Saturday, September 9, 2017

When Did the Institution Disappear?

When Did the Institution Disappear?


Even though many of us love to ridicule the government and the institutions that “run” this nation, I guess that the majority of people that are included in this number do not routinely think about what would be in place if the known institution is not present.  How would we operate if the overall system is gone and unavailable to operate in such ability that we have become accustomed?  Would we react according to our roots or would we act according to what controls our lives?  That is an easy question to answer but one that should scare us at the same time.  Our roots are what we need in our lives but we are so superficially focused to the surroundings that we are not tending to the system that gives us life.  God is our roots and everything that we have comes from Him alone and unless we return to this true roots system of ours it will not be too much longer until the institution that we now look towards shall disappear.

It has been known that God uses the natural environment and its systems to grab the attention of His children.  When we look at history we can see some pretty devastating natural events that have occurred.  When these types of events have completed their cycles we tend to sit back for a moment, take a breath, and then proceed to continue with our lives and while this partaking is a normal occurrence for humans to take we have become hardened to the fact that it is this time that we need to evaluate our lives and see if there are things that need to be cleaned from our lives instead of just looking around and depending on the institution to fix the damage.  But do we know what to do if when after an unimaginable catastrophic event takes out the institution?  We do have an example of this type of catastrophe to go by but the question remains
if we will seek this example for wisdom or will we rely on our intelligence for the answer.

As many of us know there is an ugly procedural mess that our healthcare is currently going through.  It is a huge issue in many people’s lives and from all of the information coming out each day, it seems these worries are warranted.  While the ones that we have elected are struggling to find time to work on these issues many of the worriers are sitting uneasily in their chairs waiting for any news to flow out and give some type of direction.  Many have chosen to argue with, for, or against the institution that is supposedly making the arrangements for our direction.  Kind of seems like the old saying hope springs eternal is in play here yet we plug ahead hoping things will come into focus as soon as possible. 

Meanwhile, many smaller organizations intimate details are becoming a huge problem that we deal with every day.  The biggest issue within most healthcare facility minds is money and if the insurance companies are going to stand behind the physician’s requests for services rendered.  To the larger organizations this matter is of no great concern as of this moment but to us small hospitals and clinics it is a gigantic issue that means whether we survive or close.  Case in point occurred a few months ago now in our small department where I work and while this example may seem petty it is indicative of what we must go through in order that we get paid for the services we offer and thus keep our doors open to the community.

I was standing in the office of the physicians and needed a diagnosis from them to cover a simple and single test that they had ordered.  The issue is totally ridiculous but it is a process in which we have to muddle our way through in order for us to run the test.  One of the doctors went nuts when I suggested that this process be completed and once again threw up their hands in disgust because I needed verification of a certain process going on inside their patient before I could perform the test requested.  After a few moments of listening to the tirade, I reminded the physician and in conjunction with the coder of our department that it was not us – myself and her – that made up these rules but just doing our job in following them.

The physician was so frustrated by this point in the conversation that they said to just order the test and that they would pay for it so that it was done and over with.  Oh, the door that would have been opened with that statement if it could be held true for many other requests but I did not mention a word about it.  It was at this moment that God shared with me a question that blew my mind for up until that moment I had not really contemplated even though it had run across my mind before.  The question that God asked in His own way was: “what will it be like when the institution is not there?”  That is a direct question that froze me in my place for a few seconds because while it was a question it also serves as a statement from God.  The way He asked did not suggest but concluded that the institution that we know of in place will not be around at some point in time and His question referred to how we would go about getting things (tests) completed when that institution would not be around.  Here is where we must remember a detail about God and that detail is that He understands and knows exactly what is going to occur at all times which includes the past, the present, and the future.

