Saturday, April 28, 2012




Come back with me to the 4th century Rome as we take a look into the early Christian setting.  Christians have just been through a long turmoil of persecution and are just now being accepted into the fold of the world’s most powerful empire.  The Christians and the Christian church both have been established into Roman society and the people of the church actually defined as a group; or in modern times called a minority.  They are basically free to live out their lives in peace and as citizens of the current empire.   

To the world, Christians in the 4th century are depicted as a peaceful people not wanting to harm anyone or to cause waves with the government.  And after what they had recently been through you could not blame them for this reasoning.  Jesus stated that He was a “sword” and that His ministry would divide people and not unites them as is the common belief.  If you ask Christians of what their purpose or ministry is they will respond something like this…to spread the word and gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ok, that is great, but sitting back and being stoic about your foundation of belief is not going forth.
How could these people say that they were accomplishing Christ’s commands when even the art of the church looked inward towards the city of Rome and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea?  Everyday lives of the Christian did exactly what the other Roman citizens did, look towards the building of Rome and its confines.  The Christians built their churches inside the city centers surrounding them with gardens and pleasantries that would be fit for an emperor.  The thought of the Roman frontier and its evangelizing was far from the mainstream thinking.  Not even the Roman military wished to look at the frontier and the “outside barbarian” presence that was continually growing. Concentration on the “inward barbarian” concerned the Romans and society ignored the real threat that was brewing.   

If Jesus said to go to the entire world and preach the gospel, why didn’t the early church do this practice?  Of course we have many of the gospels of the New Testament that state that some people actually did take up this command and complete the mission of Jesus.  As you read the gospels you will realize that the majority of the people that wrote these letters did not make it to a ripe old age and if you had been living in the 4th century, you would have had it fresh in your mind that a majority of Christians before you, also did not make it to that same ripe old age.
Al little closer to our timeline and another example of the outward barbarians and how they were actually given the opportunity to accept Christ, happens in a historical novel written by Brian Moore called “Black Robe”.  It is about a Jesuit priest who goes out to the Canadian Indian tribes and begins a ministry to these people.  He is ridiculed and mocked when things go wrong, questioned when things go right and even placed into battles when the tribes are attacked by their enemies.  The gist of the story is that no matter what he tries only a few people actually believe his message and most reject the message of Christ.  At the end of the movie, the leader of one of the tribes asks him if he loves them, and he replies yes I do love you.  This act moves the Indian leader to accept Christ and begin a new life.
Today, Christians are basically the same way as society.  They have integrated themselves into this world and for the most part you cannot tell them apart.  Once again the church has fallen down on the job when it comes to the message of Christ…Go!!  The fire of the church has dwindled to a flicker; oh, and by the way there is a huge wind coming.  Where are all of the priests in church society that are willing to go to the frontiers of the world and witness to the tribes of the world?  Where are these priests that have the guts enough to stand up for what they believe in and actually care enough for humanity to tell them the truth about their lives?
If we choose not to go out then let us consume ourselves in the proverbial peughs of the churches and rot away waiting for God.  We deserve nothing more on this earth since we are ignoring what has been written to us.  Let us throw away the foundations that have set us apart for over two thousand years and then throw away the entire history of mankind since we do not believe in its origins.  Let us sit and partake of the commandments of God and watch Him do nothing.  Let us witness the wonders of the world knowing their true meanings and not tell anyone and see what God allows to happen in our lives.  Let us talk about the signs and times of the world and not be active in allowing the people who do not know the truth to suffer in their own wasteland.  Come, let us gather around the feasting tables and enjoy the fellowship of one another while the world starves for both bread and the truth.  Come on now...why waste your time in a ministry that you do not believe that is yours or in your calling...after all it is only people that do not agree with you that actually need to know.
Let us join the Mormons, The Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other organizations that actually have the guts enough to knock on someone’s door and ask them if they know God.  When was the last time you had a Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or Presbyterian come knocking on your door asking you to visit their church, or ask you if you know Christ?  Not since I was a boy did we participate in this kind of activity.  I remember when I was a young boy going to houses telling people about the new bus ministry that our church had began and inviting people to come to church.  Why do we have to be a defensive group of people and hide within the shells that we have created as our protection against attacks from others?  There is a reason that we have the armor of God and there is a reason that it was so delicately explained to us.
Be aggressive and challenge yourself to be a true witness for Christ.  Have the guts to stand up for what you believe in and what you have been taught all your life.  Have the guts to stand up for the truth about mankind and its creation.  Fight for the traditions that have been bestowed on this country.  Show the world that even in times of turmoil and strife that Christ loves them and died for them; give them a reason to be happy and to have hope.  I know that time is an issue these days and that most of us do not have much it remaining after the long day.  However, you can even make a difference in people's lives even from your computer desk.  Write!!!  Send news articles for awareness...keep Christ in the news.  Share a chapter in a book....a passage that you have read a short Bible verse.  Christ just wants us to do something and spread His message to the dying world.  It is our command from Him directly you cannot get more personal a request.


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