Saturday, February 18, 2017

Resetting Boundaries Part I

Resetting Boundaries Part I


This phrase is one that may strike fear into some for when such a limitless lifestyle has been approved reeling oneself back into line can seem to be a tad harsh.  But having boundaries and limits are a good check for anyone on any level of life for it keeps us safe from harm and while we may protest a bit for being reigned in, safety should still be our number one goal.  It is easy to forget this truth when we are running at top speed every day of our lives but even God has set boundaries in place and just like the physical rules and laws that we have in place, His are present and will need to be enforced if we do not recognize our errors.  God also wants us to recognize these errors of His Ways before He has to remind us of our wickedness before Him.

When I went into high school I believed that I was on the top of the world and that my freedoms would change since I was considered to be an “upper age” teenager.  While I understood that my curfew would be relaxed a bit I figured out real quick that my limitations were still in effect and that even though I was allowed to stay out a bit later, my boundaries were still in place.  It was these boundaries that kept me from getting into too much trouble for even though I could drive and go places I still represented the family in every circumstance of my freedom.  Having the permission to do extra things and go places that I could not before gave me a sense of emotional existence and a presence that I was getting control of my life the way I wanted it to be.  I soon became a bit frustrated with my parents because at times they would say no to my coming and goings and wished for me to stay at home or to go with them some place.  Certain expectations still thrived in the family home and for the most part, I dared not cross those lines unless I was ready to start a “fight”.  I must say that my parents did a fabulous job in letting spread my wings over those learned times in my life but I know as much as they do that not all of those times smelled like roses.

As I look back on the influential years of my life I am so thankful that mom and dad gave me boundaries for it meant that they wanted me to understand that there were things out in the world that I was not ready to deal with on a day to day basis and that I needed a bit more time to figure those issues out.  Those boundaries taught me to respect my surroundings and everyone that was in those surroundings as well.  I found out real quick that if one did not respect boundaries then they would not respect others either, a personal understanding that hit me hard a few times in my life.  This meant that I first had to understand why boundaries were put in place and to recognize their presence as well, which included where they were at and when I was approaching them.

As I moved into college so did my attitude for as almost everyone knows that when one gets out of the house and away from the parents our freedoms actually start.  Yeah, no!  In reality, when we go off to college or out on our won we should have learned enough to manage the new found life given freedoms that we encounter but most of us instead figure out that it is easier to do stupid stuff rather than adhere to the boundaries that we were taught.  The moment we step over the boundaries that are in front of us the worm turns and changes and it is like an animal that has tasted blood for we forget what we are and where we came from and according to our eyes we are no longer bound to anyone else’s rules or guidelines.  Then, a holiday arrives or summer approaches which required us to return back home and while the initial emotions of schooling were over at some point our minds figured out that the parent’s house would contain the same rules as it did when we lived there.  The same expectations for our presence would be in place and it was considered to be normal for everything to resume as it was in the past.

This type of environment kind of rattled me a bit when I returned home from the USAF.  I was newly divorced and reeling from those proceedings and the outcome that it produced.  While I was initially engaged with happiness the truth came flooding in when I woke up and realized that I was back at my parent's house licking my wounds and not being in the old position as once before.  It took me a while to understand that my actions which caused those wounds to appear were the culprit and that the freedoms that I chose to live by became the hindrance that resulted in my personal collapse and demoralization with life.  Not only did I need to fight the anger issues that I inherited by my choices of free-living but I also had to contend that I had boundaries once again that I had to abide by; in truth, it was those boundaries that I needed to restore my life both spiritually and physically so that I could restart once again.

The concept of freedom had overtaken my life enough that I believed that I did not have to obey the rules of my parents because I was an adult and had chosen my own path, even though that path had taken me back to a beginning point in my life.  At some point, I had totally figured that I could still do the things that I did before while living under the guardianship of my parents and it was not too long after I had this thought that I was set straight and appropriately so.  I had forgotten that I was under their roof once again and more importantly I had forgotten that I was their son and my life was defined through them and that I represented their lineage and should act accordingly, a lesson that this nation is about to witness unless we turn our hearts back to God. Boundaries are a gift from those who are in charge over us so that when times arise in our lives that present trouble we will know to stay clear of those opportunities.

I know that it must have been a bit tense for my parents because their love for me had not faded one bit and, to be honest, their love for me probably grew so much more during this time for they saw just what a person who lived without boundaries could do with their lives.  One would think that coming from a military setting that organization and control were going to be the outpost of that person, but know that many of those even in that position are way out of control and have to learn things the hard way.  I know that even after I had returned home I tested my parents’ rules a time or two and while I believed I was right in my doings, I could not have been more terribly wrong for the boundaries that they had put into place so long ago got me through many circumstances in my life and I should have recognized that it was those boundaries that played an instrumental part in my life.  I have to admit that some of these outbursts were flat insensitive and hurtful at times and while my attitude was trying to unhinge itself again it was a condition that I was fighting against for supremacy.

As time progressed and I got married again and had children I see just important setting boundaries are and how much they are needed in everyone’s lives.  I do not want my girls to face some of the issues that I had to do simply because I chose to jump over those lines.  Those boundaries when I was young and when I returned home signified a protection from the dangers that would eventually present themselves due to the fact that our enemy knows exactly where he can target so that our minds and hearts can waiver.  This wavering does not have to stick with the individual but can grow into a nation of boundless freedoms that will be deemed “life given” unless they are checked and kept within our hearts.  It is the same pattern that I experienced after I returned home and it is also the pattern that we are witnessing today throughout our nation and other societies around the world.  What is so damning about the lack of boundaries is that we now consider anything that we see that might inhibit us from living without boundaries as an opposition and deem it as hatred against freedom itself, all the while failing to recognize that our existence is way out of control.

