Thursday, October 9, 2014

Historical Accuracy

Historical Accuracy


This is an interesting topic when it comes to questioning the Bible and its authenticity and at the edge of most debates when the Bible is used as a reference.  But is it fair to say that the Bible is an accurate historical document and should it be used in this capacity?  The question should also be addressed if the Bible is being used accurately when it is being used as such reference.  So many doubts have been raised about this issue and so many intellectuals have discredited its usage as a result.  However, we have totally missed what the Bible is really about and how much definition and accuracy it gives the center subjects.  And when we place into context the real issues within the Bible, its contents cannot get any more accurate and defined.

Archaeologists have argued against using the Bible for a reference for centuries, yet every once-in-a-while they uncover a site that follows what has already been proclaimed in the Bible.  It is well known that many exact dates may never be accurately defined through the remnants that past humans have left behind.  It is also understood that when these objects are located it places another piece of the human puzzle together no matter which side of the park one tends to be on.  If one is fair and truthful about the past of humans they will not be discouraged to find such artifacts but rejoice in their retrieval; yet in many of the cases this is not true and the finds are hidden and kept amiss from the world.

Why is this hiding so important when it comes to the archaeological finds?  And is it really that important of finds that they must keep them hidden, and why are they so focused upon this aspect of human history only?  Why is this process the only one being recognized on a worldwide scale and published accordingly?  The truth is that we are deliberately missing the real historical value of the Bible and everything that it has to do with our lives.  It is not a coincidence however, for as long as we continue to ignore this specific and important detail and focus upon the clothes, modes of travel, houses and other articles of industrial conditioning, our failure for our future will continue.

I am in no way saying that these areas of research and development are not important, for they place a great deal of information at our hands so that we can understand how people lived millennia ago.  What I am saying is that we are missing the true calling of studying our past in that we are not truly studying ourselves, just the materials that we used at that time.  The reason that it is easy for human researchers to discredit the Bible as an archaeological source is that they are looking in the wrong area, or barking up the wrong tree if you choose to put it in those terms.

This notion of trying to explain how people lived in our past is a good thing and we must agree that it is important for us to know just how far humanity has developed over time, but we shall never find out these details in the Bible no matter how hard we look for them; and there is a reason for this and it all points back to one specific item of importance and that item is us.  There are literally millions of books that have been published that deal with hundreds of subjects of human history.  There are some general survey books in which the author covers many topics but for the most part those history books deal with one aspect of history. While other interesting topics may be broadly recognized the author, he / she stays on task and ignores those rabbits for that particular book.  While these topics may produce other minds and hearts of questions, the general idea of the book is reached and followed until the end of said work.

God does recognize the fact that humans need things in order to survive and He also knows that it is a great deal of importance to us in order for our survival.  God also understands that while these items are important they are not the focus of His ways nor are they so vital that He would continually mention them in His Constitution.  The one thing that is mentioned from the beginning of Genesis and until the last verses of Revelation is the human.  The human dominates every story within the entire context of the Bible.

Yes there are instances where weather patterns are mentioned and even earthquakes which swallow people alive.  Wars, starvation, births and deaths of all kinds are recorded as well.  Laws and how they are kept and broken are even mentioned but most of these are noted towards a small scale with the human being the main attraction in each of these stories.  Is this another coincidence that humans are the center piece of each story or is it the reason why God mentions us so much in His Word.  The answer is clear, humans are the centerpiece of these stories for a reason and that reason is because God cares so much about us that we are His focus and it is through our lives that He gives us an infinite amount of examples for us to look at and to study.

It is clear that God loves us and has provided our lives with every opportunity to ensure our survival as a race.  It is through the human that everything we know is alive so why would God focus His detailed attention to anything else but His prize possession and ultimate creation?  The answer to that question is that He would not and He does not.  So, if you hear of further debates about how inaccurate the Bible is when it comes to being referred to as a reference, you can rest assure that once again they are wrong and are looking at the wrong area for their truth.

Humans are the ultimate idea in God’s Constitution and the most important reason of why He gave us this bit of information.  He gave us this source as a guide and as a learning tool for our futures; our futures could mean for any timeframe not just currently. When you place the human in the center of God’s Word one can then have a grasp of how important we actually are to God.  We also can figure out just how much we are hated by our enemy as well and how important that we keep a controlled and godly heart while walking on this earth.  The Bible is very accurate in this physical sense but it also represents something of greater importance.

Where human history stops with the death of a person, group, or civilization the Bible foretells us of what lies beyond our physical life.  It also explains how our enemy is out to deceive us not just in the physical world but in the spiritual world as well. The Bible teaches us that we have a spirit that was given to each one of us and that entity within us cannot die but lives for eternity.  We are also taught that our enemy is composed of that same spirit and is bound for spiritual separation from his Creator as well and that it is his goal to separate us from our Creator in like manner. 

The Bible and its human history detailed should spawn us to take a more concerted direction towards understanding just what our actions and choices create for our lives.  It should place more emphasis on doing what is correct for humanity instead of placing our selfish whims first in line when the opportunity arises.  The Bible certainly details how important it is to make sure that every option for our future is taken care of and it also provides distinct consequences of our choices when we fail to heed God’s warnings.  I find it so amusing that while my own country is still considered to be “Christian” the leaders are so blind to their actions that they are steadily proving the Bible correct once again through the ideas and concepts that they believe are right.  This process is ever so visible today and we are choosing to ignore the real future of our world for our own complacency and is a perfect example of looking in the wrong area of human history for answers.

It is a fact that God gave each and every one of us a mind and heart to use as we see fit.  It is our choice to use these gifts for our own purpose or for understanding what God has to offer us through our life.  However, it must be known that one day God will be proven correct to every heart and spirit that has ever been created.  Since He shall never force Himself on anyone, it is strictly up to us to figure out this truth before it is too late.  The path for our continued development and survival as a race has been carefully outlined and detailed out and is easy for us to understand if we only look in the right area and in the correct source.

So if a person reads the story about the walls falling down at Jericho but does not find a specific time that this event occurred do not discredit its authenticity because the importance of that event was not that the walls fell down but what the humans did before, during and after that setting that is important.  The relevance of that city is important but its place in history has no comparison to your place in history and shall never take your place on any pedestal higher than your existence.  Your history and life are the real detailed portions of the Bible and the real reason that God shared His Constitution with the world.  You want answers about the important things about life itself, I cannot recommend any better source of information than the Bible and I shall stand on my decision for as long as I hold breath in my lungs, for we all must remember that history is not just about dates and stones.


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