Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holy Foundation to an Unstable Ground

Holy Foundation to an Unstable Ground


It is known that cities that have historical pasts will have some kind of hidden underground system and when explored this system will contain many answers about the city’s past life.  I have always found it amazing of how humans like to build structures that tower into the sky or on top of older places that are no longer useful.  What we think would be a sturdy foundation often turns out to be shaky and unstable ground and thus the new project is considered a failure from the beginning.  Our personal lives can be summed up in this concept as well and when we use a human example of this foundational beginning nothing but total disaster can be expected.  

Some of you might know of my work history within the medical field and how I have been at my current place of employment for almost twenty years now.  I am truly happy with my work and I still consider it a rewarding experience each day that I return to the facility.  I am continually amazed at how much the hospital has grown over the years which now includes many buildings on its complex unlike the single building that was here when I began my tenure in Delta.

Over the early years at my work the employees had noticed a few minor problems with one end of the hospital structure.  It was a common knowledge especially in the winter time when the wind would whip through the windows into the patient’s rooms which was not a good thing at all.  It was also noticed that each year the gap between the walls and the windows were increasing and that more detailed repairs had to be done to keep the cold air out.  It was a continual project which frustrated everyone since a hospital was supposed to be somewhat of a sterile environment or at the very least a very clean environment.  None of our infection rates increased just cold patients were reported.

As I continued to gather information about the hospital I learned that the hospital was built in two parts and almost where the back of the laboratory was the end of the original building.  Once a person started looking closely one could see that another type of brick was used which was the exact location of the second part of the building.  The original portion of the building was built approximately fifteen years before the second portion of the building was built.  So one would reasonably guess that the newer portion of the building would be better built, wrong!  It was the newer portion of the building that had the window problems that I mentioned above and it was the new portion of the building that surveyors and other construction companies found that the foundation was sinking which explained all the current and increasing amount of structural problems.

Decisions had to be made in order to make the necessary corrections to the foundation of the building, but when these questions were asked other structural conditions were raised by the local companies and contractors.  Further research demonstrated that the entire building was out of code and that the entire hospital building would have to be remodeled in order to be within the legal codes for operation.  So, this meant decisions had to be made concerning tax payer money and how much would be necessary to make the repairs.  After all of the bids were in and the numbers crunched and all of the options weighed, it was decided that it would only cost slightly more to build an entire new building that could serve the community better.  I was agreed upon and the new project began a short time later.

After a year of building the new building was completed and all of the pomp and circumstance of the grand opening occurred the new hospital building was ready to be used.  The fate of the old hospital building was still in doubt since if we were going to use it in any way many repairs had to be made.  It was then asked if only a portion of the old building could be torn down and would that make any difference in cost, codes and viability of the building.  It was decided that the newer portion of the building could be torn down and the older portion could then be brought to code easier.  The decision was made and a few weeks later the newer portion of the old hospital building began to come down.  It was quite ironic to watch the newer portion of a building be torn down while the older portion remained.  And to this day the old portion of the hospital still stands and I actually work in the old hospital building on a daily basis.

We all know that if the foundation of a building, any structure to be more precise, is not on solid ground and properly planned and formed the entire building itself will eventually be in jeopardy of sinking, cracking or even deemed condemned due to the structural instability of the foundation.  In other words, if a good foundation is not in place the entire building is worthless and even dangerous for anyone to be around.  This is what happened with our old hospital building and it can be said to be true of many of our lives as well.  For we all know that our lives need the same type of solid and truly built foundation in order to make it in this world.  It does not matter how tall and sturdy you might believe you are in this life, if your foundation is not built correctly you will soon fall in some capacity and you might find it difficult or even impossible to re-build yourself.

In line with this thought we all must realize that our lives are built with faults and there is nothing that we can do to change this fact.  Humans cannot sustain their edge indefinitely nor can they keep up the strong and sturdy posture of a well oiled machine.  At some time our bodies break down due to all the conditions that we subject it to on a routine basis.  This concept can be said of our spiritual lives as well with the same type of conditions being thrown at our spirits on the same level.  So we must find solid ground to build our foundation upon so that we do not waiver when these storms occur.

As with any parcel of land it is important to find the correct spot to build, this goes the same for our spiritual lives as well.  It is difficult to find the appropriate lot and to have the necessary building conditions in order to be secure in our investment.  Many of us look around for this great spot of land for years and some even for decades, I have news for all of us you will not find it unless you allow God to be a part of the decision.  See, whether it is physical ground or spiritual ground if God is not the center of the project, it will automatically be faulty in its construction.  It has been proven time and time again that without God a person is directionless and hopeless in their existence, yet we fail to see this truth on many occasions.

This subject is the prime example of why God had no choice but to send His son to the earth.  The earth itself was cursed a very long time ago and that curse is still intact on every level.  There will be no changing of this fact and it actually serves as a direct separation from God.  See, man is made from the earth when it was Holy but when man fell both the earth and man had to be cursed, you could not have one side be cursed and not the other.  This is a fact because God is a complete God and He leaves no details undone.  So to put this in a Biblical setting, man who is made up of dirt which is cursed had to be separated from God and since God is all holy and cannot be around sin a solid veil had to be put into place to represent this separation.

So a way had to be provided so that man would have direct access to God once again.  See, God really did not want to be separated from His beloved creation but He had no choice due to the choice man made back in the garden.  So God gave man years to experiment with his newly found status, which when we read the Bible or ancient history or even yesterday’s news we see that man alone cannot do it any better since the day we fell into death.  So even way back before man fell God had a plan already established because He knew what man would choose to do with his life.

God’s Son Jesus is the only plan that can establish the restoration of our direct contact with God and it is through Jesus and the act that He chose to do that fulfills and symbolizes the actual reestablishment with God, you have doubts about this?  The foundation of a building needs many ingredients in order to provide an adequate basis for the structure to have a chance of staying up and being safe.  The earth has to be involved in this process and so does the other materials that are provided from the builder.  The earth has to be prepared in order that the builder can begin adding the necessary products to complete the foundation.  Without the earth being prepared the addition of the foundational materials would prove disastrous and would not be adequate for the project, so the cursed earth has to be involved.