It has been said for many a time period that it is not good when something is taken away from someone when it has already been given to that person.  It is this statement that we need to have registered in our hearts because the gift of freedom is one that comes from God but it is our enemy who relishes in the fact that we take for granted and then abuse those freedoms for our selfish wills instead of sharing them with others.  It is this boundary that we cross when we do not accept the truth that blessings are from God and should be used for His Kingdom.  The entire Bible is filled with reference after reference of people either staying behind God’s boundaries or not staying behind them, and yes, interpreting God’s boundaries for your own personal gain is NOT staying within God’s boundaries.  Our nation has now embarked on a mission of boundary crossing that is of an epic proportion and it is through the election of the past few leaders that has determined this action of ours and just as any other human society has done we are failing to recognize exactly what we are doing and on what path we are walking.

We turn back to 1 Samuel Chapter 8 as a reference that we have become very familiar with over the past few months.  God continues to show me instances and examples of His people in these verses and I cannot help but believe He is doing this as a warning to this nation and to the other nations of the world at the same time.  It is obvious that the children of Israel had placed their eyes and dreams to the world for it specifically states in 1 Samuel 8:4-5 “ Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together and came to Samuel unto Ramah.  And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”  It is this passage that defines the attitude and heart of Israel for the leaders present many declarations in these two verses, and what is frightening about these verses is that this nation – the leader of the world though Divine anointing – is declaring the same beliefs as Israel did.

“Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together” portion of this passage speaks that the leaders had their own meeting and Samuel was not invited or was intentionally not told about the meeting.  However, Samuel knew what was occurring because his eyes and ears did witness the differences in opinions that could not be kept silent, for it mentions nothing about Samuel being surprised about the fact that they approached him with this issue.  “and came to Samuel unto Ramah” states that all of them were in unity when they went to Ramah to approach Samuel with their wants.  They were acting on the “authority” of the people and what they had witnessed coming from other leaders of Israel’s activities.  It was clear that their agenda was set and would not be changed and that they wanted new boundaries than the ones that God had given them from the beginning, an overall dangerous move but one that they had no idea about for as we see in the next verse their eyes had turned to the world for guidance all the while understanding that Samuel had different standards.

“And said unto him, Behold, thou are old,” is a huge assessment of Samuel and his leadership for it makes a statement that he has been in his authoritative position for quite some time and that his way of leading was out of date or considered a step backward to how the current beliefs held.  It could not be denied that Samuel had been in his position for a long time but to the others, it was necessary that he step down because of the length of his tenure as prophet.  It is here that we can grasp the true nature of what Israel was intending to do and that their intentions were going to officially declare themselves an independent nation from God’s separation and protection.  They had become secure enough in their status that they “realized” that they did not need God any longer and that they could “provide” for themselves amongst the other nations around them.  It was time for a change if one wishes to use this phrase to describe their mindset.

“and thy sons walk not in thy ways:” is another declaration of admission that defines how the Israelites believe for it is this admission that they recognize that there is a choice of how the nation should live and define itself.  The elders bring this statement into light for they and their representatives that noticed for some extended period of time that Samuel’s sons do not share the same beliefs in God that he does and through their judgments and lives have drawn this conclusion.  The elders are physically stating that they understand that Samuel has a set pattern of living and that it serves God and king and ruler over Israel, along with His ways of old, another direct claim that they are tired of living under “old or ancient” ways that had been in place for some time.  It also states that they did not consider the recent past actions of God as important enough to withstand the temptation of establishing worldly boundaries or the important of the boundaries that God had given them since their existence began.  This portion of passage also declares that they understand the fact that there are two patterns of existence that they can take and hint that they have no desire in staying with God for they make no mention that they want the sons of Samuel removed or to have him talk to them so that they should straighten up and walk right before God again.  The elders only state the obvious before using their statement as a justification to proceed with the next step in their plan to separate from God instead using the boundaries that God established for them against the world.

“now make us a king to judge us like all the nations” concludes the position of the children of Israel to Samuel.  First off, the elders refer nothing about God in this final portion of their statement it is solely directed at Samuel and the physicality of beliefs in God and in Samuel as well.  It is clear that the people that the elders represent do not wish to have any spiritual connection with God for their lives have become so successful and bountiful that they have grown to grasp that they do not need God.  Secondly, their statement totally rejects God and His authority over their lives and existence and further demand that an earthly king be made ruler over their lives, further concluding that the physical life (world) is far more important and greater than God could ever be over them.  This portion of the passage is a statement and a demand and does not represent any alternative choice on the matter, which means that they have the full support of the people who sent them to Samuel.  It also makes a HUGE point in that it is now obvious that the children of Israel do not regularly communicate with God or even believe that God lives in their lives – Ark or no Ark.

Israel had flirted with these boundaries for some time because one entire majority does not overnight change their entire complexion.  Their entertainment of other cultures and societies became more important that their own.  No doubt that when interactions with other national settings their questions about Israel’s beliefs provided an opportunity for doubts in the hearts of Israel, and how many times has one of your friends asked you a question about why you believe and afterward you think about those beliefs?  Are you so convinced about those beliefs that you quickly dismiss the questioning period and provide an answer that reflects your boundaries or do you stop and waiver on those boundaries and look towards other boundaries as an alternative answer?  It is obvious that Israel had drawn this example for themselves due to the way that the elders had made their statements to Samuel.

End of Part I


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