Friday, October 24, 2014




Nice big word as the topic of this article eh.  But it is a word that we like to use in terms our life and our presumptive organizational structure.  We have used this word in every situation that we can think of and will continuing to do so until we come to the conclusion that we have “figured” it out.  Well, truth be told we need to look no further than the book of Genesis to figure this one out yet we continue to try and do so.  Yet we ignore this principle so much that we voluntarily create further compartments in order for us to prove ourselves correct in our beliefs all the while blockading the truth behind the Word of God.  It is time that we break down these compartments and work together as one Church in order to complete our mission to the world.

The book of Genesis is the story about how mankind came into being.  While some of the previous historical details are slim the account of man and our creation is pretty well detailed out.  Of course this raises many questions about the earth and if there were other inhabitants, creatures, etc but for all intense purposes the creation of man is the focus of many theological and religious orders and how we came into our own practices today stems from this creation setting.

We must remember that God created mankind from a perfect state and that there was no blemish in this setting at that time which means God had to create mankind with a substance that could adjust and adapt to the coming physical changes that mankind would impose upon itself.  The Garden of Eden was placed into a certain spot and man placed into this perfect place as well.  God had a communal and personal relationship with Adam and came to visit him each day, just to keep the relationship growing.  Our minds can only imagine what they talked about and what they discussed, and what kind of questions Adam had for God concerning His history and the things that could and would affect Adam in the future.

At this time there were no compartments between mankind and God for everything was perfect and without sin according to the standards of man and his life.  Everything about mankind functioned in perfect harmony without any physical breakdowns to mention.  And it was not until sometime later that God introduced man to his bride Eve, which came out of a completed creation which means all laws from God are subject equally to both man and woman.  At this time God pointed out everything about the Garden to man and told him that everything was his to have dominion over, with the exception of one tree that they were not supposed to eat from.  This was the first and only law that God gave to man at this time.  We had only one thing that we could not eat from and through this one law from God it was not too long down the road that we broke it because of our own liking.

Mankind flat blew it with this one law that God had put into place.  This one law that was told to us was not a complicated or complex law nor was it so twisted with unfamiliar words that it became uneasy to follow or to understand, and ever since this time mankind has struggled to obey any laws that have been set before us whether they be from God or manmade.  It was through our choices that brought this iniquity upon our lives and even through today we are still reaping the consequences of our choices.  It should not be too difficult for us to see this and it should bring into play our ability to determine good laws from bad ones as well, yet we continue to plod our own course without recognizing our true destiny through God.

This one law that we broke placed a compartment between God and mankind.  God did not do this it was us who placed this compartment there; the results of our choices installed this barrier, not God.  Yes, God had to separate Himself from us because of our choice but it was our fault that He had to complete this step.  On human terms this is the foundation that our enemy uses in order for us to further compartmentalize God and to try and give reasoning that we are correct instead of God.  I realize that this is a complicated subject to digest but it is one that we need to understand in order to provide the truth to those who have not been raised in church or to those who want to understand further our mission in Christ.

I am not referring to the law itself as a compartmental issue but I am bringing into light that it was our action towards that law that sets the compartment into place.  It was through this single act that things changed for us forever and we lost our perfect status in life due to our choice to disobey this one law.  If Adam had truly known, trusted God and kept this one law intact there would have been no further need for any future laws; that one law would still be in place and things would have been totally different.  Now, here is where we get things a little confused about the compartments and who actually puts them in place.  After God separated Himself from us He did not abandon us for one second.  He has always been here for us and has done His best to show us the way of peace, love and prosperity with one simple request from Him, to choose to obey Him and His ways.

Let me ask you a question: who do you think allowed the Catholic Church to be established?  What about the Methodist Church, Nazarene Church, or the Greek Orthodox Church?  I will include every denomination that one can imagine into this question and then throw in all of the religions as well.  Who do you think gave us the ideas to create these organizations and institutions? It definitely was not God.  Yes, He allowed them to be in existence but it was not His doing.  God is a unifier through Himself so there is no possible way that He would ever cause a path of confusion or division in order to make our choices harder to make.  If God did not do this then it must have been our enemy that planted this ideology into our heads and hearts.  But why would this being do such a thing?

