Thursday, September 13, 2012

Approaching the T

Approaching the “T”


No one will argue the fact that this country has been divided on some major issues throughout our history.  All of us can agree that some of these issues were unnecessary but the majority of them were justified and valuable to our way of life.  Many of us realize that not all of us will ever agree on all issues and that great debates and arguments will occur over some of these issues.  But one item has not ever been in question in our country’s history but today is threatened to be taken out which will alter the course of our country and shake it to the core and force us to follow a path in which we have not be accustomed to.  So great an issue this is that if we stay on the path that we are embarking upon, a change will occur that we will never be able to regain and this country as we know it will cease to operate in its true freedoms.

Many of us have read about the first Americans who reached our shores in the early 1600s and settled in a small colony in one of our present states.  We know from these accounts that their lives were hard and that many sacrifices were made to stay alive and for them to feed their families.  Their trials and hardships were constant and I am sure that many of them had doubts about their existence in the new land, in which some of them did return back to their native lands.  But the ones that stayed found nothing easy and everything that they worked for had been earned.  God was their common ground in which they focused their attention upon even though they had many questions for Him and seemed what little answers they had in return.  However, they did survive the trials and tribulations and kept God as the source of their hope of survival.

We like to believe that the American Revolution was a cut and dry situation where the sides chosen were very distinct and defined.  Many history stories and books have made it look this way but to be honest it really was not.  The movie “The Patriot” dealt with the issue of those who were for the revolution, those who were against it and supported the British and then those who did not care and did not want any fighting to occur for any reason.  Pretty consuming odds when you look at that situation since each side represented about one-third each of the population of the colonies.  So we can imagine that there were great debates and arguments that filled the pubs and town halls during the coming months before the war actually began.  Yet no matter what the issues were and what side the people followed their hearts still desired to be with God and to have God bless their decisions.

Eventually, the country was once again faced with severe odds that literally divided the country into two distinct halves.  The divisions became so hard and defined that the country split into two over certain issues and this division brought bloodshed between people of like families.  This time in our history was unique that it was a progression that actually brought our country into a conflict with ourselves in a way in which household fought household.  This event between brothers lasted for a long time and by wars’ end, the country was just as torn as it was from the beginning of the conflict.  The light of salvation for this time period was God and that no matter what side of the war you were on God was still represented in a way that kept the country unified when the fighting stopped.  Even though not everyone believed in God or shared the same views God was still the centerpiece that people in this country looked toward for guidance.

As time passed along other wars and conflicts drew our attention and all of us answered the call for help when needed.  Yes as with any conflict there were those who were totally against any cause for war and did not wish to participate in them.  After these times of conflict, reflection of the country’s involvement aroused both friend and foe within the talk of the people.  One stronghold still remained throughout these occasions was that the people respected God and the outcomes that man had on each other by these means, once again not everyone had the same opinions about God but He was accepted as a driving force to end the wars and to bring peace back into the world.

I could continue to give examples of how man has included God in their beliefs and even though conflicts have been fought throughout history God has always been on the side of the just and pure.  Not in every case has the “right” force won the battles and wars but God has been with the people as long as they have accepted His divine presence within their lives.  I remember in one of the World War II movies I like to watch where there was a scene where opposing generals were talking to their officers and both of them questioned whose side God was on.  But what is the end result that man wants from these conflicts and what is exactly in his heart when these conflicts begin?  This is usually the defining factor, the heart of the human.

For the past few years, we have seen an increase of verbal violence that we share amongst ourselves.  This tension has led to some pretty awful and tasteless situations that have been portrayed in the public light.  I have touched on this issue a time or two in the past restoration writings and I am not going to harbor on this issue too much but it does bring into light the progression of division once again presenting itself into our country.  It is a political season I know this but these instances have been ongoing for quite some time now and have been increasing in spitefulness with time.  This type of activity has grown and will continue to grow until things change within our hearts towards other people.  However, there is a difference that has been showing itself recently and this phenomenon to has been growing and it is the thought of acceptance as long as it is the acceptance that “I” believe in.

