Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holy Foundation to an Unstable Ground

Holy Foundation to an Unstable Ground


It is known that cities that have historical pasts will have some kind of hidden underground system and when explored this system will contain many answers about the city’s past life.  I have always found it amazing of how humans like to build structures that tower into the sky or on top of older places that are no longer useful.  What we think would be a sturdy foundation often turns out to be shaky and unstable ground and thus the new project is considered a failure from the beginning.  Our personal lives can be summed up in this concept as well and when we use a human example of this foundational beginning nothing but total disaster can be expected.  

Some of you might know of my work history within the medical field and how I have been at my current place of employment for almost twenty years now.  I am truly happy with my work and I still consider it a rewarding experience each day that I return to the facility.  I am continually amazed at how much the hospital has grown over the years which now includes many buildings on its complex unlike the single building that was here when I began my tenure in Delta.

Over the early years at my work the employees had noticed a few minor problems with one end of the hospital structure.  It was a common knowledge especially in the winter time when the wind would whip through the windows into the patient’s rooms which was not a good thing at all.  It was also noticed that each year the gap between the walls and the windows were increasing and that more detailed repairs had to be done to keep the cold air out.  It was a continual project which frustrated everyone since a hospital was supposed to be somewhat of a sterile environment or at the very least a very clean environment.  None of our infection rates increased just cold patients were reported.

As I continued to gather information about the hospital I learned that the hospital was built in two parts and almost where the back of the laboratory was the end of the original building.  Once a person started looking closely one could see that another type of brick was used which was the exact location of the second part of the building.  The original portion of the building was built approximately fifteen years before the second portion of the building was built.  So one would reasonably guess that the newer portion of the building would be better built, wrong!  It was the newer portion of the building that had the window problems that I mentioned above and it was the new portion of the building that surveyors and other construction companies found that the foundation was sinking which explained all the current and increasing amount of structural problems.

Decisions had to be made in order to make the necessary corrections to the foundation of the building, but when these questions were asked other structural conditions were raised by the local companies and contractors.  Further research demonstrated that the entire building was out of code and that the entire hospital building would have to be remodeled in order to be within the legal codes for operation.  So, this meant decisions had to be made concerning tax payer money and how much would be necessary to make the repairs.  After all of the bids were in and the numbers crunched and all of the options weighed, it was decided that it would only cost slightly more to build an entire new building that could serve the community better.  I was agreed upon and the new project began a short time later.

After a year of building the new building was completed and all of the pomp and circumstance of the grand opening occurred the new hospital building was ready to be used.  The fate of the old hospital building was still in doubt since if we were going to use it in any way many repairs had to be made.  It was then asked if only a portion of the old building could be torn down and would that make any difference in cost, codes and viability of the building.  It was decided that the newer portion of the building could be torn down and the older portion could then be brought to code easier.  The decision was made and a few weeks later the newer portion of the old hospital building began to come down.  It was quite ironic to watch the newer portion of a building be torn down while the older portion remained.  And to this day the old portion of the hospital still stands and I actually work in the old hospital building on a daily basis.

We all know that if the foundation of a building, any structure to be more precise, is not on solid ground and properly planned and formed the entire building itself will eventually be in jeopardy of sinking, cracking or even deemed condemned due to the structural instability of the foundation.  In other words, if a good foundation is not in place the entire building is worthless and even dangerous for anyone to be around.  This is what happened with our old hospital building and it can be said to be true of many of our lives as well.  For we all know that our lives need the same type of solid and truly built foundation in order to make it in this world.  It does not matter how tall and sturdy you might believe you are in this life, if your foundation is not built correctly you will soon fall in some capacity and you might find it difficult or even impossible to re-build yourself.

In line with this thought we all must realize that our lives are built with faults and there is nothing that we can do to change this fact.  Humans cannot sustain their edge indefinitely nor can they keep up the strong and sturdy posture of a well oiled machine.  At some time our bodies break down due to all the conditions that we subject it to on a routine basis.  This concept can be said of our spiritual lives as well with the same type of conditions being thrown at our spirits on the same level.  So we must find solid ground to build our foundation upon so that we do not waiver when these storms occur.