We currently have a setting in this country where our actions are throwing out God and His Ways on a minute by minute basis.  It is evident that we are willing to take the responsibility of our actions on our own instead of understanding and living under God’s protection, a choice that seems like a good idea to the world’s advantage but one that can only bring devastation and destruction to those who accept and then follow such “protection”.  It is no secret that this nation has gone through and about to go through some more tragedies when it comes to natural events and occurrences.  A series of hurricanes are in tow and it looks like the next one in line will be potentially stronger than the one that just left us, with a trailer lurking behind.  It is easy to question if these occurrences are a punishment from God but in truth, they are not but just warnings that He has allowed in order to grab our attention, make us think really hard about the direction that we are choosing, and then make the decision to change or to stay the course.

In NO WAY is God forcing His Ways onto our lives and in NO WAY does HE wish to tumble ourselves from the position that He has given us.  However, if our selfish ways and worldly beliefs overtake our hearts long enough and thoroughly enough God will at some point take our status away.  He has done it many times before and He will do it again if He must.  In NO WAY does God like to take things away from those that He has given but if we are careless and foolish enough to gamble these blessings away to the world God will have no choice either.  Many of us know about the issues with Israel and what occurred to them in history and we also know what occurred to Judah as well but there is another instance that we tend to overlook even though it is a popular story and one that God continues to explore and to expound upon in the writings He has given me to share with you.

You got it, the story of Adam and Eve gives us a perfect picture of what is ongoing and the setting of God’s protection and the choices we make in order for our continued holy setting or the one that we choose when we place our faith in the world.  In Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 we have the perfect gift of a holy and pure covering and institution that God created for Adam and then Eve which should have been the overall institution that all of us were supposed to live under.  Why would anyone want to leave this type of condition and setting, especially since one of the largest cries today is for a perfect and equal living belief?  We had it folks yet chose to lose it by our own accord!  It is this picture that we have painted for ourselves that should be the key to understanding exactly what is going on around us and what will occur if we do not change what is rapidly growing inside our hearts.

The gathering storms and all of the other incredible occurrences that we are witnessing unfold around us provide us with a strategic placement of where we have come form and now standing in front of us another “T” that will define our existence in the world for the future.  As a side note, no one has read that message from God that He gave to us about five years ago.  Anyway, once again we find ourselves at a point where choices are about to be made that will affect our lives and national presence forever.  If God has said something shall occur and we understand what that something will be like and that it will not be a good result, then why don’t we really figure things out and change things the correct way before it comes to that point; why not delay the process for as long as possible instead of inviting it to have its way now? 

And for those of you who want to say that the statement by God could mean things may be good in the future and not to worry about issues such as these now, God says to you that He loves you and that He wants you to know that you have been deceived well enough that your eyes are not clear in your decisions for He warns His children of the paths and choices that they make and the warnings are a sign that He gives to avoid further devastation.  God spoke the question to me while talking about a current problem and one that seems to be controlled by the current governmental establishment – not the current and specific administration per say – and how that institution will not be around for some reason; we have been shown why that institution will not be around but it has been laughed off as well.  It is clear that God knows what is in our forecast and on the environmental calendar, so why would He promote and project good times when clearly they are not or will not be?  That is not consistency at all thus it cannot be a definition thought of God.

With the storms that have hit and the ones that are on the way, it will do great damage to this economy and recovery process.  So, what could be so wrong with a little added time in the reconstruction and rebuilding processes that will occur?  The interior portions of the settings is what will be at stake here and while our hearts are reeling and divided with people concerning monument removals and anthem practices just think about what will occur when severe issues are compounded upon each other.  What other warnings will occur before God allows the true devastation to occur and what kind of physical, emotional, and spiritual shape will we be in when the warning processes are over?  Why can’t we end these warnings now and not endure further ones?