Yet it is not the earth that forms the foundation of the building, those materials as stated a few sentences ago are provided by the builder, the earth cannot do that.  So, that means the builder has to have knowledge of the sol and the contents of the soil so that he can provide the soil with the correct method of providing the materials for the foundation.  The materials used have to be of quality grade or the project will falter even before it gets rolling so that means the builder also has to know what correct type of materials to use for the ground.  In other words the perfect materials have to be used so that the imperfect ground to be shaped correctly in order to hold the building that is going to be developed.

So the only material that could be used for this foundation would be of something that would be considered Holy and unique so that none like it could ever be duplicated yet would be available to everyone who wishes to have a true foundation.  The material would also have to be accepted by the earth and recognized as “one of its own” so that the material would not be labeled as an intruder or cause a reaction against the earth.  There would only be one way possible and that would be for God to create a human form of His Son and allow Him to walk the face of the earth and fulfill His mission as a bridge back to God.  Even though Jesus took the form of a human He was still the Son of God and had Holy blood coursing through His veins.  Yes He did have human blood but it was the Holy bloodline that was mixed with the human once again.

Jesus represented God on earth and also represented the one foundation that could bring back the reconciliation between God and man but there was only one way that this process could happen and that would be for Him to die.  Not a normal death of old age but as a symbol of violence that would set forth the definition ability of God to rip the veil in two and to restore the personal relationship with God once more.  Man did not rip the veil God did because the way had been paved and the separation had been closed and the act of setting the foundation was complete upon the death of Jesus.

Jesus served as this foundation and He also serves to this day as the bridge that continually stands as our covering to God.  There is no other way no matter what other human thinking may say or try and prove.  Jesus is the only way of restoration for god’s people and everyone has the opportunity to be restored, not only in our physical life but also in our spiritual life as well.  All aspects of our lives are subject to this restoration process.  This connection to God is a pure and Holy connection even though we still have our sinful lives that we deal with every day.  It is the blood that was shed that covers us and allows us to approach God on an individual basis.  The blood serves as our covering and Jesus the bridge.

It is our choice to accept the Holy foundation that is provided for us.  It is the only true foundation that we can rely upon when times are tough and situations are difficult.  The veil was torn so that our new status could be formed with God, our lives did not change but the status of our relationship with God did, it became personal once again. 


Thursday, November 22, 2012

An Appropriate Thanksgiving

An Appropriate Thanksgiving


A time’s old tradition of this country is the holiday of Thanksgiving.  While this day serves as another common day for other parts of the world our country still sets aside this day as a day of thanks for everything that we have been given over the past year, and for everything that God have provided for us in all the years of our past.  Many countries around the world have not set aside a day of remembrance and thanksgiving and do not share this idea of public acknowledgement of the blessings that they have received.

If we look back at the year that has just past we can honestly say that we have many things to be thankful for, not only for a comfortable living but for the grace of God that still envelopes the world alike.  Many of these blessings I share with the world but there is not enough time to list all of these specific blessings that have been bestowed up my life but I do want to list a few quickly.

This year I am thankful for my life and everything that it represents to the world.  I know that I have mentioned this before but I am truly thankful for being allowed to live.  There are so many events that I have witnessed, heard and spoke about but being alive is the greatest feeling that I can experience.  I have had many opportunities to go to places and get to see and recognize many people and cultures.  I have not always graced their presence as I should but now realize that it was for my own benefit that I have been around these people and not vice versa.

I give my parents fits sometimes about how I was raised but I really would not trade one second of my raising for it was a great upbringing and I am so proud to have been raised in such a manner.  I am thankful that my home life was just that, my life.  I enjoyed good schools and other social situations but as a normal human teenager and young adult I did make my share of mistakes.  I am thankful that my parents did not shun me nor did my God disinherit me because of my actions.  But most of all I am thankful that I had a life and the opportunity to live.

A few years back my biological family found out about me and then decided to try and locate my whereabouts, which proved to be highly successful.  This situation has opened many opportunities and doors which have presented themselves as a happy yet nervous process.  I am thankful that I was given this opportunity and will look forward in the challenges and rewards that it will present in the future.

As with all life not every holiday is continually filled with happiness.  This year is no exception in this manner.  Our family has just lost one of its members a few days ago.  I did not really know my cousin very much and actually was only around her a couple of times in my life.  Yet she was a part of my family and the loss of her life serves as that, a loss of a loved one.  I know that there are thousands of people sitting around tables during this time that are presently in the same situation as our family and I too feel for their loss.

At the same time I am joyous to know that my cousin is home and with our Creator and Savior.  When I received the news about her passing my response was something like this….at least she will have an appropriate Thanksgiving this year…and I truly believe that she is.  God has allowed her to now witness her life as He sees it, which is a beautiful creation that made a statement to the world with her presence and even though she is no longer drawing a physical breath her air still inhabits our lives in a unique and special way that only God intended.

I understand that the last few years of her life was anything but joyous and happy days were very few; it was a continual battle which proved one eternal thing but I also know that she was thankful for her life and that her faith never shook one ounce away from the truth.  Now, she has the opportunity to say thank you for her life face to face with God and her blessings that we know as her life will be noticed throughout out family.  She understands now that all of her days were ordained by God and I know that she was thankful for having each and every one of them.  It may not always looked like roses but I know that her life will be in the minds of many for a long time which will serve as a reminder to those that loved and knew her that God is alive and loves each and every one of us so very much.

So as we sit at the table of Thanksgiving this year let all of us be joined together and be thankful for our lives for all of us are special in our own individual ways.  Let us also remember everything possible that we are thankful for including being alive.  I am so thankful for my life and for my family and I am also very thankful for a loving God who has allowed all of them to share my life with me.  I thank you God for everything this past year and I look forward to another year of ups and downs.  For no matter what we might encounter in the coming year our lives are beautiful in every way and our lives represent the gift of thanksgiving that we have towards our creator.


Monday, November 12, 2012

The Coming and Uncovering Storm

The Coming and Uncovering Storm


When we look at Mother Nature and wonder in all of her splendor we catch ourselves sometimes glorifying her existence.  Many times we take her for granted and proclaim her beauty above many of the other troubles that we continually face.  Also, many of us forget who actually is in control of the environment and how we are all subject to its effects.  There have been many storms and other phenomena throughout history that should immediately remind us of this detail.  God allows these storms to present themselves in our world according to the laws in which He ordained.  We also must recognize that these same types of storms and events will occur in our lives as well and we have no choice but to accept them when they arrive, but always remember that as the seasons change our Creator still makes room for restoration.

