Monday, April 23, 2012

Friendship With The Jews

Friendship With the Jews


Israel has been the one nation has been at the forefront of countless controversies throughout its history.  Even before the earthly nation was created the spiritual nation of Israel had plenty of experience in this category.  Those in the world who have continually supported Israel have been truly blessed in their endeavors and from reading history the opposite has been true of Israel’s enemies.  It is our duty to stand with Israel no matter who leave her fold and it is our duty to defend her at all costs.

If one reads the entire history of the nation of Israel it can be said that this tiny nation has had its fair share of devastating acts of crime forged against her.  They have been attacked by almost every means necessary and have withstood every attack to date.  They constantly have individuals call for their destruction and forcing them to recognize that their enemies are right next door.  They have had international athletes captured and murdered, they have had their own military personnel captured and held hostage for decades.  This list could go on for pages and pages and not even scratch the surface as to what this country has been subjected to.

Many of the worlds populations have openly called for their country to be “unrecognized” by the world’s governing bodies.  Many countries believe that Israel has committed war crimes while they were defending their borders and some have even said that they have stolen land from others in order to define their land as Jewish.  It is not uncommon to hear stories and current happenings with Israel on a daily basis with the majority of the reports being negative; which is funny since a portion of these people do not even have a land of their own.

There is a passage in the Old Testament that basically stares that if you are for Israel you will be blessed and if you are against Israel watch out troubled times will be in your path.  I have taken up the study of Church history and I have discovered something about the church’s path.  It does not matter what portion of history that you read, the church has held a position of straddling the fence when it comes to Israel sometimes they have been a friend to Israel and an enemy to Israel in other times; examples include times that the church has supported the Jewish people and soon afterwards the church leads the way in their persecution.  I guess these examples are some reasons why the church has gone through some tough times during its history.  My suggestion is that the church forget its political ambitions and return to the Bible and defend Israel like her life depends upon it and to be honest, it does!

It is a well known fact that society is promoting people to ignore its own history along with the other parts of the world’s history.  This is a clear admonition coming from the very top that includes the complete destruction of morality that the church has stood for centuries.  If the church can be silenced from those who wish not to adhere to the church’s standards then our enemy has once again driven a larger wedge in-between the Divine and man.  Therefore, if this separation exists then the church’s viewpoints will eventually be weaker than the other voices crying out and thus made insignificant in the eyes of the public realm.  The church needs to wake up and see that our enemy is winning this battle for our spirits and thus creating a deeper road to climb in our restoration process.

There have been many people in this country that have called themselves Christians but have condemned the nation of Israel, hateful to the individual Jew or even sought out harm towards them.  I cannot believe that people of this nature are that blind to what the Jewish nation means to the church and how the church itself has risen from this group of people.  These people need to see that they themselves are actually helping out the enemy of the church with their words and actions.  Satan does not care where he gets help from all he is interested in is separating us from God and he really does not care if you believe in him or not he just wants your participation.  And if you participate in this hateful manner, you have accomplished his goals.

Since the Catholic Church was the only established church for many centuries they have received a bad rap for the only source of Christians of being very cruel towards the Jews.  Many countries have tried their best to drive out the Jewish influence from their lands either by decrees or by violence.  I also find it interesting that some extremely high up leaders in these organizations who were prosecuting the Jewish people were at the same time having sexual liaisons with the Jewish females and also conducting formal business within church walls with the very people that they were driving out.  It is time to treat these people with respect and to regain their trust through official church channels and it does not matter which denomination it is either.

It is also interesting that society has created a secular Jew.  The secular group of Jewish people are usually not involved with the Godly Jews and really do not even recognize them as a formal group.  The majority of secular Jews for the most part do not attend the synagogues or if they do they attend ones that condone the practices of modern thinking and leave out the traditional views of the Torah.  I personally know of a lady that recently converted to Judaism and began to study to become a rabbi; she is a lesbian.  Now her actions do not surprise me at all, in fact it actually fits a pattern that my Uncle Jerry explained to me some time back and only enforces the spiritual state of the modern church itself and human beliefs as well.

Even though there are people that do not represent the Jewish Nation or even believe in their past and present living conditions it is our duty as Christians to support this tiny nation and the people that live throughout the world that call this small country their home.  God established this nation and it should be defended by everyone who calls themselves a Christian.  I believe that we should defend this country with our lives if necessary and the day that we turn our backs on this country we too shall be attacked and defeated in ways that are unspeakable and almost unimaginable to the human mind.

It is time that this country gets off of the fence and make the decision to fight for this country.  Elect the appropriate people that will lead the stance with Israel and defend her to the death if necessary.  It is time for us as a nation to return to the friendly policies towards Israel and stop the lies that have been presented to her.  No, we will not agree with everything that Israel will do but no human has ever agreed with everything that everyone has done in their lives either.

To the nation of Israel I stand and say I am with you in your defenses.  I am not a Jew by birth but I am a Jew through God and I believe that you as a nation shall stand tall after all enemies have set their boundaries against you.  God shall keep His people intact and will return those to you that are listening.  This return shall be within the Christian church as well.  Church be very leery of the groups that attack the Jewish people and the things that are being said about Israel, search these words and expose the truth to everyone as the references fall into place.  Do not be afraid of the things you find and do not be afraid to stand up and speak the truth for the truth will always shine light into the darkness of lies.

It is time that we Christians stop reading and believing the current media propaganda concerning Israel and return back to the belief that she is being attacked from all sides possible.  Geographically she is surrounded on all sides by her mortal enemies and all they wish to do is to drive her back into the one side where she does not have any enemies and that is her fourth side which is the sea.  However, we all remember a similar story of a time when her enemies basically held the same position and God performed a miracle with the water and with the people who stand with Israel will see a similar miracle occur once again.  We should not be adding attacks and other enemies to Israel’s list, we should be embracing her as a true friend and stand with her at all costs.  It makes sense that if you believe in God that person should live on the side of Israel.

If you want to understand a portion of the heart of God, restore your love and belief in Israel.  What better way can a person close the gap between God and themselves than to be friends with the one nation that He created Himself.  Yes there will be things that we do not agree with but that is part of life that will come and go.  Israel is a beautiful nation and the Jewish people are an equally beautiful people.  Love them and their country and pray for them that they may understand God once again as in the olden days.  Stand up and defend her and restore ourselves to her for you know, God always wins in the end so if you want to be on the winning side, being friends with Israel is a good thing J


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