Saturday, September 2, 2017




Treason is a word that is not used very often and if it is used it should be done so in the most utmost of circumstances, not whimsical.  A state of security and Providence is needed at all times in every course from private individuals to nations and when this basic foundation is broken all trends will point to destruction.  The Bible serves as the eternal Constitution of each and every one of us and we should hold its message high and true at all times, but it is obvious that we have followed many examples of what not to do and thus committed a treasonous act in the Eternal King.  Yes, we have committed treason and aggressively pursuing such tactics to this day, a feat which shall overturn not only the personal lives of the world but also this nation as an institution as well.  It is time we turn back to God and His Ways so that this coming destructive attraction can be halted instead of reversed, the question remains will we understand this course we are on and correct it before the true ugliness begins.

Treason should not be handled in such a manner that it provides evidence of someone or a group of people not getting their way but only when the core and foundational values of an existence are being deliberately undermined.  To be honest and to be down on the bottom line anyone who suggests such an act is being committed by another party just because they are not getting the result that they believe should be in order is actually the ones committing the treasonous act, harsh words but the truth no matter the less.  It does not matter on what level a person decides to act in this manner it is all the same and should be taken very seriously on all sides when accusers flash their words either in their hearts or in public demands.  This setting also provides us with the perfect example of why this nation and many others in the world are facing such disasters both internally and externally, we have taken it upon ourselves to rule with the world and leave the Creator out of our decisions, a deliberate and fatal error that will soon play out globally and individually.

The definition of treason is as follows: “the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”  While this simple definition can be internalized and made personal it is designed to have the assurance of the abilities of mankind towards the rulers or leaders engaged in such perilous activities against the country, thus ruling out any personal vendettas against anyone who differs in opinions with another person or group.  Humans love to throw around egregious phrases and shock interviews condemning other people’s beliefs when they are in the minority a cry that is usually saved for crimes committed against such groups; a tad hypocritical wouldn’t you say?  Please, do not get things wrong for there have been many times in human history that real treasonous acts that have been acted upon by rulers and dictators that should have been called out and acted by the world.

Pol Pot was one of the world’s hideous leaders in that he and his Khmer Rouge Party was responsible for the slaughter and massacre of anywhere from hundreds of thousands to a few million of innocent lives that disagreed with him.  It is very well known that Hitler and his fellow compatriots took treason to a new level and in some parts of the world that level is still being raised today.  Greece and Rome give us excellent examples of treason but place this treason not only on a physical level but a spiritual one as well and while Greece just mulled with the physical treasonous acts the Romans made their spiritual treason against the State gods a crime punishable by death which they acted and supported with glee.  All of these scenarios and much more than I could describe are famous throughout history yet for some reason (it is known why) it is being ignored today while being played out blindly by the ones in leadership who are supposed to be “on the pulse” of such settings.  The reason for these lies and falsities, well it is because we are failing to recognize one simple truth that defines our problems and until we figure this problem out all areas of our lives will continue to fall into the category of treason.

In this nation’s Constitution, the treasonous acts are defined as “high crimes and misdemeanors” which places this type of act higher than any other crime that is on the books, especially originating from an elected official.  But the crime of treason is not limited to just elected officials as mentioned above for individual citizens can become enthralled in such activities which harm the country as well and thus mainly during war times can be charged with this crime.  It has been said that it is better for a person to enter a long prison term that has committed murder than one who is facing multiple years behind bars for treason and while that logic is true it is flawed in many ways for every major crime is heinous and should be treated equally.  But what is the root of the people who commit these acts and do they not understand where the origin of treason comes from and that through these acts not only commit physical acts against their country but also from our Creator?  How many church people understand this truth and if they do how come we are not acting like it is a big deal and that we need to correct this setting before our eternal placement lands us in eternal separation?  It is apparent that even today’s modern societies are vulnerable to such treasonous acts from its inhabitants and thus shall fall into the spiritual category of treason as well.