Adam and Eve only knew of one type of lifestyle and that included nothing but peace, holiness, tranquility and any other perfect conditional setting adverb and adjective we can think of, but they chose another path instead.  How many of us have food on the table, houses to live in, vacations to take, schools to go to, jobs to earn a living and any other type of service or comfort that we can access or partake in each day?  Yes, there are those that do not have all of these items and some do not have any but the truth lies within what we have been given and how we live with it that counts and to be honest we have done a poor job of investing our talents in such manners that are needed.  It this point in time that we are facing whether or not we choose God and the institution that He has placed over us or we choose our own way and consequently accept the results of our worldly choice.  It is clear that Adam and Eve did not recognize just how far they had strayed from God and His Ways and from what God is seeing today we are failing to understand the placement of our hearts as well.

This nation has been blessed with many people who have tuned their hearts and their spiritual ears to God and are listening to what He is saying.  From the studying of God’s Word the reactions that many of the people of the world have towards such wisdom does not come as much of a surprise, as humans like to believe they change over time but it is obvious that we keep accustomed patterns for millennia without true gain to show.  One cannot help but think about what went through Adam and Eve’s heads during the instant that they were partaking of the fruit ignoring what had been given to them and doing their own selfish lie.  The similar setting today is that many of us today have no idea what it means to live without for we now take everything for granted and demand that we have all gadgets and toys before we work a day.  Adam and Eve were in the same mind thought as we are today and immediately when they chose the fruit over obedience the institution that they had always known was gone and their lives were never the same again.  It is the moment immediately before they ate from that tree that God is going to share with us next, but for now we have time to change our lives in the correct way before the institution is gone.

There could have been no way that Adam and Eve did not understand that they had a protective institution over their lives and that it was in place because God had authorized it.  Did they understand it all?  No way, but as each day passed and as each conversation between them and God concluded their knowledge of what keeping them in their dominion, what consisted as their dominion and how to protect it was increased.  Not only that, but direct wisdom from God was given to them and it was this wisdom that should have been taken seriously enough to warrant no breeches in this institution.  But Adam and Eve fell on the side of grace and prosperity but squandered it for selfish gain and resources and when the time came for the tests to be made, they failed it without any hesitation and through this choice the institution that was present over their lives was gone.  Do you see the connection here?  While Adam and Eve’s institution that governed them was God and His covering directly ours projects the same image today because it was God who authorized this nation’s creation and establishment and if we choose to end our relationship with God the same shall occur in our lives as it did in Adam and Eve’s.

We currently have the opportunity to change the way we think and believe before things become a lot worse for our lives.  I realize that these words shall fall on many a deaf ear with some even scoffing at the idea but we must understand that things are about to change in our lives that will bring us to a point where our protection and institution that has been over us and that we have always known will be gone.  The wayward motions of our wants and demands have created a setting that is not conducive to God and for the land that He established to do His work, thus putting in place a certain conditional course that if we do not stop our arm and hand from reaching for the fruit, God will have to give us a final waking up moment, but will we even recognize it?  Adam and Eve had plenty of time to figure out the warnings that God had put into place before their actions triggered an event that could not be changed, will we have to endure this consequence also?  God has given us a great ability to understand things personally through the actions of others, we need to seriously take the example of Adam and Eve and apply it to our lives before devastation on God’s level occurs.  This is the definition of love and if we do not understand that true and eternal love is based upon a war for your life then one has no way of living in obedience as the foundation of love and thus knowing God.  Ripping something away from God for eternity does not set well with God and He will do everything He can to avoid that from occurring.

Church, this is our opportunity to not demand from God or to quit because of the superficial means by which we look at God and serve him; yes, I am keeping the reference to God as “him” because if we look at God through superficial eyes and hearts that is the only way we can see Him.  God does not want us to take a bite of the fruit but to dress the tree and to keep it as He has directed us.  Obedience to the Ways of God is of the utmost and precious of choices and one that will guarantee us that the institution that we know today will always be around and over us.  But if we do not keep Jesus’ command to be the true light to the world, then we are sunk and will have to find out what it means to live without true protection and the original institution in place.  We are in a bad enough spot as it is with the real institution gone, why are we even attempting to lose another protective state?  Let’s heed these warnings and think about the direction we are heading before it is too late and the institution disappears.


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