When a storm occurs it brings with it all sorts of anxiety to human beings.  We see our lives having the potential of being uprooted and having to start over with a period of uncertainty being forced upon us until the specific time the storm begins its impact on our land.  I have been in a hurricane and even though it was exciting to think that a storm of that magnitude moving right over us, the danger levels of the storm far outweigh the possibility of nothing occurring to our land.  Yet even though we understand this fact we wish to stay in our homes and ride out the waves so to speak and take our chances.  This is all fine and dandy and since we have the freedom of choice our decisions are leveled with a certain amount of dignity after the storm passes.  But not all of us who ride out the storm come out unscathed and many who decide to stay the course end up with nothing and must begin again with not much in their hands.

I am not an expert on massive tropical storms but I have witnessed some pretty amazing scenes while the storms were occurring and definitely some fascinating sites after the storm had passed.  Even though the storm is created over the water and the majority of the activity is occurring in the atmosphere the water underneath the storm is also involved.  The force of the winds and pressure actually moves the water and causes unsettled conditions on the water.  Many times if the storm is powerful enough this water disturbance will go completely to the floor of the body of water and even cause disturbances at those depths.  This is proven by some of the old ships that have sunk in the past being washed up on the shore while the storm is moving inland and other times after the storm has past and researchers have returned they have found items and other artifacts that had previously been hidden by the floor of the water.

Earthquakes are another example of Mother Nature demonstrating that humans are not in control of what happens within their living spaces.  I have been in a couple of earthquakes and I have to tell you that even though they were fun to watch the road roll up and down, it sent chills down my spine after I realized that the rolling was headed straight for my house.  We can read about how earthquakes can destroy entire cities or even small countries if the depth and magnitude are just right.  Earthquakes that occur in the seas cause massive waves that produce energy as they move and when those massive waves and energy reach land usually many inhabited places are wiped from the face of the earth.  These events have also caused researchers and Archaeologists to discover hidden treasures that have been hidden beneath our feet for centuries and these discoveries have pieced together many unanswered questions in history.

The last example I am going to provide is of fire.  Living out in the West water is a very valuable commodity and if the land does not receive an adequate amount of rainfall the land becomes a tinderbox very quickly.  A small dry storm with a lightning strike can start a fire that can eventually grow into a massive wildfire that scorches thousands of acres and could destroy homes in a very short period of time.  A few years back Mesa Verde National Park had a wildfire that burned quite a bit of acreage.  Yes some animal homes were destroyed and yes the park had to be closed for a while so that the rangers could assess the damage.  The known was present with many trees and brush burnt totally but what was interesting to them was that in all of the damage new archaeological sites were uncovered and through these “new” sites more information about the previous inhabitants could be known.

All of these natural events humans cannot control no matter how hard we believe that we can.  These natural events occur upon a higher command in which we cannot fathom.  But even though we do not control these events our lives are still affected by these events even when the storms and earthquakes do not directly affect our living situations.  For those of us who are directly affected by these events our lives are sometimes totally uprooted and for a while it seems like there will be no answer of what to do next.

Personal storms can fall into this category as well even though we do our best to hide them or to try and contain them before it gets out of hand.  I know that I was adopted and this process was not hidden from me but I cannot say the same for the other members of my biological family.  So when they found me it still was a shock to my system even though I knew about the process, so imagine what kind of storm they encountered.  With a personal storm in this manner many other intimate and personal items are uncovered as well which can do just as much inner damage as physical damage.  Sometimes we know about the potential for this type of storm and sometimes we do not but it is guaranteed that at some point in our lives we shall face some kind of storm with this magnitude and there is not much we can do but ride it out and see what comes ashore after it has past.

Let it be known that storms are coming on nations.  It is not unknown to us humans we can see them approaching.  But we continue to ignore the warning signs of their potential destruction and go about our daily routines and refuse to change our ways of believing.  We hide the truth and conceal what we know is to be right all in the name of being “right”.  It is these conditions that will eventually cost us when the storm comes ashore.  How much will we be exposed to after the storm is gone or how much damage will be don when our ground begins to shake from underneath?  What will stop the wind guided flames when it penetrates our personal home, the one we call our spirits?  And how will we act while these events are occurring?  Let it be known that these events will be felt on an individual level, organizational level and even national level.  Many will be affected but all will be touched by these events. 

It is by our choices that we shall see these events and it by our choices that God will allow us to be restored once again.  This storm will pass over us and will move beyond our lives.  The times will be trying and difficult in many ways but if we allow God back in control of our lives and keep Him number one in our decisions at all times, He will grant us restoration that we will all be seeking.  The events have been set, look around you they are increasing each and every day it is not too late to divert the major catastrophe that is about to occur within our world.  And yes, it will be a global reaction because if something happens in one part of the world by experience and common knowledge the ripple effect will definitely hit like a Tsunami wave.

We will recover from this storm but how far we are restored is strictly up to us and the choices that we make after the storm passes.  Be prepared, the storm is approaching.  Most of us will miss this and / or ignore the warnings but rest assured that it is coming.  I have no idea of what the storm will be and it is not my place to know these things, but it is my place to warn us of the coming events and this I have done.  God loves all of us so very much and wants our hearts turned towards Him but He also allows free will.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Process of Your Scars

The Process of Your Scars


All of us continually use our minds to look back and wonder what it would be like if we had done things differently in our lives.  Our minds play havoc with us in this area but we do have a choice of what we wish to do and how we live after those choices become public.  Many of us do not realize that everything that we say, do, and think is a marked target in our lives and that there is a force that we miss during these times of decision.  There is a huge battle for your life and how it maintains its vitality to everyone around us.  We are not stuck here to live our lives alone, we have help and it is important that we understand what is actually occurring in our surroundings.

Being in the medical field for many years I have seen and heard most of everything that a human use or say to be an excuse for the conditions that they present themselves.  It does not matter what the situation is everyone has a reason for how they feel or believe and even in the choices that they make which eventually have profound effects on their own lives and sometimes the lives of others around them.  One of the more intriguing things I have heard is this, this is not an exact quote but it is similar and you will understand as soon as you read it; I cannot understand why God allows me to go through this.

