Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dont Sing The Songs

Don’t Sing The Songs


Christian music originated many centuries ago and has progressed at a steady clip with the accumulation of the modern day worship songs.  Over this time period, many different styles of songs have been composed and serve in a variety of capacities within the church.  Each genre of music within the church, as it should, points back to God which allows every person to connect in their own way.  One aspect of this genre share is that all of the music has a meaning and we must treat this music as words from God, which when we sing these words we open ourselves o their meanings.

As stated in my opening paragraph there are many forms of Christian music that have been written.  There is no question in my mind that these songs were divinely written throughout the years and represent a powerful message to God’s people.  Many of the old hymns of the church still ring out in congregations around the world and are just as relevant today as in past century that they were written.  Praise songs eventually came along and changed the course of Christian music as well. 

Contemporary Christian music appeared in the 1970s and I am proud to say that dad’s ministry helped begin this style of music.  Contemporary music broke a barrier that could reach a new generation of Christians that had different ideas concerning Christ which would include their type of passion towards Christ in effect returning music to the new evangelical way of that time.

Worship songs began to make an appearance in the late 1990s and this style of music continues its growing trend today.  This new style of worship expanded the horizons of music and forms a bond with every church member in their own personal way with God.  It also sets the tone of worship in the people as they gather to hear God’s word for their lives, but this style of music still does not appeal to everyone who stands during the song service.

No matter which style of Christian music you talk about it does, on some level, cause controversy.  Not every person will like a certain style of music played within a church, this is just going to be an occurrence that cannot be avoided.  This message is not going to be a music bashing one in which pits or divides Christians further from what we are now.  This message will not set well with some due to the content of what is about to be spoken, but we all need to stop and think about what will be said and apply it to our lives; this includes our daily walk with God as well.

Music has always has occupied a special place in my heart and I have a feeling that this scenario will play out until I draw my last breath on this earth.  Music represents a definition in my life that compels me to look at the world in a unique way every time I hear a song being played; a scene of extraordinary beauty that shouts “creation” as that song rolls through my ears.  I know that this feeling of mine is shared with millions of other people around the world and since I know the role of music in my life I can understand those same feelings in other people’s lives as well.  When it comes to music, all humans are in the same boat.

Christian music is no exception when it comes to the ideas and thoughts that it inspires in my head as the notes race across my brain.  These songs are simply beautiful and it cannot be argued that they were divinely orchestrated by God Himself.  The words of these songs touch our hearts in ways that allow us to believe that we are having a direct conversation with God, and in fact we are.  The musical notes and beat of the music set our minds in a holy presence that is hard to verbally explain, as a fact it should as well.  With all of these combinations to any style of worship music, our lives are in tune with our creator, the one who provides us with everything that we can ever imagine.

Let us take a bit closer look at the words of these songs that we love to sing each Sunday or in our cars as we are driving down the street.  Now I know that most of us have good memories in which after a while of hearing a song the words begin to stick into our minds and we can sing those words even when there is no music available.  It is a process that most of us complete every day and it is a great habit to get into if you do not already practice it.

Have you ever thought about those words that you are singing, I mean really thought about them?  We agree that those songs touch our hearts right?  They keep us close to God, right?  They provide a connection to God, right?  So, I guess you can say that those songs, and words, come from God, right?  Ok, if that is the case then we agree with everything that those songs and words represent, right?

So it is now safe to say that the words of these songs God can use through our lives, right?  Do you believe God can open the eyes of your heart?  How about “This is my desire to honor you Lord”?  What about “These are the days of Elijah”?  And we all have sang “As the deer panteth for the water”.  Have we really understood these words that we are singing and what we are saying to God when we sing these words to Him?

God hears these words from our mouths with great joy!!  And He responds with the blessings and commands that He attributes to our words that He has given to us in this form of communication. These are His words that He has shared with us to build a relationship with us and when He hears us using His words God has every authority to allow the words that we speak to come to pass.  So, if we sing “God have your way in me”, you can bet your last dollar that He will come through with this promise.  Stop and think about all of the songs that we have sung over the past decades.  If you cannot remember some of them….look them up and reread what you have declared to God.  Did you mean those words?

Before you continue reading, think about what I have just said.  Take your time before proceeding, because the next portion of the message should remind you of some kingdom concepts.

Now that you have had a chance to search your heart a bit, let me now tell you about the flip side of things.  We all remember that Lucifer was the number two dude in Heaven and that he was equal to none in heaven, only God and god alone was higher and mightier than Lucifer.  You remember someone mentioned in the Bible who was the worship leader in Heaven?  His name was Lucifer.  Yes, we have a tendency to forget that he was the music director before he fell and yes, we still need to remember that he does have an ear for music.  The number two entity in heaven was the music director, so you now can see just how important music is to God and how important it is in our communication with God.  Because if you do not believe that the former music director in heaven will not use this avenue against you…then as my mother used to say…”you’ve got another think coming” J

This concept applies to me as well.  There was a time in my life that I would not sing the old hymns that I was raised with, I would not even pick up the hymnal and when the music leader would tell us to turn to a certain page in the hymnal I would not even consider moving to obtain one.  I had no belief in those songs, but I sure would begin to mouth the words when I noticed mom or dad looking at me.  My heart was not in it I did not understand what had been given to me and what that gift actually meant.

We humans have a tendency to change careers in some capacity as we journey through this process called life.  However, after we change areas or careers we still tend to hold on to some of the old concepts of our previous area of expertise.  We may not be in that official capacity any longer but we still remember the tricks of the trade and how things are done.  So, would it be any problem for Satan to use music as a tool of separation between man and God?

Since music is a large part of our daily lives it makes sense that Satan would use this avenue to infiltrate our spirits to enforce his ideas.  So, if he can find a way to bring his message of separation into our lives, what better way than to do it by using music and more specifically the use of Christian music.  See, if we stand in church and go through the motions and do not really mean what we are singing, and those songs and words come from God and we say them but do not mean them, then we are using God’s words to lie. 

If our words do not match our spirits and hearts, then we are speaking lies.  If we sing these songs and do not mean them, then we are lying to God.  Lying opens the doors for so many potential disasters to come into our lives, disasters that we may find difficult to recover from when they are found out.  These disasters will one day affect our children as that door will be passed open in their lives.  No wonder music ministers and their families are such prime targets for Satan and his kingdom.  Music is a specialty that requires a sensitive heart and opens up so many lives when performed.

Singing songs that do not have meaning in our lives are songs that we really should not even sing on a personal level.  If this is the case in our lives, we need to restore our hearts back to God so that He can restore the rightful meaning of His songs into our hearts.  As David did and understood, there is nothing comparable in singing and dancing to the Words of God.  Do not harden your hearts about this message but listen to the call of God wanting nothing more to restore the meaning of His words in your life.  Stop, and turn towards His voice and let the music flow through your life again in the way God designed it.

So, when you sing the song “With All I Am” by Hillsong let us sing it with a pure heart to God and mean every word that comes from our mouth.  If you do not know this song or have never heard of it, look it up on the internet, buy the CD or if you have any other means of listening to it, do it in a manner of which I have just described to you…of pure heart and see what it does inside you.  As I was writing this message this afternoon, one of my friends posted a message on his page that contained the scripture Matthew 15: 8-9.  Read it, it will confirm some things.


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