Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter


For those of us who are in the professional world, we have all had the opportunity to change positions at some time for numerous reasons.  One of the responsibilities, when this change occurs, is to present a resignation letter to the ones who are our immediate superiors.  After the general acclamations, it is mentioned that we are leaving our positions to take on another opportunity down the road, while it is scary at the moment the person writing this letter feels like it is the best thing for their lives.  God wants to see our resignation letter as well, not written to Him but written to the boss of this world informing him that we are moving along in another direction.  The entire reason why God wrote the Bible is so that mankind can write their own resignation letter to the ruler of this world and take claim in the eternal freedom that our Creator offers.

There can be no mistake that the standard of the Church and her credibility are and has been in question for some time now.  It is obvious that her double standard ways are catching up with her and now coming into view as each day passes.  What is more devastating to this necessary entity is that she does not understand why this status of hers has fallen and to those who have understood and are crying out to the Church to change her ways are being ignored and silenced by louder voices resounding that all is okay and nothing needs to be worried about.  This activity of the Church and attitude towards her appearance is a reflection of what is being taught inside the church building walls thus being fed into the lives of the Church Body herself, a condition that can only serve one master and that master is not the One that gives eternal life.

Many years ago, one of my bosses had decided to tender their resignation and go to another position closer to family.  The appropriate and adequate amount of time was given for a managerial position and all seemed like things were on the go with no complications being noticed during the process.  Even though the person had not been at the facility for very long all agreed that it was best for the manager to go and everyone in the organization had accepted this fact.  Everyone in the department understood the circumstances and even though the previous manager had left as well this one had stayed a tad bit longer which made us feel a bit more stable overall.  I understood that sometimes the time period of when this type of process began until it was final could be a bit frustrating and even ugly and all of us had to wait and see how things would play out.  On a personal level as a worker, there have been a fair amount of days that I have wanted to write such a resignation letter and walk away from things altogether but my love for this position and for the job I give far outweighs my whimsical notion to leave.

A few weeks into the resignation and transition time, the person announced that they had changed their mind and were rescinding their resignation to the Administration Department and would not be leaving as previously told.  I personally had never been exposed to such a situation before since the times that I had previously been through such circumstances all was final and things were operating in a closing stage and for the organization (church) to get ready for a new leader.  However, when the news was received that this person was staying it was met with mixed emotions and results for it was not the same and some of those people who supported the manager from the beginning of the stay did not feel comfortable with this turnaround, not to mention the attitudes that prevailed from those who agreed with the resignation 100% were being expressed in a variety of ways.

After a few pensive weeks in our department, the tension became so thick that the old proverbial knife could cut through the fog that hung over and in the department.  The setting was not getting any better and the mood was increasingly tense and not relaxing by any means, a setting which is not good to have in a place where important decisions and precision tests are being completed around the clock.  No one was exempt from this setting and it did not look like it was going to ease anytime soon either.  The credibility and authority level of this manager was gone and there was no hope in salvaging their position within the department which became visibly noticeable as the days passed.  Without our knowledge, the higher-ups felt the same way and were not too pleased with how things were shaping up since the rescinding process.  All of these issues and public knowledge producing bad press, the manager once again gave their resignation and this time followed through with that letter.

A well known secular music group called “U2” had a very popular album produced and then released in 1987 called “Joshua Tree”.  That album produced several top hits and can be argued as one of the best albums in pop music culture of all times.  One of the hit songs on the album and actually the second single to be released on that album was entitled “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”.  This song is still played on radio stations and over the internet every day making money for this band.  The song has a catchy tune with simple and effective lyrics that drive home a message to those who listen to its beat.  According to the world and its standards, the song sings about the condition of numerous people who walk this planet and wander around trying to find themselves as they take daily steps to somewhere else down the path of life, and how there is nothing wrong with this unstable position because at some point in time one will find their way and then know exactly what do they want to do.  This future planning commission can operate on any level from personal to business and everything else in between which leaves them with a hopeful dream that leads to nowhere and to the end of a life for many.