I usually do not watch any of the political conventions and this year was no exception.  I hear so many opinions and sides to the debates that by the time the election is over everyone will breathe a huge sigh of relief and then return to their appropriate stations and continue their lives once again.  However, there is something different about this season in the fact that choosing a side is becoming almost a mandatory issue and then you accept a label on your head with whichever side you choose.  These labels are of a personal measure and specific treatment is then placed upon the ones with labels.  This type of activity is being seen across the country and we are setting an example to the world in which they will probably follow.  When you look at this progression from the beginning of the year or even a couple of years ago and place it into category with today’s attitudes you will notice that the level of this activity has skyrocketed.  It does not matter which side of the aisle you inhabit, this is a fact and it is present and it influences us each day.

I mentioned this statement that I am about to make on my FB page a few days back and I said that I found it interesting that a hurricane occurred while the Republican National Convention was occurring and that a major earthquake struck when the Democratic National Convention was ongoing.  I found these natural events quite intriguing since both things man had no control over but God allowed to unfold in the midst of the big political meetings.  This struck me in a way that said that God is not really concerned about what man believes in because the things that man is now focused upon are things that deal with “ourselves” and not what God wants for humanity.

I am not being political in this message at all but it can be portrayed that way and if you do read into it that way, which is ok but take heed to the words which are spoken here and think about them before reacting.  The Republicans do have God in their foundation of beliefs yet ignore them or Him when the issues are being presented.  The items according to human standards are noble and just to the eye of man but are they based upon what God’s laws are and if so to what extent will they be accepted by the people.  Some on this side of the aisle do not believe that God should be a part of the political platform and have voiced their opinions about it but support what is begin presented to the people and will hope for the best.  Division is present within the party which will rear its head either in a victory or defeat with the election results.  This division will reign within its own party but will eventually filter out into the public.  I hope that these people realize that God does not care about the direction of self that these people are taking but only for them to include Him and accept His ways back into their forethoughts.

I find the division within the other side of the aisle, the Democrats, just as interesting.  Without mentioning details of their political thought it can be summed up with two major themes, sex and money which are the hot topics that the younger people of this country are interested with.  I also find it interesting that the original platform of the Convention did not include God or Jerusalem in it.  That was actually a true statement since the platform is about earthly goals God cannot be included.  This is a fact that most people will not agree with but it is true and to prove it let me say, look at all of the coverage and articles that have been written about this one issue at the convention.  This is ok with God as well for it brings in the free will of man issue again and how God has allowed us to have this in our lives and to make the judgments we believe obtainable.  But this issue has brought into light a division within this side of the aisle as well one that will filter out of the Convention after the election no matter if in victory or defeat.

Progression is the means by which man functions on things and in this case the divisions that are now being presented to the public are not new but one very important element has changed and that is the God factor.  Up until this point, we have had allowed God to have a presence in our philosophy and ways of thinking but that has changed in such a manner that God is not longer in our forethoughts.  Let me explain this in a way that it might be easier to understand, then again the way that I explain some things it could be more complicated J

We as a country have always been considered to be a leader for the world, some of us do not like that name placed upon us but it is the truth and we cannot really deny this fact.  Our leadership has shaped so many countries over the past decades and we will probably continue this trend for the near future so the example I am about to use is an accurate one and should be taken to heart.  The title of this blog message is “Approaching the T”.  Look at this letter for a moment and think about how many lines there are and in which direction those lines are “traveling”.

I am going to start with the ( | ) portion of the “T”.  This line represents the unity that this country has had with each other with the representation of God being placed in with our belief systems and in our hearts.  Now, this line depicts a straight line with no curves or bends in it which we all know that no matter what when you deal with humans there will be flaws in a straight line.  But the direction flows in the one direction and for the most part, everyone is in agreement with the direction that the line is moving.  Minor changes along the way will produce certain curves and bends in the line but are managed well in a society where most everyone agrees on a certain belief.  Plus, and ask any business person, moving forward is always the best policy of a company.  We all know in which direction the line “|” is moving when we are going to form the letter “T”.  It does not matter which way we draw that line, we will cross the “T” at the top of the “|” line which is considered to be the forward direction of that line.

