Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why Would God Allow?

Why Would God Allow?


This is a very common question that is asked to people that believe in God and this specific question is also a question that many people who do not believe in God ask as well.  The question of “why would God allow” is one of the more intriguing situations that most Christians fear to address and at the same time one that many others use to defend their lack of faith.  Humans are built with a natural curiosity that compels their minds and hearts to wonder and ponder upon what the past can tell us today.  Many have established a distant relationship with God and have chosen to ignore His words of wisdom concerning the entire truth of our past.  There is an answer to this avoided and confusing question and the answer has been there all along.  What is most amazing is that the answer comes from the same origins of the question which in too is hard for us to accept.  Our enemy desperately wishes for us not to understand this concept but if a person begins the quest to understand this concept, it will make perfect sense to our minds and give us a definition of why God allows things to occur.

It is normal for humans to question things.  It is a normal reaction for us humans to read or hear about an issue and immediately have an opinion about the pertinent contents solely based upon what we have just encountered, but can this accession of ideas be totally correct on our part?  What happens to our assessment when further details become common knowledge and more details about these things shed more light onto the subject, do our conclusions continue to the be the same?  I have found out that this may not always be the case and when these questions and answers involve God, one cannot always and immediately say that our first conclusion is always an accurate one.  It has been stated within the Bible that it is ok to ask God questions for it His desire to answer all of our questions.  But where humans get hung up on is the answers that God provides and when and how He provides these answers.

God gave us the ability to think and to draw our conclusions by using the minds and hearts that He created for us.  It is imperative that we understand that God cannot change His ways, methods, thinking, laws or anything else that represents His existence.  Therefore, we need to understand that everything that God has written for our lives is permanent and lies within His perfect will for our lives and that there are answers to all things.  We may not like the answers that He provides nor may we completely understand them at first, but He does provide answer to us and it is our responsibility to listen to these answers with a pure and honest heart and not just the surface emotions that we tend to display.

We have witnessed this type of status portrayed within our lifetime, not just recent instances, but earlier ones as well.  It is human nature to want to be right and then defend our position when more information presents.  It is hard for us to accept the fact that our concepts and ideas about God can be flawed for it places God outside of the box that we tend to place Him into and it brings into light that God and His Word is everything to our lives which represents the truth.  God loves for us to ask Him questions and He loves explaining the answers to us in His ways.  God is not ashamed of how He created the universe or how we have reached this point in our individual worlds of today.  He does care about each and every one of us and has provided an answer through His words that will bring true hope to our lives.

The question that many atheists, and hardcore non-believers have, and it is a central or common one for them, is why would God allow ___________ to occur?  Following the human pattern of wanting to know things that we are not familiar with, it is a logical question and one that deserves an answer.  As one reads this article they must understand that even though the answer to this question is a logical one, many of the very people who ask this type of questions will not believe it since they do not believe in God but when you place the answer into their laps on a human level they still will question it since hey revert back to their original way of thinking that there is no God and in turn question the authority of the Word of God.  And if we must be honest in all things, then the answers that are presented to us might not even settle well with those who believe in God either.   But we must do our best, in a friendly manner try to explain the answer to the people that have these questions and then allow God to work through their hearts to show them a deeper meaning where it concerns the relationship between God and man. 

Some people that call themselves Christians have problems with the Bible and everything that it states.  I agree that there are some issues that we read about are a bit tedious in their explanations but if we keep in mind that the Bible was written about other humans’ lives and the conditions that they lived in, one can place things into perspective when it comes to some of the doubts that people have.  One may call it reading between the lines of what has been written but I call it what occurred within a human life so that a specific story had enough meaning within its boundaries to write about the entire situation.  If God created us for a specific reason then we must consider that the characters within these stories have done things according to their own capacities and thus, subject to whatever consequences that might have followed.  At the beginning of the Bible it states that in the beginning God created the earth.  A few chapters later we find that God has created the animals, trees and all other forms of life that we know about.  Then He creates humans as the last perfect thing.

God is a perfect being and for our finite minds to conceive this concept is near impossible and makes it extremely difficult us to grasp everything that God’s realm encompasses.  But we must do the best we can in order for us to understand what actually happened during this time in the Bible.  If we say that God is a perfect being that means everything He does or creates must be in the created in the exact same way; this is a logical way of thinking and thoughtful analysis.  We also must realize that once He has created something His creations must have the same capabilities that He has; this too is a logical conclusion.  So if God is everlasting, perfect in all His ways and never has done anything wrong, why would His creations seemingly inherit such fowl conditions that would eventually cost us the only type of life that we know about?  It would seem that some kind of event must have happened in order for us to inherit certain uneasy living conditions, yet if God cannot change His means, then that leaves only one other possible option.

Since there were two perfect beings that were present at the beginning of human history, this means that some other entity or variable must have been added to the equation in order to account for the change in status for the newly created being.  But was this new entity actually added to the scene or was this being already present and then allowed it to be introduced into the setting by a certain right.  While this gives us a direction to proceed in, it also opens up many more questions concerning what actually happened to force the other entity into a vile enough state to inflict this permanent change.  It also establishes that since our present human state has not changed with our physical conditions this means that the battle must still be warranted between the two original beings.  This also translates into a millennial battle that has had enough dire consequences for the subjected being to thrust all of his might into destroying the newly created beings which happen to be us.