First of all there are billions of people out in the world that need to know that there is a battle going on for them.  We are not alone in this fight and that God is right here with us as we trod through each day.  The next legitimate question raised by these same people is why then does God not answer us immediately when we ask Him questions.  Many people have based their beliefs on God with this question and if you do not understand why then to those who do not believe anymore would draw this type of conclusion that God does not care or that He does not even exist.

Let me set the foundation before I begin with my examples.  Every human likes to have things and that is not even up for debate.  It does not matter which society you live in each person has the desire to own things.  For many years my wife and I rented a house.  It was a good house and we had nothing to complain about at all but we did not own it and everything that we wished to do to the house we had to get approval from the owners.  This was not a bad thing and the owners were very receptive to our ideas and even helped out some additional improvements that were above and beyond what they were required to do.

Now, if someone was in a place where they did not belong or they understood that the place where they were was inhabited by another person which had control of the area, then the new person would automatically have no argument with the person in control of things if ever confronted, correct?  That person might not enjoy those conditions or actually agree with them but he or she really could not argue the fact that the person who had control of the place actually was in charge.  We have an excellent example of this to look back upon.

When Jesus was on this earth there was a time where He went into fasting and prayer.  During this time His arch enemy and ours appeared to Him and began to argue some things with Him.  Every word that Satan had for Jesus, Jesus refuted with Biblical defenses and Satan could not argue with these defenses.  Now, think about that for a moment, Satan could not and did not argue with Jesus about the Biblical answers that Jesus responded.  Why couldn’t he respond?  Because the words that Jesus spoke were spoken in truth.  When you are accused of things that are not correct, what is your immediate response if those accusations are not correct?  You respond in truth.

So, in all honesty if a person speaks something to you that represents the truth then you really do not have a reason to argue that specific point in opposition.  Now, I understand that it is human nature to argue about things but if it is obvious as a cloudless sky being blue then there is no basis for your argument against that truth.  So, going back to my foundational example Satan took Jesus up on a high peak and it does not matter which peak it was but it was a high point where they could see the valleys.

Satan and Jesus’ conversation went something like this; Satan said for Jesus to look around and see all of the kingdoms of the earth.  Jesus did what was asked of Him because His response to Satan was the truth.  Satan must have given Jesus a few moments to look around and see what man had created.  Satan then made the statement that he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He only bowed down and worshipped him.  Jesus responded for him to leave and that no one should worship anything but the one true God.  Jesus only addressed the second half of Satan’s statement.

The reason for this is that the first half of Satan’s statement was the truth.  Jesus understood that ever since man fell in the garden Satan and his kingdom had control of the forces of the earth, the ones that influence man and our daily lives.  Stop and think about this for a moment before reading further. 

To give you a “human” example let us take the example of home field or home court advantage.  Anyone who has played sports understands that when you play an opponent on their home court or field it is really tougher to win.  In most sports teams play each other at least two times during the season and one of those games is at the other teams home.  When you play at home the expectations of your performance is much greater than if you are away and everyone on the court or field can sense this pressure.  Same examples occur during your work, your house, your town, your community, your state or even nation.  So if it happens on a team basis, it can happen on an individual level as well.  The battleground is now set, you are not the home team you are the visitor and the pressure against you has been increased on all angles.

Satan had the authority to make this statement since both he and Jesus knew it was the truth.  If it was not an accurate statement I can guarantee that Jesus would have addressed it and responded with a true account.  This means that Satan and his kingdom have control of the earth, which places the verse that states that we should not be of this world into its true perspective.  Anyway, that means that Satan has the home court or home field advantage. 

What does this mean for us?  It means that everything that we ask God to help us with, to give His guidance with, or even His words of protection and knowledge has to go through the home team before it can reach our spiritual ears.  This is the battleground which many things occur that we do not even know exists and it is the reason we get so frustrated with God when we do not “feel” that He cares or will respond in “our” timing.

I will give a Biblical example now.  Many of us know the story of Daniel and the time that he was in the lion’s den.  Many of us know that Daniel prayed to God and asked for many things from God.  In his writings, Daniel makes a point to write about how it took time for some of his questions to be answered.  There was a battle going on in which the answer that God had given to the messenger was actually delayed because of the forces against God.  God wishes us to know and to understand that our enemy is not going to just let helpful information be received by our spirits by any easy means.  It is a battle for these answers to get to us, for these answers are alive and are the truth about what is going on around us and how the answers will guide us through the times that we need help.

Our enemy would not be doing his job if he did not make things easy for us at all times.  God hears and sees everything that we do, everything that we say, and everything that we think and it is His desire to give us as complete answers that He can, providing that our hearts are willing to receive the answers that He is given.  But it is so easy for us to get impatient and to forget that there is a reason for the delay with the answers.

One last important question that we need to think about on this topic and it is this; how important are you to God that such a battle over one simple question would occur?  Why would our enemy go to such great lengths to delay an answer from God?  It is because you are loved by an eternal God that created you.  Yes you, the one person that society has thrown away or the person who believes that they have done too many things to ever be loved by anyone.  It is you that God defends and wishes to protect.  The forces of this world do not care about you in any way, shape or form and it is very important that you understand that.  The world will never accept you, it will trick you into believing that it does but when the rubber meets the road, no way and all of us know this.

The reason that the world does not care is that I is controlled by the one kingdom that cares about nothing but your destruction.  This kingdom will stop at nothing to make sure that you are lied to, stole from and drained from every bit of life that you have before it drops you in the gutter so that you can lay there and suffocate on your own actions.  Our enemy does not care about your well being but he will make sure that you believe that the ways of his world has your best interest at heart.  Our enemy will even use the church in this manner and is not afraid to revel in the fact that you blame God for your problems. 

God allows things to happen in our lives, this is a fact.  God also has given us free will to make the necessary choices in our lives in order for us to live abundantly.  It does not matter which society a person lives in, we are all created equal and share the human experience in our own ways.  These examples establish in our minds the actual battleground who actually has the home field advantage in our world.  These examples also show the importance of our lives and just how special we are to God. 

So, before we go blaming God for the answers that we have not received yet, take a moment and think about the battle that is going on somewhere in our surroundings and the messengers that have been dispatched with your answer and the struggle that they endure for you to receive a truthful answer.  Remember who actually has the home field advantage in this situation but also remember who will overcome with the truth when the answer arrives.  We are the center of this battle and we must never forget this. 