Now let me address the other line on the letter “T” which represents the direction that we are approaching.  This line has been a common theme in our vocabulary for as long as I can remember.  I had no idea that it would become the focus of the change in direction that the modern world wishes to conform but it the option that the popular consensus is trying to force upon us.  The line that crosses the “|” line, represented here by the ( - ) line in this message, totally stops the directional flow of the “|” line which ends the forward movement that has been established as the norm.  If the “|” line could speak I wonder what response it would have to say, I know that is very farfetched but our mind should run with that one should we allow it.  The “-“ line represents directions on its own which have their own origin and directions.  This “-“ line is not limited to which direction it chooses but represents two equal directions on top of the “|” line.  It automatically terminates the vertical line and creates its own new path with new ways of patterns.  The “-“ line now has the opportunity to change the concept of what the vertical line had established or force the line to accept a new way of thinking and believing.  The “|” line is now considered obsolete and will be changed, which was the original thinking and reason for the change of the lines from the outset.

There is one more point of the letter “T” that I need to address and it is actually the place where the western societal beliefs are standing at the present moment.  It is actually at the junction of where the vertical line and the horizontal lines will intersect if they are allowed to continue their projected paths.  The directional stance of western societies has been to include God in most of their decisions or have at least kept His concepts in the works of the final plans.  This is now being questioned and challenged in such a manner that society is calling for a decision to be made on this matter, which represents the junction of the two lines.  It is not God’s decision to leave Himself into our personal affairs He has left that decision up to us to handle.  God would not be a true, loving and just God if He took these matters into His own hands.  Yet, He allows us to make these decisions on human grounds and then God will allow us to follow our set standards with a cheerful or grieving heart.  However, knowing humans and the ways that they operate those ways will soon break God’s heart and then He will be forced to bring us back into line, or in this case break the horizontal line and allow the vertical line to be re-established in our lives once again.

This turn is very evident in our society and it will soon overtake as the majority opinion of the country.  The Church has sat back and allowed this belief to grow within our society due to the lack of willingness to stand up for what it believes in.  The Church’s mission has been compromised by the influx of worldly beliefs and practices which has made her useless to the mission that she has been given.  Yes, I am blaming the church and its inactivity in its mission as a major contributor to our environment.  It does not matter which denomination I am referring to either, all of us are in the same boat and have participated in this non-action.

All of know that moving forward is the ultimate goal of any person, team, company or nation but sometimes you do have to stop and look around you and take a step backward to regain your footing so that you can continue in a forward direction.  I remember an old business commercial when I was in High School that went something like this.  The boss of a company called his people into his office and told them a story about one of their oldest clients and how that client fired them today because of the lack of service that the client believed they were receiving.  So the boss handed out airline tickets to everyone in the office and said that they were stopping and changing some of the tactics used and were becoming a bit more personable to their clients.  One of the people then asked where the owner was going and he promptly stated to visit an old client.  Even though it was not a step in the backward direction it was a step back to regain the ground that they had begun to lose.

This old commercial is a great example of the position that we are facing at this moment.  I am not saying that our country is ready to totally collapse or that we are even in the end times but what I am saying is that our country is taking a step towards that position by taking God out of all equations of our life and replacing Him with human desires and wants.  This decision will lead to disastrous results and will inch us closer to the end times.

What God is saying is that our human choices of living are all wrong and that we have turned our focus on earthly measures and human wants which now has left Him out of the equation.  God is perfectly ok with this decision based on the fact that He has no choice but to allow our wills to be utilized.  The free will that He has given to us is an awesome thing and it is wonderful to watch unfold in our lives.  However, God will reach a point where He must reel us back into reality when He realizes that we have reached a certain point.  God is a very tolerant God because He loves us and for no other reason, but He expects a great deal more from us and He will return us to that level by whatever means necessary.  But how far do we push God? And where are we exactly at in the timeline according to the Bible?  None of us really know our exact point so why take that chance?

We as a society are approaching this juncture in our lives where a major decision is about to be made.  It is one that will set the course for years to come maybe even our land as we know it.  I do know that if we take God out of our lives our country and the way of life that we have known will soon vanish, not by just what man does but what God will allow to occur in our lands.  Now is the time we need to change our hearts and return to God as the solution.  All of us are heading in an uncharted course if we do not return to God and it will include the church and all of the people that define it.  It has been said that God does not play favorites and we have many examples of this in the Bible and throughout human history.  We need to immediately recognize the position that we are in and make the correct and just decision for our welfare.  Keep God in our lives and in our beliefs and we will have a fighting chance.  Take Him out of these decisions and we are and will be returning to a desert to wander for many years.


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