Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Two Sides to Each Story

Two Sides to Each Story


When a story is told the characters involved in that story have their own ideas about what transpired.  It matters just as much for each side of a story to be told and to be heard when explanations are needed to understand what exactly occurred.  This type of base provides for any good book, comedic movie, musical production or life story.  No one will ever walk through life without having some type of encounter with negativity or painful situation.  It is only fair that one sees both sides to a story and understands what exactly happens all around us.  We must keep this concept in mind when we are experiencing life’s trials and understand that there is always one good side and one side that opposes you and it is our choice as to which to live amongst.

Having two sides of a story is a popular concept and one that we like to use for our own advantage.  There is not one of us out there in the world who has come into contact with a person who has had an idea about how we should handle a certain situation and has given provided their input to which we have politely said thank you and then did something totally opposite of what has been suggested.  While this represents a choice to us it also presents us with another side of an issue to look upon.  Most of the time we have already made up our minds about the existing situation before we arrive at that moment we have to make a decision that we might not be able to change. 

How wise is this of us when we do not consider any other alternatives to our problems or conditions?  And we must honestly ask ourselves if we are in the correct mindset to see any other way out of things.  Everything that we do in life, no matter if it is a physical or spiritual decision there is always another counsel that we might take into consideration.  It is also popular to make sure that we do things on our own and that the decisions we make are strictly done for our benefit instead of others around us.  How much do we rely upon our selfish decisions to pave the way for our lives instead of listening to wise counsel before we begin another path in life? 

When we refuse to seek counsel from others eventually we will forget that there is an option and when we place ourselves into this one-sided category we must then abide by the decisions that we have made for if we do not then we can be labeled as a “waffler,” wishy-washy or even unstable in decision making abilities.  Our pride then takes over and we must follow through on our words no matter if we know that they are wrong.  No matter what it takes we must never come to this conclusion about our decisions for when we reach this verdict it is hard to reverse course and seek other counsel to see another point of view. 

I myself can be used as an example of this type of one-sided guidance.  Listening to my friends about a decision can be one of the easiest positions to take yet that does not mean that it is the correct or best direction to follow.  I did this many times when I was young and based some of my worst decisions possible on that advice and as I look back upon those decisions I realize that I should have taken and heeded other counsel instead of believing one-sided advice.  It is easy to place the pride issue into motion and to make sure that our pride is protected at that moment, but what about a few hours, days or months down road will our pride stand strong of be hurt when the truth is shown after the dust settles.  One may find out that more conclusive advice would have helped back then instead.

A similar reaction of details to certain human engagements happens when an auto accident occurs.  There are at least two sides to an accident and it is necessary that both or all sides be taken into consideration before passing judgment as to who was at fault.  People involved in accidents can prove to be terrible witnesses since they are caught up in the accident itself and if at all possible the police hope that there are eyewitnesses that can give another angle on the stories of the participants.

I have witnessed a few accidents in my life and I know on one of these accidents what the participants were saying and what I saw occurring were different.  Is it a human error or is it just trying to blame someone else for a mistake that had been caught?  Either fashion could have been playing out but it is when other opinions and insight is available that reality can be placed into motion and the truth be recognized by all.  It is important that we heed the advice of others and to listen to what someone else who is not directly involved with the situation has to say.  If the authorities at the scene had ignored my eyewitness account of the events, would that have been fair to everyone involved in the accident?  Yes, one side may always prevail but is the truth been told accurately?  I believe that some type of animosity might be warranted if both sides involved or every side witnessed was not taken into consideration.

I could go on and give thousands of examples that could represent my point on choosing or listening to other people who have different opinions or sides to stories, but the main point I wish to make is that the world has an opinion about your life and it weighs heavy with friendly advice that might seem to encourage you to pursue your dreams and pleasures in a worldly manner.  There are currently over 7 billion people in this world and I can guarantee that if you asked some of these people in your age category, your financial situation, or in any other category of your life and they will give you some different opinions and some would even be similar to your views, but how many of them would be totally opposite to what you wanted and would you even consider their advice?

