Monday, September 3, 2012




The circle is a simple symbol that is used to describe many aspects of shapes or designs that allow our eyes to see a connection of a single line that eventually forms its completion without any type of glitch or bumps within the pattern.  A circle is easily understood as a pattern which can come in many sizes but the end result is the same a connection with the beginning of the shape.  We find many circles within our lives that we cannot avoid but some of these circles can act as a harmful pattern in our lives that need to be broken.  It is our duty to understand these circles and to examine ourselves on a daily basis so that these circles can be broken.  It can be amazing of how a simple object can be so hard to define in our lives and then becomes rooted in our hearts as a part of a trap planted by our enemy.

All of us remember or kind of remember our first days in school at the Kindergarten level or at the preschool level.  At some point at this level we began to learn how to draw, to color, to finger paint and to make shapes.  One of the first shapes that we learned was the circle and how to continuously keep our pencil or crayon on the page and to make a simple round mark on the page.  We then began to make bigger circles on our page and then draw two or three of them on one page.  Eventually we learned that circles could be made with different colors of crayons or paints and to our fragile and learning minds we thought that we could spend the rest of our school years learning to draw the different sizes and colors of circles.

A circle is a simple shape with a starting point and an ending point which coincide at a specific point.  The circle can be as small or as large as needed but whatever the size the line eventually connects to the starting point of said circle.  As time worn on in school my math classes began to use circles as a symbol of problems and my concept of circles being a simple shape, in my mind, became a dirty lie.  But in all reality they are simple but the course that they took in the problem posed as a mathematical diversion in my mind and actually had nothing to do with the answer to the math question at hand.  It became harder for me to leave the circle alone and to solve the problem without involving the circle.  However, most of the time the presence of the circle bothered me because it was sitting there in the overall problem and not doing anything, or was it.  It actually played with my mind enough for me to be concerned about its “nonexistence” in the problem even though it was sitting there in the mix of the situation.

At the time that circles were becoming a nightmare for me I realized that I had only begun my quest in the knowledge of circles and that since I had turned my interests to the medical field that almost the entire bodily system is one big circle with intertwined smaller circles which in turn produce even smaller circles, all of which need to be functioning in order to keep us alive.  Boy was I disappointed in that revelation.J  But it made sense to me when I stopped and studied these circles and it became clear to me of just how important circles or in the case of the human body cycles were to the daily maintenance of our health.

One of my colleagues in the medical profession and I were talking one time and he admitted to me that when he was in medical school he had asked his professor about one of the cell respiration cycles and was it really that important for him to know this cycle and would he ever use it in his practice.  He told me that his professor just stared at him for a few moments and did not answer the question but stood there and shook his head at him.  As the class progressed the professor explained what occurs while the cycle is functioning and it dawned on my colleague that this process is the mechanism that allows us to intake air into our lungs and distribute it to our bodies, so no wonder the professor did not answer his question.

In my medical profession I have been able to witness many situations where patients have received various fluids and medications.  The patient presents themselves to the doctor with a specific or general complaint then the doctor begins the evaluation of the patient by examining them, poking and prodding their body and then begins the assumed treatment.  After a few test results come back the doctor can then treat the condition with more a more specific course of treatment.  This process is called a cycle or in non medical terms a circle.  We allow these fluids and medications into our lives as a method for us to feel better so that we may resume our normal life, a return to our normal pattern of behavior if you will. 

I am probably going to pick on some of my friends here but I have to make this point before I can move on to the next topic.  Some of the circles that we introduce into our lives are not good for us and I am choosing the circle of smoking as this example.  Most of us have heard of the phrase “chain smoker” or “smokes like a chimney.”  These are patterns or habits that we allow into our bodies that eventually do harm to ourselves.  This type of activity represents a cycle or circle that we have within us that our bodies have to respond to in order to clear out the insults that we voluntarily introduce.  This type of cycle is not good and will eventually lead to a shutdown of one or more organs within our bodies, which will in turn lead to further health issues down the road.  Even certain prescribed drugs or other substances can perform this same type of activity within our bodies, so we must be careful of what we allow into our systems since the consequences could be deadly.

