Thursday, November 22, 2012

An Appropriate Thanksgiving

An Appropriate Thanksgiving


A time’s old tradition of this country is the holiday of Thanksgiving.  While this day serves as another common day for other parts of the world our country still sets aside this day as a day of thanks for everything that we have been given over the past year, and for everything that God have provided for us in all the years of our past.  Many countries around the world have not set aside a day of remembrance and thanksgiving and do not share this idea of public acknowledgement of the blessings that they have received.

If we look back at the year that has just past we can honestly say that we have many things to be thankful for, not only for a comfortable living but for the grace of God that still envelopes the world alike.  Many of these blessings I share with the world but there is not enough time to list all of these specific blessings that have been bestowed up my life but I do want to list a few quickly.

This year I am thankful for my life and everything that it represents to the world.  I know that I have mentioned this before but I am truly thankful for being allowed to live.  There are so many events that I have witnessed, heard and spoke about but being alive is the greatest feeling that I can experience.  I have had many opportunities to go to places and get to see and recognize many people and cultures.  I have not always graced their presence as I should but now realize that it was for my own benefit that I have been around these people and not vice versa.

I give my parents fits sometimes about how I was raised but I really would not trade one second of my raising for it was a great upbringing and I am so proud to have been raised in such a manner.  I am thankful that my home life was just that, my life.  I enjoyed good schools and other social situations but as a normal human teenager and young adult I did make my share of mistakes.  I am thankful that my parents did not shun me nor did my God disinherit me because of my actions.  But most of all I am thankful that I had a life and the opportunity to live.

A few years back my biological family found out about me and then decided to try and locate my whereabouts, which proved to be highly successful.  This situation has opened many opportunities and doors which have presented themselves as a happy yet nervous process.  I am thankful that I was given this opportunity and will look forward in the challenges and rewards that it will present in the future.

As with all life not every holiday is continually filled with happiness.  This year is no exception in this manner.  Our family has just lost one of its members a few days ago.  I did not really know my cousin very much and actually was only around her a couple of times in my life.  Yet she was a part of my family and the loss of her life serves as that, a loss of a loved one.  I know that there are thousands of people sitting around tables during this time that are presently in the same situation as our family and I too feel for their loss.

At the same time I am joyous to know that my cousin is home and with our Creator and Savior.  When I received the news about her passing my response was something like this….at least she will have an appropriate Thanksgiving this year…and I truly believe that she is.  God has allowed her to now witness her life as He sees it, which is a beautiful creation that made a statement to the world with her presence and even though she is no longer drawing a physical breath her air still inhabits our lives in a unique and special way that only God intended.

I understand that the last few years of her life was anything but joyous and happy days were very few; it was a continual battle which proved one eternal thing but I also know that she was thankful for her life and that her faith never shook one ounce away from the truth.  Now, she has the opportunity to say thank you for her life face to face with God and her blessings that we know as her life will be noticed throughout out family.  She understands now that all of her days were ordained by God and I know that she was thankful for having each and every one of them.  It may not always looked like roses but I know that her life will be in the minds of many for a long time which will serve as a reminder to those that loved and knew her that God is alive and loves each and every one of us so very much.

So as we sit at the table of Thanksgiving this year let all of us be joined together and be thankful for our lives for all of us are special in our own individual ways.  Let us also remember everything possible that we are thankful for including being alive.  I am so thankful for my life and for my family and I am also very thankful for a loving God who has allowed all of them to share my life with me.  I thank you God for everything this past year and I look forward to another year of ups and downs.  For no matter what we might encounter in the coming year our lives are beautiful in every way and our lives represent the gift of thanksgiving that we have towards our creator.


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