Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What War?

What War?


Sly talk from forked tongues always has a special ring to it, or that is the way that it is supposed to be taken.  We mainly attribute this type of language from politicians but it is becoming a common dialect from the average crowd that we encounter each day.  So it is necessary to send out spies to the outskirts of our territory to find out what is really happening.  The usage of spies has been a practice ever since man has been at odds with his fellow man but if one does not believe his own spies then what good work have you accomplished?  Knowing the enemy is an important component in our defenses however we must first recognize the threat that presses towards us.

Most of us have heard in the past few weeks about the tensions that have come into the public eye concerning Iran and Israel.  In short this tension is just the tip of the iceberg that will one day soon show itself and then things will really becomes interesting and if you do not believe me just read the Bible and then pick up the newspaper and your evidence will be self sufficient.  The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated these tensions this week when he referred to the destruction of Israel and everyone who stood with her.  No matter how you feel about him and his country’s stance you must acknowledge the fact that he understands who his enemy is and he knows what he and his country have to do to combat their enemy.  Now, we all know what will happen if he and his country decide to try and complete this act but right now that portion of the story is not where I am leading towards.

Another example in history that I will dwell upon concerning this subject took place during World War II and it involved a man by the name of Joseph Stalin.  Most of us know that Stalin was the leader of Communist Russia at the time of WWII and was part of the struggle against fascism.  Communism against fascism is another entire subject that fascinates me but this too is not my subject.  In this case Stalin understood the implications of Germany’s advancement across Europe and what it possibly meant for the country of Russia in the coming years.  Stalin actually signed a pact with Germany making them allies at one point, which served its purpose for Germany but largely the meaning of the treaty was ignored by Russia.  Yet for some reason Stalin continued to wonder what was going on in his newly found friend’s domain.

It is recorded in history that Stalin did not trust Germany and all of the plans that they had for Europe at that time.  Stalin sent thousands of spies into other parts of Europe to gather information about Germany and other countries that he believed could pose to be a threat to the security of the nation.  These spies reported back on an hourly basis with information that could prove to be the salvation of that country in the near future.  Stalin received these reports from almost every spy that he sent out, which this information came from all global directions and not just from the direction of Germany.  Yet Stalin chose to ignore most of the information sent to him and made his own decisions concerning the protection of his country.

The fascinating portion about this part of the story was that Stalin actually recalled the majority of his spies to Moscow and had them immediately imprisoned for bringing false reports to their leader and then charged them with treason.  Then had the spies exiled to far away prisons, brutally tortured for months at time and afterwards executed in the name of the State.  After all of these spies had done for the country and all of the warnings that they presented to their leader, in which said leader was actually shocked when Germany invaded his country and came very close to overrunning the country within a matter of a few months. 

The question that I pose not only to Stalin but to humanity as well is why would someone sign a treaty with another person, group or country and then sit back and watch others fall to that party and not think that you could be next?  This is a classic sign of self assurance to an extreme and no one that takes a breath of air should ever find themselves in this situation.  Because once you have found yourself in this situation you have been taken advantage of and you are then facing the consequences of your inadequacy in leadership and scouting abilities.  Humans have a tendency of doing things to protect ourselves but to complete this portion of the task and then ignore the results is ludicrous. 

Even if you take the position of not believing in God, the protection of our immediate surroundings is a natural response to life.  Look beyond the above examples and take notice of all the missed opportunities to protect their surroundings due to the lack of surveillance of what others are doing.  This is a God given ability for us to complete and all of us need to heed this warning and we need to take off the rose colored glasses and place our prescription glasses back over our eyes.

It is ok to send out your proverbial spies in the surrounding land but be sure to listen to their warnings when they return with the requested information you asked for from the beginning.  Even when they return without any pertinent information take that as a warning sign as well.  What makes us believe that humans have changed enough for us to believe that others will not try and harm us?  The danger signs are all around us and it really does not matter what are that you are wanting to gather information, everything is set in motion for a reason and it is our responsibility to seek out which is bad and to defend ourselves against these attacks.

Switching gears here and going to place this back on the spiritual side of things.  I have stated this many times and I will continue to state it many more times in the future, we are God’s prized possessions and it ultimate creation and His enemy is out to destroy us by any means possible.  God has His spies looking out for us and they are doing their best to communicate the dangers that they are seeing before us.  However, the information that these spies, along with our own spies, are giving to us we are ignoring and discarding as rubbish.  We believe that we are currently in a safe position and are not being attacked at the present moment.  This may be a true statement in your life but listen to me when I tell you our enemy may not be actively attacking you but I guarantee you that he is stalking you and watching you for an opening within your armor.  And when he sees this opening or weakness, he shall strike you and he does not care what effects that strike has upon you. 

The only way to combat these attacks is for us to send out our own spiritual spies to locate the enemy and to see what is happening around us.  God will inform these spiritual messengers in order that they may relay the appropriate information to our spirits so that a mountable defense can be taken.  But in order for us to understand this information we must return to God and to restore His ways within our lives for if we do not we will be subject to any and all lies or false beliefs that see are told.  This is not the time that we begin to take needed information and ignore it because we do not like what it is telling us.  This is the time that we should be doing the opposite and fortifying our spiritual defenses.

We cannot afford to sit back and rely on old treaties for our protection and with this I am directly mentioning the attitude that most Christians have concerning their salvation.  They are sitting back in their seats and waiting for Christ to return for them, well I have news for those people you are going to be sitting there for a long time and while you are sitting there you and your controlled and secure world is going to be subjected to attack.  Then you are going to act just as Stalin did when the enemy hits you with a full forced attack and then to be honest you will then begin the blame game.  Get your spiritual eyes off of the treaties and get them back into the war which is vastly approaching your realm.

Our enemy knows its target and his target is you!  Our enemy constantly watches our spiritual movements and thinks about his plan of attack 24/7.  He is not interested in your physical condition since he already knows that it has its own death sentence coming but it is the spiritual life that is at stake.  The spiritual life of eternity is what is at stake which is the goal of both spiritual kingdoms.  One comes from the creator of all life and the other is a mockery of life with separation and death as its reward.  The potential of your spirit is limitless if allowed by God to act through it but on the other hand if God is not allowed this freedom the war will be devastating to you in ways that cannot be imagined.  All of us have missed signs that our spies have given us, but it is the utmost importance that we keep our spiritual eyes and ears open for the information that is given to us at all times.


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