Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Process of Your Scars

The Process of Your Scars


All of us continually use our minds to look back and wonder what it would be like if we had done things differently in our lives.  Our minds play havoc with us in this area but we do have a choice of what we wish to do and how we live after those choices become public.  Many of us do not realize that everything that we say, do, and think is a marked target in our lives and that there is a force that we miss during these times of decision.  There is a huge battle for your life and how it maintains its vitality to everyone around us.  We are not stuck here to live our lives alone, we have help and it is important that we understand what is actually occurring in our surroundings.

Being in the medical field for many years I have seen and heard most of everything that a human use or say to be an excuse for the conditions that they present themselves.  It does not matter what the situation is everyone has a reason for how they feel or believe and even in the choices that they make which eventually have profound effects on their own lives and sometimes the lives of others around them.  One of the more intriguing things I have heard is this, this is not an exact quote but it is similar and you will understand as soon as you read it; I cannot understand why God allows me to go through this.

First of all there are billions of people out in the world that need to know that there is a battle going on for them.  We are not alone in this fight and that God is right here with us as we trod through each day.  The next legitimate question raised by these same people is why then does God not answer us immediately when we ask Him questions.  Many people have based their beliefs on God with this question and if you do not understand why then to those who do not believe anymore would draw this type of conclusion that God does not care or that He does not even exist.

Let me set the foundation before I begin with my examples.  Every human likes to have things and that is not even up for debate.  It does not matter which society you live in each person has the desire to own things.  For many years my wife and I rented a house.  It was a good house and we had nothing to complain about at all but we did not own it and everything that we wished to do to the house we had to get approval from the owners.  This was not a bad thing and the owners were very receptive to our ideas and even helped out some additional improvements that were above and beyond what they were required to do.

Now, if someone was in a place where they did not belong or they understood that the place where they were was inhabited by another person which had control of the area, then the new person would automatically have no argument with the person in control of things if ever confronted, correct?  That person might not enjoy those conditions or actually agree with them but he or she really could not argue the fact that the person who had control of the place actually was in charge.  We have an excellent example of this to look back upon.

When Jesus was on this earth there was a time where He went into fasting and prayer.  During this time His arch enemy and ours appeared to Him and began to argue some things with Him.  Every word that Satan had for Jesus, Jesus refuted with Biblical defenses and Satan could not argue with these defenses.  Now, think about that for a moment, Satan could not and did not argue with Jesus about the Biblical answers that Jesus responded.  Why couldn’t he respond?  Because the words that Jesus spoke were spoken in truth.  When you are accused of things that are not correct, what is your immediate response if those accusations are not correct?  You respond in truth.

So, in all honesty if a person speaks something to you that represents the truth then you really do not have a reason to argue that specific point in opposition.  Now, I understand that it is human nature to argue about things but if it is obvious as a cloudless sky being blue then there is no basis for your argument against that truth.  So, going back to my foundational example Satan took Jesus up on a high peak and it does not matter which peak it was but it was a high point where they could see the valleys.

Satan and Jesus’ conversation went something like this; Satan said for Jesus to look around and see all of the kingdoms of the earth.  Jesus did what was asked of Him because His response to Satan was the truth.  Satan must have given Jesus a few moments to look around and see what man had created.  Satan then made the statement that he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He only bowed down and worshipped him.  Jesus responded for him to leave and that no one should worship anything but the one true God.  Jesus only addressed the second half of Satan’s statement.

The reason for this is that the first half of Satan’s statement was the truth.  Jesus understood that ever since man fell in the garden Satan and his kingdom had control of the forces of the earth, the ones that influence man and our daily lives.  Stop and think about this for a moment before reading further. 

To give you a “human” example let us take the example of home field or home court advantage.  Anyone who has played sports understands that when you play an opponent on their home court or field it is really tougher to win.  In most sports teams play each other at least two times during the season and one of those games is at the other teams home.  When you play at home the expectations of your performance is much greater than if you are away and everyone on the court or field can sense this pressure.  Same examples occur during your work, your house, your town, your community, your state or even nation.  So if it happens on a team basis, it can happen on an individual level as well.  The battleground is now set, you are not the home team you are the visitor and the pressure against you has been increased on all angles.

Satan had the authority to make this statement since both he and Jesus knew it was the truth.  If it was not an accurate statement I can guarantee that Jesus would have addressed it and responded with a true account.  This means that Satan and his kingdom have control of the earth, which places the verse that states that we should not be of this world into its true perspective.  Anyway, that means that Satan has the home court or home field advantage. 

What does this mean for us?  It means that everything that we ask God to help us with, to give His guidance with, or even His words of protection and knowledge has to go through the home team before it can reach our spiritual ears.  This is the battleground which many things occur that we do not even know exists and it is the reason we get so frustrated with God when we do not “feel” that He cares or will respond in “our” timing.

I will give a Biblical example now.  Many of us know the story of Daniel and the time that he was in the lion’s den.  Many of us know that Daniel prayed to God and asked for many things from God.  In his writings, Daniel makes a point to write about how it took time for some of his questions to be answered.  There was a battle going on in which the answer that God had given to the messenger was actually delayed because of the forces against God.  God wishes us to know and to understand that our enemy is not going to just let helpful information be received by our spirits by any easy means.  It is a battle for these answers to get to us, for these answers are alive and are the truth about what is going on around us and how the answers will guide us through the times that we need help.

Our enemy would not be doing his job if he did not make things easy for us at all times.  God hears and sees everything that we do, everything that we say, and everything that we think and it is His desire to give us as complete answers that He can, providing that our hearts are willing to receive the answers that He is given.  But it is so easy for us to get impatient and to forget that there is a reason for the delay with the answers.

One last important question that we need to think about on this topic and it is this; how important are you to God that such a battle over one simple question would occur?  Why would our enemy go to such great lengths to delay an answer from God?  It is because you are loved by an eternal God that created you.  Yes you, the one person that society has thrown away or the person who believes that they have done too many things to ever be loved by anyone.  It is you that God defends and wishes to protect.  The forces of this world do not care about you in any way, shape or form and it is very important that you understand that.  The world will never accept you, it will trick you into believing that it does but when the rubber meets the road, no way and all of us know this.

The reason that the world does not care is that I is controlled by the one kingdom that cares about nothing but your destruction.  This kingdom will stop at nothing to make sure that you are lied to, stole from and drained from every bit of life that you have before it drops you in the gutter so that you can lay there and suffocate on your own actions.  Our enemy does not care about your well being but he will make sure that you believe that the ways of his world has your best interest at heart.  Our enemy will even use the church in this manner and is not afraid to revel in the fact that you blame God for your problems. 

God allows things to happen in our lives, this is a fact.  God also has given us free will to make the necessary choices in our lives in order for us to live abundantly.  It does not matter which society a person lives in, we are all created equal and share the human experience in our own ways.  These examples establish in our minds the actual battleground who actually has the home field advantage in our world.  These examples also show the importance of our lives and just how special we are to God. 

So, before we go blaming God for the answers that we have not received yet, take a moment and think about the battle that is going on somewhere in our surroundings and the messengers that have been dispatched with your answer and the struggle that they endure for you to receive a truthful answer.  Remember who actually has the home field advantage in this situation but also remember who will overcome with the truth when the answer arrives.  We are the center of this battle and we must never forget this. 


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