Sunday, March 25, 2018

Being Dead to the World

Being Dead to the World


It is difficult for us to fathom such a living condition and while this perfective status seems far-fetched it is still possible in the eyes of our Eternal Creator.  God represents life eternal for every human being and since He cannot change His ways that means that our original status is possible but by His standards alone.  It is this holy and eternal status that we should strive for, not a humanly instigated ambition.  Although noble in stature, a selfishly obtained eternal state shall only allow you to end up in one place and that is not with God.  God is One who lives and authorizes a Kingdom of perfection and when we understand exactly what we are supposed to be striving for only then can we magnify the correct abilities of our personal gifts in order to show others the Truth, the definitive definition of being dead to the world.

I have mentioned a couple of times about when I was younger that I took a few trips overseas with my father.  All of these trips were to places that challenged my physical senses for they were to parts of the world that was not up to equal standards as what I have always been used to living within.  It was these opportunities that as I look back on them taught me a valuable lesson about life and what it meant to have all of the necessities around me and act as if I derived them instead of understanding that they could be taken away at any moment.  I guarantee that the majority of the younger generations today have such non-sympathetic ideologies concerning such necessities because they have been blinded by the abundance of luxuries of modern society.  As I have explained a few times before my attitude while being in those countries was not the best a picture I painted so stupidly that it is hard for me to think about and breaks my heart for the arrogance that I portrayed.  I was fulfilling my life living in the world and leaving God and His Ways completely out of their proper and eternally created order.

It is through this example of mine that many of us use as a literal foundation for our words and actions, all the while wanting to make ourselves equal with other nations on a statistical grouping.  Through these actions of ours we have created a haughtiness and self-arrogant atmosphere that seems overpowering to those in the portions of the world that we are trying to become equal with, and at the same time inflict bonds of slavery to those who are in close proximity with us.  How is this effective again?  It seems like a defeated motive and surely nothing good can come from this cliff-hanging experience.  We were not meant to have such oddities appear in our paths nor were we created to be in competition with those around us yet we have become so pointed in our beliefs that we now claim that if you do not agree with the majority of what the world says and believes that you are not worthy of a voice and should be silenced.  History has taught us that as long as humans place themselves and their humanistic values first there will always be some portions of the human race at risk for extermination.

It is this portion of our lives that we get mixed up in and confuse when it comes to what is good and what is evil.  There is an direct reason that God placed us in our existence with a purity that cannot be compared with, for it gives us an original thought and belief process that we can strive for again but we shall never achieve such longings until we place God back first in our lives, all other avenues shall fail and only cause similar pain that Adam and Eve felt when sin entered into their existence.  In Genesis 2:7 we see how man was created and how their presence was established upon purity and holiness and we see just exactly what it means for our lives to live in a perfect state.  The way that God created our lives fits perfectly in His wisdom while knowing what choices we as humans would make in a certain time in the future.  How important is it to be totally dead to the world?  Our lives are important enough and deserving of this type of state that God created His prized creations in a land and in a specific way so perfect and pure that we have the ability to strive for such an existence again.

We have undoubtedly heard this phrase about being dead to the world numerous times over the period of our lives.  It is not just a cliché or commonly used phrase to grab our attention but one that should define our every step and our eternal goal.  The beautiful part about this truth is that Adam and Eve were totally and completely alive when they were living in God’s perfect settings and breathing air through purified absolute performance of their lungs.  They had no worries whatsoever and all of their needs were fulfilled without them having any type of unequal qualities present around them.  This type of lifestyle and living came from God and God alone and we shall never see or feel such magnificent beauty again unless we strive to have God as our Creator in our hearts again.  There was no room for the world in the Garden of Eden because everything was centered around God first and that is the eternal definition of Life and the eternal destination for those who believe and follow His Ways.

We have lost all concept of why it is of dire and eternal importance to keep such ways and means that God provides.  The ways of the world and its laws are reciprocal of what it can provide through the ruler of that kingdom.  We have read and are still learning about how life was in the Garden of Eden and how its life-giving ability was all that humans needed.  So, it is puzzling sometimes to figure out why Adam and Eve chose a way of living far from that perfect establishment, the ways of God cannot be seduced or bought by the world so why would these two original humans believe that they could manipulate God’s Ways enough through disobedience and still live according to their created statuses?  We have no idea about how long Lucifer was present in God’s Kingdom but we know it was long enough to know God’s Word and His presence just as Adam and Eve did and how we know God today as well.  It is this knowledge of God that Satan uses to mock His Word and deceive God’s people into a life of sin.

In Exodus, we have a great example of what occurs when we allow the world too much hold over and in our lives.  Even people who do not believe in God have heard about the children of Israel having to wander in the desert for 40 years after their release from Egyptian slavery.  The promises of God that were made to them were almost too good to be true but nonetheless, they were from God and could be held close enough in their hearts as utter truth until all of the promises were fulfilled.  But one of the saddest issues in the Bible is that none of the elders of those people ever saw the fulfillment of God’s promises and it is this source of information that many people struggle with and use as a reason not to follow God.  The reason why the older people of Israel did not see and witness these glorious promises is the fact that they refused to allow God to take Egypt out of them.  Yes, God took the children of Israel out of Egypt but what they never figured out was that God had to take Egypt out of their hearts BEFORE He could bring them into the Promised Land.  Egypt was the world that God needed to take out of the Israelites and it was the spirit of Egypt that the Israelites refused to recognize.  It is this world and the refusal of turning of their hearts back to God that defined why many did not witness all of the promises that God had spoken to them about.  Their ignorance to what was inside of their hearts cost them dearly and thus their refusal to allow God to restore their lives back to similar conditions as the Garden of Eden.

