Sunday, February 5, 2017




This word has always intrigued many people over the millennia and when this action is completed nations mourn what could have been and live the travesties of what occurred.  There can be nothing more detailed of a state of failure when this type of event occurs, yet it is also the truth relative of selfish desires that cannot more highly be displayed.  God does not wish for this event to occur in any government for if it does it means that we have assassinated our own existence in the name of self, which is the definition of sin and the lack of knowledge about God to turn from this death wish and seek the eternal life that He offers instead.

For the last few months, this term has been steadily used in reference to the new president of this country but one must consider the truth that this type of attitude has not popped up overnight but has been a process in a birthing process for a period of time. This nation is extraordinary on many levels of her existence but we share a common thread with other nations when it comes to the usage of this word for throughout our history there has been our share of deaths sorted out through this process.  Look at what these events begin and how they tear a nation apart starting with the heartbeat of its leadership.  No one shall 100% agree with a leader but when we resort to this type of activity and carry it out even in our minds the seeds are sown and it will not be too much longer until those seeds begin producing their own life.

I recently read on a page that I receive some information concerning the attitude of the nation there have already been 12,000 calls for the assassination of the President of our nation.  During World War II a typical military division consisted of three regiments and support units that totaled approximately 10,000 personnel and look at what kind of might just one division had during that time.  What this number is saying is that there are more than a division of people who have called for the death of this president over the last few months and if this number does not frighten you then you need to re-evaluate your thought pattern because this means we have a serious problem.  We have also been blasted with many people ranting about what they would do if the candidate that they did not like became president, but as of yet none of them have lived up to their words.  This should not be of real concern on a life-giving level but when taken into account of this type of killing, the stakes are higher and more likely to be followed through with; just a pattern of human activity that cannot be denied.

It is easy for me to state the last sentence in the paragraph above because we as a society have become a bit more docile in our moving habits all the while losing our commitment levels, all the way down to our personal responsibilities.  So when someone threatens to leave over a moment that goes against them, it is not taken too seriously for all of us has had such thoughts before. However, when assassinating someone and giving serious contention to completing this type of solution one cannot hide the fact that times have changed and there are some out there who radically are charged enough to carry out this nation changing stance. But there is a unique choice taken here that differs with most other assassination attempts in human history and their possible follow through, and its underlying truth not many people recognize, especially when the subject of the assassination rumors comes from the same foundation as the ones who are calling for this event to occur.

It is feasible, plausible and easily comprehended that a small faction or minority would carry out this act against a leader of a position that they would consider against their causes.  Even though this type of process would be a logical step for these “underprivileged” groups, to resort to such a resolution is absurd, yet it has occurred many times throughout history and no doubt will occur again sometime in the future.  The warning signs from small groups that would act upon such a suggestion should be construed as dramatic enough to warrant added pressure for security but when the tactics of this nature come from the majority one must shutter to think about what will occur if the plan is actually executed as scripted.

The other day on a public website I mentioned a short blurb about this topic and at that point had a feeling that God was going to expand on that bit of wisdom He gave to me so that more people will stop and realize just what shape our nation is in and where our actions of the heart are leading us.  We cannot deny the fact that our society is consumed with death and when all else fails, suggest or carry out a death warrant for anyone who stands in our way, for this condition is demanded from abortions to political rivals with nothing or no one left out of this subject in-between.  It is this truth that has empowered the majority to issue such a threat to the President but also to our existence as a nation itself, but they cannot reason with the second half of that statement for they do not understand the foundational aspects to which they are committed.

There have always been divisive sides when it comes to politics and how people or ideas are elected.  Of course, as with any election, there will be those who win and those who lose.  But over the past few decades, the losing side of any election has become a bit more vocal in their “conciliatory” actions after the results have been handed down with this past election results continuing to rear its ugly head.  But there lies the question because is it a head that is rising or is it the heart that is being portrayed?  Also, we must take into account that it is the majority of whom are shouting these ways and words, not the minority and it is this point that we need to contend with and bring into context quickly because the result of such action will bring about this nation’s demise on a godly scale and not through a human act alone.  Yes, I know I have repeated this account more than once in this article, but it is vital that you understand this truth before I proceed with what God wants us to know.

It cannot be argued that this nation is totally consumed in itself and the products that we live by.  In no other nation that has been established before has the standard of living been so high that even in the begging countries many of the beggars will not accept certain “payments” from tourists.  It is this exact policy that we have adopted in our own society largely enough to squelch out any other belief when challenged.  It cannot be argued that this nation rationalizes its popular beliefs on pop culture and the artists that play out these schemes, actors, actresses, people in businesses and those who earn a living in any other type of entertainment.  There is no greater representation than ones who come from this type of background and to be honest it is these industries which fuel our nation and its ideas.  Yet, the talk of committing this act on a person who is of their own liking can only demonstrate that we truly do not recognize what spirit lies inside us nor do we comprehend the destructiveness that lies inside our hearts as well.  To lust after an act to destroy our own being and heartbeat represents animal-like prowess that only ends a structure and creates further divisional havoc on the streets of our hearts.

In truth, what this act demonstrates is an assassination of our own hearts and what we supposedly stand for as an individual, group, and nation for when we commit murder of our own institution nothing good can come from this action.  This is not a unique setting for many empires and democracies in the past have committed such acts against their definition with one of the more famous empires being that of the Roman kind.  When Julius Caesar was assassinated by his own it began the demise of the empire as a whole and it was not too much longer that through this inner strife the empire split and then was picked off bit by bit from the outside.  Their inner defensive mechanisms were so individualistic that no cohesive barriers could be mounted and further divisions roses from these gaps.

