Monday, February 27, 2017

Mankind's Complete Creation

Mankind’s Complete Creation


It has been well noted that there will come a time in history where mankind shall not know what the truth is and only confusion will rule the hearts of those living at that time.  There can only be one explanation for this type of existence and one cannot claim to not conclude that such a day as this is today.  This type of confusion about truth has not always been as such and there is a way that we can restore this truth process about our lives and give us the valued answers that we need in order to live properly again.  Until we recognize that God is our Creator and that all things were created through Him we will have no chance of fixing the problems that are continually growing today.  Even if the much-desired answers are given to us we shall ignore them as long as our current eyes are in the world and not God. 

Each morning I walk into my workplace I cannot help but have faith that the instruments that I have in my care will function as needed in order to provide help for those who are in need.  As my day begins I must run a set of controls for each instrument so that I can ensure that the results I turn out will be the accurate ones needed to provide a quality treatment.  If my controls, which are a known set of values do not come within the established ranges I cannot honestly turn out a complete report and say to the patient, nurse, and doctor that those results are accurate.  Of course, I could fudge my control results and go about my business like nothing was wrong but at some point in time, my instrument will begin to report unusual answers which make no sense at all, for an internal issue has been ignored.

Controls seem like a petty detail to fret over but they are used in such a manner to give the ones in charge a vote of confidence to the patients.  It is the treatment that is of the most important and if a known range specimen cannot fall within those guidelines and boundaries how can my lab produce such an accurate result on a patient?  A control is a sample with a bunch of blood samples mixed together but a patient’s blood sample is from a single person who is in need of specific treatment and if my results are not complete we cannot provide the necessary treatment either.  A thought and principle that is well much being played out today whether we understand it and accept it or not. 

We all recognize that our physical lives are not perfect by any means.  It is difficult for me to roll out of bed sometimes due to the fact that my joints are aching and stiff because of the inactivity of my body while I sleep.  But isn’t sleep supposed to be good for a person?  Yes, for one cannot survive properly unless he / she gets the correct amount of sleep necessary for your body to recover from the previous days' adventures.  Yet, my body, along with countless other people, wake up in some type of pain and stiffness due to the sleeping position.  So, why is sleep bad?  It is not but because my physical body is riddled with humanness and therefore inherits a known condition that all of us live with called pain.  I have sympathy for my girls when they look at me weird and then smirk as my body creaks and cracks while I walk by them, for my advice to them is this, be careful what you laugh at for I too laughed at my parents when they cracked walking by me.

For a good portion of my life, I rarely had any pain in my body and I could even stay up until the wee hours of the night (morning) and bounce right back up in the morning like I had just come out of an eight-hour deep sleep.  Over time my body began to break down a bit and as time sped along my body also continued to deteriorate, with this process at work I eventually present today with my current conditions and there is not much I can do to change this state either.  Some mornings I lie in bed for a few moments and remember the times when all I had to do was jump out of bed and hit the floor running with full confidence that my body would comply without fail.  But in truth knowing that “the doughnuts need to be made” I stretch a bit and move my ankles, then sit on the side of the bed and listen to my joints pop and loosen up and get up and start my day.  Oh, to reminisce about the glory days of when my body was considered complete or to be inside the control range so that my product can be accurate again.

I cannot help but ponder on how my physical body would be today if I had been a little bit easier and a bit more congenial with my body when I was younger.  At the same time, I understand that my physical body shall not always be around and that there is nothing I could do to change this fact, but I must contend that my eternal body is still in need of being in shape and must be given the correct exercises in order for my body to be restored as it was when humans were perfectly created.  It is easy for us to get caught up in the fact that we are not perfect but while we grovel in our own dirt we must remember that we were created in a different manner from what we know today and that we can be restored eternally to the way we were meant to be, strictly based on the eternal definition of “we”.  If it is written that our bodies seek spiritual guidance on a continual basis why wouldn’t our physical bodies do the same thing, then dare to ask the question of why did we do it?

One of the most painful realizations that we humans have is to not know who our father is.  Many of you know by now that I was adopted when I was a baby and while I know who my biological father was there are endless amounts of people who still search for this identity every day.  We as a species also struggle with the fact that our eternal father lies in some far distant place, one who sits and keeps himself hidden from our eyes, and wishes to have no contact with his children.  This lie that we have believed has now returned to haunt our existence to a degree where all we are doing is searching in all the worldly places and finding out about more lies, a true sign of incompleteness and incompetence.  Ever wonder why the world wishes to destroy the family so much and to define the “family” as self only?

All our lives we have been taught that equality pays and that inequality divides and conquers.  This statement is a truth and one that needs to be thoroughly understood so that we may all live according to how we were originally established, yet we kick out the one who can allow us to obtain and live in this true equality and demote Him to our level (him) as mentioned in the previous paragraph.  It is far easier to trust a friend that we can see than to trust our eternal Father, the Father that we can have closer than a brother if we set our lives and heart on His Ways.  How can we postulate such an equality when our foundations of that belief are flawed?  The answer is right in front of our eyes but our enemy has blinded us so much and so deep, that we would rather go around this truth instead of embracing it and ending all earthly suffering.

Genesis 2:7 gives us the original Creation of our existence when it says: “And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  There it is folks, the answer to the great question of where mankind came from and who our eternal Father is all wrapped up into one simple verse.  Since God is a complete God and One who cannot create mistakes this means that our formation was a perfect setting and marking.  Our dominion was already established and God gave us the one rule to obey.  Everything was perfect and wonderful and was progressing without blemish.  Our physical lives were complete and whole and in a state of perfect order, an order which only God could rest afterward and bask in His perfect completeness.