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Choosing to Deliberately Walk in Darkness

Choosing to Deliberately Walk in Darkness


Humans like to understand where they are going and how, when and at exact time that they will arrive at their destination.  All of us have this directional goal within our beings since it gives us a sense of security of knowing where we will be resting at day’s end.  But to what extent do we comprehend our destination and how we formulate where our destination actually terminates.  Most importantly who will be the one guiding us to this destination and how will we know if that person can be trusted?  Many people believe they have the answer for this but in truth they are basing their foundational destination to one who is faulty.

In a brief opening statement God intends to ruffle some feathers with the subject of this topic.  The article is going to be deal strictly with religion and how religion is the foundational boundary that sets limits on a relationship with God.  There will be many examples that God has shown me that will support these words and they must be spoken so that those who really desire to have a relationship with God will understand what is about to come within our world.  This article is by no means a slap against religion in any way and the true essence of religion is a pure and holy sepulcher which has stood throughout the test of time, but God does not desire your religion or your theology, He only desires a relationship with you.  And for you to completely understand what is going to occur in our world, you must understand this difference between religion and relationship.

In the origins of this country and for many other countries throughout the world God was one of the foundational beliefs that was present.  As we read history it has become very clear that these foundational situations have created many problems with humanity and rightly so.  The concepts of these “Godly” settings have all been based upon religion and the establishment of the true religion for man.  And as we have noticed each one of these situations has turned out in a tragic fashion and should therefore be an example of what not to do.  Yet we humans still flock to our own religion as a means of satisfying our “need” for peace and acceptance, and how further from the truth can we be when we allow this belief to infiltrate our spirits.

From the early dynasties of Egypt it has been clear that man has tried to create an avenue to God by means of worship.  The ancient Egyptians found many animals, symbols, buildings and models to set above all other items in their physical world and eventually they set one man in this same position as a living and earthly representative of their godly world.  We are still finding new evidence of these examples from that time period and all of them tie to the afterworld or to a process that will lead the person to immortal status.  Most of us have looked at pictures of their tombs and marveled at all of the items that were included inside the walls; all of these items representing things that would help these people in the afterlife.  These people were spiritually dead to the one true God and alive to all of the so-called lesser gods.  What did they gain but a walk into a darkness in which the same concept still grips society today.  This is an example of one trying to elevate himself to a higher status other than being human.

Another example of religion taking center stage in the formation of a country is England.  I have mentioned this situation once before in my writings and not much will be different here than what was said back then.  An entire religion was created to make way for a decision that one person wished for his life.  The established denomination at the time refused to grant his desire so out of anger he established a new religion in which he was the ultimate authority and could do and say as he wished.  Many homes and churches were ultimately destroyed in the name of the new religion and consequently many good people died as a result.  In an ironic twist when the former established denomination came back into play in that same country, the rule of punishment did not change but followed suit as the new religion had established.

In another part of Europe another man decided he did not like the way that the established denomination was doing things.  Yes, there were dire conditions that the denomination was creating for the people and some of these conditions were preposterous to their constituents and should have never been made a standard of the church.  Another split or crack in the church occurred due to the errors that man had committed were now present and had to be dealt with by the public.  The revelation or revolution that this person created was actually in truth a rebellion of a rebellion which is now known to us as Protestantism.  I understand that there were many points to the creation of this denomination but most of them dealt directly with one person in whom others had distrust.

A Biblical example comes next and it deals with Israel and their desire to have a king.  For hundreds of years God had been the one ruler over this nation and He spoke through a few people during this time.  Now, the people in the Bible were humans just like you and I.  They had every type of body part that we do, they had minds, hearts, arms, and legs nothing differed about them.  They even knew how to complain about their living conditions and they too also had the freedom to chose when it came to their lives. 

At one point in time they had no problems with having God ruling over their lives.  They must have accepted His ways in such a manner of complete devotion and reaping the benefits of a desired pattern of life even though they knew that their lives did not and could not set any type of honor and holiness to their God.  The humility that they kept within their hearts was enough to suffice a God that they knew could destroy them at any point of time for being a representative of their inadequate and unpleasant flesh.

But at some point, doubts began to come forth in their minds and they began to speak against their conditions and they eventually forgot that they were blessed even though they had become unhappy with their surroundings.  Their grips and complaints became increasingly burdensome to their leaders and when these chosen men directed these concerns to God, He obliged their requests and then allowed some changes to occur so that peace could reign within the nation.  But being of the human race, the new ideas and conditions did not satisfy these people and in a short matter of time their complaints rose up again and this time they were more direct in their accusations.  See, it has always been a human trait to do something and then some time down the road do something greater.

Even though God was displeased with their cries against their living conditions He once again provided them an alternative and supplied them with a grace of gifts which should have sustained them.  However, being human they could not be satisfied with these alternatives and began their complaints again, but this time God decided to draw a line in the sand so to speak and He gave the people a gentle nudge of an example and as Keith Green sang “the ground opened up and had some of them for lunch”.  Now, whether you believe this example of not is up to you but even if you don’t it should get you to think about some things, mainly that you should never complain about your living conditions or the supplies you have for one day you might not have any.

Time went along and the people remembered the ground incident but continued their grumblings against God and His representatives.  Now, we all know that God’s representatives were human and probably did not do things right the first time, this we must contend.  But at the same time the people had shifted their grumblings towards God and what He was allowing to occur in their lives, yet at the same time, God allowed them to voice their opinions and to chose their own lives.

Shortly, the time came when the people realized that the representatives that God had chosen were just not working out with the people so they began to talk about having their own representative, a person who they could agree with and follow but still keep their ties to God for the time being.  Think about this for a moment, even though the Bible does not directly state this thought pattern it had to be a part of their thinking and is a logical process.  But what they failed to see is that their eyes were now focused upon a man and not God, even though they truly believed the opposite.  In short the people asked the Godly representatives for one person amongst them to represent them and be their leader.  The people now chose a king to be in charge of their daily lives, activities and decisions.  Once again God was displeased but allowed them to make this choice.

Our country was founded upon some Biblical principles and some secular principles this is a known fact.  It is also a known fact that once the new people of this country gained ground in this country they began to set up Christian institutions that would allow them to worship as they saw fit, which was one of the main reasons that they left England.  However, it was not too further down the road that these people began to establish rules and regulations similar to those of England where the church was concerned.  In fact it came to the conclusion that if you were not part of a certain belief that you were not even a Christian at all.