How many laps around Mount Sinai do we have to take to figure it out that God is trying to grab our attention about certain issues that He wants to address?  All of those needless years in a desert and only a handful of people figured it out enough to stop the madness and aimless wandering.  Do we have to place ourselves in the same boat by completely denying the fact that we have incorporated the world into our lives so much that we no longer are able to see what it is doing to our lives?  That is exactly what occurred to the children of Israel when they were physically freed from Egypt, it is also what they were occurring when the rejected God in 1 Samuel Chapter 8, and it is certainly what transpired when Judah and Israel went into captivity and were totally destroyed.  The question is currently being asked again by God and if we do not realize what our choices are doing then He will have no choice but to take this nation down to size and make us an equal player by His hand and not ours.

As long as there is an ounce of the world in our lives we shall not have any hope to restore our spiritual and physical status.  We were created for a specific light to be shown and we have instead grabbed that torch and hold its contents in our hands instead of placing it up on a hill for others to see.  Turning in every direction only confuses people not only the ones who are trying to reach the light but also those who carry the light.  All forward directions and surefootedness is lost and eventually, a fall is guaranteed.  If the world is alive in our lives and thriving it means that we are not actively living for God and completing the mission that we were created to do.  Our history, human history, has proven that if we do not claim God as our sovereign leader and biblical hope then our lives will come crashing down at some point in disgrace.  We have no choice but to walk this planet’s surface but that does not mean and should not mean that we are subject to its failure and death.  The spirit of this world is what needs to be understood and it is this spirit that will infiltrate our lives then influence our decisions that have dire consequences, this cannot be denied.  The spirit of the world does NOT come from God, let me repeat this, the spirit of the world does NOT come from God but it comes from His enemy and our enemy Satan.

If we begin to entertain the world and all of the pleasures of sin it brings with it we are opening opportunities that Satan wants us to inhabit.  I am not referring to any type of demonic possession at this moment but we do offer up ourselves to this type of infiltration when we give our inner spirit to the world.  God cannot work when the spirit of the world willingly overshadows our inner life for when we willingly allow the world to exist within it means the world is a welcome presence than God.  See, Satan considers God to be the enemy so why do we wish to have any connection with the enemy is his slogan.  It is not said enough how much Satan is the enemy of God, yes, we say Satan is God’s enemy but we need to remember those words in the opposite order for it places importance of why we do not need to be in the world.  Those words need to be set in stone and engraved into our hearts because we constantly need God to be able to search our hearts to find such worldly roots and get them out.  When we allow this to occur, God will take out a portion of our spiritual hearts that have become infected with the world and many times we do not even recognize how bad that part has become, the sole reason why we cannot afford to keep our heads buried in the sand when it comes to our enemy.

When a certain time of the Jewish calendar arrives, tradition says to make sure that even the lent inside the pockets of your pants are cleaned out, and that is how detailed our forgiveness should be.  It is down to this level that we should allow God to search our heart so that He can get rid of what ails us.  It is not an easy process but who better to conduct such an activity and process than the One being who created us.  Knowing us is having the ability to recognize what is not right in our lives and then have the wisdom to remove it, that is who God is and that is what He is business to do.  We cannot remove such infirmities for our limited eyes cannot completely understand what has occurred, for we have been blinded by such entities for an extended period of time that we will believe that they should reside there and are a process of our original life.  The world has nothing good for us yet we hide the world deeper in our lives than what we allow the Word of God and God Himself to hide within, and we guard the world and keep with great respect instead of having a true relationship with God.

A person cannot be ½ dead or partially dead, they are either dead or they are alive.  The same goes for our status with the world.  It is a true statement and fact that God accepts us as we are and who we are when we turn our lives over to Him.  However, God does not expect and cannot accept you staying in the exact condition you present yourself to Him for if one really has no intentions of changing and finding out what needs to be changed in your life, then you have not turned anything over to God, only lied in a public fashion for some gross self elevation; just ask the children of Israel about this condition because that is the exact reason why they squandered 40 years in the desert.  God is in the restoration business and while He understands that some of the ways of the world will be a tad tough to give up, we are still willing to give them up so that our lives can live in freedom.

Church, we are NOT teaching this today and it is costing God’s Kingdom every day of precious lives that we have convinced that it is okay to keep portions of the world inside our lives and comfortably and continually believed we are saved.  It is this type of condition where we are not strangers to the world but strangers to God and it is for this reason that He shall spit us out of His mouth because we are neither hot nor cold.  When we totally give up the world and give it to God we shall no longer wish to have anything to do with the world or its presence in our lives.  We cannot and should not begin to condemn those who continued research into the world’s activities still warrant their actions, but teach them and show them that God cares for their lives and desires for them to be set free.  The world is an evil entity with a wicked ruler that cares nothing for your life, he will do his best to deceive you well enough that the worldly life that you are living is okay and that there is nothing wrong with how you accept the surroundings.  We cannot allow this lie to grow any longer for each day millions of people leave this physical world to enter into their eternal position not knowing God.  Church, repent, take up the mission of Christ again and let us go into the world and win the lost for Jesus for the only way to be dead to the world is to spread the light of Jesus into the darkness and live life according to the Ways of God.


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