Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Being Alive

Being Alive


How many times do we wake up each morning and immediately think of the reasons that we are alive.  Many of us do not even give this concept a thought and just get out of our sleeping mode and begin our day without any hesitation.  Some of us do think about our day and its events but how many of us really stop and think about us being alive?  And when we do think about this concept do we actually give honor to the one person who gives us another opportunity to make a difference in our world?

No matter what part of the world a person lives in when it is time to begin their day each of them has a routine that they follow.  This routine most likely began when they were young and will continue until they cease breathing on this earth.  There is nothing wrong with this course and it is a normal occurrence that each person complete this task every day and it really does not matter what that person has planned for that day either, the pattern usually stays the same and varies little.

I too have this similar behavior each morning and I am going to give you a quick run down of what occurred this morning in my house as an example of how things work according to this pattern.  The alarm went off as it does almost every morning at its regularly scheduled time.
Shower time immediately follows and then a quick dress session with my house clothes until it is time to get my work clothes on.  I smell the coffee brewing as I come out of the bathroom and anticipate my cup as I am walking down the stairs.

The coffee is not finished by the time I get to the kitchen but that is ok because like my goofy self wills I stand there and watch the water pour out of the drip system and impatiently wait as the level of fluid in the pot reaches that certain level where the coffee will taste ok when you sneak that first cup.  I place the pot back into its slot and do not touch my cup just yet.  I get a small cup and fill it with water and then take my morning meds and return my cup to its regular spot.  Then I grab my coffee mug and then head down to the lower floor to the office.

Bonnie is usually up by then getting her routine started as well which usually includes ironing a shirt or two and making sure that everyone has clothes ready for the day.  She then goes back upstairs and begins to review the previous nights’ logs for work and makes sure that everything is covered for the impending duty day; she does this even when she is not working as well.  She then makes sure that the girls are up and going before she begins the breakfast option for our stomachs.  And of course we cannot forget the lovely animals that we have in the house that keep us constantly aware of what is transpiring at our feet.

I walk into the office and turn the music on, I have always loved music and it is one of the first things that I do in the mornings.  I then go to the computer and start my morning routine of finding out as happened during the night.  After the news I turn to my emails and receive further notes on my interests and then eventually head over to a social website for a few and see what other people have to say about their lives.  This is the time I say good morning to God and thank Him for allowing me to be in this world.

A few minutes later Bonnie usually says it is time to eat and I take my coffee mug up to the table and eat my breakfast.  A few minutes of chatting and making sure of the day’s schedule and it is off to change clothes and finalize my routine at the house so I can get into the truck and head to work.  Many times I am usually out of the house within an hour from the time I get up, but there are instances where this time frame gets altered a bit but this is normally the routine that occurs at the house.

The drive to work is usually short and sweet since it is only about one mile from the house to the hospital.  In winter there are a few variations to the start of the driving experience but for the main part it is a quick drive with not much activity around the area.  The hospital sign always greets me first as I approach one of the entrances to the hospital parking lot.  The parking lot is mainly empty at this time but it is a good indicator of how full the hospital is as well, and in today’s case I knew we were full.

A short walk into the hospital and take my badge out and then I am officially here and ready to get busy with my day.  My routine really does not change much here at work either and ever since I have set into motion this routine I vary little from it, I guess patterns are hard to break away from the house as well.  Controls and hospital emails begin my morning in my lab and then it is off to replace the needed inventory items on the instruments, see even my instruments have to follow a daily routine.  J

This is the short version of everything that transpires during my early morning routine but it gives you an idea of what goes on in my life shortly after I rise for the day.  Your schedule may vary in some degree but if you stop and think about things you will find that you follow a similar routine each day or evening whichever falls into your time category. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this because it is a normal human thing to have and all of us complete this in our lives at some point.

Today as I was returning from one of my early morning trips to the main building, I looked up at the Mesa and saw the sun reflecting off the mountain side as it does every day and I thought to myself that I needed to thank God that I am alive today.  I thank God for many things and I even thank Him for all the animals on a regular basis.  But as I stood there for a second I was actually trying to remember when the last time I said thank you for being alive.  I know that with waking up every day that I am alive but I usually do not use those exact words each time ”being alive” and for some reason today I felt like I needed to say them.  I have no idea why but there is a reason for everything I guess and this too will probably come to pass.  It may not be me but for someone reading this message at some point, but it is out there now and God will use it accordingly.

God never promised us that things would be a bed of roses every time we wake up.  Being human alone is tough enough without all of the daily pressures that we encounter within a few minutes after we wake up.  But being alive is a very special feeling in which many of us forget about and tend to ignore.  This is a feeling of being alive is our life, our livelihood in which we get an opportunity to witness things that are around us both good and bad.  Our life is a unique experience that no one else can imagine and we should be continually thankful for our existence.

As I continued my walk across in between buildings my right knee began to ache a bit.  This is not an unusual thing for me but it did make me laugh since my pain was immediately afterwards of my prayer of thanks to God for being alive.  As the morning went along one of my instruments ran into a problem in which a delay of patient results ensued.  Minor issues according to the grand scheme of things but it still had its trying effects on my life and could cause some people to doubt their existence.  In many ways I use instances like this to renew my understanding that even though my trials are limited to myself and to my immediate surroundings, I am so blessed in many areas in this world and I have no reason to complain about the minor issues that arise within my life.

God is good no matter what comes my way and I have no complaints about my live.  I know that I will continue to have trials and other problems that I will have to deal with but knowing that I am alive and that I actually have the opportunity to work through these issues brings about a special meaning within my heart that God has the confidence in me enough to learn from these instances and then help others to get through similar trials.  What trials you ask, I have no idea but always know that if you allow God to be in control of your life He will nurture that relationship and renew your life on a continual basis.  This process is very difficult to explain but at the same time it is very real, just ask anyone who is sloshing their way through it.


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