Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hatred Among Fellow Slaves

Hatred Among Fellow Slaves


Everyone who reads anything about slavery will come to the conclusion that this type of behavior in humans is despicable and really cannot be defended.  Slavery has been in the midst of humanity dating all the way back to the old Dynastical empires of Egypt yet it still thrives in the world today.  There are many types of slavery that have operated throughout the centuries but there is one type that many of us tend to ignore and that is the status of the slave owner and how he controls his slaves.

Many of us older folks remember back in the early 80s when a very controversial television series came out called “Roots.”  I remember my parents almost forcing me to watch this series with them because they deemed it very important that I understand what happened in the history of our country.  I also remember them talking to me about the many other countries that participated in this type of captivity and how each one justified their actions when called out.  The issue of slavery has always been fascinating to me and the more I read about it and its one time dominance throughout the world I cannot help but cringe when I learn that it still exists within today’s worldly confines.

When a person picks up the newspapers or reads any type of news online they will be bombarded with numerous stories that include the many different races of the world.  The issue of race is a very heated and territorial subject that some tend to intentionally set aflame.  There are over 7 billion people on this planet and each one of us has some physical tie to one of the races that define our physical being.  We find it amusing to place another race above others and tout our own looks beyond the normal scope of life.  How can we intentionally come against another human race in the name of hate and physical superiority when we do not even recognize the true state of our existence? 

History has taught us that slavery and the purchase of slaves provides a great deal of wealth and power to those societies in which the trade is practiced.  Basically free labor is acquired through a onetime purchase of a human being or certain group of humans that have been placed upon the stand for auction.  We can easily agree that this type of practice was commonplace in our country’s past and there are many movies, short stories, oral histories, and books what would attest to this charge.  Most of the people that live in the United States understand that slavery was mainly concentrated towards the peoples of Africa.  And I have to be honest here and say that up until a few decades ago I had no idea that the people from Africa that were involuntarily brought here came from more than one area in Africa.  I have learned that there are many aspects of the slave trade and slavery that our schools and professors have either intentionally left out or have ignored completely and in my opinion it is a disgrace to the human race that these details have not been made known.

Ancient Greece is most famous for bringing us the foundations of democracy and how this way of life has become instilled into many of us throughout the world.  But once again many scholars have left out the fact that Ancient Greece was one of the world’s largest collectors of slaves. In these ancient times there were some slaves that originated from Africa but the majority of the slaves came from other barbarian tribes that Greece encountered while expanding their lands and their democracy.  In short Ancient Greece, or the Athenians, were considered to be slave owners and enjoyed every benefit that their status as slave owners brought.

I know that when I first watched the TV series “Roots” I had no idea that those captive human beings came from different tribes and areas.  The slaves that were brought too many countries might have even been fighting against each other before they were taken captive and everyone knows that the captors had to “sweet talk” these people into submission in order to have entire villages believe their lies of better living and standards that awaited them beyond the horizon.  Ever wonder why the captors had to have people from these tribes talk to the people and convince them that this was a good idea?  It is safe to say that these people were lied to and were forced to leave a life normal life of freedom and happiness based upon a lie.

Returning to Ancient Athens, the majority of slaves that the Athenians acquired came through wars and other types of agreements with neighboring areas.  The Athenians would purposefully understand enough about the tribes’ customs and cultures to deliberately place warring tribes as their slaves within the same household.  So it was not bad enough that a household leader would have slaves but to top it off that slave owner bought slaves that were natural enemies with each other as well.  So with the bad blood that initially separated these tribes and peoples from each other were now placed in a state of intimate collective captivity with each other, sounds like a recipe for disaster doesn’t it.

The Athenians understood their position over the slaves and the slaves understood their position within the Athenian households.  It has been documented that the Athenians would sit around and watches the interactions of their slaves and picks the right moment to entice them into certain conflicting patterns that would guarantee some physical response from the slaves against each other.  The Athenians found this type of behavior from the slaves hilarious and reveled in the fact that they, the Athenians, had the power to begin a personal war between captives.

Let us stop and think about this scene for a moment and understand what is going on here.  There is one group of people that is technologically superior then those that are present around the region and these people capture other people and use them for any task that they wish.  Some of these people that are in captivity are natural enemies of each other and the captors know this about their subjects.  The captors then place their slaves, that do not like each other, in a similar setting and then watch with anticipation of what will happen between the slaves.  The Athenians believed this practice to be funny because it gave them more control over their slaves because at that moment the slaves forgot about their own captivity and returned to their native tensions that dominated their previous interactions between themselves. 

As the world’s population grew and warring states became for frequent, this type of slave scenario became fluent enough that almost every society had adopted the practice.  The conditions and treatment of slaves continued in their horrific manners and the institution of slave baiting each other continued to be a luxurious way of forming an evening of live entertainment.  If one stops and thinks about it, any type of slave trade industry has this concept because if the slaves believe that they actions of superiority could gain them access to better living conditions or an early freedom, why wouldn’t a person in that position try and “move ahead” as quickly as possible.  But the bottom line of the entire their status still depends upon the slave owner and not the slave.

The history of human slavery is well documented and is easily obtainable at any local library.  There is another type of human slavery that is well documented but rarely studied which means it is not well known about nor of its content.  This type of human slavery has been in existence for a longer amount of time than the more read about human slavery and it too crosses the racial boundaries and exempts no one from its grasp.  It has been recorded in the Bible of an event that occurred in the Garden of Eden where our enemy gained access to our lives by the choice that two people made together.  This act by humans declared the open season of slavery to the world in which our enemy has control.