The sheer definition of the word treason places anyone into a separate category if it is directed towards them and when this spotlight is upon their lives there cannot be any peace achieved.  Do we understand that all of us are committing a treasonous standard in the eyes of God and that there is a way to end this standard that we have been “awarded”?  In all cases of physical treason not only is the person or group that is directly involved names ruined but their family and the labeling usually stay within that frame for generations.  It is the foundation of this holy treason that humans committed long ago that places us into this category and one that will result in an unknown separation from God and the eternal peace everyone so desires.  A common problem is that we tend to keep this truth on the physical alone and over time have forgotten just how important it is that the eternal is far greater with far greater ramifications than the physical.  According to the definition of treason, it is when a person or group deliberately defies the foundation of the nation or country that identifies itself as treason.  It is easy to think about the physical form of treason but we must include the spiritual form as well for it was this type of foundation that was included in our creation.

Genesis Chapters 1-2 describe the process in which God created humans and through this definition of our existence God created us in a certain and special manner.  We had no ailments or diseases present within our bodies and the place that we were placed into as a living space along with our specific creative status defined the dominion that God told us to keep and to dress at all times.  If one wishes to place it in another term then we can use the word dominion with the word “country”.  When placed into this truth we can say that divorce is considered an eternal coupling as treason, or when a person commits suicide a personal treason and when one commits murder treason towards another country as treason.  When sin entered into our lives through our own choice it placed us in a unique position because to changed our perfect status into one that cannot be accepted by God our Eternal and Holy Father, a treasonous state.  Eternal treason is the highest form of crime that we can commit because once obtained and accepted, our eternal status will be condemned by the one Being that we routinely say to others “ You are not God so do not judge me”.

It is quite evident that we care nothing about this eternal separation from God today for we call out God to leave our lives so that we may live according to the standards we chose back in the Garden of Eden.  This act of defiance is the sole directive of Satan and we are listening to his advice instead of remembering the Covenant that God has for our eternity.  When we place ourselves at the mercy of the ruler of the world it may seem like the “right” thing to do but in the long run, we shall see that our choice of worldliness will only bring us more chaos and confusion than ever before.  When any being goes against God and the Order that He established long ago there cannot be ANY peace or tranquility present.  The world does not function in equality or of any peaceful resources so how can we believe that by us choosing such setting we will change the conditions of this greater power?  Any more disturbingly, we like to come against anyone who differs from this chaotic belief and ridicule them for not joining in on the “right” type of festivities.

Let us stop and think about something for a moment to a setting that is present across our screens every day and that is how the Church is responding to such activities.  We would like to believe that only in this time frame is the Church so divided but if we are honest we cannot say this because if this time was the only occasion then the New Testament Epistles would not have had to be written.  The division of the Church is more recognized today because we do not write letters and mail them to others anymore, we advertise our sentiments, resentments, and agreements online and allow the world to get a glimpse of exactly what everyone is thinking.  The Church has fallen into this deception by adhering to the worldly acceptance policy it dictates, just as the Early Church and Medieval Church did.  What type of leader deceives their constituents deliberately and then energizes them to recruit others to join their cause?  Satan is the epitome of this type of leader and one who used the exact same tactic on Adam and Eve to have them voluntarily choose his way over God and while the Bible does not specifically mention violence when this specific event occurred, you can rest assured that the entrance of sin into mankind was one of the most violent acts ever recorded and witnessed.

No physical prison can accommodate or compare to the spiritual imprisonment that sin has on our bodies and what effects it has on our bodies.  It makes perfect sense that an enemy would do their best to convince others to fight for their cause and disclaim the original side of the ones being questioned.  Furthermore, an enemy who is “on the ball” will recognize a person or people that are not in connection with their original beliefs and target such ideologies for their cause.  This is exactly what occurred in the Garden of Eden and it is in full swing today and this tactic is accruing the same results as it has ever since Lucifer was cast out of Heaven.  Satan has once again worked his “magic” in order for him to deceive us enough to believe the lie of fantasyland instead of eternal Truth.  We have got to wake up and realize that our eternal placement is NOT a game or a fantasy but a timeless separation that incurs darkness, spiritual pain and physical pain for the duration of existence.  We may inherit this sinful condition when we are conceived by our parents but there is a way to escape this death sentence and have eternal life with our Creator.