Over time and as the country grew more denominations sprang up throughout the land and basically adopted the same hard line concepts as the previous denomination did after their arrival.  All of these religious people became obsessed with recruiting non believers to their flock and then when they did not see things in their manner, they persecuted them one by one until they either submitted or as history shows us these “heretics” were killed in the name of God.  I could go on and on about these types of examples but I am going to stop here and move on to the next point.

For well over two hundred years our country has tried to shape its rules and regulations in our own image and that is a choice that God allows.  In our fledgling years the leaders of this country sought to find a leader who would stand up for the principles of their forefathers but did not wish to name this person as “king”.  They also wanted a person in charge that would defend the country against all invaders of its infrastructure not just the ones that are convenient.  Yet, from that initial starting point of our country we have ignored this principle and have looked for a king all the while keeping God at bay.  Through the many examples of churches’ attitudes and policies along with the personal actions of its members, many people shy away or even ridicule the church because of this style of behavior and in many cases who can blame them.

This attitude has grown over the centuries and it has woven itself into our society from its roots in other parts of the world.  The entire world has become obsessed with finding the one person who has all of the answers to the problems of today.  Each country believes it has found that person to do the job but each and every time that person has proven to be false and has provided nothing but disappointment to their constituents.  We have failed to recognize the one true being that has all of the correct answers for our lives and the one true person who can provide the only stability that man desires.  Our eyes are focused upon our own species for the answers and all we can do is make more people angry.

All of these examples have one thing in common, man being the center of attention.  There is no question that in the past countries that have declared themselves to be Christian have been blessed by God even during times of disease, poverty and war.  Yet all of them have lost their vision and have turned their eyes upon themselves.  In every one of these examples when man chooses to make his decisions with human ideologies, it is man who eventually pays the price.  In each of these examples good leaders came and went and in the same manner bad leaders came and went, but just as all others it was the fellow citizens who paid the price.  And in each of these examples, each time they ignored the fact that all God wanted was for man to choose to have a relationship with Him and for them to toss their religion and theology out the window.

Choose your king and chose him to your best ability and greatest intent but know this that until you seek the eternal God and His ways you will bring nothing but disappointment and pain unto yourselves.  It is time for us to understand the difference between religion and relationship.  Remember that a religion can dream up anything that a human wants which will allow for us to walk in darkness, but a relationship is alive and active and cannot be dreamt about in any way.  God will wait for a time, so choose your King.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Season of the Leaf

The Season of the Leaf


Each season a new leaf is turned and if we stood and watched this process unfold it would bring the life cycle of the leaf into an entire new perspective.  Instead we continue our individual lives and basically ignore what occurs within the new leaf.  Maybe we should pay more attention to the leaf since it really follows a similar pattern throughout its life as we do.  Many of us are interested in what transpires in our lives but are not concerned with the surroundings of our environment, maybe we should stop and look at these changes that are occurring around us and be aware of the hidden dangers or potential good happenings that are in our path.  Whichever path comes into play, the leaf is turning and it is time for us to be prepared for a new leaf.

Many of us have heard of the old adage about turning over a new leaf and how it means that we humans take another route, start over, move away or just totally change the way we live.  This saying has been adopted into our way of thinking since the majority of us have had to complete this phrase at least once in our lives.  There is not many out there who have had to not make some type of major alteration in their lives.  With modern society it is almost a must that we go through this process at least every couple of years and sometimes this change takes its time to settle within our households.

The above process can be referred to as the beginning of the leaf cycle where the tree is actually producing the bud.  The bud wants to make its own mark in its life as soon as it can and open itself up to the environment and let it know just how important it will be to its surroundings.  Yet, the tree keeps it closed up into its shell and will not release it until the time is right and when this time comes it is a slow process which is controlled by the tree.  The leaf learns that there is a relationship that it has with the tree and that the tree controls what the leaf does and it can open up and flourish as it is supposed to do.

As time advances the leaf continues to grow and becomes a strong and viable part of the tree.  The tree provides all of the leaf’s needs which includes nutrients and everything that a healthy leaf needs to continue.  The season has become warm with long, bright and sunny days to give the leaf its energy to intake food.  The leaf seems not to have a care in the world and that it is at the top of its game.  The leaf looks around and notices many other leaves on the tree in the same condition which further strengthens its confidence of invincibility.  The leaf has been through some storms which caused some pause in this thinking but each time it has come out unscathed and stronger than before.

As time marches on the leaf begins to feel a twinge of environmental change.  It is a feeling that it has not known before but feels like it will go away since the leaf still is young enough to handle what comes its way.  It dares not to ask the tree about the changes but the leaf now sits and waits to see what happens next all the while putting on a happy face to its fellow leaves.

The leaf now quietly notices that the days are getting shorter and the sun does not shine as warm as it has been for most of its life.  The leaf understands this process and begins to think about what scene the environment will play in the coming days.  Even though it has no idea of what the environment will provide in the future it trusts that the tree will continue to provide the nourishment that the leaf needs to survive these changing times.  The leaf knows that not all of its life has been easy and that there have been moments when it did not know if it would actually survive the troubled times that it was facing, but each time it came through with flying colors and stood strong for the world to see.

One morning the leaf woke up to find that the weather had changed drastically and that the air felt colder than normal.  The leaf panicked and immediately turned to look at the tree which was still there and providing the necessary nourishment.  The leaf relaxed but still had a nervous condition about it that would not go away.  It did not understand why the change but it knew that it was still alive and witnessing a scene that it had never experienced before.  Soon a small tweak occurred in the leaf and it looked to see what was happening.

On the tip of its body, the leaf realized that its color had begun to change.  The color change scared the leaf and in a huff ran to the tree, which in turn said that everything is ok and not to worry about things.  But as the leaf continued its cry to the tree about the changes the tree gently said to the leaf, turn and look at the other leaves.  As the leaf did as the tree said the leaf noticed that many other leaves in the area, including on the same tree, had begun the same process.  The tree then said that it was a normal process and that the environment actually controls what the trees and leaves do throughout their entire life.

