Friday, September 1, 2017

Kingdom Lines 2

Kingdom Lines 2


How many of us know when the first mention of Kingdom appears in the Bible?  I know God has shared many items and details about Kingdom in the writings that He has given us, but are we familiar of when He mentioned this all important concept in His Word?  God is a complete God and He follows a set pattern when He is showing His children things they need to understand so it would make sense that He would break the silence on this matter from the beginning.  God did just that and how fitting that He mentions this truth while He is humiliating our eternal enemy.  When God reveals His Word of Life to us we should shout it from the rooftops and not keep it hidden, for His Light is the only way that this world shall ever know the truth about their eternity.

Back on 3/3/14, God introduced us to a concept of how Kingdom and the lines that it incorporates works.  This message was the beginning of what God has put into our hearts so that we may effectively defend our lives with the perfect information needed for God understands that if we do not have the proper identification and knowledge of our enemy there is no way that we can ward off his attacks and defeat his army.  It has been said countless times and asked why God does not just take care of all our battles alone so that He can prove that He loves us.  It is this same type of question that others pose as to why Jesus did not come down from the cross as well, the answer to both of these questions is that if God did such an act He would not be all powerful and all knowing for it would be considered a forced event and thus nullifying His position of His children choosing Him instead of not having this choice.  God must adhere to the definition of Kingdom for it is this aspect which defines God and places Him on a level that has no rival which means He loves us so much that He will wait for us to choose Him over the world.

The Bible gives us many examples of God’s Kingdom at work and at other times give us other examples of what occurs when Satan’s kingdom advances.  God could not be fair if He only included one side to the stories of lives where celebratory settings were displayed and peace love and harmony ruled all the time.  No, God had to include the rough parts of life so that we can have the complete picture of what is always occurring around us and the importance that we understand that this is a war and not just a fairy tale that has been conjured up.  God has never demanded that we serve Him, nor has He rejected us when we choose to do evil instead of living under His freedom.  God has given us the ability to figure things out on our own and through this gift, we can do things the easy way or the hard way, it is always our choice.

I have included a couple of pictures at the beginning of this article to demonstrate that there is a defined line that separates day and night or light and darkness over our world.  It is this line that not only gives us our daytime and our night time but it is also representative of the origins of the battle that took place between God and Lucifer and the current battle that is ongoing for you and I.  Through this simple line of separation we have the first and definable Kingdom warfare that serves as the information we need in order to remember that we are loved by our Creator and that He understands exactly what is going on around us even though we may not see it all the time.

Genesis 1:4 will serve as our text for this message and word from God.  It is a well-known verse and one that is the first portion of the creation of the world s we know it.  But it also serves as the defining moment when God gives us a heads-up to what is actually going on around us and the means to further study about this war and what it means to our lives.  Genesis 1:4 states the following: “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.”  Now, at first glance, this verse might not seem to say too much except for the fact that God was looking over what He had just made and coming to the conclusion that what was completed was a good thing in His eyes.  This is a true and wonderful belief and it is 100% accurate but there is another aspect of this truth about the creation of light and darkness and it has to do with Lucifer, the rebellion that he had and the establishment of two kingdoms as a result of that rebellion and what it means for you and I.  Wow, really?  All of this information coming from a simple verse about God saying things looked good and a division of light and darkness?  Yes.

If you are not familiar with the messages that God has previously given us I will refer you to some of them as we come to them and through those additions, we shall see that God has brilliantly orchestrated the defining kingdom principles in this simple verse right at the beginning of His Word.  We all know that not much productivity can be accomplished if there is no light present for our eyes to see.  We also understand that if we completely operated in the dark that we would have far more mishaps and failed projects to contend with as each time frame passed.  So, inventing light was the greatest first step that God could have made and for those who want to know God more, understands that this first act makes perfect sense. 

In the message dated 3/25/17 we find that God verbally defines the positions of what Satan desires, what his goals will be and what his eternal status will be as well.  Kingdom warfare is a serious issue and when one already has an eternal death setting over their lives what do they have to lose?  It is logical that that entity will do everything in their power to trick as many people as possible and to hide the truth from them for as long as possible.  This is a kingdom line and it serves as a definition of how that kingdom will achieve its goals.  Then, in the article dated 2/11/17, we find the definition of Lucifer and why God created light and how this magnificent creation was a direct slap in the face to His eternal enemy.  God proved in this message that He has no rivals and that no created being (which He has created all beings) cannot come close to His authority further identifying the lies that Satan uses in order to trick people into believing then consequently advancing his kingdom.  With these two messages alone we see that there are two kingdoms that are present and that those two kingdoms are at war for your eternal status.  They also are written in such a manner that one will know that through the seriousness of their definition only one kingdom can be served with no possibility of a mixture occurring.

God enhances this truth once again through Genesis 1:4 and strengthens His truth about being the eternal and true light to the world with this defining verse.  Go makes it clear in the second half of this verse that light and darkness are divided.  The word divided that is used here is “wayyabdel” which means to separate.  It is this portion of the verse and more specifically this word that provides the information about the two kingdoms and how they work.  If this word had not been used in such a content then there would be no proof that at one time that there was no reason for any division in heaven.  If something needs to be divided then that means at one time those parts were unified and acted as one complete part, thus setting the stage that at one time there was total harmony in heaven with no turmoil.  But we all know that setting changed at some point and thus it was this act by Lucifer and his cronies that caused God to rid Him Kingdom of the evil that Lucifer had begun. 

