Monday, January 25, 2016

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek


It is difficult to swallow that the Church plays this game with God each and every second of the day, but it is a game that we have learned and are now sustaining its rules within our hearts.  It is an easy game to play but when it comes to the spiritual aspects of our survival it opens the doors for complete disaster.  We have adopted the fun and games mentality within the Church heart and it is now being openly exposed to the enemy with violent consequences.  What is so striking about this concept is that the Church through all of her games does not even recognize what the world has established and what it shall require from us in a short period of time.  It is just a matter of time before this occurs, will the Church stop playing her games and begin to accomplish what Jesus commanded her to do?

Most of us have played this game at one time or another when we were young.  The number of places in which this game can be played is almost limitless as long as the imagination of the person is present and active.  Even though I would not have chosen to complete this game on this spot but I have heard of it being played in a cemetery, which is an interesting concept but a tad creepy, even for myself.  The game is simple and can be played in a house, backyard, within a few hundred yards diameter or up to a mile away it all depends on how many people are playing and how tough the players wish to conduct the game.  Almost every time someone is found and the game will continue with another person counting and then looking for the others.  The one person that is chosen to look for the other players that have hidden counts for an approximate amount of time and when that number (time) is reached the person looking for the others then announces that they are coming to look for the people hiding.

The overall object of the game is twofold.  First, it is the job of the person looking for the other players to find them and to seek out their hiding places as quickly as possible, thus proving that the person looking overcame the person hiding’s place, it also places the idea into the heads of those hiding that the person looking sees everything and hears all.  Secondly, it is the job of the person hiding to find a place where they cannot be found.  Speed is the key on this side of the game for the people hiding only have a short amount of time to locate their hiding spot and then strategically place themselves into that spot and wait quietly.  This game is usually a fun game and if played in the right conditions and with adequate space can last for hours on end.

So, the question remains of how this game that we commonly play relates to how we view God and the laws that He has placed over our lives.  One of the gifts that God has given us is our mind and through this gift, we have the ability to understand in depth of how God works in our lives and for our lives.  It is also through this gift that we choose to accept or to deny the very laws that God has in place as well.  There are so many modernists today that demand that since the times of the world are changing that God must change as well, what an arrogant belief coming from a flawed individualistic and selfish stance.  Yet, it is prevalent in our societies and it is gaining strength each and every passing second of the day, with no opposition from the Church what-so-ever.

The game of hide and seek has a set amount of rules that the game must be played, they are not hard or difficult by any means and of course, there will be some who refuse to play these rules and do their own things in order to come out ahead; in other words, they are focused on themselves and not on the rules, sound familiar?  It frightens me that humanity loves to find ways around God’s laws and then subsequently follow their flawed beliefs till the day their lives end.  Study God’s Word and this truth is completely missed and even ignored; which, actually proves God’s Word correct and accurate.  And when you place the components of this truth into practice it becomes clear that this is exactly what we are doing when it comes to the laws of God.

All laws of God come together in His Word and it is through His Word that gives us life, both the physical one we know and the spiritual one that we strive to know.  The ultimate protection of God was thwarted in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve decided to split their divinely inspired and given dominion and allowed our eternal enemy to invade their lives.  Even before God cast them from the Garden He gave them the one symbol of further protection by sacrificing an animal and giving them a real covering, a process that was shown to be grossly misrepresented with their sons Cain and Abel.  The final sacrifice came when God Himself sent His Son to complete the sacrificial process in order to bring back communion between God and humanity.  It is through this process in which God provides the necessary covering for anyone who wishes to choose to separate themselves from the world and to choose His ways over the world’s ways.

It amazes me to hear of people that call themselves “Christians” that continually seek to find ways to incorporate the world’s ways into their lives and to push God’s ways out at the same time.  Incorporating the world into their lives, in all honesty, is not an accurate statement for we are born into sin which means that the world is already a part of our lives and means that when we recognize this truth that it should be our goal to separate ourselves from the world and not to incorporate it.  This is where the principles of the game hide and seek come into play and a concept that has overtaken our lives in almost every capacity as well.

As mentioned above when one plays the game of hide and seek the ones who are hiding go to certain places and sit there for a moment or two and then a certain phenomenon begins to crowd our minds, we need to see if we have chosen the right place or not.  I remember when I played this game that it would kill me to be still and quiet long enough to ensure my “security” when the deemed seeker was looking for me.  I would peek out and look around to see if that person was close and as time went along and I was not found, my time outside of my hiding place grew longer.  This action of mine stated that I while I felt comfortable in my hiding spot I was not satisfied with the conditions of the chosen spot.  Therefore, I had to reassure myself of my position and thus take a step away from my safety spot and take a look around.  In other words, I lost confidence and trust in my covering and I no longer considered it necessary to have this covering around me.

How do people associate this concept in their lives when it comes to God?  It first begins when they grasp and then incorporate the idea that God’s laws are not real and true into their lives.  This is when they peek from around their hiding spots to see if anyone is coming to find them and then quickly return to their hiding place.  As time goes along the "peeks" grow in number and they become stances.  If a person does not follow god’s laws as close as possible at all times these peeks shall become stances and most importantly these people cannot believe in the ultimate sacrificial process that provides our eternal covering either; tough statement but true.

