Monday, August 26, 2013

The Real Hatred for Mankind

The Real Hatred for Mankind


It is hard to find good stories about mankind these days.  It seems like all man can do is retaliate for some absurd action that others have done and what really astounds me is that there are no boundaries when this type of retaliation occurs.  It does not matter which part of a person’s life one might enquire about, some form of animosity can be found.  But what is the sole purpose and real root of this hatred that people carry for others?  The answer is simple and even though we have read about this answer we very rarely place the root of our hatred into our forebrains, which when we ignore this truth we serve as a host for the lies that were thrust upon us by our own choices.

There is a good picture that has been circulating around the internet for a while now that depicts two very young toddlers sitting in their respective mother’s shopping carts.  They are very close in proximity of each other and the picture shows that they are looking directly at each other.  Both of the young children have huge smiles on their faces and are trying to get closer to each other with each leaning over towards the other.  There is no visible sign of disagreement or anger that is being portrayed only feelings of desire to be close to each other.  The caption of the photo says something to the effect that we as humans do not start out as enemies and that it is a learned pattern that we have to hate.  This means that there is some point in our lives that we learn to hate and that starting point can be defined as the one event that changes our entire belief system.

The example that I am going to use in this article comes from one of the great bad boys of human history.  When I mention this person’s name in a few moments there will be no doubt about his abilities to create havoc upon the world.  However, how I am going to use him as the example will be from a different approach, it will be from the root of his anger and one of the main reasons that he tried to overtake the world.  Some people in today’s world still idolize this person and hold his values and standards as their example of correctness; still others loathe his behavior and set his patterns as the ways and means of what not to do while alive.  It is not my intent to portray this man in any light or screen but to illustrate that no matter what a human presently believes there is a root or certain event that has occurred that brings a person to follow an idea that could change the course of the world.  And this one event comes from a certain choice that one makes whether it turns out in a good manner or not, the choice has been made and the consequences can lead to eternity.

The person that I am going to be using is no longer alive but ended up taking his own life when the times became tough and the results of his actions were becoming clear.  This person was named Adolf Hitler.  Though we read about the horrific details of his authority we hardly hear anything about what actually was the foundation of all of his anger towards the surrounding countries and the beliefs that he harbored that commanded his drive to instill Europe as one country.  Yet even though this one past event, in one man’s life had a resounding affect in shaping the twentieth century, it still does not go back to the sole reason that his anger and fury was unleashed upon the world.  It may be the defining point in a human but it does not accurately represent the true foundations of why mankind learns to hate enough to destroy other human beings.

There are many starting points a person can take when analyzing the life and experiences of Hitler and everything that happened to him during his formidable years.  I am not going to deal with those personal things about him but do keep in mind that they did serve as another portion of this base for his future reasoning about why he was angry at Europe.  There can be no question that his love for his country was great and with being a human he had certain thoughts and plans for his country, all of us have some of these ideas and ambitions for the places that we dwell.  However, it was one certain act by a governing body that propelled Hitler into a tyrannical being towards other countries in the region and that was how he perceived that Germany was treated after the end of World War I.

World War I was dubbed the war to end all wars but as history has proven when man is in control of things it is only a matter of time that the war “show” is taken on the road to another location.  This was the case when Hitler fought in WWI as a foot soldier and was treated harshly after the surrender of Germany to the Allies.  However, this was not the root of which brought the world to almost utter disaster a few decades later. What triggered Hitler’s hatred was that the Versailles Treaty and how it reprimanded Germany for starting the Great War and how the treaty also spelled out that Germany was also responsible for rebuilding the entire continent of Europe, ban every mode of militarization ideas, formations and concepts of its country, and financially repay the Allied countries every bit of money that they had to spend to ward off Germany’s aggressions.  The list of demands by the Versailles Treaty basically stripped Germany of every right, its dignity and standing within the world’s status which propelled Germany into a world crisis that looked like it would never recover.

This might seem like a petty reason for a Bavarian corporal to adhere to for decades while he rose to power and then used as a platform after his rise to dictatorship but in truth the forced signing of the Versailles Treaty and the formation of the League of Nations was the focal point of Hitler’s hatred of the surrounding Allied countries.  Hitler was not directly involved in the signing of the Versailles Treaty nor was even in the area in France where the signing took place.  Another interesting thing to keep in mind was that Germany had lost a war that was not fought on their soil and the people really could not understand why the German government was allowing all of these new regulations be placed upon them.  The common person in Germany did not know of the cruel actions that the war had produced for no blood was shed on their fatherland, yet everyone living within the confines of the German borders suffered the consequences of the war.

