Saturday, March 10, 2018

God's Creative Creativity Imitated

God’s Creative Creativity Imitated


How important is the Bible in your life?  I know that we have heard this question posed to us many times over our lives, but have you really asked yourself this question before?  It is common knowledge and practice that if someone likes and believes in a subject that they will do everything in their power to understand and then exemplify that subject.  How much purer can one get when they have this goal in their hearts?  So, God asks you again, how important is His Word in your life and to what lengths will you go to obtain its entire content, do you even believe that the Bible is His eternal Word?  The beauty of the Bible is that whether you wish to or not many of us keep a portion of His Word’s truth in our lives, the authority to choose to believe in Him or not, the basics of our lives free will.  It is the authenticity of God’s Word that brings forth the creativity that God intends for us to use, but the question remains of which kingdom do we use our creativity for?

As each day passes it seems like the social standing of the world’s societies vies to see who can come up with the next bombshell news story.  It does not matter who might be involved or hurt by such a story but getting the “beef” on someone and then being the first to publish its content seems like the right thing to do.  I saw a cartoon the other day that stated that we should place all hope in humanity by ensuring that all guns be taken out of the hands of people and not allow any to resurface within private hands and homes.  The second frame asked if God was even going to be considered in this decision, the shirt of the person making this statement about guns also stated proudly that we had already taken God out of our society and lives.  It is this statement that proves to everyone that God is no longer an option in our lives and should not even be considered in topic.  It is this cartoon that sums up the reason why our lives are under constant threat from every direction for after God was taken out all hell was allowed to filter into our lives for that is what the only option left can produce.  I understand that this type of example is one that reflects modern humanity at its best but it also defines the resourcefulness of our creativity that many of us continually use yet at the same time fail to understand its origin in our lives.

When I was in high school and living in southeast Texas, one of my close friends there was a talented artist.  It was amazing to see how his mind could portray a setting, a scene, or a thought that was running through his mind all being etched down on a piece of paper or drawing paper.  While he had this talent within him and through word of mouth many people knew of this talent of his, the creativity of his gift remained hidden and silent because the enemy had convinced him that his ability to follow through with his gift was unworthy of being mentioned.  My friend was a bright and brilliant young man that had scholarship offers from schools that wanted to further develop the skills that had been given to him.  He turned down every offer and did not follow through with many others a short time later to remain in obscurity and hide the light that had been purely given to him.  It is this sadness that God sees each day from His people and it breaks His heart because He understands that through our complacency not only are we going to miss out on eternal life with Him but countless other people will miss His eternal resting place as well because we gave up on our creativity for the authenticity of God’s Word.

This brings up a huge issue that we are currently witnessing on a routine basis and that is the denial of the creative mind and how our enemy has stolen this gift of ours and is now using its skewed focus against us.  For as long as I can remember my eyes have watched many horrific events occur all across the world and when I was younger those events were given to us on a time-delayed status but even in that condition they had a profound effect on my life.  Today, we are provided with immediate results when these types of events occur and it does not really matter where around the globe they present.  Our reasoning is so focused on catchphrases or hot blame that we fail to recognize the exact origin of such disasters, thus creating an artificial pruning effect that that only allows for further ugliness to return. 

The creativity of the mind which was given to us when we were created by God served as the calming purpose for Adam and Eve while they went along and completed their work.  But somehow as time rolled along, Satan began a campaign against this holy creativity of life and turned its meaning around for a selfish gain instead of a holy advancement of God’s Kingdom.  The sad part about this truth is that he has continued this dulling of our hearts so much that he is once again being able to play on the superficial and outlying issues instead of us understanding where the origin of our problems lie.  When our minds and creativity aspects are worldly driven and focused we cannot help but serve our own selfish destinations and wants which can only result in one outcome, destruction.  This pattern began in the Garden of Eden and has continued and shall continue to flourish until we voluntarily turn our hearts back to God.

We will be returning to the Garden of Eden for our biblical reference for this topic and we will specifically be going to Genesis 2:15-17.  We have the picture that God has created man and is now giving him instructions on what to be done with the area that God has now placed him into, God gives Adam instructions in verse 15 when His Word states: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.  The area and job that God gave to Adam is pretty clear and simple here, a detail that we have been taught for some time now but what does this location and job say about Adam and God Himself? 