If one chooses to peek out from under the covering of God’s grace then one automatically puts their lives at the mercy of the world, the one who is searching for you.  There were many times when I played hide and seek that the person looking for me saw my head pop out from behind a tree or heard my movements in a dark closet yet wanted to keep me waiting for a while until they “found” me.  Our spiritual enemy is the exact same.  The game of hide and seek that we play with when it comes to God is not concerned with our physical but our spiritual only.  Satan has already gained access to our physical lives and has incorporated his death and separation initiatives but it is the spiritual that he is now concerned with and he knows that if he can get us to play this game with God’s Word then ha has a legitimate shot at stealing our spiritual eternity.

Our enemy sees us each time we peek our spirits out from under Jesus’ covering, this is a given.  The more time we spend looking around out from under our covering the better chances that our enemy has to separate us from God.  Make no mistake that as soon as we give into our curiosities Satan is right there watching our movements and gathering information concerning our wills.  If we see that one certain law of God’s may not be kept then maybe one more not kept will have no effect on us either, this is the process where our peeks become stances and it is through these stances that we eventually stand our ground and defend.  And when we have grown into this position we have totally abandoned the covering that God has once again divinely provided for us.  When we place “we” or “our” in front of God we have voluntarily stepped out from His covering, or out from our hiding spot.

As long as we are under the blood of Jesus there is no way possible that Satan can harm our spiritual lives.  He may walk around and scream your name but he can in no manner touch your life because your blood covering is hiding you and separating you from the world and Satan’s realm.  However, our fault comes into play that we like to stick our faces out to see what is coming and what is going on from under the covering and it is at this point where we lose our protection.  Just as Adam and Eve recognized their personal strength within the Garden of Eden and stepped away from God’s covering we do the exact same thing when we question God’s laws for our lives.  Even when we question just one law of God, we fall into this category.  It is our responsibility to ask God questions concerning His ways it is not our place to even think about questioning God’s laws; there is a huge difference in these two situations.

It is evident that humans have clearly chosen to question God’s laws instead of asking God questions concerning His ways.  I sadly have to include the Church in this setting as well, for she has fallen into the standing outside of God’s divine hiding place. When the Church accepts worldly concepts as truth instead of living through the Word of God, she has been gravely taken in by our enemy.  I also find it very scary that the Church ahs no desire to return to her hiding place either confirming the fact that she has made the choice to ignore God’s Word and His laws as her foundation.

Just as it was our choice to step out from under our spiritual and divine covering, we have the same choice to return to the covering that has all the necessary qualities of eternal life.  God’s protection is still in place and God is calling everyone to either return to His covering or to come to His covering from the world.  Restoration of our dominion is what God wishes for our lives, for our dominion is what keeps us intact.  Humanity allows our dominion to be hacked apart each time we step out from under our covering and as long as we do this stepping out our dominion will be taken and divided up. 

From the time that God created mankind He has provided a protective covering and after Adam and Eve ripped this covering apart God established a further covering called His Covenant.  Mankind failed this protective initiative as well so God put into place the ultimate covering through His Son’s blood.  All of these coverings came from a divine origin which means God cannot break them and if He did then He would be a liar and cease to be considered God.  It is mankind that broke the covering status in the Garden of Eden, then violated the covenants that God made in Old Testament Scriptures, and are now, willingly violating the blood covenant of Christ with their games of spiritual hide and seek.

God is calling for His children to stop this hide and seek activity, both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm as well. God shall never force anyone to accept His ways it will only be done through our choice.  God cannot protect a person or nation when it willingly leaves the covering of His origin whether that stepping out is part way, 1/2 way or completely in nature.  His Word is our source of knowledge concerning our protection and if we cannot understand and honestly believe God’s laws in the Old Testament how can we believe and follow His ultimate law of sacrifice through His Son? 

It is impossible to do this for we must keep in mind that 50% is still an “F”.  God gave all and that is what He expects from us in return.  Return to God’s covering and allow God to protect us from every trick and horror that our enemy can inflict upon our spiritual and physical lives.  Allow God to restore your dominion.  And Church, allow God to restore your dominion as well for you are God’s embassy to the world and the only light that can be properly shown to the dark world.  If the Church will stop playing the game of hide and seek, our world shall turn around guaranteed but if she does not then our enemy shall overrun the people of the world and utterly destroy them setting the Church as his example.

This type of “game” was what brought Adam and Eve’s world to a halt and it ended their dominion as they knew it for they spent the remaining years of their existence fighting for their return.  The same type of activity is about to cost this country its dominion that god has righteously given to the world and this decay has begun with our individual dominions being plucked to the core by our enemy, then extended to the Church now and this degradation of our eternal existence is now threatening our societies as we know it.  This destruction is preventable yet we continue to push out the one source of protection by stepping out to see what the world has to offer.


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