As with any parcel of land it is important to find the correct spot to build, this goes the same for our spiritual lives as well.  It is difficult to find the appropriate lot and to have the necessary building conditions in order to be secure in our investment.  Many of us look around for this great spot of land for years and some even for decades, I have news for all of us you will not find it unless you allow God to be a part of the decision.  See, whether it is physical ground or spiritual ground if God is not the center of the project, it will automatically be faulty in its construction.  It has been proven time and time again that without God a person is directionless and hopeless in their existence, yet we fail to see this truth on many occasions.

This subject is the prime example of why God had no choice but to send His son to the earth.  The earth itself was cursed a very long time ago and that curse is still intact on every level.  There will be no changing of this fact and it actually serves as a direct separation from God.  See, man is made from the earth when it was Holy but when man fell both the earth and man had to be cursed, you could not have one side be cursed and not the other.  This is a fact because God is a complete God and He leaves no details undone.  So to put this in a Biblical setting, man who is made up of dirt which is cursed had to be separated from God and since God is all holy and cannot be around sin a solid veil had to be put into place to represent this separation.

So a way had to be provided so that man would have direct access to God once again.  See, God really did not want to be separated from His beloved creation but He had no choice due to the choice man made back in the garden.  So God gave man years to experiment with his newly found status, which when we read the Bible or ancient history or even yesterday’s news we see that man alone cannot do it any better since the day we fell into death.  So even way back before man fell God had a plan already established because He knew what man would choose to do with his life.

God’s Son Jesus is the only plan that can establish the restoration of our direct contact with God and it is through Jesus and the act that He chose to do that fulfills and symbolizes the actual reestablishment with God, you have doubts about this?  The foundation of a building needs many ingredients in order to provide an adequate basis for the structure to have a chance of staying up and being safe.  The earth has to be involved in this process and so does the other materials that are provided from the builder.  The earth has to be prepared in order that the builder can begin adding the necessary products to complete the foundation.  Without the earth being prepared the addition of the foundational materials would prove disastrous and would not be adequate for the project, so the cursed earth has to be involved.

Yet it is not the earth that forms the foundation of the building, those materials as stated a few sentences ago are provided by the builder, the earth cannot do that.  So, that means the builder has to have knowledge of the sol and the contents of the soil so that he can provide the soil with the correct method of providing the materials for the foundation.  The materials used have to be of quality grade or the project will falter even before it gets rolling so that means the builder also has to know what correct type of materials to use for the ground.  In other words the perfect materials have to be used so that the imperfect ground to be shaped correctly in order to hold the building that is going to be developed.

So the only material that could be used for this foundation would be of something that would be considered Holy and unique so that none like it could ever be duplicated yet would be available to everyone who wishes to have a true foundation.  The material would also have to be accepted by the earth and recognized as “one of its own” so that the material would not be labeled as an intruder or cause a reaction against the earth.  There would only be one way possible and that would be for God to create a human form of His Son and allow Him to walk the face of the earth and fulfill His mission as a bridge back to God.  Even though Jesus took the form of a human He was still the Son of God and had Holy blood coursing through His veins.  Yes He did have human blood but it was the Holy bloodline that was mixed with the human once again.

Jesus represented God on earth and also represented the one foundation that could bring back the reconciliation between God and man but there was only one way that this process could happen and that would be for Him to die.  Not a normal death of old age but as a symbol of violence that would set forth the definition ability of God to rip the veil in two and to restore the personal relationship with God once more.  Man did not rip the veil God did because the way had been paved and the separation had been closed and the act of setting the foundation was complete upon the death of Jesus.

Jesus served as this foundation and He also serves to this day as the bridge that continually stands as our covering to God.  There is no other way no matter what other human thinking may say or try and prove.  Jesus is the only way of restoration for god’s people and everyone has the opportunity to be restored, not only in our physical life but also in our spiritual life as well.  All aspects of our lives are subject to this restoration process.  This connection to God is a pure and Holy connection even though we still have our sinful lives that we deal with every day.  It is the blood that was shed that covers us and allows us to approach God on an individual basis.  The blood serves as our covering and Jesus the bridge.

It is our choice to accept the Holy foundation that is provided for us.  It is the only true foundation that we can rely upon when times are tough and situations are difficult.  The veil was torn so that our new status could be formed with God, our lives did not change but the status of our relationship with God did, it became personal once again. 


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