More importantly for us to understand is that the world has one job and that is to stay functioning as long as it can before it implodes.  The world has its own king and the king of this world does not wish to see you learn the truth about life, only what he wishes you to believe is the truth according to what his domain can present to you on a consistent basis.  A while back I wrote an article that dealt with the subject of having the home field advantage and how difficult it is for a travelling team to win a game at an opponent’s field.  I also stated that the king of this world has the same type of advantage when it comes to your life and about the decisions that you have to make when it concerns the ways of the world versus the ways of God.  It is commonplace that the king of the world places people with “friendly” advice for your questions in your path in order to reinforce his ideas and beliefs within your life.  It is also understandable that he allows you enough access to worldly truth to make your decisions seem more practical and meaningful on an intimate level.  What he does not tell you is that those choices and decisions that he throws in your direction are all one-sided and have one meaning for your life.

The king of the world will even allow you to have a belief in God and some knowledge of His word yet feed you enough worldly propaganda to keep God’s Word in your thoughts but never allow them to penetrate your spirit and heart all the while influencing you that this type of categorical sequencing of God within your life is ok to accept.  When you place the worldly decisions and influences into this type of category it is not difficult to see what I am trying to get across to those who are reading this article.  How many true worldly intentions entirely include God and His ways? Another good question to ask is if the world revolves around God, does it?  The clear answer is no, so then what does the world revolve around?  The concepts of the world and the laws of the world revolve around self and what the majority of the people “want” and when “God is involved” in these decisions it is strictly on a superficial basis to which He is usually thrown out as soon as the elections of each person’s decisions have been made known.

Since you and I are a part of this world then that means we automatically fall into a category of having to live in this world.  So our inherited circumstances force us to face this type of “sided” choices on a moment by moment basis, for we are not excluded from this scene by any means.  In truth we are the centerpiece or the true subject that the god of this world wants to deceive and to make sure that we do not fulfill our destiny in life.  And it is at this point that we must make the choice to listen to sides of the story that we are currently “reading” at that moment.  The world will argue that its ways are best for you and that God should not be sole decision or side that one must heed, but I beg you to look at what the world has to offer you and also to look at the alternative and seek Godly counsel so that both sides of the issue can be made known.

This concept of worldly sided advice does not wash with anything God desires for your heart and life.  It needs to be understood and then placed in our forethoughts that God and the world cannot coincide with each other.  It is impossible for both to live together and this fact was proven shortly after mankind was placed inside the Garden of Eden.  Our physical lives can be based upon the fact that we are functioning creatures with the capability of making choices for our lives.  We all love life and yet all of us at some point have difficulties within our lives that make us question our existence.  But when these situations occur why do we continue to accept what the world provides us as the truth to continue?  Why do we allow our lives to be defeated and deny ourselves the truth of why we are here?  It is because we do not want to have God within our thought patterns and to keep His Word within our hearts, yet that is the only way that we will ever get the true answers that we are looking for daily.

The world will provide a totally opposite choice and side of your story than what God will provide.  It is the job of the world to provide a way for your decision making that will look like it is the best opportunity, no matter what is spoken at that moment.  But while we are making that choice to speak have we considered the other side of the story and allowed God’s advice to be heard?  When we listen to Godly advice and rely upon God’s Word for the governance of our decisions and choices we can only separate us from the world and begin to live freely within God’s intended thoughts for our lives.  The world only provides short term and deadly answers for us while God’s paths provide an array of lifetime learning about life itself and how to sustain and maintain a happy and healthy life while upon this earth.  We might not always be in the right with the story that is before us but we can be clear that God’s side will turn out for the best for everyone involved.

God’s source to us is His Word and the examples that He has provided through the contents of this great book.  There are thousands of examples within its cover that can give us great ad heartfelt advice in any circumstance that we may face.  It is not enough to just read the Bible but we need to study it and to place it within our hearts.  If we place God’s Word into our heart that means that we understand what those words are meaning to us and how through the experiences of those people involved in those stories came to the decisions and conclusion that they wrote about.  They understood all sides of the issues and then came to a decision.  What I find so fascinating about the Bible is that it contains both sides of the stories and the decisions that each side made.  The conclusions of those stories can be read about as well, both the good and the bad.  See, even God does not leave out details from those stories, He includes everything.

If we place the world in our hearts we will always find conflict within our lives due to the fact that we were created by a Holy being.  There is nothing holy about the world and therefore, that is where the conflict lies.  God desires a relationship with you and He has provided that avenue through His word and through His son, there is no other way.  The world will provide for you a temporary solution and I cannot deny that fact but all God asks you is to take into consideration His side of the story and to make your decisions based upon all of the facts that surround you instead of just accepting a one sided offer.  God loves you, the world does not.  God has provided a way of escape the world wants to enslave you.  Listen and hear both sides of the story, for it is your eternal story that you are fighting for.


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