Cannot Lie Nor Change His Laws
the title of this article may be a tad off from what the topic deals with, it
remains true. Once God establishes a system He cannot change it no
matter what we as humans try to believe. The topic of this article
is a tough one for some but in light of God’s commands and laws it should not
even be a matter for the Church to be debating. However, the
concepts of acceptance there here and the entertainment of this sin is taking a
hold of the Church by storm and it needs to be understood just how dangerous
this issue is to our lives. The concepts of this article will come
strictly from God’s Constitution, not from me. We must understand
that we cannot budge God’s laws one bit no matter how hard we try, for God
cannot lie.
As I
have stated in my opening that there is a huge problem within the confines of
the Church today. It is important that we keep in mind that the Old
Testament scriptures are just as important as the New Testament ones and
neither can be complete without the other. Christians have a
tendency to forget, diminish or even take away from the legitimacy of the Old
Testament scriptures simply because of the importance we place on the New
Testament. Anyone who serves God must realize that each word that is
in the entire Bible is the written Word of God and cannot be changed for any
reason. I am not saying that various translations of the Bible are
wrong, what I am speaking of is the fact that we try and manipulate God’s words
in order to satisfy our own habits and choices and it is this process that is
entirely wrong.
origins of this article come from the Old Testament and more specifically from
the book of Genesis. The topic of the article concerns the
acceptance of homosexuality within the Church and what the Church does with
this concept afterwards. Right up front I will remind you that
everything that I present to you concerning the foundations of man and woman
come strictly from God’s Word and not me. So if you have any qualms
about what God is saying to us through this article, do like you are supposed
to and with a clean and pure heart ask Him, for it is He who wrote this.
article is for everyone who has questions about the origins of our creation and
how it supports 100% the relationship between a man and a woman and nothing
less, it will also explain the differences from our lives and the lives of
animals which some use as a defense of homosexuality; all of this is in the
Bible and it is strictly spelled out, but like most of us we have missed
off I want to state once again that I believe that God’s Word is His
Constitution and that what is in this book has come straight from the heart of
God. I also believe that this book cannot be changed or altered in
ANY way that man deems necessary. However, through the gift of choice God
will allow humans to try and add to His word or choose to live by certain
issues within His Word, but on that token we as humans must also understand
that when we choose to do this, it is our lives that shall fall into a deep
darkness and until we recognize that God is God and that He and His Word cannot
change nor changed, we will live in complete misery and subject to any attack
from our true enemy.
the declarations out of the way I refer you to the book of Genesis, Chapter
2. I know that the majority of people have read this passage over
and over, I have to include myself in this category but it took God to showing
me just what was transpiring when He gave us this verse for me to understand
how important of a foundation it is for our relationship status with
others. Verse 7 states that god made man of the ground, breathed
into his nostrils life and then became a living soul. God stops here
and continues on with His description of the Garden of Eden which means that
God was through with the creation process of man. In other words,
man was complete and the creation process of man had begun, formed and was
completed. God did not make any adjustments in the creation of man
after He completed the process, it was finished. This means that if
God begins something He must complete it in order for His process to be
authentic and since God cannot lie, everything that He does must have a
beginning and an ending.
this passage we also find that God has already established a relationship with
Adam, for He gives Adam the one law to follow and it deals with the tree of
life. One command or law was what Adam had to obey, that was it and
through an unknown amount of time we find that humans could not follow that
simple one law.
19 brings up another very important part of creation yet it has a great deal of
information in it that many of us have overlooked, myself included. But
when we understand this principle not only does it bring to light how the lives
of animals differ from us it also stands in direct conflict with the theory of
evolution simply of how the animals were created. As scientists will
tell you there are many similarities between man and animal and some will
defend this same origin concept till the day they die but according to God, our
creations were similar but totally different.
19 of Chapter 2 states that God made the animals each to their own from the
ground and it is this part of our creation that is similar to the
animals. It states that God made every beast of the field and every
fowl of the air from the ground and brought them to Adam for him to name. Here
is the key to the portion of the animal creation that separates us from them. This
verse says that God made the animals from the ground, just as Adam was. There
is only one species of human mentioned here and there are thousands of species
of animals present.
are created from the ground which would explain how we are similar to the
animals in nature and composition but the key to mankind is a little
different. It states that each animal was created which means God
made the animals to their own kind individually. That means a cow is
different from a pig or a horse or even a caterpillar, yet they were made from
the same ground. This means that each animal will have their own
markings and reproductive processes. Therefore, if it is intended
for a certain animal to reproduce in a certain manner then God has authorized
this manner through the way in which He created that animal.
is known that some animals have to have a female in order to reproduce while
others self reproduce and likewise other processes in between. It is
because God created these animals individually that their processes are
different, due to the completeness of God and the choice of God. Also,
this order and manner of creation does not restrict a reproductive status into
one category, it can vary accordingly to each species through the way that it
was created. Therefore, God may have created the entire Animal
Kingdom all at once, but did so each to its own through individual steps of
formation using a base foundation. Simply ingenious!!!
further demonstrates God’s status is how He finishes the creation of mankind
and it is contained in the same chapter but in verses 21 – 22. It is
said that God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and while he was in this
state God took a portion of his body and then formed it into the female,
commonly known as Eve, thus the human species as we know it has been created in
two steps but through one origin and this is the difference that separates us
from the animals and marks the foundation for the complete union between a male
and a female, only.
