Saturday, February 18, 2017

Resetting Boundaries Part II

Resetting Boundaries Part II


One must recognize that when God placed His physical and more importantly spiritual boundaries around Israel it did not mean that they had to totally isolate themselves from others but it did require them to make complete assessment of who they had relations with on a daily basis.  It also defined how God wanted a relationship with them so that He could teach them everything they needed to know about such boundaries and why they were in place.  It is evident that these boundaries were not fully comprehended and eventually had no intentions of keeping for the lures of other nations and their ways became more lucrative than God.  God knows that there is no way that His people can be isolated from others for we depend on others for needs of humanity to get things accomplished but God did expect all of His people to adhere to the boundaries that He has set for us in order to protect us from the world and the destruction that it only can provide.  Through this small passage of Scripture, it is clear that Israel had lost this truth and did things on their own boundary lines and not God’s.

The people had made their own choice without having any input from Samuel or from God and while they understood their place under God they did not wish to have any part of God in their new declarations of leadership.  It can be reckoned that while the majority of people wanted this new way of lifestyle that some objected to such living standards but the overall heart of Israel had changed to obstruct God instead.  It is also obvious that those who had chosen to wish for a king had placed God behind them instead of in front of them all the while believing that they could still find favor from God, a grave mistake that would soon find them once again.  It takes a pretty bold contention to make such a demand for them to believe that their words would be just blindly accepted by the only person that could intercede to God on their behalf, it also states that their contention was to say that they did not care about the answer they would receive either.  A process that can only be accurately described as one that redefines the boundaries that are around them and a direct notice to God that His are out of date and no longer needed, a defining note that Israel had lost its truth about who created it and why they were created.  A resetting of the boundaries according to the world and not God is what they demanded and God allowed.

It is this place in our society that we have reached as well and it is this nation’s desire to reset its boundaries according to world standards and ones that have already been established for us by God.  This process has not been a new idea or concept but has progressed over a great deal of time and this progression has had time to grow enough to now be able to penetrate both the elite and the common and everyone else who wishes to view the world as their holder of their hearts.  For the last two decades or so, world information has been increasingly known through many of the immediate channels of communication which makes ideas, concepts, truths, and lies easier to access and distribute.  In the olden days, it would take quite a bit longer for this amount of information to be handed out but overall the process was the same as today.  It is this process in which we govern our lives and one that deals and spins an agenda to its readers without compromise or deterrence.  It is this type of communiqué that drives the voices who actively recruit for their agenda then promote it in a variety of mannerisms.

The turning of heads and hearts also did not begin over a few decades or so, but along on the same timeline as other ideological absurdities that our enemy has allowed us to entertain.  One of the more important lies that we have come to believe is that we s a nation are not under God nor do we need God for any guidance purposes, for it is our land and not His.  This issuance of beliefs has now spilled over into the political arenas and with the help and influence of popular media “graces” our eyes and ears at every turn.  It is this process of shutting out God that is most dangerous and places us into a dire situation that we can read about in 1 Samuel Chapter 8.  Israel had forgotten who their leader and Creator was and had come to the same conclusion as this nation has recently done, their lack of truth in leadership and relationship.  The public turn began a few decades ago when a president of this country was accused of having multiple affairs with women before and during his presidency.  Adamantly denying the accusations he delayed the truth for months and on some charges still to this day yet the public forgave him and sought to become his close friend, which also lasts until this day.

An interesting further turn occurred in 2006 when a popular senator from Illinois made the statement that this nation is no longer a Christian nation but one that is a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a nation of unbelievers, amongst other types of religious and non-religious identifications, a mentioning that upset a few people but for the most part had little effect on the lives of most people.  There really was no outcry about us not being a Christian nation which means that the Church had come to the realization that she had not been doing her job as a witness for Christ…..NO, what really occurred was that the Church dropped the “C” from her life and put on a “c” instead thus transforming herself into a worldly organization instead of a holy relationship establishment with God.  In other words, because of her weak abilities to witness and to serve as a light unto the world, the church chose to see the bad and accept it into the walls of her life and then fondle those things, mold them, and then form them into a group orgy of sin that was then unleashed throughout the church.  Reread 1 Samuel 8:1-3 and see if that passage is not being fulfilled today in western societies; be totally honest in your answer!

