Friday, March 30, 2018

Who You Are

Who You Are


There has been a sea of sermons, articles, dissertations, and poems written on every level with the topic of our place in life and who we are to others.  The title of this article might not grab too many eyes but for those who are struggling God wants you to study these words and apply them to your life in every aspect possible, for when you do they shall bring life to your spirit.  We are special to God and it is the job of our enemy to demean this position and standing concerning our lives but we have the authority to overcome such lies but we need to make sure we know what we are up against as well.  So, why is it that we allow this truth about our existence become lax?  God has stated our positions quite clearly and it is our responsibility to live in such authority according to His Word for if we do not then we are sitting ducks for destruction.

Most of you know that I really have issues with the denominational divide that is present in the Church; however, said that I really do not care if a person is Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Nazarene or consider themselves to be any other denominationally affiliation for God can speak to them who has an ear and heart that is in tune to His voice.  I thank God for all of the people who have hearts after God and wish to spread the truth about God to those who do not know Him.  It is this that I lead off within this article and it is perfectly timed due to the current situation that we have been presented with over the past few years and that is our position in God and how our enemy looks at us.

Many of you remember or saw the movie “The Passion of the Christ” that came out in 2004.  It was the story about the last days of Christ and how His physical life was torn to pieces by humanity all in the name of eternal covering through the Covenant between God and mankind.  The actor who played Jesus is a strong believer in Christ and attends Mass regularly.  The actor’s name is Jim Caveziel and he has another movie out now that gives an account of Paul.  Anyway, not long ago Jim gave an appearance to an audience for a time of asking questions and one of the topics of discussion was about how much authority we have over the enemy.  Normally, I would not even listen to these types of interviews but for some reason, which later I understood, I listened to the entire clip and Mr. Caveziel said a very profound item about our lives, and when he said it I just sat there in awe because it had never crossed my mind that the majority of us live in the condition that he described.

He made the comment that mankind should have authority over our enemy, we all know this to be true but why is it that Satan is not afraid of us?  It is that statement that grabbed my attention for it places us into a category that most of us fall into and I guarantee that not many of us routinely think about or even address.  There should be at NO time in our lives that Satan should not fear us, period!  Yet, when we pan our city and rural community streets all we see is his free reign without any hesitations on his part.  It is very obvious that he no longer fears us or the potential that we have to make his life miserable.  The world may be his stronghold and represent his home court advantage but while our presence is warranted he should be shaking in his boots instead of parading around in them.  It is this status that we have allowed to take hold in our lives that God wants us to understand, it is easy to say we have authority to do _____, but if we do not live in it and understand the foundation of why we have this authority God can give us everything and still walk in submission to a defeated enemy.

In times of trouble, we should be at a realization of just how strong we are instead of how great our vulnerability and weakness shows.  We were never created to operate in such standing or beliefs yet every day we see fear rearing its ugly head at humanity and humanity responding in cowardly directions.  I wish I could say that these types of examples were limited to modern day or recent history but the conclusion would be a lie.  We have a perfect example of such lack of authority right in the beginning of the Bible and for the most part, this type of living has never ceased from our lives.  Yet, we are presented with a puzzling account about how quickly one can become comfortable enough within their own existence and at the same time increase their risks of becoming vulnerable to attacks from the one that they are supposed to be having authority over in the first place.

In Genesis Chapter 2 we have the perfect setting along with a perfect set of created beings that have their marching orders and know exactly what to do every day of their life.  Everything around them is perfect and should be easily maintained with the adequate amount of energy spent to keep their surroundings firm, trim and healthy.  They were given authority over everything in the Garden of Eden, so why did things go wrong?  We can find the answer to this question if we revert back to Genesis Chapter 1 where God specifically gives mankind the detailed list of what we have dominion over.  God was pretty specific when He was telling mankind what they were to have dominion over and it included the animals and plants that God had made.  This dominion was included the areas in which God made around the world and then included the Garden of Eden as well.  This means that every animal, plant and any other creature that entered the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve was to have dominion over it with no exceptions.

How quickly we forget that our status in God’s eyes has not changed even though sin rules our lives and defines our physical lifespan.  We forget that God’s Word and every letter that it contains was written for our learning of God’s wisdom so that we can apply it to our lives and it is through these letters, words, phrases, and sentences that make up the reason that God created us in the first place.  So, we must understand and continually apply this truth in our lives as we wake up out of bed until we rest our heads to sleep.  Yet, we find ourselves walking around in an ugly quagmire and screaming at the top of our lungs that we do not understand what is going on and why all of the evil continues and will not stop.  We no longer live in Genesis Chapter 2 but we try our humanly best to recreate such a condition.  We must accept the fact that even though our value as humans has not changed our surroundings have due to the choices we made so long ago, but there is a hope and because we live in a time of Genesis Chapter 3 onwards, our lives do not always have to live in fear and in turmoil.

Our value did not drop one bit when Genesis 3:7 rolled around but our enemy would love for us to believe that it did.  He has done a fantastic job at convincing us that the value of life is not all that it is cracked up to be and we have fallen into this lie by believing him.  The diminishment of life and everything it stands for has been in constant decline ever since sin entered into our existence.  It is through the configuration of this lie that we have become weakened and cannot fight effectively against our enemy who is a spirit.  Our weakness is demonstrated on a continual basis by us fighting on the wrong front, the wrong type of battle is being waged because of the belief in this lie about life and what the true meaning of life really is.  The devil has become unafraid of us due to this lying process and his presence in our lives as that lie is the definition of his existence and the purpose for which he wants to destroy us.

