Monday, November 12, 2012

The Coming and Uncovering Storm

The Coming and Uncovering Storm


When we look at Mother Nature and wonder in all of her splendor we catch ourselves sometimes glorifying her existence.  Many times we take her for granted and proclaim her beauty above many of the other troubles that we continually face.  Also, many of us forget who actually is in control of the environment and how we are all subject to its effects.  There have been many storms and other phenomena throughout history that should immediately remind us of this detail.  God allows these storms to present themselves in our world according to the laws in which He ordained.  We also must recognize that these same types of storms and events will occur in our lives as well and we have no choice but to accept them when they arrive, but always remember that as the seasons change our Creator still makes room for restoration.

When a storm occurs it brings with it all sorts of anxiety to human beings.  We see our lives having the potential of being uprooted and having to start over with a period of uncertainty being forced upon us until the specific time the storm begins its impact on our land.  I have been in a hurricane and even though it was exciting to think that a storm of that magnitude moving right over us, the danger levels of the storm far outweigh the possibility of nothing occurring to our land.  Yet even though we understand this fact we wish to stay in our homes and ride out the waves so to speak and take our chances.  This is all fine and dandy and since we have the freedom of choice our decisions are leveled with a certain amount of dignity after the storm passes.  But not all of us who ride out the storm come out unscathed and many who decide to stay the course end up with nothing and must begin again with not much in their hands.

I am not an expert on massive tropical storms but I have witnessed some pretty amazing scenes while the storms were occurring and definitely some fascinating sites after the storm had passed.  Even though the storm is created over the water and the majority of the activity is occurring in the atmosphere the water underneath the storm is also involved.  The force of the winds and pressure actually moves the water and causes unsettled conditions on the water.  Many times if the storm is powerful enough this water disturbance will go completely to the floor of the body of water and even cause disturbances at those depths.  This is proven by some of the old ships that have sunk in the past being washed up on the shore while the storm is moving inland and other times after the storm has past and researchers have returned they have found items and other artifacts that had previously been hidden by the floor of the water.

Earthquakes are another example of Mother Nature demonstrating that humans are not in control of what happens within their living spaces.  I have been in a couple of earthquakes and I have to tell you that even though they were fun to watch the road roll up and down, it sent chills down my spine after I realized that the rolling was headed straight for my house.  We can read about how earthquakes can destroy entire cities or even small countries if the depth and magnitude are just right.  Earthquakes that occur in the seas cause massive waves that produce energy as they move and when those massive waves and energy reach land usually many inhabited places are wiped from the face of the earth.  These events have also caused researchers and Archaeologists to discover hidden treasures that have been hidden beneath our feet for centuries and these discoveries have pieced together many unanswered questions in history.

The last example I am going to provide is of fire.  Living out in the West water is a very valuable commodity and if the land does not receive an adequate amount of rainfall the land becomes a tinderbox very quickly.  A small dry storm with a lightning strike can start a fire that can eventually grow into a massive wildfire that scorches thousands of acres and could destroy homes in a very short period of time.  A few years back Mesa Verde National Park had a wildfire that burned quite a bit of acreage.  Yes some animal homes were destroyed and yes the park had to be closed for a while so that the rangers could assess the damage.  The known was present with many trees and brush burnt totally but what was interesting to them was that in all of the damage new archaeological sites were uncovered and through these “new” sites more information about the previous inhabitants could be known.

All of these natural events humans cannot control no matter how hard we believe that we can.  These natural events occur upon a higher command in which we cannot fathom.  But even though we do not control these events our lives are still affected by these events even when the storms and earthquakes do not directly affect our living situations.  For those of us who are directly affected by these events our lives are sometimes totally uprooted and for a while it seems like there will be no answer of what to do next.

Personal storms can fall into this category as well even though we do our best to hide them or to try and contain them before it gets out of hand.  I know that I was adopted and this process was not hidden from me but I cannot say the same for the other members of my biological family.  So when they found me it still was a shock to my system even though I knew about the process, so imagine what kind of storm they encountered.  With a personal storm in this manner many other intimate and personal items are uncovered as well which can do just as much inner damage as physical damage.  Sometimes we know about the potential for this type of storm and sometimes we do not but it is guaranteed that at some point in our lives we shall face some kind of storm with this magnitude and there is not much we can do but ride it out and see what comes ashore after it has past.

Let it be known that storms are coming on nations.  It is not unknown to us humans we can see them approaching.  But we continue to ignore the warning signs of their potential destruction and go about our daily routines and refuse to change our ways of believing.  We hide the truth and conceal what we know is to be right all in the name of being “right”.  It is these conditions that will eventually cost us when the storm comes ashore.  How much will we be exposed to after the storm is gone or how much damage will be don when our ground begins to shake from underneath?  What will stop the wind guided flames when it penetrates our personal home, the one we call our spirits?  And how will we act while these events are occurring?  Let it be known that these events will be felt on an individual level, organizational level and even national level.  Many will be affected but all will be touched by these events. 

It is by our choices that we shall see these events and it by our choices that God will allow us to be restored once again.  This storm will pass over us and will move beyond our lives.  The times will be trying and difficult in many ways but if we allow God back in control of our lives and keep Him number one in our decisions at all times, He will grant us restoration that we will all be seeking.  The events have been set, look around you they are increasing each and every day it is not too late to divert the major catastrophe that is about to occur within our world.  And yes, it will be a global reaction because if something happens in one part of the world by experience and common knowledge the ripple effect will definitely hit like a Tsunami wave.

We will recover from this storm but how far we are restored is strictly up to us and the choices that we make after the storm passes.  Be prepared, the storm is approaching.  Most of us will miss this and / or ignore the warnings but rest assured that it is coming.  I have no idea of what the storm will be and it is not my place to know these things, but it is my place to warn us of the coming events and this I have done.  God loves all of us so very much and wants our hearts turned towards Him but He also allows free will.


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