God understands that it may take some growing up time for us to figure out what we want to do in life, but that uneasiness should not be exemplified through our spiritual lives at the same time but it is a condition that is witnessed by many people who attend church.  A little bit ago God shared with us an article concerning being out of the world and how important it is for us to get out of the spiritual world and to stay out of its confines.  With the topic of this article being about a resignation letter, God is taking us a step further in that He wants us to permanently leave such a worldly position and to follow His Ways all the time in our new setting and position in Him.  Do we realize what type of existence we are promoting if we continually hold the resignation letter in our hand, present it and then immediately withdraw it?  We do not even grasp this concept and what the idea of this resignation letter is anymore much less understand its value and what its content means.

Every day we are reminded that our lives do not fit into the Creative status that God originally wanted for our lives, and we are reminded that God cannot change the physical consequences of what our ancestors chose to do so long ago.  We are physically stuck in a permanent death march with no way to escape such an end but as this result may seem grim and dim we have an eternal hope provided through our Creator if we choose to live in His Ways and operate in His Kingdom.  It is this truth that God wants us to give Satan, the ruler of this world, our eternal resignation letter stating that we no longer serve his purpose and that we have chosen to serve God and His Kingdom.  This sounds great and I know that many of us have written and delivered this resignation letter to Satan but there are a considerable amount of people, good people, who have given this resignation letter and then taken it back for various reasons.

The issue here is the fact that this type of giving the resignation to Satan and then take it back is an example of a lukewarm Church and one that God cannot operate through.  The Church has lost all credibility in her function and while it is recognized by the world she is mocked because of the ironic stance she has taken.  See, the world is following the ways of its ruler and has never changed its status one bit but the Church has not followed in like manner to her Ruler.  It is this flip-flop resignation status that has allowed the Church to become ineffective in her mission.  Yes, some churches are seeing physical growth and on the outside look healthy but spiritually they are drained and dead which leaves our enemy with the upper hand because this process of ours renders our foundation invalid.  Yes, that is right, this wishy-washy spiritual lifestyle of the Church renders the job and the mission of the Church powerless and dead.  Why?  Because of the reason, the resignation letter was written in the first place.  See, we have come to the “bright” conclusion that it is from our hands and plumes that this resignation letter to the enemy originates, but that is a lie that the enemy himself has planted into our minds as being the truth.  It has become the motto of the modern day Church and one that is dragging countless lives to hell and to an eternal separation from God.  Ever wonder why so many people do not stay in Christ and grow in His Ways?  It is because a faulty resignation letter that has been presented is the answer to why these precious people do not.

I heard just the other day of a minister in New York declare that Jesus being the only way to God is absurd and should immediately be deemed as a lie.  This is the perfect example of how many church denominations believe and how grossly they have become when it comes to the price and the seriousness of this letter of resignation is.  We have thrown ourselves into the position of extenuating the Gospel and Life of Christ and furthermore deluded the everlasting, all-powerful and eternal Ways of God.  The resignation letter that we hold is the one that is signed in holy blood and written in that blood and should be presented to the ruler of this world with boldness for that resignation letter contents has valuable information, information that serves as an eternal barrier for my life and for the life presenting it to Satan himself.  Our names are on that eternal document but that is it, we did not write the words for we cannot write such holy script, only the blood of Jesus can correctly represent this declaration of freedom.  How dare we proclaim that our resignation letter to the world can be self-written and proclaimed as an eternal letter?

You want to know why this wicked practice has become acceptable and presentable as a true practice?  It is because we have written this document ourselves, using our own words and presenting these words in our own terms then handed over to Satan in the name of Jesus. HA!  What a farce, Church!  What is more disgusting is not that when we have handed in this selfish and humanly mortal resignation letter to Satan he has accepted it but it is the fact that when we turn around believing we are free he laughs at us and throws it into the spiritual garbage bin that he has; by the way, there are countless numbers of these types of resignation letters in that bin as of this moment and when it comes time for us to stand before God and give account of what we have done for His Kingdom Satan will pull these letters out and wave them in front of you and laugh directly in your face, for they are forgeries and do not mean one iota in the sight of God.

