Saturday, September 23, 2017

Satan Hears Part I

Satan Hears Part I


In a time where our words are plastered all over the world instantaneously, one would seem to guard such animations but to the contrary, our individual mouths love to speak our opinion and cause whatever results possible.  Technology is a good aspect of human development but it also is one method of spreading topics that not only to those who do not agree with us but to our eternal enemy who will use this gateway to further torment and then destroy our lives.  God is very specific in His Word when it comes to how we should conduct our tongues and if we do not adhere to this wisdom we can be in for some very rough times ahead.  Guarding our tongues is a process that we need to follow for we must remember that Satan cannot act on things he does not know but if spoken in words to his liking, his ears pick up all avenues of legality and will use them in order to advance his own kingdom and destroy our lives.

This message that God wants us to read about today is one that will tell us about our enemy and how important it is to guard our tongues so that we do not give Satan an advantage over our lives.  We as humans and more specifically Americans have the belief that it really does not matter who is around us or who is listening that we can say whatever we wish and in any manner of speaking to whomever we wish and at any time we please, with an increasing amount of not caring to understand all about the situation at hand.  God is the only being in existence that is all powerful, all knowing and can be everywhere at one time a demonstration that is impossible for our finite minds to handle but it is the truth because God has never been defeated and has no rival.  However, we know that even if an enemy has already been defeated he still has a bite that will do damage if given the opportunity and when we do not understand that our enemy will strike those who are on both sides of the tongue lashing and word violence, and yes, this means the ones inflicting the lashing will be included in this torturous destruction.

God made our lives for a specific purpose and He created the angels with the same type of purpose as well and they too have characteristics that allow them to communicate.  We must contend that if angels are able to verbally communicate with humans then it would be normal for them to hear as well, a trait that I have not really thought about too much on a specific level but have generally known about this type of description.  It is these types of characteristics that make our words very important and how much we should guard them before they come out of our mouths for when placed into the ears of those who are not considered our friends those words can be used against us in the future.

We learned a while back that when God made the angels He made them in a specific manner.  We also learned that when Lucifer and the angels that fell with him did so that they did not lose their created looks thus maintained their original status and appearance, which further solidifies that God cannot allow nor did He create any “trans” type appearance for humans either.  Satan is just as beautiful today as he was the day that God created him and his appearance will not change anytime soon either.  The only part of Satan that changed was his heart when he tried his best to dethrone God and then lost tremendously.  When Lucifer was in heaven he heard the voice of God and he demonstrated these characteristics not only before he fell from his position but while he was incorporating his destiny as well.  A state of utter and eternal confusion must have been present that day but after all was said and done Lucifer had been thrown out along with those angels that agreed with him.  After the fall, Satan kept that set of eyes, those ears, and the communication devices that were given to him by God all full and intact and ready to use against the prized creations that God had perfectly constructed.  Satan is the perfect identifier that proves God cannot change what He has already created and even though Satan no longer is a part of God’s Kingdom he still has the abilities that God gave him some time ago.

How do we know this to be true?  We have many examples in the Bible where people’s mouths and verbal attitudes get them into trouble and we repeatedly see the writers of the New Testament teach us about the importance of keeping our tongues tame and controlled.  While we will be using some of these NT examples in this message we must go back to a time in the Old Testament to find out the reasons why it is important for us to adhere to this valuable bit of information.  We have always heard that the tongue is the strongest and most powerful muscle in the human and while it may not be the biggest muscle contained within the body this statement is so very true.  More damage to individuals, groups, and societies than what is portrayed from the mouth and it is the ears of those others who retaliate accordingly.

On 23 August 1939, a pact was signed by the foreign ministers of Germany and Russia stating that this nonaggression agreement with each other would guarantee no hostilities between the two leaders which presented a relief to one side of the table and a general guarantee of eventual war on the other side.  Stalin believed in this pact completely and instead of keeping a real eye on the situation began to ignore the reports from his own spies that went against what the agreement stated.  Mass after mass of German military units began huddling at Russia’s border but Stalin still believed nothing would be done against his country because the old enemy of Russia has stated he would not ignite aggression against them.  Really?  Going to listen to an old enemy that has for centuries vowed to see your entire existence be exterminated? 

As we all know 1 September of that same year just a few days after the signing of that document Hitler launched his campaign against Europe and the initial plans of the nonaggression pact were kept and Poland an innocent country took the brunt of both sides of that agreement.  It was a few years down the road but everyone knew that Hitler had his eyes on Russia and when the West was secured he turned toward Russia, still holding on to the agreement was Stalin however.  All of his spies in Poland were telling him that Germany was preparing an attack, so what did Stalin do?  Had many of his spies executed for treason and others sent to Siberia to serve long-term prison internment as punishment.  On 10 June 1941, we all know that Operation Barbarossa opened up a new line of the war that would take its toll on countless lives both during the war and afterward as well.