The tree also explained that it was time that the tree and the leaves prepare themselves for a major change and that the process could not be stopped as long as there was life in the environment.  The leaf became angry and did not want the change that the environment was providing and then demanded that the environment stop its cycle and allow the leaf and its fellow occupants to live the way that they wanted without any “outside” interference.  The tree acknowledged this action from the leaf and said that it had seen this type of attitude many times before and that there was nothing that could be done, even if the environment were to slow its cycle.  The leaf thought about what the tree said and then asked how many times have you witnessed these events?  The tree replied, many more than you can ever imagine and the one thing that I know about the environment is that it will never change its patterns.

Days drug past and the leaf sat in wonder about how its color was continually changing and that no matter how much energy that it placed into its body, the colors still crept higher and higher to its stem.  One day the leaf realized that the energy that it needed actually was the source of its color change.  This was the point in time that the leaf understood that its life was about to change in a way that would be like never before.  The reality that its days were now numbered hit the leaf in full force and it had to accept the fact that one day soon its life would be over.

As the leaf came to this realization, it asked the tree what would happen to it once its color had fully changed.  The tree calmly said that eventually the leaf would be separated from the tree by the environment and that it would fall onto the ground somewhere else.  The leaf put two and two together and realized that this would mean that it would not have any more life and that its usefulness to the tree and its fellow leaves would be over.  The leaf then quietly took its place and watched the environment intently as its color change continued to advance.

Another cold morning greeted the leaf as it opened its eyes to the world and noticed that its energy level had almost come to a complete halt.  It did not have the strength to contend with the other issues of the day and the leaf actually realized how much those issues had become very unimportant and meaningless.  Survival was the only need that the leaf cared about and it would do as much as possible to continue this pattern.  The wind suddenly appeared and the leaf knew that something big was coming soon.

The leaf now completely brown and dry, its condition just as brittle the leaf knew that its days or even hours were numbered.  It then felt a sharp pain at the base of its body and it noticed that a piece of its stem had broken off from the tree.  The leaf looked at the tree and the tree whispered that it was ok and that this needed to happen.  The leaf had known that this time was approaching but never really believed it would come to pass.  The leaf felt another twinge tugging at its stem and suddenly all communication with the tree ceased.  The leaf had felt that it was now alone in the world as it looked to the sky for its guidance.

A few moments later a small but forceful gust of wind came along and completed the separation of the leaf from the tree and the leaf turned to look at the tree as it spun away with the wind.  As it floated in the air the leaf saw its life flash before its eyes and it immediately wished that it could return to its youthful state once again.  As the leaf reached the ground it lay there pondering its next moment.  But not another moment arrived for the leaf drew its last breath and it realized that it was time for the environment to turn over a new leaf.

As we in the world approach the end of 2012, we humans need to realize that our spiritual environment that we have chosen is leading us into a new direction.  In other words, we are about to embark on a new level of life that we have not experienced before.  The way God presented this article to me is by a leaf.  Even though the turning over of a new leaf is an exact example it does represent the overall concept that we must understand.

God, no matter whether you believe in Him or not, does allow us to have free will when it involves accepting His ways.  This free will always be flawed since all of us make mistakes and none of us are perfect.  Even though humans may believe that they are in control of everything that occurs in our world, they are gravely mistaken, which God accepts and allows to continue.  See, God has set into motion the environment and He is the one that controls everything that occurs.  There is nothing that we can do to change this environmental process and in fact we humans are just like the leaf in which we have a certain amount of time on this rock.

It is also our responsibility to understand that the times are changing and that many people do not see things according to the past.  A change is coming to this land and it may not settle well with everyone, lest it is a change that God has ordained and it needs to be recognized as such.  We need to make the necessary adjustments for our participation in this change and we need to understand this change in its fullness.

As with the leaf we are experiencing a phenomenon that we cannot control, no matter how hard we fight it.  It is a process that has been foretold and cannot be altered.  The process will affect all of us and it will set in hard for some, but we all must look to the vine for guidance and stability during these approaching times.  Turn from the humanly ways of thinking and allow yourself to be restored during this process.  It will be a hard and trying time but if we trust in the vine, all sorrowful matters will turn into triumphs.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Heart Condition Part XXIV

Heart Condition Part XXIV


It has been a while since I have completed an article about my heart condition.  I apologize that there has been a gap in space with this story but I have been completing other projects that God has been showing me and needless to say I am still far behind in my writings.  So, without any further delay, here is the next installment of Darin’s Heart Condition.

As the door closed behind the aide and I found the nasal cannula, I began to think about things that I had missed that might have prevented this current event from happening.  But as I laid there in the bed I stopped and realized that everything that I had done up to this point was my choice and if I had the opportunity to do all of the things leading up to this point over again I probably would have done them the exact same way.  But what was done was done and I now had to look forward to a few more procedures in the coming days, my only concerns now was which procedure or procedures I would have to complete.

I rolled over to my side and tried to clear my mind of the near future and focus on getting some rest for the next day.  I did not take too long to fall asleep but my mind continued its thinking course and I really did not rest very well.  The nursing staff came in a few more times during the next few hours to do their routine checks and no real deviances were noted during those checks.  I was now beginning to wake up a bit more and once again reality hit me in the face when I saw the cardiopulmonary tech come into my room with the EKG instrument.

He quickly started in by saying that he heard a rumor that I was not behaving myself and that I needed another checkup to see what my heart was doing.  I laughed and I had no idea what he was talking about but since I was in the bed and that he was bigger than me that I would cooperate quietly.  The procedure did not take long at all and as the results printed out I caught a quick glimpse of the reading, which really did not show too much abnormal activity but there were a few changes that could have some significant meaning.  I said thank you as he pulled off the patches from my skin and promised him I would not forget the way he pulled off those patches in a “friendly” manner.  He too asked if there was anything that he could do and of course I said “no”.  He then wished me luck and to keep him informed of what was going on and he then walked out the door.

By this time the halls were bustling with activity and many noises rang up and down the hall.  I then heard another familiar voice somewhere close to my door, it was my doctor.  He was asking questions about my night from those who took care of me through the evening.  There really was not much to report since he had already heard of my late night lab results so he then asked to see the EKG report.  Within a few minutes I heard his voice on the phone talking with another physician which meant that I was taking a ride soon, but I now wondered if it would be by helicopter or by bus.  I had always wanted to ride in a helicopter but not a medical one so I had mixed emotions about that thought.  But being in the medical field for a while I realized that if I was in bad shape I would have been out of there already so most likely my ride would be in the back of an ambulance.