The Armistice that formally ended World War I was signed in a railroad car in one portion of a French forest just north of Paris.  Many pictures were taken of this event and eventually plastered all over the front pages of every major newspaper including the cities of Germany.  Almost every eye in Europe saw that famous picture of the men that were present in the railroad car that day along with the exact location of the railroad car itself.  It would be a very long time before Hitler would forget about that sad day in German history and this exact setting would soon serve in Germany’s favor, for a short time that is.  Hitler and all of his fellow military comrades in arms felt betrayed and humiliated that the German leaders gave away so much of their heritage to the surrounding countries, some of them took the next progressive human step by beginning to erect solutions to the impending slavery that was facing their country.  If one reads war history whether it is on a country level or a personal level, the person studying the event in time will draw a conclusion that every event that the studied subject did was for a reason and for a purpose.  Some of the acts that occurred might be deemed random or a side effect but when the bottom line is drawn it is clear that everything was completed for a specific goal. 

Hitler and Germany had built up a massive military machine and had rallied millions of people around his ideas for their country, all of which was in direct violation of the agreement that Germany signed at the end of WWI.  Yet this mode of development actually rebuilt not only the defenses of Germany but the national pride of its citizens once again.  By this act and many other superficial contracts with its citizens, Hitler was able to seize control of every part of the German government and then declare himself supreme ruler of Germany; in other words, anyone who publically disagreed with his policies faced immediate and dire consequences for their actions, including the surrounding countries.

At the beginning of World War II Poland became the immediate target of German military might, a confusing act to some military historians since Poland was not a prime target for Germany but was used as a staging areas or trial run for another great invasion.  Hitler tasting complete victory in the Austria, the Sudetenland and the remaining portions of Czechoslovakia, and Poland then set his eyes on the revenge factor of the war.  Hitler began to turn his troops towards the west and to take quick action against France, one of the major role players in the humiliation of Germany after WWI.

After a short resting and reinforcing period, Germany launched a massive attack towards the west with France being the major target of this campaign.  It was not difficult for anyone in Europe to understand what the underlying message of Hitler and his war machine was at that time, and for Germany nothing would be acceptable but a quick and commanding capitulation for the state of France.  This objective was soon met and France was now in the same predicament that German was in a few decades earlier, at the mercy of a conquering state that had no compassion for the defeated party whatsoever.

It was time that Hitler made the French pay for their actions a few decades earlier and he ordered the same railroad car that France used to sign the WWI Armistice used to sign the formal surrender to Germany.  The surrender terms were directed in the same manner to which Germany was forced to sign years before and even the conditions of the surrender were almost identical to those of the Armistice that ended WWI.  With technology being more advanced during this time period, Hitler made sure that every major German reporter and French reporter had direct access to this humiliating feat.  Hitler did not care how many people witnessed this act nor did he care to hear any other options for peace coming from the French.  He had methodically and meticulously planned for this moment as a symbol of his revenge for what the French did towards his country after WWI and he was not about to lose sight of this moment.  In one movie reel the motions of Hitler were captured of him stomping his boots onto the soil and having a great smile on his face.  This photo op proved to be the linchpin that Hitler needed to finish off his dreams of European revenge and to secure his further conquest of Europe.

It has been stated that Hitler no other time during World War II that he had been happier.  France had brought many sleepless and angry nights to his life and with the complete surrender of France to the German war machine, his hatred could finally be resolved within his own heart.  Yet the hatred did not stop at this point but it only continued to grow until eventually the emotions of this victory became too much for his mind and body to fulfill and his decline began to protrude from within.  The anger and hatred for a long lost enemy had taken its toll on the tormented person and an alternative solution for relief had to be found.  The root of his problem was believed to have been overcome, but in reality the root actually destroyed the man from the inside out.

I find this type of setting very interesting since Hitler followed a human pattern that many of us know quite well.  Once we find a way to seek out and to execute our revenge upon the person or group of people that have irritated us at some point, we still do not find the true satisfaction that we believed would come after our successful procedure.  Instead our minds take over and we continue to search for other ways to inflict our successful and vengeful motives on others, even helping out other people that we find trying to accomplish the same feat.  When this type of activity is allowed to filter through our veins long enough it will eventually consume our entire bodily systems and completely overtake our behavioral status.  It is impossible for us to release this tension and lust within our lives so that we may be satisfied with the completed deed, which means that there are other things about our histories that we do not understand or are totally ignoring.

The words “In the beginning” were a profound statement in human history.  Yes, that is right I said it was a profound statement in human history because it defines our lives from the point in which God begins to create the world as we know it today.  Yes, there are some changes that have occurred over those thousands of years and yes there will be more changes to come in the coming the years and decades as we know it.  But even though we are God’s excellent creations and the most desired branch of life in His eyes, the world of the spirit did not start at this point in the Bible, it had been already set in motion long before we ever arrived. 