God gave Adam and Eve one law to abide by when they were living in the Garden of Eden.  God mentioned one way that Satan would have his head bruised when God was doling out the punishment to those that were involved in the initiation of sin into humanity, and God provided only one way of covering right before Adam and Eve left the Garden.  God’s Way is the only escape from this death trap and until the Church figures this basic fact out, those resignation letters in our own hands mean absolutely nothing.  When we walk by a person and say nothing to a person that God has told us to share the Gospel with, we just practiced writing our selfish resignation letter, when we teach something that goes contrary to the Word of God we are writing our own selfish resignation letter.  I could go on and on and give examples of my own personal life in these regards and if you cannot find it in your own heart to understand what God is saying to us today then you too are writing your own resignation letter in selfish conditions.

At some point, we must figure out which kingdom we are going to serve and quit playing the spiritual “look at me” game.  Many people who call themselves Christians fall into this category and sadly, it seems like those numbers are increasing along with many ministers as well.  Through our own blindness to the world and its schemes, we have lost the reality and eternal Truth about what the eternal resignation letter stands for and what the contents of that letter are.  Through our constant internalization of the world, we have by default forgot what the real resignation letter means, its significance to our lives and what its contents represent to our enemy.  Most importantly, we have replaced the ink used on this eternal separation document from the blood of Christ to our own measly mortal imitation.

God also wants us to understand that when we have this worldly and selfish type resignation letter “on file” all of our works for the Kingdom will not stand for the conversions of those who come to Christ under these pretenses have the ability to fall quickly because no real discipleship stability classes are in existence.  Harsh?  Yes, it is but it is very important that we understand that our resignation letters to the world need to be put into action and given with the proper wording and ink used in order for it to have the eternal effect on our lives and the lives of whom we come into contact.  Eternity is a very long time to have a forged resignation letter sitting in front of you.  The understanding of what this type of resignation letter means is consistent with what type of ink is presented on the paper.  That paper in which those words are written on represent your life and the words that are contained on the paper and the color of ink that is used represent what story you have in your heart.  Dear Lord, forgive us for not understanding this truth about you, your Word, your Son’s entire eternal Life, and the price in which He paid for us.

Church, as of this moment we have an opportunity to turn our lives around and change the ink on our eternal document.  We still have an opportunity to shed light on to this darkened place we call earth and to spread the good news that Jesus died for our sins and for everyone’s sins.  This example that God has given us today proves that there is no room or even the concept of anyone fence sitting for either your life is devoted to the Kingdom of God or it is devoted to the kingdom of Satan.  Your resignation letter determines which kingdom you wish to represent, simple as that and your life and all that you do is being written on that document but the single question that remains is what type of ink is being used for that document?  Church, our ink is black and it seems like the color of that ink is turning blacker by the minute.  It is time we change the color of that ink and allow the blood of Christ be used to present it to the defeated ruler of the world once and for all.

The resignation letter is one that can only mean one thing and points in one direction alone, it is complete and pure and represents a full notification of leave.  If one tries to back out their credibility and stableness will always be in question, not only in the eyes of others but in their own eyes and heart as well.  A resignation letter is the final stance one takes for a new direction and in this case the decision to leave the world and follow Christ 100%.  It is a total commitment and one that has eternal implications, one that is serious on all levels and one that is written in pure and holy blood.  I have given my resignation to this world and have made my stance for Christ and I shall never ask for my resignation letter back.  Church, hand in your resignation to the world and follow Christ with all of your heart again, allow Jesus’ blood to override that false letter that Satan laughs at, then quest yourselves for a journey that will provide many other holy blood written resignation letters to the ruler of this world.


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