Some people would argue this concept so I will give you a quick reference to set the foundation.  When Jesus was being tempted on the mount, Satan told Him that if He would bow down and worship him that he would give Jesus all of the lands of the earth.  Now with Jesus being the Son of God and knowing all truth, did not argue this saying from Satan which means that Satan did not say anything incorrect.  Jesus immediately addresses another issue at this time and never says anything contrary about who controls the earth and its kingdoms, which places more emphasis on the meaning of having to live in the world but do not be a part of the world; and here is the reason why.

So that means that our enemy has total control of the world and everything that occurs within its confines is directed from our enemy.  This means that if we allow ourselves to be captivated by the world and then adopt its ways and methods then we automatically become slaves to the master of this world.  It is a perfect setup for our lives to fall right into a trap that if not recognized will have dire consequences to our eternal lives.  We must continually keep in mind that our enemy is the eternal and highest enemy of God and he will do anything to keep the prized possessions and creations of God out of His will.  Our enemy understands that if he can continue to spill out his lies to our physical needs that our spiritual conditions will eventually erode away.

It is easy for us to believe that the ways of the world are all fun and games and that these ways cannot do serious harm to our lives.  This is one of the first and foremost basic steps that our enemy uses against us in order to gain access to our spiritual command center.  The ways of the world may look good at the time but as in the old movie “The Wizard of Oz” we must realize that there is a being behind the curtains pulling all of the strings in order to keep control of the subjects.

Our enemy does have control of the world and every practice that the world has to offer.  Humans were placed in the world to have dominion over the world, not to be a slave to its practices.  Yet, we have allowed ourselves to be consumed by the ways of the world in such manner that we believe that it is a necessity to accept these ways in order to function properly as a society.  This is a great example of being a slave to a condition and it is exactly where our enemy wants us to be.  We have voluntarily believed in this lie of worldly practice and we have neglected to visually see what we have entered.

Our enemy wants nothing more but to keep us from God’s eternal being and ways so he will do anything to accomplish this feat.  Just as humans find reasons to war with each other on the physical side of our lives, so does our spiritual enemy on the spiritual side of our lives.  There is a twist to this control however our enemy will use the physical in his own unique way to dull our spiritual side which engulfs our entire being into slavery to the world.  Since our enemy has the authority to complete this task this means that he is considered the owner of the world which makes him a slave owner and everyone who follows his ways slaves.

Is it hard to conceive this slavery and slave owner idea?  Stop and think about all of the concepts of the world and then place them in a line up all of the issues of the world and then compare them with the issues of God and see what answers fall into place.  We have voluntarily believed in the lies of the representatives of our enemy into walking into both a physical and spiritual captivity and then accepting it as a normal way of life.  We even accept the “gods” of our slave owner that he offers to us on a daily basis all in the name of acceptance and stability. 

We see the world changing its status on a second by second basis which represents a concept that God cannot complete.  This is an area in which our enemy uses in order to satisfy our wants and desires and keeps us “entertained” at his expense while we run around doing our best to keep up with the times.  Also, stop and take a look around you and notice something about the people who follow the world’s standards.  What races, similarities, or differences do you see in these people?  Your answer should be something like, loads of each, or too numerous to count.  All of us are equally divided upon the issues of the world and in our surroundings, so the world must upgrade its overtones in a continual method in order to keep our focus on it.  Have you ever really thought why it is so important for us to keep up with the worldly standards anyway?

Our enemy will use these similarities and differences against us just as the Athenian people did to their slaves.  He gets a kick out of things when we stop our progress and begin to bicker and fight amongst ourselves.  He knows that as long as he can supply the worldly ideas and concepts within our heads his work has accomplished its mission and at the same time provided for some excellent laughing entertainment at our expense.  And the joke continues because just as the Athenian slaves, we forget about our true condition and instead of trying to find a way out of our captive state, we dig ourselves deeper into the world’s standards and sink ever so much over a short amount of time.  The same scene has just been played over again that transpired in Ancient Greece; how is that for reality?

The ways of the world are totally different than the ways of God and since God cannot change His ways that means that these two sides shall never agree on any issue.  While God freely gives us the choice to accept the world and deny Him or vice versa our enemy does not give us a real choice in any manner.  God does not demand us and control us into submission under His rules and laws, but the world does.  God represents a complete and honest relationship with every person and the world does not even come close to this standard.

This topic should open our eyes to what our enemy has been doing for a very long time.  His methods are very seductive and are easily believed, but just as the slave traders had representatives from the potential slaves’ own tribes our enemy has the same process in place.  He does not care anything about you or what happens to your life, you can even die and be with God, he does not care; his concerns are that you are off the earth and cannot fulfill your mission of dominion over the earth and to proclaim the true salvation of Christ to every human alive.

If anyone questions this pattern and doubts this true course, then I ask you to refer back to my articles that deal with the Concept of Conception, The Development of an Ideology, the Directional Flow and the Clock Begins and those articles will demonstrate the pattern in which our enemy uses to enhance his grasp and control over his slaves.  I would not leave you hanging without a way out of this muck and the answer is God.  It is a simple and true fact that God loves us no matter what we have done in our lives.  He understands that we are slaves to this world and He has also made a very clear and simple path for our escape.

Restoration is a process that consumes us out of love, a divine love that no human can really understand or comprehend in its entirety.  However, when someone witnesses and feels this process they know that their lives have been changed and delivered out of this world and the slavery that it entails.  It is a perfect process which aches at times but those aches and pains are the results of the chains that have been placed upon our lives, both physical and spiritual.  No one can understand the concepts and meanings of true life until they understand that God loves them and allows Him to overhaul their life.  Slavery is very real today in both the physical and spiritual realms.  We humans can rid ourselves of both if we place our trust in God alone.


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