongst our enemies and to take a stand and defend our right for survival.  Satan’s kingdom already has the home field advantage and we do not need to make it any easier for him to accomplish his goals.

I do not agree with any of the Muslim beliefs nor do I accept any destructive act that they portray against mankind.  However, their ways are being glorified and as long as their ways are unabated they will continue to gain in power.  This is a battle, but it is a spiritual battle and not a physical battle; but keep in mind the Muslim faith loves battle, the physical battle to achieve their goals and by their own admission they will use this type of force to achieve their goals.  I state again, our battle is not a physical one it is a spiritual one and the fight is in the spirit.  So I guess we need to understand spirit and the concepts of spiritual warfare before we are completely overrun without even putting up a fight.  Nowhere does God expect us to be rude, crude or destructive in any way towards others, in fact He instructs us to love them and to show them that God loves them as well.

Restore your heart back to God and listen to His words of battle.  It is a fight for mankind on a spiritual level and it needs to begin within your heart once again.  We did recognize this concept for many decades in the past but we used it for personal gain instead of God’s Kingdom.  It is time we lose our personal garments of accomplishments on the ground and move forward proclaiming god’s Kingdom as the victor.  If we do not do this now, we will be silenced and we will force God’s hand upon our land.  Remember that when God moves his hand it does not matter who is in the way, it must be completed.  Let us legitimately climb out of the infidel category and once again restore God’s glory upon our heads.


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