Later down the road at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, a further turn was noticed both on the national scene and on the personal scene.  An amendment motion was made at one of the procedural meetings that had to do with the removal of God from the overall platform of the DNC.  This meant that God would no longer be a part of what the Democratic Party stood for and that it did not hold any further allegiance to God, His Ways, or His Word, a strict humanitarian policy of self-rule and lifestyle offering.  After a verbal vote that clearly was for this measure to ban God from the platform, a second vote was administered after a message that the President wanted God to be kept in the overall platform.  The vote actually was louder and more against God than the first vote yet the person in charge of the vote determined that the number of verbal votes to keep God in the platform outnumbered the ones who did not.  A short period of boos then rang loud as the vote results were made known.  The 2016 DNC did not address the issue of God at all as a platform item but it was VERY clear that the people of the Democratic Party persuasion had kept that “louder” vote in their hearts for their attitudes was visibly different.  Can you imagine that a similar process as this occurred when Israel came time to change its vote against God?  Do you recognize the resetting of boundaries being drawn?

The danger of this escapade was not fully recognized until this presidential election cycle in which the “favorite and popular” candidate did not win the election.  To be honest, with what God had shown me and then left for me to watch events unfold I was a bit confused as well with things; however, as soon as election results were confirmed, God continued to show me things about what was really ongoing around us.  As protests broke out, the rich and famous leading charges against the results, assassination requests being thrown around God dropped this message in my heart and gave me the words to write as well.  It all has to do with resetting boundaries and the process in which these boundaries have been set and are now trying to be reset by both sides of the spiritual aisle.  This truth deals with two aspects, with the first being the resetting of boundaries and the second being the election of Jezebel, on a spiritual plane not just the physical.  We are dealing with the first issue here and the second issue will be addressed shortly, but we need to make sure we understand exactly what has transpired over the past few decades in our hearts before proceeding to the next point.

The other evening Bonnie and I were over at my parents’ house discussing some family matters and the discussion turned to what is going on in the nation concerning the president and all of the issues surrounding this nation.  My dad made the point that President Trump is just trying to reset some boundaries that have been crossed and it is this point that is so accurate.  When President George W Bush was in office it was made clear that when he meant a deadline had to be met it was met indeed.  Now, not every deadline or point that was wanted was met with a happy face but there was no doubt that a boundary had been set and it was to be respected at all costs, on BOTH sides of that line.  Now, remember that I am not becoming political and neither is God but we need to understand the spiritual boundaries that have been crossed due to the actions we have allowed to occur in our lives.  All of us have had wrong doings in our lives but instead of accepting those deeds as normal as the world proclaims we must continue to separate ourselves from the world and cling to God for repentance and restoration.

The last president of this nation has come into the spotlight over his tenure for exercising restraint over a bunch of issues that to some may seem uncharacteristic of this nation.  America has always been a role model for those who wish to live the fullest and to experience the dream of having the freedom to do as such; therefore, we have been known to be the one nation who stood up for this truth about life and have carried our big stick along with us as the symbol to which freedom can be achieved.  But lately, we have edged off of this truth about our nation and instead have become a nation that has squandered the Divine authority given to us by the Creator of everything.

There are times during the last presidency that our leader would make a statement of authority and draw a line in the sand, representing a boundary to another leader or nation not to cross.  But within a very short period of time, the world would notice that the nation in question would not only cross over that boundary but smile while doing it.  Another line would be drawn and the same type of crossing would occur without any direct consequences taken by our position.  Every side of this issue will have their opinions as to why nothing was adequately done after the deviances occurred, but it is not the political aspect that is most concerning here but the definition of a boundary being crossed without any consequences that are concerning, it is the fact that the boundaries were crossed and nothing happened that the people saw and then aggressively adopted those same practices into our society as well.  This act represents a nation’s heart that is now in the majority and cares not to be “confined” behind a boundary that it has supposedly already surpassed.

The issue at hand is that we have readily adopted a boundless society and we can no long ascertain the confines of a truly governed life.  We have gorged ourselves in so much selfishness that when one tries to govern our steps a bit, we react violently against what we need in order to survive through protection.  It is this type of society that Israel approached and then crossed for if they had not there would not have been any necessity for God to write the leaders’ remarks concerning Samuel and his sons.  Neither would God have had to make the comments He did in 1 Samuel 8:11-18 when He described exactly what would occur.  Listen and study this passage carefully and one shall see that all is present in our societies today and 1 Samuel 8:18 shall too, come to pass.