Through this verse of creation and completeness in accordance with God’s inability to change, outlines the lies that our enemy presents to us through the truth of God’s Word. 
While created in perfect conditions and after sin entered into our lives by our own choice, God could have ended things there but it would not have served His eternal purpose which would prove that God is a fraud.  It is through the sentence of sin that our physical lives must come to an end and it is the job of our enemy to ensure that our eternal lives follow the same path.  In order for this lie to be completed, Satan must convince us that God is not in existence and cares nothing about our lives, his plan has not changed from the moment he began his relationship with Adam and Eve thus setting into motion a long bloodline of connectivity that thrives in our world today.

It is Satan’s job to dilute God’s Word enough for us to believe what he wants us to understand and not what God authorizes.  God authorized a complete and holy status for our existence and it was through the watered down truth that Satan used against Adam and Eve that has brought into place our situation today.  One cannot deny that every time one picks up a newspaper, reads a news headline, or hears a radio news break that the fight for the truth is being waged.  We must understand and then apply to our lives the fact that God our Creator cannot change in any way possible and through this truth, we must also understand and apply the fact that human beings cannot “morph” into another physical dimension.  There cannot be any “trans” when it comes to our physical identification.  All of the necessary “ingredients” God has placed into our bodies THROUGH His perfect creation and were never meant to be disturbed by sin.  The beautiful part of this truth is found in the rib in which God will be sharing with us shortly.

When we look at the genetic mess that our physical lives present and it is so difficult to figure out why God would allow such a destructive pattern to exist inside our bodies.  But it was not through God’s Creation that we have genetic crises that we know of today, it was the choice of our disobedience that God had no choice but to dole out consequences because of our actions.  When God said we have to return to the ground, He meant it and genetic “sin” plays a huge part in such physical reality.  A perfect genetic code would ensure our eternal livelihood but one that no longer is subject to perfection would yield vast amounts of problems, ones that we see even today.  The search for the “perfect genetic baby” is a hot topic and some manipulations can be done, but no one has ever escaped the physical death portion.

Through the understanding of God’s completeness and our choice of sin, one can come to the conclusion that our lives are a result of our own doing and not God’s fault.  President John Adams recognized this truth when he said the following: “Since the transgressions of Adam in the Garden of Eden he said, “Mankind in general has been given up to Strong Delusions, vile Affections, sordid Lusts, and brutal Appetites.””  Adam and Eve were created in perfect conditions and lived in the same perfect conditions yet chose to believe a lie instead of heeding to God’s one command.  If it was easy enough for them to stray in these conditions how much harder is it for us living in these conditions?  The answer is simple for there is no difference because while they had a choice in their lives so do we and the choice is exactly the same either way.  The temptations and ideologies of a fallen kingdom leader were present there and still ardently active today.  It is also evident that Adam and Eve had forgotten the importance of their separated status and today that worldly equality still resonates at every corner of our lives today.

Immediately, God chooses to help out His children by personally showing them that He has not left them and that He has provided another way of having eternal life through the process of restoration, another part of the way we were created that stands out and infuriates Satan.  God’s statement at this time reflects His statement to us today, that He has provided us a way to be restored eternally for it is the eternal aspect of lives that He deems most important.  God has never left His children nor has He led them astray.  Yes, God has allowed many things to come into our lives but those issues are presented by the choices that we make and not through God alone.  Throughout the Bible, God shows us what it means to be separated from the world and He also provides us with detailed information about each side of the block when it comes to our choices.

God created us in one perfect state which represents His perfect and ONLY pattern of existence.  After mankind’s fall, God provided one single way to restoration and demonstrated this process in the Garden of Eden BEFORE Adam and Eve were told to leave.  God continued this pattern when He ordained the separation of Israel from the world, established a holy and eternal covenant with mankind, then sent His only Son to the earth to serve as the one and the ONLY way for all humanity to choose restoration over an eternity of separation from God.  It is vital for our eternal survival that we retain the truth that God is our Father and not the world and its ruler.  The search for a better life and one that continually grows eternally is easy to find and easier to live by.  While we understand that our physical nature cannot lose this death sentence we do have the assurance that our eternal placement is taken care of if we obey the ways that God has provided us through His Word. 

In closing, a song comes to my heart that sums up every detail of this message that God wants us to understand about being common and equal to the world and how dangerous it is for us to believe that this type of living is good for our lives.  The song is by Steve Camp and the title of the song is “Living Dangerously in the Hands of God” and the lyrics are as follows:

                                    “How easily Jesus is forgotten amid the comfort of my life
                                    How the flames become a flicker, and faith a brilliant disguise
                                    Our Sundays become a holiday, they’re an empty exercise
                                    And the cost of real devotion seems so foreign to my life”

Even from the beginning of humanity’s existence God has provided us a pattern of life including a process of restoration.  From our creative order all the way up to us drawing our last physical breath, God has given us the opportunity to return to our perfect roots for eternity.  All God asks is that we give Him our entire heart and to separate ourselves from the entity that seeks to destroy our lives.  This aspect alone should be enough to sway any doubt about who really loves us yet with each and every day the ones who claim to be Christians live double lives and place fingers on the pulse of the world instead of living underneath the covenant covering of God’s saving grace.  So, how can we function fully when our hearts are turned towards the world and not our perfect Creator?

It is time that the Church repents of her sins and again return to God’s Ways and boundaries for if we do not recognize the holy boundaries and the real meaning behind them, it is guaranteed that at some point in time the tastes of the world that we incorporated into our lives shall return and when it does those new worldly boundaries shall bring in more “unlimitations” or non-boundaries with them.  Why would God state all throughout His Word that only He can set a person free?  Free from what?  The world is the answer to that question, for the world and its confines can only bring forth slavery.  A thought provoking truth that many of us have lost and once this truth is lost we automatically lose the truth about our holy, perfect, and complete creation.


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