So when the newly created being comes into contact with the other original being, that being must have the same access to the newly created being as does the creator Himself.  So that means the other being understands what was going on at that time and that the newly created being must have been some type of replacement for the being that lost the battle, which would really irk the other original being.  So that means that for whatever reason the other original being had an opportunity to change his standing within the hierarchy which means he had a choice.  And since the creator of the newly created being had the perfect idea for creation then the new being must have the same opportunity for choices.

In order for the creator to be fair and just, the creator had to allow the other unusual being to have access to the newly created being.  For if not, the other being could cry that conditions were unfair towards the new creation, which in all reality would be an accurate account.  So when the perfect opportunity arose, the other original being must have begun his operational gestures towards one of the newly created beings.  And when this occurred, time had passed long enough for this being to accept the company of the other being.  This setting provides a perfect setup of a conditional time period in which all factors would line up perfectly for the overall challenge to the creator Himself.

After the relationship and intrigue portion of the accompaniment began, a detailed plan was set into motion by the other being in order to set the revenge factor into play.  This part was completed with just enough precise motion, influence, trickery and seduction that the one being tempted would be willing to go against the rules that were in place.  This is exactly what occurred when the other being convinced the one that he had picked for his plan complied with his questions and seduction to violate the commands of the creator.  For the creator had given the newly created beings the option to choose their destiny and when the time came to choose the newly created beings chose to disobey.

So here is the part of the equation that many might have not realized or have ignored all these years.  The perfect creation from a perfect eternal being chose the ways of a defeated enemy by the manner of choice.  This is how current way of human existence came into being, we still have the original design and creative organs inside our cavity but in some unexplainable manner they were all changed when we, humans, chose to ignore the commands of God and choose to go our own way.  The blunt fact that the reason God allows things to come into our lives is that we made our own choices to follow what is seductive and fruitful at the time being instead of looking at things from a rational point of view when it concerns the long run.  Now, be totally honest with yourself and ask is this the way that humans live and thrive upon?

So, if one wishes to get technical about things then that person or group could still claim that it was God’s fault for allowing such activities to take place.  But if God did not allow His prized possessions to make these choices then we would still be in the same condition, as slaves, unto Him and His laws which He has said that He would never force anyone to choose Him.  As it stands He gave us the free will to choose between His Kingdom and the defeated kingdom of our enemy Satan.  If one does not wish to believe in this example that is fine, it is your choice in action, but others will choose differently than you and there is nothing wrong with them choosing a different path than those who do not wish to believe.

This example does not place blame solely upon Eve either.  According to the Bible, Eve immediately went to Adam and told him what was going on and Adam chose to eat of the tree as well in which case all of humanity was now subject to their newly chosen path.  Since man and woman were created together, in this aspect we are equal because both have done wrong and gives justice to the phrase all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  If Adam had resisted and said no to the forbidden fruit, do you have any ideas of what would have eventually occurred? 

In hindsight, I truly believe that Adam and Eve would have done things differently if they had the opportunity to do things over, but that brings up the question if something else would have occurred later down the road.  Our enemy knew exactly when to begin his quest for Eve and he understood exactly what her positions and vulnerabilities were at that moment, which means that he watched her from a distance and gained all of the intelligence he needed to effectively gain access into her thinking.  All imaginable opportunities concerning temptations probably would have occurred if at first he did not succeed, and since we are still tempted in the same manner today but who is to say that you or I could have been the ones to make the choice to disobey God’s commands; oh wait, we already do.   It was not God’s choice to create our bodies and lives as faulty entities, it was due to the fact that we as humans, people in our human lineage that was totally responsible for the conditions that we have to endure on a daily basis.

The next time you open up a webpage and see that a person has blown up a church building, that action is directly due to our choices as human beings; when you hear about a school being taken hostage and kids being killed during this senseless act that is a result of our choice to disobey God’s command a long time ago.  When your friend tells lies about you remember that their product of untruths comes from a lineage of deceit and lies that was established many thousands of years ago.  God being God must allow these things to transpire according to His established laws and unless we turn back towards His ways these actions by our fellow humans will only trend to the downside of our existence.

All is not lost however, even though this horrific event occurred there is still a way out of our misery.  The path of our restoration was actually provided while God’s judgment was being spoken into existence.  It would take millennia for this process to occur and mankind had to endure the consequences of their selfish choices in the meantime but the answer did come and His name was Jesus which ended mankind’s separation from God and once again restored access to God and all of His blessings.  We need only to make the choice to choose His ways and to ironically separate ourselves from the ways of the world.

So there is your answer and it is now your choice to believe what occurred.  If a person reads what happens in the Garden of Eden and places them into that storyline, then they must come to the rational and logical conclusion that the human is responsible for the actions of man and not God.  God has given His most prized possession and creation the option to choose Him and as a child runs up to their parent and embraces them with unconditional love, so does our Father who created all of humanity.  I personally believe that there is no way that our human minds can fully comprehend everything about God but He has left us clues for us to read and study that will encourage us to keep our faith in Him and to know that He loves us unconditionally.  This answer also states that there is still a battle ongoing for your life and that we all have a choice to make.


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