As a result, God had His Kingdom intact and now Satan had his defeated kingdom in tow eternally banished from ever calling heaven home again.  How separate is the Light of God’s Kingdom from the darkness of the kingdom of Satan?  We have a physical reference to this truth and it is a simple experiment to conduct if you wish.  Take a match and strike it so that it lights.  Hold the flame up close to a white piece of paper or a white wall but do not touch the flame to anything.  Make sure that there is a sufficient amount of light in the room and then look at the shadows that the lighted match makes.  You will notice that the matchstick will provide a shadow on the paper or wall, but the flame itself will have no shadow which means that light is totally pure and that only the objects in the pathway of light cast such a shadow.  Now, look at the pictures at the beginning of the article again, and you will see that this same principle occurs in a line that circles our globe.  True light itself cannot have a shadow thus providing a complete separation from darkness, which means the Creator of such existence cannot cast a shadow either.  Consequently, this means that no shadow or any portion of darkness can be present in this setting, thus a casting out of such dark conditions is automatic; creating another setting or in this case another kingdom.

Light is now defined as the foundation of God’s Kingdom which means that through the light of God everything around us can be made to see in its purity, thus being able to see what is around us so that we can avoid troubles when necessary.  Darkness is now defined as the entity that serves to harm us with the unknown surroundings so that it may engulf us and to trap our lives so that we may fail at every turn.  Genesis 1:4 defines these kingdoms and their purposes and allows us to understand that there is a reason that these two kingdoms cannot mix for their separation is eternally based on the fact that at one time they were united.  This unity was eternally shattered and cannot ever be reunified and while God shall do His best to share with us the truth of this fact Satan will, in turn, do his best to lie about its reunification and mixing.

I have mentioned many times that there cannot be any denial that God exists and that He is always present around us, and I have also mentioned just as many times that I find it no coincidence that there is a purpose for our lives and that it is the job of our enemy to destroy that purpose.  Just a God divided the light from the darkness there is such a dividing line between the two kingdoms that fight over our lives each second of our life.  This fight is an eternal one and one that is fierce enough to warrant God’s own Son coming to earth to provide the way for protection against this fight.  God shall not keep any necessary information from us that would ever cause us to feel like we have to depend on Him for protection.  It is always our choice to open our hearts and minds to His Word and the eternal Truth to what God is all about, who He is, what He desires for His children and more importantly to show the ONLY way back to Him.

The picture used in the first “Kingdom Lines” article summed it up well enough for our hearts to think about how the kingdoms are really divided and how there is a definitive line of the two bodies of water and how they do not mix.  The pictures of the light beaming around the world and how it breaks the darkness can easily be noticed in the pictures provided at the beginning of this article as well.  It is easy for our physical eyes to see that this phenomenon is present and that it has a definitive presence in/on the earth.  God dives us deeper in His existence and Truth by showing us that He gave us the example of what occurred before the earth was around through the creation of light and the separation of light from darkness.  The question remains of why is this physical line so easily determined as a truth but the spiritual and eternal separation of the two kingdoms so difficult to accept?  Even the skeptics who only believe that the Bible is an allegorical text cannot deny this portion as being the truth, for it proves that at one time there was unity and then at some point disunity present.  And to the Christian who believes that God has shown them everything there is to know about God and what His Word says, I ask you to study His Word more and ask God to reveal His Truth to your heart, and if you do with a pure and clean desire He will show you a deeper truth for what you can share with others. 

As we look at the pictures of this article, we will apply a few scientific things that come into play that also provides us with the fact of unity was present at one time.  We know that unity was present in heaven at one time through the statement that God created light and separated it from darkness.  When God did this He set into motion the earth in a certain direction which means that we now know through scientific equations that the earth is on a specific axis and turns in a specific direction at a specific speed.  It is through this motion that the day overtakes the darkness in one direction and that the earth does not stop at any time or change motion or directions.  Light is continually advancing and will continue to do such motion until God decides to change such settings.

It is this setting which once again proves that when God creates something He does so in such a manner that glorifies Him and begins the advancement of His Kingdom.  Just as He created all other things about the earth including humans, He does such in one direction and for one purpose the utmost fulfillment for our lives and His Kingdom.  However, while the earth cannot change its position, speed, or direction without God doing such activity He has given us the ability to either choose His Ways or to reject them in like manner.  Such a powerful and eternal Being that allows for such detailed architecture can only be described as fabulous and over-gratuitous which truly does Him no service at all.  If God did not really love us then He would not give us the ability to figure this truth out about our lives and about Him also or give us the source to find such answers.  In order for us to achieve this minute truth we must be willing to lay down our selfish regimes, both individual and national, and to embrace the fact that God is all everything to our existence and that He wants nothing more for us to choose His Ways and live accordingly.

Church, open your hearts back to God and allow him to show you once again the eternal truth about what God wants us to tell the world.  We no longer can afford to wait and hope our ticket is punched to heaven, plus if any of us ever had that conception in our hearts we should repent, look at where that belief has gotten us.  God loves each person in this world and He does not wish for any person to die and fall victim to the separated kingdom that was created by His and our eternal enemy.  The definition of hate is also mentioned and defined in Genesis 1:4 and it cannot become any worse than what it meant by this division.  But at the same time, there cannot be any more glory than recognizing and then proclaiming the truth about God and the Kingdom that He reigns through.  Worldly acceptance cannot be represented by light for its ruler is the reason darkness is present on this earth and in our lives.  Church, repent and come back to God with a repentant heart so that He may provide restoration in our hearts so that we may proclaim this restoration to the dying world.  For when we proclaim this truth about God, His Light is shown to the darkness and therefore, the darkness is pushed backward just as the day does to the night, then God can once again say “it is good.”


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