Another similarity to this example is that eventually, the Roman Empire turned to Christianity for stability and spirituality through its leadership.  But the prevailing winds of secularism had already been established in that world and while Christianity grew in numbers the underlying death traps of the spirit loomed largely and grew even stronger than the physical representations.  The spiritual implications of assassinating your own – especially coming from the majority – is a dangerous truth that should serve as a huge warning about the conditions of the inner conditions of a person, group, or nation.  I understand that not every person who has these territorial beliefs grasps this detail but if it occurs, the implications that this act poses to the future of a nation and/or state cannot stand as a unified union; a truth that places a new meaning to Mark 3:23-25.

Western societies and the Church have voluntarily ignored the inner spirit that lies inside our lives and more importantly the reasons as to why this nation and the Church were established in the first place, and by making this statement it means that we have recognized this evilness but have resorted to physically pacifying it instead of driving it from our lives.  It has now grown into a wandering search of happiness and generosity but even in its walking to and fro it cannot be satisfied unless the institution of blood is ignited. 

It is not difficult to understand that reveling in such magnifications reach many of the populous as standard protocol of dissension but what is most terrifying is that these people who participate in such thoughts and activities along with those who do not, fail to understand the inner and spiritual implications that drive this acceptance party to the public.  How can the Creator of the Church and of this nation stand for such devastating activities against His establishment?  Our only issue is that we have no intentions of seeing this truth and therefore shall resort to assassinating ourselves through habitual insecurities of the flesh.  It does not matter what position the leader of this nation has, ultimately it is what lies inside the hearts of the people that guide our choices of eternity.

There can be no argument that we are obsessed with death and how much delight it would be to watch an enemy die.  It is portrayed on every movie screen and many television screens around the globe each day and what makes things worse is that we deem this death notice as successful or not according to the number of sales it brings to such ratings.  We love to watch a car-jacking, high-speed chases, bank heists, affairs being committed, buildings being blown up, protesters and the threats that they demand and down and out flat murder then use them for public knowledge and gain for business and entertainment.  It has been the desire of this nation to earn such wages and while governance reigns over their productions their hearts burn with further indignations to release these desires to their enemies.  What difference is there now from what the Middle Ages displayed except for the modern technological advances which are in place to exacerbate these truths.  All of which are prefatory steps in a planned assassination.

In all of these fiascos that we witness today, the most ingenious of them all is the one that many demands to be taken away so that they can be happy, and that is God and His Ways.  If one is grounded in His Word and understands His truth according to His Word and not our physical whims, it is easy for one to recognize the concepts of what is occurring around us.  I find it so amazingly sad that when we proclaim to be rid of God we are actually proving God’s Word correct for it was this very attitude that the entire Bible gives us examples of what to expect when this attitude occurs.  It does not matter if one wishes to study the Old Testament or the New Testament for both give accurate details of the hearts of individuals, groups, nations, and even the Church of this truth.  It is clear that in all situations the majority ruled and it was when they chose to separate themselves from God and join the world’s views they assassinated themselves.  Sadly, when these events occurred they missed God and even missed that their enemy was hysterically laughing at them as their final heartbeat arrived.  For it gives Satan great joy to watch an individual, group, or nation chosen by God to end their existence in eternal defeat.

There are more people in this nation and in other societies in the world that have more identification through celebrities, teams or their businesses than from their parents.  That is a hard truth to swallow but it is real and it is alive which means it is growing.  The Church falls into this category as well for she has identified herself with the world and has shunned the heart of God her Creator.  We have chosen our own path by the elections that we have wanted, we have also failed to understand the inner implications that these selfish and worldly equalities have brought to our spiritual lives.  We have been warned many times throughout history and even far greater warnings in the Bible of such choices.  Therefore, we shall endure the consequences of such actions and will one day soon painfully experience these results according to our Creators establishment and holy justice.  It is amazing how we deem ourselves to be the wisest and best-educated society ever known yet we fail to recognize truth right in front of our faces.

Last night a popular television program summed up this truth of assassination of our hearts and while they were portraying it against the President of the United States they were unknowingly prophesying our own demise.  The actor was impersonating the President at his desk and performing the routine skit as planned.  Behind him was a figure that has always represented death by having a skeleton dressed in a black robe overlooking from behind.  While this skit portrayed the death of the President it really demonstrated the overall death of this country.  The children of Israel acted on this same concept when they assassinated themselves when they chose to rule God out of their lives, God was one of their own, their direct lineage and Father. 

This nation has previously elected one of its own but worked with this man in order to get things accomplished, this time the obvious is far against this mogul of our own.  Right at this moment, God has given us another “T” to examine and to act accordingly to change our course.  1 Samuel Chapters 5-8 give us a perfect example of where this nation’s heart stands as it looks at the approached “T” and I do not know if we shall have another come about again.  It is God’s way of giving His people another opportunity to change their hearts before He has to intervene.  Church, you are the key for you must return to God completely and once again spread the truth of the Gospel to the world or true assassination shall come due through our own hearts.  Since we are considered, and rightly so, the leaders of the world we must recognize that worldly standards are destructive in nature and godly wisdom is the only option for true and eternal peace and life.  It is the godly example, the true and unadulterated Word of God that we need to be displaying, not a combined lie of the world.


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