If there were no compartments between God and man before sin entered into the world and then at some point one was created, then the next logical question and answer to be understood is this: if this process worked once then why wouldn’t it work again and again? How many times have we witnessed friends or family members fall into the same type of traps that ensnare them into trouble? Or how many times have we watched a loved one fall for the same type of guy or girl and afterwards watch things fall apart wonder why they went back into the same type of living conditions?  It is because we try and make things better for our lives before we have recognized the compartments around us that our enemy has placed before us or that we have voluntarily built around others. This brings into light the concept that if we fall for something once we will do it again and it has worked so effectively for millennia so why would our enemy have to change course?  I have given a few examples here but you place yourself into any category in order to understand this concept.

Do we realize that all of our petty differences that actually define us we use to continue our separation from God?  Look at the concepts to which some of the denominations were created and one shall see this statement to be true.  Why did Martin Luther create the Lutheran denomination?  Because he had serious issues with the Catholic Church that instead of trying to correct through God he took measures into his own hands and went another direction.  Why was the Church of England created? Because a certain king wanted to marry another woman and since the Catholic Church would not grant him his wishes, he began his own religion; and to think about how many people lost their lives as a result of this selfish act.  These two small examples are excellent to demonstrate how mankind compartmentalizes God into an isolated chamber all in the name of being “right”. 

The most important thing we must remember about our compartmentalization techniques is this: who do they serve and how does it affect your life in return?  When we place ourselves into the “race” issue one cannot help but isolate themselves into a specific category.  It does not matter how one deems race to be played if we look upon this category as such then we fall into this compartmentalization and only have a dim light to find our way out.  Compartmentalization can be placed into any category or life and easily lived through its confined walls.  The confusion becomes a stigma when we fail to see the implications that this way of living and belief produce and thus will produce a terrible, distorted and grotesque result that will have implications on our future generations.  The common good will even be changed and what is moral and just shall be eventually overthrown while living in this divided lifestyle; a pattern that we are so clearly witnessing today.  We must keep in mind that it is we who initiate these compartments into our lives and it is through our actions that we either place more around us or institutes God abilities to destroy them and bring us back to Him.

None of this was designed by God and it is not His intentions for us to live in this manner.  But we can only further divide ourselves if we continue to push Him out of our personal lives and from our society.  It is a guarantee that these denominations or compartments will continue to grow and be enhanced until we suffocate ourselves within our own generated confinement. Look at how society is responding to God right at the moment.  It is almost intolerable to have a different view from what is popular?  How divisive is this and can any good come from this thinking?  The Church herself has used this tactic for centuries and look at where it has gotten us; in fact, the Church is now actually embracing her own compartments from the One who established her, and the results can only be devastating.

We can no longer afford to place God in a compartment or build walls up around our lives in order to keep Him away.  Our society desperately needs us to wake up and to see what is happening around us.  There is a true answer to our problems and it shall only come from God.  Of all the examples of good deeds that humans have tried to accomplish over the millennia, none have been truly effective in pushing us together; someone always has other plans and executes their own ideas accordingly. 

It was our choice to begin this vicious cycle of compartments and it needs to be our choice to end it as well.  Yes, everything that God has created is from Him and is part of His divine plan, but He knows us so much more than we know ourselves and He has provided the necessary corrections that we need in order to live a true and fulfilled life.  It is not necessary for us to be right about everything and to be truthful each one of us could not understand each and every concept in life even if we tried.  We also cannot understand God completely either and that is why we must be humble enough to admit that we have divisions within our lives that inhibit our relationships with man and more importantly with God.  Put our enemy into his place instead of him being allowed to be put into our place of residence.

Until we recognize that it was through our choice that the first compartment was established we shall continue to fall into the traps that our enemy lays for us.  Until we recognize that it is our enemy who is pulling our compartmental strings within our hearts to make these choices against God, we shall have no hope for a better future.  Until we turn our eyes and hearts back to God and allow Him to tear down these compartmental walls of division, we shall never know any good concerning our lives and we forfeit our destiny and will live out the remaining of our physical existence in poverty.  The question remains as to why anyone would want to set up compartments that would keep them from understanding their Creator and to provide them with the necessary concepts of life itself.


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