in this article I stated that God had completed His creation of man and that He
made no adjustments to him. This means that God was pleased with His
creation and that He had set into motion human method of reproduction in which
it probably did not take too long to figure things out how that process
occurred. The difference in mankind’s creation is that man was
already complete and woman was created out of man which makes the female’s laws
equal to those of the man’s. My father has placed this text in a
beautiful context when he explains how the woman is the man’s equal and
according to how she was made man should recognize the importance of this
concept and treat her in such manner.
man was created as an individual and woman was created out of him, this places
the correct order for reproduction which we all know can only happen when a man
and a woman are involved. It is not God who made man’s desires to
like other men (intimately) nor was it God’s ways to make women like other
women intimately. God cannot change His ways in any shape or fashion
and since this is a true statement that means some other force must control
this same sex sexual attraction. The lifestyle of being homosexual
does not come from God but because God shall never force Himself upon anyone,
He allows us to make this choice in our lives. If anyone believes
that God is the Creator of everything, they must come to this conclusion and
then take a harder look at why this “phenomenon” is so popular.
God’s creation of our existence and through the manner in which He created us
His laws of intimate relationships have been set in eternity. And
since He cannot lie nor can He change, this means that the law of male and
female reproduction cannot change and it is mankind’s choice to try and alter
this law. Since god cannot change His laws this means He cannot
change the structure and the basic concepts of His creation, the human. This
also means that since we cannot change our real stature we must be influenced
by some other force in believing that we should; hence of which the laws of
this world and our enemy come into play.
God would have chosen to create the female in the same manner as He did the
animals, from the dirt and separate from each other, then there would be legal
grounds for mankind to vary in their sexual behavior without it being an
abomination to God. But God did not create the female in such a manner as
the animals, He created her from the male which means she is subject to the
same physical and spiritual laws as man is and thus explains why it is such a
reprehensible sin in God’s eyes. No where is it mentioned that the
animals were created by God and then their mates or identical creations came
from them; only from the ground.
this example demonstrates only the reproductive issues of humanity, on the
surface, it does define the overall relationship between man and woman along
the same lines of intimacy. The process of reproduction includes the
act of sex no matter how one looks at it. Sex is the highest form of
pleasure and the only time that a man and woman are joined as one, just as the
example of Eve’s creation was stated. Man provides the bloodline and
thus the initial life process just as God kept this pattern in order when He
created Eve. This process also solidifies the union of man and woman
and as long as this union is intact, oneness can be achieved. It is
when this process is interrupted by another, or by another process that damages
are done and bring upon the human unmentionable pain.
is clear that God has given us the direct information needed in order to
understand our sexual orientations. But because God shall never
force Himself upon any of us, it is strictly up to us to believe this truth and
then apply it into our lives. There are no varying factors that play
into this setting, there is only one and that factor is choice. It
is the choice of the human to allow this type of activity to be held either as
sacred or in contempt with our lives. We must remember another thing
as well as we make up our minds about this truth, what we choose to do today
shall affect our future generations down the road and we all know that since
the human likes to do things bigger and better than previous standards, it
cannot be a pretty sight if the wrong choice is made.
is not my intention to beat anyone down or to condemn them for the choices that
they have made, for it is their choice. However, if anyone reads this
article they then have no excuses that they did not know the truth about how
God established the intimate relationship between man and woman. God
shall always choose life no matter what the circumstances may be, but to place
new life into a basic lie can only produce fear, hurt, pain and death even if
the choice feels good at the moment.
is however our responsibility to ensure that everyone that has sin be allowed
to be a part of a church congregation. It is also our responsibility
to ensure that each sin is addressed completely and thoroughly so that the
people who voluntarily come into the congregation understand the true position
of that church. If a church is going to be biblically accurate she
must teach that homosexuality is wrong and that there is proof of this in God’s
Word. There cannot be any wavering in this truth for if there is
then that church and the entire congregation will be subject to the
consequences of that sin.
is also our deep responsibility to love these people and to show them that God
loves them, but at the same time be gentle enough with them that when we show
them that their sin is sin, that they will take that into their lives as the
truth. We cannot beat into their heads or scream at them and condemn
their actions. This tactic has been tried for centuries and the
consequences of those actions are alive and well today. If the
Church is aware enough as to what is going on around her, then she shall
understand how to pray and what to say to these people, along with how to
accomplish this task. If the Church is in complete spiritual
authority then when she prays the spirit will move accordingly and the people’s
motives shall be made clear. This concept does not stop with this
area either, but it includes all areas and aspects of our lives. When
one kingdom is pushed forward the other is automatically pushed back, there is
no sharing of spaces.
loves each and every one of us and it is His desire to see us live in
perfect peace and happiness but if we continue to progress by our own
mannerisms and ideologies, that peace and happiness will soon be turned into
the same fear, hurt, pain and death as I mentioned in the previous
paragraph. God CANNOT change His ways no matter what we think of
them and we CANNOT change His Constitution either no matter how much we may
believe we can. Look at the turns that western society has made away
from God in the past two decades and then take a look at our overall living
conditions and it will not take very much to realize that within those 20 years
or so our living standards and conditions have changed dramatically. This
trend shall continue as long as we continue our current progression track.
is still time for this country and the other societies of the world to turn
their spiritual living conditions around, but the chance of that happening
looks very slim. That is ok and God shall allow it, but please do
not blame God when things really hit the fan for it is not His fault it is our
own. Remember these things as you close this article: God cannot
change and we cannot change Him in any way. God loves you and
desires that you have an abundant life through Him and His ways. There
is still time for us to restore our country and our hearts before Him and
lastly understand that if we do not turn from our ways He shall not heal our
land but take it away from us and it is of dire importance that we understand exactly what our land constitutes.
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