See God does have an enemy and that enemy will stop at nothing from destroying anything and everything that God stands for or has ever created which automatically includes us.  But why would God’s enemy even wish to mess with us, there has to be some defining reason for Satan to set his eyes upon us and to proclaim our existence as the reason to seek revenge.  There must have been something that happened in times past that set this act into motion, an event so humiliating to Satan that would cause him to spend the rest of his days trying to defeat what God has created, and that is exactly what occurred.

There came a point in time that God had allowed Satan enough time to have proven himself according to his wishes that he so desperately wanted to portray.  At this sudden and provocative moment between the two entities God said something like this: Hey Satan, look at this and in front of his eyes God formed a creature in the image of Himself and placed into His creation His spirit, he one portion of life that Satan had but could not replicate nor create, then gave mankind the dominion over all of the things that He had created as well.  To top it all off, God said for mankind to replenish the earth from its void.  This entire scene was a direct slap in the face of Satan and everything that he had “dreamed about” went up in flames, so to speak.  With all of the actions completed God rested and then proclaimed to very living substance that His actions were “good” and was pleased with the final say.

Here lies the accuracy of my point concerning our hatred towards others.  God created us from nothing, up until His forming of our bodies from the basic elements of the ground, we did not have the knowledge of hatred or anger towards others.  We were created perfect and pure in every way which is the condition that God operates through and the same condition that Satan once knew as well.  This perfect state of being was our beginning and not the flawed conditions that we survive with today.  So, there had to be an event that changed this pattern within our lives, which in turn means that at some earlier point a previous event had to have occurred for God cannot create anything but perfect and pure.

This was the result of the scene that Satan had to deal with and it was the defining moment that struck a plan to separate God’s prized and holy creation from His presence.  It was this accumulation of events that drove Satan into the tizzy that we still witness between God and Satan today and it was by our choice that we allowed Satan to claim coup over our lives and everything that our world represents.  All of us have the capability of being jealous of the things that others can do or objects that they have and we do not and jealousy was one of the major factors that Lucifer had against God.  In the end of the creation scene, while the ultimate goal of Satan was not achieved, he did eventually receive the confines of the world due to our actions in the garden and the option to control every movement that the earth has to offer, including us if we choose.

It is vital that we understand that while we are God’s prized possessions and creations we were not the original starting point for all of the things that occur within our lives.  There was a huge supernatural argument over spiritual territory long before our existence.  Our presence on this planet was the defining point in our lives but not why Satan hates us so much.  We would “like” to believe that everything evolved around the human act of rebellion against God that started all of our processes, and there are those who believe this concept but there was another defining point at some other point that actually began our conditions, we were just the objects of that attack.

The hatred that consumes mankind is a result of a conflict that had nothing to do with us initially.  Isn’t a shame that we continually allow to ourselves walk blindly in this truth about our past?  Why would anyone reject this truth and not shake off one of the most horrific chains that can be placed upon our lives?  We all need to set forth an effort to understand this root and to return to the only means by which to remove it within our lives.  We were not created to have hatred in our existence; it was placed there as a result of someone else’s hatred for our creator.  One more thing to think about is that if hatred is a possibility within all of our hearts, then what other possibilities are we humans capable of performing as a result of this root?

There must be a beginning point of hatred in our lives and many people can understand how a certain event or act can ignite this emotion, but if one thinks about it on a logical level this action does not line up with a simple point in our lives that produces a pattern of hatred to people we do not even know or understand anything about, yet it is there and is well represented in human history.  This origin of hatred goes back to an event that did not even involve humans at that time but were direct respondents to this “call” as a result of the defiling spiritual act.  It even goes even further back to an event that began even before the words “In the beginning” was verbalized and written down by human hands.  It has been proven that Satan lost this war of wills and he was humiliated in the process, so why even serve or agree with a loser when you can live with the perfect creator?

There is however, a remedy for this process that thrives within our hearts.  That remedy is God and the restoration process that His Son gave to our lives when He came to this earth.  This process was initiated at the same time as the fall in the Garden and it too was set into motion at this time.  A previously recorded act that has caused so much hurt within humanity can be wiped clean with one simple gesture from our hearts.  We still have an opportunity to change our lives even on this foundational part of our houses but it strictly depends upon us making another choice to initiate this change within.  This choice is clear and it is to reject all aspects of the world and to accept the new standards of life through Jesus Christ.  There is no other way for us to rid ourselves of this horrible standing, for it is a perfect plan which cannot be altered by any means if we choose to accept it.  Choose this day to accept the plan of God’s restoration and break away from the ruler of this world and I guarantee that your life will find and know true peace even when times are tough. 


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