The answer lies in verse 16 & 17 when God gives specific guidelines of what Adam is allowed to eat and what will occur if he does not obey the simple one command from God.  But verse 16 contains a single word that describes how God wants Adam and eventually Eve to act, the verse states as follow: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:”.  It is the word “freely” that defines what God represents when it comes to freedom and creativity.  God placed no restraints on the creative abilities that He placed inside Adam when He commanded Adam to dress the garden, only that he needed to do what God said to do.  God uses the word freely here in order to put into motion the command that He gave to Adam, yes, God used this word to initiate the single law that God placed at that time.  In other words, freedom to fulfill God’s law was the law itself and to do it according to what God had placed inside of mankind.  See, creativity is a part of your specific and divine purpose for your life and when both are in full motion you cannot help but be an example of God’s Kingdom advancement agenda.  Isn’t that neat?

For those who have a narrow view of God or the belief that He had to create such a place or existence, which many of us do if we are completely honest, I understand how you would believe how boring a life of work in a garden could become, but it is not of that sort of nature that we must know and comprehend for God has put into our lives a pattern of creativity in order to continue the cycle of life and fun in everything we do.  As long as we are keeping what God has instructed us to do intact and complete and following the ways of His Word that means we are in tune with His Word and therefore believe in the authenticity of God’s Word.  What we see as life can become mundane if not injected with a certain type of enthusiasm on a regular basis, it is this creative processes that God intended for us to input into our lives on a daily basis, yet we figure out some way to destroy these creative mannerisms by enabling negativity to infiltrate our hearts.  God did not create robots to just follow idling positions but He made in such a way that we have the ability to complete His instructions not only according to His Ways but in an individual manner while we obey His instructions.  We have been told by our enemy for long enough that our lives are not worthy of life and with this status in hand neither is anything that we can do so why pursue anything that would promote redemption.

Would you consider such an act of instability to originate from God?  Why would He do such a thing and wouldn’t it be a dividing factor for His Kingdom if He did so?  How can he be or represent an authoritative and eternal Father if His Ways are flawed?  Is it an impossible task for us to strive for such a position and why do we have such a separation from Him in the first place?  This condition of ours must have originated from some other being that had a falling out with God and then provided an alternative method of living that caught the heart’s eyes well enough to pull them from looking on the eternal and perfect Father.  This must have been a creative illusion strong enough to override such pure teachings and one that was sleek enough to be covered over by a deep lie in order to pass as the truth.  Think about something for a moment, if a being cannot perform any task with imperfections establishes a fact and it can be demonstrated through you specifically why would you want to know any other way or position?  Yet, we accept these flawed creations as normal and strive for something far less than what our lives were created to complete.

It is hard to imagine how much loss Adam and eve had that fateful day in the Garden of Eden.  The choice they made to eat and then disobey cost them everything they had and thus had to be evicted not only from their home but from the direct presence of God as well.  While their lives themselves were still there their eternal presence and makeup were gone, changed forever into a new condition that they had never witnessed before.  All of these changes were addressed when God showed up and then began His holy purge of sin once again from His eternal and pure habitat.  The creativity that God gave to Adam, Eve and the rest of humanity is still present in our lives today and while this holy act is continuously alive it is still the goal of our enemy to destroy that creativity and selfishly confine it to a worldly standard.

I have often heard people state that they are bored with this life and wish not to remain in an active role, this can mean a vast array of things and all should be taken seriously.  It is at this point where the Church needs to loudly proclaim the truth about each person’s life and how important it is to God and that He has instilled a purpose for them.  This purpose is demonstrated by the curiosity and the creative aspects that are embedded within us and it is through those initiatives that give us the authority we need to understand the authenticity of God and His Word so that we may apply that Truth not only in our own lives but speak the Truth into other people’s lives as well.  Losing a person’s creativity means that an original idea or imaginative processes are gone and for the most part once that is lost it is very difficult to gain access to again, why do you think our enemy has used the technology of today to keep the eyes of the younger generation glued to a screen instead of what is going on around them?

God had never intended for us to live in such disarray or unholy conditions but He Divinely anticipated our downfall through the choice mechanism that He placed within our existence.  The choices we make demonstrate our creative skills that each one of us has and when we use such skills for others to see we are actually completing the will of God which furiously charges our enemy with other ways to squelch this gift of ours.  Each day we see these patterns of creativity being destroyed even though we proclaim that our ideas and “new beginnings” are of a pure and writ origin.  This belief is true; however, the origins from which these worldly behaviors are accepted do not come from God but from the ruler of the world instead.  We have pushed aside and then forgotten that if we do not apply our creative status according to God’s creative hand, it is a lie and will be used against us at some point in time in the future.

