Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Song of the Rock

The Song of the Rock


Have you ever wondered about the capacity that a rock has or ever thought about the job of a rock?  God makes it very clear that everything that is created has a purpose so, what is the job of a rock?  The main job of a rock is to just sit there until it is called upon by God to complete a Godly mission, in which case the rock has been failed by humans into a position that it is not comfortable.  Let’s look at all sides of the issue and then determine whether or not God can use a rock to get His point across.

Sine I have not heard any rocks singing out to God lately I can pretty much be assured that we the human race have not gone astray from God enough that the rocks have begun to cry out towards heaven, but we have chosen this path and it will be interesting to hear if the paths begin to sing.  It has been said by God that if humans do not rejoice in the appropriate times that the rocks would immediately cry-out to God.  This message is going to be a hypothetical one but hopefully it will allow you to consider the possibilities of nature when it comes to God and it also should trigger thoughts of our responsibilities as humans in our actions towards God.

Suppose that rocks had some or all of the senses that humans are blessed with and what if the rocks could use these senses in times of dire need.  Scientists have deemed that rocks do serve a purpose on land or on the floors of oceans but other than that they really have not come up with any suitable life sustaining function for rocks.  So I guess Jesus really was stretching it a bit when He proclaimed to the religious leaders that if the people were not doing what they were supposed to be doing, that the rocks would begin their praises.  I believe it is a statement that was directed towards the leaders so that they might open their eyes to the authority of Christ, and to provide a specific tone to the followers of Christ to continue to seek after Him.

Now let’s be honest with each other it would be quite scary to be walking by a rock and it begun to sing or to speak towards God.  It would be comparable to a burning bush scenario and it would really be unnerving to our reality.  But I have come to recognize and I have said this many times before, that God does have a sense of humor and His ways are not our ways and sometimes He must use these conditions to get our attention.  So, I am not going to put it past God to allow this to happen and just look at this from a rock’s point of view for a bit.

Rocks can come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, consistency and texture.  As far as we know rocks have nothing comparable to the human sense and there is no way that we can communicate with them on any level and most of us would agree that if we see a person consistently talking to a rock and seeking advice from a stone, certain phrases could be used about this person.  But let us assume for a bi that rocks do have the human senses and have the capability to ascertain what we are doing and can comprehend their surroundings.

In front of my house there is a rectangular rock bed that serves as a divider from the street to the sidewalk.  It is nothing fancy but it serves its purpose and just sits there all day and all night; that we know of.  What all would a rock see during the course of a day.  I know at my house it would see cars passing by on the street in front of the area.  Probably a bicycle or two passing bye on the sidewalk behind the bed.  We have many kids in the area so I know some of them would probably pick some up and toss a rock or two down the path.

Here is something to think about, what if a rock could hear who or what was approaching in its direction, does it actually send out some type of signal to warn the oncoming object of its place in the bed?  Same goes if the rock could feel the rain, snow or sunshine on a daily basis, and we all know that if we pick up a rock in the summer it is going to burn our fingers.  Pretty far-fetched concept huh, but it is something to think about especially since Christ used it in a verbal statement to other humans. I do know that Jesus was making a point to these leaders and it was a very direct point towards their beliefs.

I believe Jesus’ pointed message to the priests was a simple one, one that the priests should have known that what the people were doing was appropriate and that they, the people, knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing.  And that if the people did not realize the concept of that moment then the rocks would have the common sense to begin to sing praises to Christ as he entered the city.  Yes it was a bold statement to the priests but it was also a tough love statement as well.  Jesus did love the priests for they did represent His blood beliefs, but what they failed to see what Jesus was doing in order to allow their own lives to be complete and to make the scriptures alive once again.

Jesus knew that very shortly there would be a time that the people that were welcoming Him into the city would pose the opposite response towards Him when crunch time came around.  Even though the people and the leaders of the Jewish faith failed to see the real restoration message Jesus was preaching, He continued on His journey with a full heart knowing that soon His physical presence on earth would pass away.

We are presently facing a similar situation in our own world where denial of God and His ways are ever becoming forgotten.  I will venture to say that we are accepting the role of the Jewish Temple priests in Jesus’ time by announcing our own way of believing through the laws and rejecting the reality of what His presence meant.  Laws can be interpreted in various ways or even made so large that it is impossible to follow, even if one wanted to follow that specific law.  It is easy to blindly follow another one’s laws if only a small verbal analysis of the law is presented to questioning subjects and we all know that once a law or standard is accepted then it becomes a part of that society whether we like it or not, and to try and take that standard away would equal in a bloody confrontation that would have disastrous results.

As we watch our world become anti-God and anti-freedom, how many values will we give up in order to pacify those who wish to destroy everything that the modern world desires to achieve?  How further down the moral pathway will humans have to travel before we wake up and realize that our actions are hurting our relationship not only amongst ourselves but even more importantly with God.  Why have we allowed ourselves to become complacent with reality and define our lives by what the entertainment society portrays to us on a nightly basis?  Why have we taken God out of our lives and have made the choice to set Him on a pedestal so that we may mock Him and His ways?  How arrogant have we become to accuse people that have conservative ideals as being racist or hateful and then compare them to serial killers.

These examples are all part of our enemy’s plan to deceive us into believing that God does not exist and that He does not care about us in any way.  It also plays into our enemy’s hands in a way that foretells our future in a humanistic way and that we do not even need God and that His ways are degrading to human themselves.  It is also a means to further separate us from God and to begin the disillusionment process that is needed in order to make the final decision to follow a governmental system that completely sides with Satan.

Yes, it will be a choice and that choice can be made now or later.  And when we make that choice there will be no more fences to sit upon and enjoy and the consequences of our choice will have everlasting effects upon our lives.  You know that the worldly concepts are consistently churning through the societies of the world, and anyone who watches the news or reads a newspaper can see what is happening.  It is not going to get any better, the world has made the decision to turn but there is still time for personal choices to go against the world.

Chose God and restore yourself to His blessings.  He loves you with a kind of love that cannot be comparable to any other love that we can know.  Stand up for the God given morals and values and never let them go.  Do not give in to the defeatists or the downtrodden.  Chose God and you will be different and guaranteed to be popular among the people in the community J  So, continue to silence the rocks and allow them to continue to perform their current duties, which is to sit there and be quiet.


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