For all of the ministers, other types of clergy, cynics, atheists, and any one else who wishes to debate the existence of God and place His Word as an ancient myth and non-relevant text today, God begs you  to reconsider Him and His Ways for time is short and He wants everyone that draws breath to spend eternity with Him.  Whereas disobedience equals sin living in the standards of the world and accepting its principles equals spiritual and eternal treason.  There are no maybes or ifs or even conditions involved here, it is either for God or against God and if one wishes to be for God then we have no choice but to understand His Word as much as possible and to know His voice of truth at all times.  Church, we are failing at this lifeline for we no longer can recognize the difference between God’s voice and Satan’s and it is this state of living that defines eternal treason because we were created in a holy and perfect state and as long as we allow ourselves to live with the world, we are sealing our eternal fate.  The world shall never proclaim your eternal state for its ruler hates God and everything He stands for, which includes you and your eternity.

Many of us know that the punishment for treason is death or if one is lucky to receive leniency a lifetime lockup, for in the eyes of mankind there is no higher crime than selling out your land.  It is not too difficult to understand why such a punishment is deemed for this crime so why should it be any different for the spiritual aspect of our lives as well?  There will come a time in the future that the overall leader of the world shall require complete allegiance to the rule that is in place and if it is not obeyed it shall be considered a treasonous act.  Biblical accounts of such activity and beliefs are currently being taken but not in the manner in which most people are aware for when the spiritual (God) is taken completely out of our lives it is then that the earthly spiritual can unmask itself.  Think about that statement for a bit and when one understands it, it means that Covenant is the only manner to which the earthly end time ruler can operate with complete authority.  Treason and the act thereof is a voluntary choice and not one that is forced upon us, no matter what the circumstances are, this act is our choice to live within its boundaries.

We are also failing to see what our acceptance of “illegal” is having on our existence as well.  While some people are appalled with allowing such painful gains to occur many are readily accepting such unlawful occurrences to continue.  What do people believe will happen if this type of “illegal” status continues?  Do they believe that only this aspect of “illegal” will stick around or do they believe it can and will grow and engulf other issues?  Take the pattern of marriage now and see where it has escalated into and with this one civil arrangement in place just think about what shall occur with the illegal popular beliefs will evolve into. What a can of worms and disasters we are voluntarily opening, but this can change if we choose.  God goes on further to say that we must remember who we are and what type of living status we had when He created us, compare our lives today and we have to fit into this illegal category as well.  No matter how one looks at the word illegal if we do not comply with the Creator’s call we are in a perfect state of treason.

Treason usually is associated with a war time frame and through this definition can be applied to our lives for there is a huge fight and battle for your eternal placement.  God cannot just sit back and watch His enemy take over, then control and dominate His child.  There is a fight and He will do everything possible for us to see the truth and to make the choice to serve Him and to learn about eternal truth.  An eternal war is ongoing for our lives and it would do Satan no more pleasure than for us to continue existing in treason for he understands that as long as we believe this situational lie about our status he has us right where he wants us, separated from God.

Church, why are we sitting around padding our pews?  Why is it that our hearts are more concerned about which denomination and building we attend than reaching out to lost souls and developing relationships with them so that they have an opportunity to know Jesus?  It would not take us but just a few seconds on a sidewalk to see a person who is hurting and is in need of Jesus.  No longer can we assume that every adult and child who walk in public know who God is, attend a church regularly, or who have accepted Christ as their Savior.  It may have made thousands of people mad when President Obama stated that we are no longer a Christian nation but while his words were skewed towards Muslims, his words were dead on.  So, what have we done to correct this situation?  Why are we still living in treason?


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