Sometimes the Church needs to teach on hard subjects and topics and leave the soft and cushy sermons at the door.  It is obvious that many church services teach these soft and feel good sermons on a routine basis for the congregants have become accustomed to sitting in the pews with their feet up eating cookies, doughnuts and sipping coffee instead of listening and taking notes from the pastor; however, it is really difficult to understand these sermons or any sermon for that matter when the pastor’s mouth is full of the same items as the congregants as they speak.  This type of ministering speaks volumes to both God and to Satan for it says that we have lost the edge of our creativity and ability to teach others how to rid ourselves to a sinful world through separation from that world and not to adapt to its fingers of lies.  Part of the creativity aspect of our lives includes the reasoning of how to tell people that God is alive and that He cares for each one of them and that He wants them to have a better life.  A person CANNOT and SHALL NOT have a better life while they are holding onto the world’s ideas and philosophies.  That is a short and sweet truth that we need to figure out and then execute from our hearts but we have no desire or intention to do such a truth towards others.

Church, this is another example of how we have become complacent with the truth and have decided to incorporate the world into our lives instead.  It is this same pattern that Adam and Eve followed when they had spent a good amount of time in the Garden of Eden and it was one of the principle open doors that Satan walked through in order to create their downfall.  We cannot afford to keep walking in Adam and Eve’s shoes we must shed those shoes and start taking the footsteps of Christ and He will lead us back into the path that we were created to do.  God is not a stagnate being and it is a definitive truth that He does not want any of His children to consider themselves stagnate either and when we allow the enemy to steal our creativity or to use it for his world instead of God’s Kingdom he has done just that.

A large portion of restoration is to grant our creativity back to us and to bring it alive again so that we may find and then develop ways to bring people to Christ.  This aspect of our existence is one that is heavily contested over for it is the key to how we will be effective in winning the lost and keeping our hearts on track towards a return to a holy life.  We cannot have life or restoration if our eyes are glued to physical settlements and we cannot guide our walk by our ears alone, we must put down all distractions before they become the death of us.  Open God’s Word and follow the healing and restorative words that it gives us, the Bible alone will guide us in all of our needs and decisions if we only seek God and His Word first.  We all know that Adam and Eve had a repentant heart after sin entered into their lives but it was at that point where only restoration was possible.

God loves restoration and He loves fulfilling His promise to His people who choose to walk in His Ways instead of living for the world’s moment.  God is heeding us to repent and to return to His ways Church and it is time that we hear such words and allow our hearts to be cleaned by the Word of God again.  We do not want what is coming to us nor do we wish to see the mighty hand of God strike in ways that will bring us to our knees.  Right now, right at this moment, we have the opportunity to change this course we are on but the path shall not change unless we (the Church) wake up and begin the awakening before a restorative revival needs to occur.  God loves you and so do I, He does not wish for any to perish in their sins and be eternally separated from Him and that is the exact reason He wants us to believe in the authenticity of His Word and in the gift of creativity.

It cannot be left out that our minds and hearts do the exact same imitation game and worldly creativity when we try and justify God’s Word and His Holy Authenticity for our own purposes.  The Bible is not here and was not given to us to justify doing or not doing something when it does or does not feel right.  God gave us His Word as an instruction plate so that we may follow His restoration plan for our lives and as long as we place God’s words of this eternal plan in our own mouths for our own pacification standards we fall into the worldly creativity status that many currently do not realize they are within.  Furthermore, we must include the Church in this category for she has turned to the world for general acceptance purposes and has left God’s Eternal Truth plan out of her examples thus creating a relatively “safe” or “sanctuary” zone for those who understand and apply God’s True Word in their lives.

This imitation game of creativity shall only create a false safe zone or sanctuary that will one day prove to be a lie.  An important detail we must remember about this creative imitation game that we play is that as long as we live in such a condition, we will our enemy to lie enough for us to believe that we are still free in God, but we are FAR from that.  Those senses of security will all be washed away and leave nothing but confusion and anger as our feet stand on the washed out shorelines of our land.  God and His Ways are the only way possible to see our lives turn around and cease its needless death sentences that are currently overwhelming our hearts.  Church, this turnaround, and repentance must be projected through our actions and by our witness but it seems like we have fallen into the same trap as countless generations before us.  Church we need to repent first and then allow God to change our hearts before He must demonstrate His own holy obedience.  God loves each and every one of us and it is His desire to heal our land but the only way for that to occur is to stop believing in and living through the imitation creativity that Satan is providing and return to the original creative minds and hearts that God placed into us when our existence began.


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