Ask a question….be honest!  How many lines did our last president give and then did nothing about them when they were crossed?  The important issue here is to understand that the freedoms that the world offers cannot lead to peace for the leader of this world has only one goal for you and that is complete and eternal separation from God.  The boundaries of the world look so inviting and are easily accepted based on this analysis, but the world’s analysis is skewed, mired and laced with lies as its foundation and therefore cannot provide anything but lies as a boundary.  What remains when we accept these worldly boundaries is division, and it does not matter if we choose a side that we believe shares the same views for no two people can agree on everything.  It is so amazing what turmoil arises and occurs when people place their trust and hopes in other people because all people fail.

I find it very intriguing that there are so many people in this nation that are unknowingly building their own boundaries as they volunteer their time protesting the resetting of boundaries.  Our enemy has fooled us for so long with lie after lie that we cannot recognize the truth of our own actions and further divide our lives against ourselves and God rather than the one who is actually providing the foundation for these divisions.  I wish that I could say that the church was fighting for God in this aspect but she has changed her own status and has fallen into the exact same trap as others.  Oh, how we shall fall and how devastating a fall this shall be.  Think about this topic and understand that we are in the midst of 1 Samuel 8: 11-18 and its reliving of history.  Israel failed to understand this truth about God and the reasons He places boundaries of protection FROM this world.  The Bible is filled with these types of examples and it is the desire of God that we figure this truth out before it is too late.

If we are no longer capable of determining between boundaries are good for us and those that are not, then we as an individual, a society, or a nation cannot form a true opinion about what is going on around us.  If self-calling has become more important a regulation instead of a godly step of safety then our existence has become a worldly moderator of evil, for that is only what the world can provide.  We have lost the desire to hold and to understand the boundaries that God has provided for His people and this includes the ones who claim to serve God and call themselves a Christian.  Physically inhabiting the world is something that every human must do but inhabiting a worldly spirit is a choice that we all have to make and it is very clear which boundary we are choosing to abide by.

It is difficult for me to understand why God has not already said “enough” for it is evident that our hearts no longer wish to follow Him and His Ways, but it is this exact point of God that I long to know for it is Him that I desire to model my life after. While my heart aches to know about the coming devastation I am so thankful that God has held back to give His children a bit more time to wake up and to change course back to Him.  I hope that we learn very soon that we cannot change things on our own and that God is the only way and has the only true restorative answer for our lives.  It is through His boundaries that our protection comes from and it is through His boundaries that will bring us real peace since it blocks us from the real enemy, our eternal one. 

We can no longer afford to place blame on others who differ for the issues that are at hand now.  It is imperative that we see that what is occurring is that God is trying His best to reset some boundaries so that we can step away from the destruction that is heading for our world.  This destruction will not be like any other known to mankind, for our own words have predicted this, for we like to stand out in a crowd and be first and to be the talk of the town.  Church, it is our responsibility to allow God back into our hearts and to give Him control of our lives once again.  Ever since the early days of the world, we have allowed the ruler of this world to control what we think and believe, but it is time that we change that pattern and give God what He created, us.

Holy truth is an insight that the world cannot give for if it could then there would have been no reason for God providing ANYTHING for us.  I end with this thought and it goes like this: every day we hear and see someone blaming someone else for the issues of this world.  There are countless ones that fly across our bows each minute of the day.  One, in particular, is the issue of immigration and while the survival of people is so very important to God, the ruler of the world wants nothing more to have further tools to destroy people’s lives.  There is no easy place to receive God’s reward when it comes to eternity.  There is a valid and true reason why God says choose Me and forsake the world.  It is a LIE if one is told and then one believes that a person can live for God and embrace the ruler of the world.  God and His Kingdom are one and the ruler of the world and his kingdom are one as well.  THERE IS NO INBETWEEN, AND THERE IS NO MIXING!

God shall never force anyone to choose Him, nor shall He ever lie to you in order for you to choose Him.  His Word is about vetting your life for Him and His Kingdom FROM the world.  It is impossible to be honest with oneself if you ½ give your efforts for a cause, especially if your eternal existence is at stake.  Church, it is our mission to tell people of this truth and nothing less than this truth.  God gave all and we must give all in return.  Whether we like it or not God is resetting our boundaries for a reason and He has placed a person as our leader who is following – whether he realizes it or not – what God wants from our hearts.  Our eternal setting is the reason that God is trying His best to wake us up before we make a grave mistake in our existence.  And when this nation becomes refugees we will argue over who is to blame yet not even understand WHY we became refugees in the first place.


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