Friday, March 1, 2013

Introduction to the Dream Series

Introduction to the Dream Series


A few months back I had a series of dreams that for the most part I had no idea of what they meant.  This is not uncommon for all of us have fallen into this category at some time in our life.  We all believe that our dreams last for hours at a time but in reality they only occur within a few seconds with some lasting a few short minutes.  It is fascinating to stop and think about all of the different things that happen in one dream and then realize that our brain transcribed all of that information to our thinking patterns within a few moments.  And it is even more confusing to realize that it takes us many more minutes to describe the dream that we had than in the amount of time the dream actually occurred.

The series of dreams did not come all at one time but strung out over a period of months.  It had nothing to do with the things that I watched on television or events that I had encountered during my workday.  The settings were different, the places that my dreams occurred in were different and even the time of day within the dreams were different.  But as I continued to mull over these dreams I realized that there were certain patterns in these dreams and that they all had to do with the human aspect of slavery or being bound to a habit.  This pattern was easy to see because of the setting that the person who was in my dream was adamant about leaving the situation that he was in at the moment.

So far there have been three dreams that I have had and I do not doubt that I will have more sometime down the road.  I have learned over time that it is not a wise idea to tell God “no” about something or even to proclaim that God has shown you everything that He wishes to show you on a specific topic, you just set yourself up for having to eat crow later.  So my advice to you is don’t ever try and limit God’s work through you, because He really does have a sense of humor about life and HE is not afraid to use that humor to open your spiritual eyes.

I know that there are many things that God will show me while I continue to examine these dreams.  I also know that for whatever reason God has given me these dreams to share with others so that they may help in some fashion.  I cannot leave myself out from this help because even though I am the one God uses to get this article and message out, I am a human and I too suffer from worldly vices as all of us do.  I am not afraid to say this because if I am then I am lying to you and the intent and content of the message that God wants others to know is skewed and the seed that God wishes to plant will never arrive to the intended spirits for whom it was created.

Each dream has a progression and it will mean different things to people but God knows exactly what He is doing with these dreams and just know that whoever God wishes for these dreams to be for He will direct their path to them so that they may understand.  These dreams are of a specific nature in the fact that they deal with spiritual matters that bind us all into slavery conditions.  These conditions place us in chains of various addictions that force us to comply with worldly standards and dictate our every move that we try to make throughout our lives.  Some of these chains we recognize, however there are many of these chains that we do not even know exist within our bloodlines.  That is why it is important for us to understand this concept and if the description of these dreams helps in this recognition in any way, then God’s Kingdom is advanced and another battle has been won.

I am going to start with the first dream and then work my way through to the last dream.  I do not know how long this explanation will take but most likely it will take more than one article to complete.  After the dreams have been shared I will then begin with what God has shown me concerning these dreams and will try my best to convey His message to those who are in need of hearing it.  As stated above there are three dreams that I have had concerning this topic.  I have not had any more for quite some time now but I remember them as if they all occurred last night.  So, here we go with dream number 1.


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