There can be no doubt that something major transpired in the lives of Adam and Eve from the time Genesis Chapter 2 ended and Genesis 3:7 occurred.  Satan had plenty of opportunities to diminish the lives of Adam and Eve before that dreaded day came around and from that time period mentioned in the previous sentence, he must have been busy in selling his life to them.  Our belief in what God had told Adam and Eve about the authority they had was weakened enough that when it came time for Satan to execute his plan of sin into our existence we were weak enough to follow his guidance without provocation or resistance.  It is important that we understand that even though sin had not entered into Adam and Eve’s lives before Genesis 3:7 that the effect of sin and the knowledge of its commitment was or should have been recognized by Adam and Eve because we know that God had previously warned them about such activities.

It is clear that when Satan began his plan of the introduction of sin into our lives that he had no fear of the authority that Adam and Eve had been given by God.  Their status was depleted and of no significant spiritual means strong enough to use against the enemy.  Satan manipulated their status in order to obtain his legal right into their lives and when a being’s name is changed due to his cunning efforts of deception one must understand their spiritual authority to remain above such wickedness.  God gives us the perfect example when Lucifer challenged Him in Heaven and Adam and Eve gives us the example of what not to do when this challenge is presented.  Satan still fears God but his fear of God’s children is basically nonexistent. 

It is this spiritual kingdom issue that causes so many people to devalue their lives and at the same time explains why Satan has so much authority over us, our government, our land and our world.  Satan was not afraid of Adam and Eve and he is not afraid of us for the identical reason, we have given him access to our lives and have believed his lies long enough that he has swiped our authority status from us; therefore, he has no reason to fear us one bit.  Satan has told us lies about our lives for so long that we now believe that life itself is a game and should be “lived up” s much as possible and not worry about the consequences later.  Each one of us is Divinely Created and draw breath for a specific purpose and when this truth is dulled or taken away from us we can have no other choice but wander aimlessly and without any stability.  It is this satanic belief in ourselves that turn our hearts away from God and seek to fill the void through, vice, sex, drugs, alcohol and any other form of self-destruction.

Being like gods is a lie that Adam and Eve believed but should have never accepted because we were not created to be gods but to be God’s children for His Kingdom advancement not our own.  Being like gods is not the uniqueness that God has ordained for your life even though the thought of being a “god” tickles the heartstrings, it also declares a state of personal belief that Adam and Eve had about themselves.  To top things off, God wants you to be you alone and not something or someone else, ever, for that is NOT who you are!  Satan has no reason to fear anyone or anything when humans believe and then stay in this mode of living.  Your life has a purpose and a direction given to you by your Creator, not from a liar.  If we do not continually seek God and study His Word we will be subject to a hard fall one that will cause great pain for everyone around.  The Bible is filled with sad stories about people who chose to live their own lives and walk in their own footpaths and ended up being hurt, we have the opportunity to change that path and restore our authority that God has given to us.

Here is another important detail about who we are that we need to remember as well and it is one that will be written about very soon but it deals with bullying.  We all have watched these types of settings transpire across our screens over the past years or we have heard about the tragic results in our local newspapers.  If we do not understand who we are or if you do not know who you are our enemy will eventually be able to destroy your life in a torturous manner without even having to extend his thinking abilities because we have no idea of how to defend ourselves.  Bullying is a Kingdom method and we are fighting it in the wrong manner and through incorrect kingdom measures.

The Bible says that our enemy comes to steal, kill, and to destroy our lives and that is exactly what occurred in Adam and Eve’s existence and that is what we are allowing Satan to do to us today.  If we do not have or even recognize the authority that God gave us then we have been robbed and given it to Satan.  Remember, the same eternal law is in play today as it was back in the Garden of Eden and that is choice and voluntary free will.  Satan cannot take your authority away unless you give it to him which means he has already started the process of thievery before you considered this heinous act.  Any deviation from the plan of God that He has for your life is an abomination not only to you but to God as well and when we voluntarily give up the authority we have over our dominion then we will be cut off from eternal life and thus prove our lives to be as the father of lies. 

We cannot forget an important issue here that when God gave us the authority over our dominion He never intended us to be abusive with this gift, nor did He wish for us to become spiritual or physical wimps either.  It is all part of God’s plan to live in harmony with each other, it always has been His plan and it always shall be; however, if we do not understand that this harmony begins with the spiritual aspects of our lives FIRST we shall never be able to achieve such precious status.  Church, you are the only one that has the capability to spread this truth about who people are and how they are supposed to live but we cannot do this unless we place our hearts back into the Word of God and live through this perfect example.  Chaos and division shall only continue if we stay on this course of human anger and selfish divides.  God beckons us to reconsider our priorities and put Him first again so that we may teach those who need God exactly how to live.  We are children of God and we should never be afraid of our enemy for he is the loser, not us and if we know our authority in God it is an automatic status that he shall fear us through who you (we) are.


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