Humans actually like to stay within the confines of circles whether they are good circles or bad ones.  We find security in these patterns and we do not like to see them change.  If this were not the case then it would be real easy for us to break a bad habit or adapt to moving with no concerns or change a job without even worrying about finding another one.  All of us unconsciously keep these patterns within ourselves or so we think but how do you think our parents and those who are close to us know what and when we are going to do, it is because we repeat ourselves or follow a certain pattern.

Let us get personal for a moment and talk about the decisions that we make being a cycle or a circle.  As humans how many times have we encountered a breakup of a relationship?  All of us have at one point in time and we are supposed to be smart enough to not make the same mistake twice, correct?  How many times over your life have you or one of your friends gone back to the same type of relationship even after you have vowed not to repeat the same situation again?  The majority of us have done this and then after it ends in heartache once again we beat ourselves up emotionally and continually ask ourselves why we did it again.  This is a pattern or a cycle that we as humans follow and it is hard not to fall into this trap.

Life itself represents a circle and this is one area that all of us have to face some time.  All of us are alive and all of us will die.  Even though we are alive millions of our cells within our body die each day and then are replaced by new ones just as fast.  As we age this regeneration process or circle becomes slower and the rate of growth tends to sluff off a bit, this is a normal condition and none of us really seem shaken by this reality.  But at some point this growth process by either means of an accident, genetics or certain diseases will almost cease and the death cycles of the cells take over and begin to show us the end of our days.  None us like to talk about this circle but it one that all of us cannot escape.

I am going to take this circle a step further and pinpoint it to the heart and spiritual aspect of things.  Our enemy knows that our physical capabilities allow us to basically record everything we hear, see and talk about or experience throughout our entire lives.  These experiences shape our patterns when we are older or even have so much of an effect on our lives that they form a pattern when we are young.  Curiosity is a major issue that we encounter on a daily basis and sometimes an hourly basis.  This is only one example but it is one that ‘opens” our hearts up to a world of circles or patterns which can influence us in the future.  Being curious is not wrong it is a must if we are trying to invent a new chemotherapy drug to cure colon cancer.  But this door can lead to many things that can be detrimental to our lives and spirit.

Once a thought has been formed in our hearts our enemy will use any and every possible angle to enhance this thought so that it will become a belief, then he knows that if we believe in something we as humans will then place it into our method of reasoning to further this circle.  The goal of our enemy is to corrupt our hearts enough so that these circles can become active and grow within our spirits enough to vacate the true values of our hearts.  Our enemy does not care anything about your heart he just wants to plant these lines within your heart so that the heart will naturally take hold of them and form their own circles.  Take a moment and think about some of the issues that you do not agree with and see how these lines could run in your heart and form a circle of belief and then think about where that circle would lead you to next.  Now you can see that these circles are actually a trap and it has captured your spirit.

Our enemy loves to exploit patterns in our lives and it is an effective method that he uses to advance his kingdom and we are so blind to this system that we ignore the fact that every day he places more lines into our minds which then tend to migrate to our hearts.  Our opinions form and then our beliefs follow shortly afterwards, kind of like DNA replicating within our bodies and we do not even know that this process occurs nor can we feel it.  His goal is to destroy us and to separate us from God as fast and as deep as possible and it does not matter by what means he takes to accomplish this goal. 

It is time for us to take a long and hard look at our hearts and to examine the circles that are located within our lives.  We cannot do this process alone we must have help to accomplish this task.  We have lost count of the amount of circles that we have within our hearts, they are so numerous that e cannot even begin to see our spirits all we can see is the replicating effects that they have within our spirits.  God is the only source we have to break these circles and to free us from the grip of our enemy.  It is time both as a nation and as a person to restore our hearts to purity and break these chains that are within our hearts.  These chains are a killer to our spirits and God is just aching to break them so that we may be free again.


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