Stalin fell for this lie that was spoken years before and became comfortable with the setting that was presented during that timeframe.  Even though trusting Hitler was Stalin said he never had yet his abiding blindly by an agreement that Hitler broke even before his foreign minister signed the agreement said something totally different.  When we read such stories as this it is hard for us to understand why Stalin did not get it and do things differently, but because he was so taken in with the treaty and the “promise” of peace he forgot to look into the eyes of the snake while he was talking to his ears.  It was this chicanery that cost Stalin millions of soldiers’ lives and rape of the land he so proudly called The Motherland”.  It did not have to be such a disastrous beginning for Russia in this global conflict if only Stalin would have taken seriously his spies maybe some of his fighting machine might not have been knocked out before invasion began.  Do we understand that it is because of this head in the sand approach that we now in a decay and destruction mode that cannot be reversed unless a divine miracle occurs?

God has made it very clear in past articles and all throughout His Word that there is an ongoing war for your eternal placement and how important it is that we understand this truth and provide ourselves with a constant protective barrier so that we survive this onslaught.  Not only is there a physical outcry against our lives but a spiritual one as well both of which have eternal meanings and should be understood as much as possible.  God has not hidden away the means by which we need to have adequate protection against this war but we have turned against the protective device and chosen one that our enemy has recommended instead, a position that as we just read cost Stalin millions of lives and progressed a war of attrition that cost the world greatly for decades to come.  God has given us “spies” if you wish to put it this way in order for us to understand our enemy and the “spies” that He has given us is named the Bible.

We will begin this biblical example series in Genesis 2:15-17 when God’s Word states the following: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”  It is these verses that we hear God speaking directly to Adam and telling him exactly what to do and what not to do and it is these verses that also give us the foundation of Satan and how he hears what is being said.  While it is not directly mentioned here we know a few details about a being that is alive and that is considered to be an enemy and we can put those characteristics into our setting because they are on display.

When one has an enemy, that enemy does not just sit by and watch the opposition just carry on unabated.  Enemies will do their best to get and then maintain the upper hand in all situations when it comes to those that have foiled their plans in some way.  In this case, Lucifer fell eternally hard and that fall left him with a very eternal bitter taste in his mouth and for this eternal embarrassment, he will stop at nothing to get back at God preferably by using a method of our creative contributions from God.  Now, we have God and Adam talking with each other in the Garden of Eden and God giving out specific instructions to Adam about what is good for food and what is not.  If Satan could only see this conversation taking place then his ideas about how to fool Adam would prove to be difficult and basically impossible since he is not an all-powerful being, thus it would be basically impossible for him to carry out any practices against anything.  An interesting point here is that God had to create angels in such a manner as this because they would not be able to carry out their designed purposes if they were not; another example of a being using a gift from God against God Himself.  Even Jesus does not know when the day will be when He is told to return and to fulfill the entire prophetical setting and if the Son of God does not know what the future holds then there is NO WAY possible that a fallen angel does either.

Continuing on, we have the issue of Satan watching this conversation occurs and given the fact that God speaks to His creations this means that Satan has ears and it was through these ears that Satan heard the conversation that took place between God and Adam thus giving him knowledge of what Adam was commanded to do and not to do.  Now, we know this to be true because being a “good” enemy one will be around when any planning is going on from the opposition so that an alternative plan can be drawn up in order to combat the original plan.  I know that we have read many times the stories of Michael and Gabriel following through with the commands that God gave them to complete but have we really thought about and taken into consideration that Satan has the same ability to complete tasks even though he is not on the side of God?  And in order for him to complete these tasks, he must have the senses present to perform such duties for angels are simply created beings who are blind and deaf then sit around in heaven with harps on their laps playing music that they cannot hear or understand.

Even though the eternal division between God and Satan was present in the Garden of Eden, God did not take away his ability to hear what was being said around him and it is through this gift from God that Satan uses to haunt, attack, and then destroy God’s most prized creations.  It was this conversation in Genesis Chapter 2 that we see that Satan was around and that he heard what was said thus setting up the basis for the conversation that occurs between Satan and Eve in Genesis Chapter 3.  Genesis 3:4-6 gives us this truth about the ears of Satan and what was spoken sometime before through an interesting detail from Adam.  It is not clear of another conversation concerning this statement by God to Eve after He created her nor does the Bible state that Adam said anything specifically to Eve about this issue either.  However, since God gave Adam the authority to have dominion over the earth then it would seem logical that Adam would want Eve to understand what God has said to him as well thus creating an environment to where Eve would know what to say and act upon when challenged.  This is also a sign of unity between God and mankind and then between man and woman as well.  Either way, Satan would now have access to what was spoken and thus his open door to use against Adam and Eve at some point in the future.

Genesis 3:4-6 details this ability of Satan once again when he is having a conversation with Eve and in these verses a bidirectional conversation occurs.  The question posed to Eve states that Satan understood the issue at hand and that he had prior knowledge of a conversation that had been discussed for if he did not then he would not know which stance to take when he began to execute his plan against them.  Satan also has manipulated the truth with speaking a portion of the truth here which gives us a huge clue as to why God asks us to study His Word thoroughly enough to know like the back of your hands.  In verses 4-5 we have a monolog from Satan stating that God knows that you will not surely die but your eyes will be opened and because they are opened you will be like gods knowing both good and evil.  This passage presents a curious statement from Satan but one that demonstrates his abilities to manipulate the truth in order to make the lie appealing to our senses.  Another interesting statement here that comes into play today as well and that is that Satan said they would become as gods which would mean that they would be more powerful and have more status than what they had then, the exact same process that Lucifer took when he challenged God and fell.

End Part I


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