Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heart Condition Part V

Heart Condition Part V


I must have been really exhausted that night because even though I could still sense the frustration in Bonnie’s spirit I actually did have a restful night’s sleep.  I was awakened by the usual sound of Bear whining at the end of the bed wanting to make a trip outside.  I knew that it was not late in the morning because if that was the case Bear would have already been up on the bed letting us know the urgency of the moment.  I got up from the bed and Bear immediately turned and headed for the back door.  I walked to the back door and opened it and Bear trotted out into the back yard and began his routine.  I shut the screen and wooden doors and started back towards the kitchen.  It was at this moment that I realized I felt tired like I had been up all night, a memory from all of the nights on call some years before.

I began to search my thoughts about crazy dreams or getting up during the night but I remembered nothing of the sort.  I stopped in the kitchen and got me a glass of water and drank most of it before Bear began the second half of his routine which was to whine and scratch on the screen door wanting back inside.  I put the glass down into the sink and went back to the door and let him inside and he trotted by me and then made a pit stop at his water dish, replenishing the same amount of water he had just drained from his bladder a few minutes before.  He hacks a bit as he finished drinking and then waddled back into the girl’s bedroom to make sure that they were ok.  Instead of him going back under our bed he then came back into the living room where I had just sat down still trying to figure out why I was so tired.

Of course I was doing my best to ignore the important developments of the previous night but I could not think of anything else that could warrant my present physical condition.  Bear came up to the couch and jumped up on the opposite side of the couch and slowly walked towards me.  I looked down at him and he had the same weird look on his face as the previous night.  I guess whatever animals can sense about humans was still at work in his mind and he was doing his best to let me know something was not right.  By that time Bonnie had gotten up and was walking down the hall and looked into the living room and saw me sitting there with Bear and of course the first thing she said was “are you hurting?” and I told her that I was not hurting but I was tired.  As she turned to go into the bathroom she said that I looked terrible.

I got up off of the couch and headed into the office which was just a few steps away from the couch.  Bear jumped down and followed me half way to the office where he stopped and sat at the door and just stared at me while I fired up the computer.  I looked at him and quickly told him to stop staring at me and to go back to bed if he was going to join sides with Bonnie.  He continued to sit there for a few more minutes and then got up and went over to his bowl of food and got a few nibbles and carried them to the rug and ate them very noisily.  He then strolled towards the bedroom giving a small grunt and sneeze as he made the journey.  Bonnie came into the office and asked what was going on and wondered if I had slept well.  I said I was fine but tired for some reason and then she informed me that I snored a lot that night and it was loud enough that it woke her up a couple of times.  She said that she had told me to roll over, which I did and stopped snoring for a bit but soon afterwards I was at it again.  I looked at her and said that I did not remember her telling me this but it could be the explanation that I needed for being tired.

Bonnie ten asked what we were going to do that day and since it was the beginning of October and the garden season had just ended we were “free to do much not of anything”, as we would say sometimes.  So, she headed to take a shower and told me to behave myself while I was not in her sight.  I grinned and turned my head back to the computer to continue my surfing the net and to find out what the world was trying to do to itself.  I got up to go to the kitchen and to start a pot of coffee and while I was turning away from the computer I felt a small pain run through the center of my chest which I attributed to the quick turning movement from the chair which once again placed the idea of a pulled muscle in the forefront of my thoughts.  The pain did not stop my movement nor did it deter me from my quest for a cup of coffee and by the time I had reached the kitchen the pain had ceased and I continued my planned activity.

Bonnie came in after her shower and just looked at me, didn’t say a word.  Until, I said “what”? And that was when she said that she could tell I was in pain again.  Which I was not accurate but I had to keep my promise and tell her that I had a small pain just as I was getting up from the chair to start the coffee.  She shook her head and turned and walked away back into the living room.  I knew she was upset but I continued to try and reassure her that I was ok.  She looked at me and said that we were not going to do anything that day because she did not want me out in public and then drop over dead in front of everyone.  She made her point with that phrase so I politely left the room and went in the bathroom to take my shower.

When I take my showers I very rarely use any cold water, I have always liked a very hot shower even in the south during the summer I would have steam rolling from under the bathroom door.  The water felt good to my body and especially on my chest and back.  I stood in those two positions for as long as possible after the soap and shampoo show had been completed, it felt wonderful.  I did not get out of the shower until the hot water was turning cold in which I turned off the water and began my location of my towel. 

Our shower door did not have a towel rack on it so we had to keep our towels on the back of the toilet so we would not have to get out of the shower wet and then get chilled.  AS I bent over to get my towel a sharp pain ran across my chest but this time it was on the left side of my chest and not in the center.  It was not deep but it was different than the other pains in the center of my chest in the fact it tapered away instead of just stopping all at once, this puzzled me and worried me at the same time.  I also noticed that I was a little bit out of breath after I began to towel off that was a first as well.  As I continued my drying process I could hear someone in the kitchen banging things around in which the word “food” popped into my head which made me hurry the drying process.

I opened the door of the bathroom and met a milder room of air and another pain on the left side of my chest hit me, but this time it was a bit stronger and lasted for about twenty seconds or so before it began to taper off as the last one did.  Bonnie looked around the corner from the kitchen and asked what I wanted for breakfast and at that moment I realized that I was really not very hungry, which if anyone knows me that thought hardly occurs in my body.  I said it does not matter but don’t fix me too much and that was when I received the are you feeling ok question again and to keep my promise I told her what had happened in the shower and just a few seconds before.  I was kind of frightened since when I stated that, she started towards me with a pan in her hand, so I had to think about all possibilities of her actions at that moment.


Part VI to follow….

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