I few minutes later my doctor walked in the room and immediately said that he had heard that I had caused a stir during the night and that I was being kicked out of the hospital.  He knew that I would understand what he was telling me and that I would not take any offense to his way of telling me that I needed further procedures done that we could not provided for at our hospital.  He then began to show me the EKG report and how some of the waves did not really look normal and that it could be a sign that some significant cardiac activity had taken place.  At that time he could not say how much damage was done but he did indicate that it was affecting the left side of my heart and we did not want to play around with it too much longer.

Both sides of the heart are very important to the human body and both really need to be functioning at their best in order for us to keep up with our daily activities.  If there is a more important side of the heart it would be the left side of the heart since it is mainly responsible for the movement of blood to and from the lungs.  It is vital for the left side to be at the ready for this constant flow of blood and if anything goes wrong with this function, the entire body will be affected and cannot function in its full capacity.  It is funny that even though many people who have heart attacks on the left side of the heart function at less than 100% and really do not feel their decline after their problem is fixed, as I would find out in a few days time.

After a few more questions and a quick listen to my heart and breathing sounds he sat on the side of the bed and began to tell me about the changes that I needed to make in order for me to have a bright future with my family.  Most of the time my doctor was serious about things but in this instance his tone and demeanor were completely different in the fact that he wanted me to understand that the ballgame had changed and that I stepped up into another category and that my life was now dependent upon how I responded and changed things in my life.  He made his point very clear and I told him that I understood what he was trying to get across to me and that I would do my best to change my activities and make my life healthier.

With that being said he officially told me that I was being transferred to the hospital in Grand Junction and to begin with performing a heart catheter procedure to see what was going on inside the vessels of my heart.  He also stated again that he did not know to what extent of damage had occurred to my heart but at the same time he made it very clear to the cardiologist that I needed a heart catheter done immediately and really would not accept any answer than “ok” from him.  So even though he did not come out and say I was about to have a major blowout, I could sense in his tone that I was a time bomb waiting to explode and he did not me to have to wait around a  couple of days to get this completed.  He then asked if I had any questions before he signed my discharge paperwork and at that time I had no real questions since my mind had not been able to completely process all of the information just yet.

A few minutes after the doctor left the nurse parade began with my night nurse telling me goodbye and that she would be looking forward in seeing my face roaming the halls again soon.  She gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek and once again asked if I needed anything.  I thanked her for everything that she had done throughout the night and not to worry about me that I would be doing what she told me to do in the halls.  I also told her that I did not need anything right at that moment and with that she turned and walked out of the room for the last time of the early morning.  Soon afterwards my day time nurse showed up in my room with another checklist for me to fill out so that I could legally be transferred to Grand Junction; gotta luv paperwork huh.

Bonnie soon came into the room and a few seconds later the girls showed up as well.  They had to stop and see everyone at the nurse’s desk before coming into the room, everyone loved those two.  Tatem came in as well but really was more concerned about me than others in the area so the two girls were in good hands at the desk for a few moments.  I quickly told Bonnie what was going on and what the plan of attack was going to be.  She then decided to call mom and dad and let them know of the goings on and then called my brother shortly afterwards to inform him as well.  She had taken care of the information to the family within a few short minutes and had everything lined out before I knew what was happening.

After a few minutes of filling out the paperwork and having Bonnie check it over to see that I did it correctly, she decided to take the girls to their respective schools and then grab a few things from the house to take up to Grand Junction.  According to my doctor if everything went smoothly and only a heart catheter procedure was in order I would be home in a few days at the most and that my road to recovery could then begin at home.  So with this knowledge Bonnie would only have to bring a few things up with her for both of us, since I would still be dressed in a lovely hospital gown for the majority of my stay in Junction.

My nurse came in to inform me that the transfer ambulance had been dispatched out to my room and that it would be few minutes before they arrived but some things had to be unhooked before I could leave.  My paperwork was completed and I then handed it over to the nurse who then took it to the nurse’s desk.  She immediately came back in with the aide and they began to go through their own discharge checklist, which was kind of cumbersome to me but when I look back at that process now every point taken was necessary for my departure.  Bonnie said that she was leaving and I gave her and all my girls a hug and a kiss and told them that I loved them and that everything would be fine.  One of the girls asked if they would be able to see me that night and I told all of them that we will see how things go but I don’t think that would be a problem.

All the girls scattered into the hall and I told Bonnie that I was fine and that she needed to get going if she was going to get them all where they needed to be without them being late.  As she was leaving the room I told her that she made sure to tell Pastor Lee what was going on as well.  As she left the room the nurses returned to their checklist and continued their poking and prodding to make sure I was fit enough for travel.  I just laid there in my bed and did what I was told when asked.  Another nurse came in and handed me a small paper cup with a couple of pills in them and said that I needed to take them before I left.  No better time than the present I thought so down they went without any problems.  My IV was unplugged from the wall and my nurse asked if I needed to go to the bathroom before things became interesting to which I obliged.

There really was not much that I could do in the bathroom since all of my belongings had been taken by Bonnie.  So, I just washed my face, arms and hands with warm water and then dried myself with the towel.  I then walked out of the bathroom and placed myself back on the bed and remained on the side of my bed until the aide came in to take my final set of vital signs before the ambulance arrived.  Before she could finish her tasks a knock on the door occurred and it slowly opened with another familiar face coming through the portal.  It was the captain of my ambulance ride and he came in to ask if I was ready to bust this place.  I laughed and said I guess so and then told him I was not too thrilled about the place that we were going to however.

I had now come to the realization that my life had taken a dramatic turn and that I was going to have to make some major decisions of how I was going to live my life.  I also knew that I had no idea of what damage had been done to my heart and did not know just what I could ever do again on a physical basis.  My future choices could be very limited or no limitations what-so-ever, or even somewhere in-between.  I did know that it would not be too much longer before I would find out my fate.

I was not mad at the world or even myself.  I knew that I had lived a good life and that if major changes were called for that I would eventually make them and carry on with what was left of my life.  I knew I had a responsibility to my family and that I would do whatever necessary for them to be taken care of as long as I could.  But for this moment I had to wait and see what the answers to those questions would prove to be which I was vastly becoming anxious to find out about.